And the ones from Symphogear, whatever the fuck that is.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if magical garb would look like if it looked like fusion of clothing and super robot armor? Do like songs with vocals playing while a character kicks ass? Do you love over the top action, complete with fists, pilebunkers, giant swords, regular swords, guns, and missiles? Symphogear season has all of those things. One of the main characters is also voiced by Nana Mizuki.

In fact, let's roll a clip!

I tried to find a clip that showed off more powers, but couldn't find one. Season 2 has even crazier fights.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if magical garb would look like if it looked like fusion of clothing and super robot armor? Do like songs with vocals playing while a character kicks ass? Do you love over the top action, complete with fists, pilebunkers, giant swords, regular swords, guns, and missiles? Symphogear season has all of those things. One of the main characters is also voiced by Nana Mizuki.

In fact, let's roll a clip!

I tried to find a clip that showed off more powers, but couldn't find one. Season 2 has even crazier fights.
Trying to use a clip to show off the series? There is only one appropriate clip, a clip which sums up almost everything great about the series!

Its either that or something about Genjuro.

For something more on topic, since its almost the time that Eva said that he's closing the vote, have a tally.
Vote Tally : Rebuild of VIVID [Lyrical Nanoha] [working title] | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[x]Maybe another time...
No. of Votes: 15
Winged One

[x]Head out to the park and work on your Strike Arts forms. Practice makes perfect, after all!
No. of Votes: 10
Winged One

-[x]Call your friends, and see if any of them can join you.
No. of Votes: 9
Winged One

[X]The Infinity Library is almost always short on staff, so head over and see if there's anything you can do to help out Uncle Yuuno.
No. of Votes: 7

[X]Yes! Definitely!
No. of Votes: 3

-[X]Call your friends, and see if any of them can join you.[/QUOTE]
No. of Votes: 1

[x]The cinema's supposed to have gotten some imports from Nanoha-mama's homeworld today! You've got some allowance money saved up, so go watch a movie!
No. of Votes: 1

-[x] Ghostbusters
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Bandwagon
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 19
Vote Tally : Rebuild of VIVID [Lyrical Nanoha] [working title] | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[x]Head out to the park and work on your Strike Arts forms. Practice makes perfect, after all!
-[x]Call your friends, and see if any of them can join you.
[x]Maybe another time...
No. of Votes: 8
Winged One

[X]The Infinity Library is almost always short on staff, so head over and see if there's anything you can do to help out Uncle Yuuno.
[X]Maybe another time...
No. of Votes: 5

[X]Head out to the park and work on your Strike Arts forms. Practice makes perfect, after all!
-[X]Call your friends, and see if any of them can join you.[/QUOTE]
[X]Yes! Definitely!
No. of Votes: 1

[x]The cinema's supposed to have gotten some imports from Nanoha-mama's homeworld today! You've got some allowance money saved up, so go watch a movie!
-[x] Ghostbusters
[x]Maybe another time...
No. of Votes: 1

[x]Maybe another time...
[x]The Infinity Library is almost always short on staff, so head over and see if there's anything you can do to help out Uncle Yuuno.
No. of Votes: 1

[X]Head out to the park and work on your Strike Arts forms. Practice makes perfect, after all!
-[X]Call your friends, and see if any of them can join you.
[X]Yes! Definitely!
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Bandwagon
No. of Votes: 1

[X]The Infinity Library is almost always short on staff, so head over and see if there's anything you can do to help out Uncle Yuuno.
[X]Yes! Definitely!
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 19
Last edited:
Trying to use a clip to show off the series? There is only one appropriate clip, a clip which sums up almost everything great about the series!

Its either that or something about Genjuro.

For something more on topic, since its almost the time that Eva said that he's closing the vote, have a tally.

God, I love that scene. The whole space shuttle thing was so over the top it was amazing.

Too bad a lot of GX wasn't exactly the best. Like G, though, there are things that I liked and things that I didn't. Still enjoyed it overall.
Trying to use a clip to show off the series? There is only one appropriate clip, a clip which sums up almost everything great about the series!

Its either that or something about Genjuro.

The only other not-spoiler clip was Season 1's training montage. Stupid copyright claims. :(
Too bad a lot of GX wasn't exactly the best. Like G, though, there are things that I liked and things that I didn't. Still enjoyed it overall.
One of the things I wanted to see from season 2 or 3 (I heard Genjuro had very little screentime) was some father-daughter moments with Genjuro and Chris. Something like Chris waking up in a panic and Genjuro calms her down. Even just a hug before leaving (for work and school respectively) would've been fine!
That's the result of stacking enough buffs on a 10 year old that she has to become 16 year old to physically fit more buffs in.
So I'm suspecting that their writing process went somewhat like this:

"What do the otakus like?"

"Lolis, and fanservice. Let's make lolis fight, so their clothes get damaged and show fanservice".

"But we can't show that on lolis. That's against the law".

"Aha! So why don't we make the lolis grow up when they need to fight, and grow back down when they've fixed their clothes".

"That means bigger fanservice! Agreed!"
All right people, I need some die rolls -- all of them d2 on the SV roller.

One for "Rio", one for "Corona", one for "Nove", and one each for anyone else you might want to try and invite to train with you.

If nobody steps up in the next 20 minutes, I'll roll 'em myself.
Aaaaaaaaand calling it. Ix-nay on further olls-ray.

Hope to have the update rolled out within an hour.

Also, just for the record: when the subject of dice come up, this quest works just like all my other ones -- rolling lower is better, and I only accept results from the SV roller.
Aaaaaaaaand calling it. Ix-nay on further olls-ray.

Hope to have the update rolled out within an hour.

Also, just for the record: when the subject of dice come up, this quest works just like all my other ones -- rolling lower is better, and I only accept results from the SV roller.
Which is why I have to ask, do we already know that Miura exists?
Update 2
You've decided to spend your day on Strike Arts training at the park. While there might be a segment or two of that that uses your Adult Mode to make sure that you're getting the movements right in both forms, overall you'll spend the day in your normal Kid Mode.

Hopefully, some of your friends can join you! Time to pull out your handy-dandy portable comm terminal and make some calls, then! Scrolling down your saved numbers, you first call upon one of your closest study-buddies from school, Corona Timil.


"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't join you today, Vivio. We're off-world for a family reunion, and it might be a week or so before we get back."

On the one hand, it is a little disappointing that Corona's not free to hang out today. But on the other hand... "Oh, that's okay! Being with family is super important, so you make sure to have a good time, alright?"

You let Corona off the line, and move on down to your coach and trainer, Miss Nove Nakajima.


"Sorry Vivio, but I'm kind of tied up with some errands right now. I should be free tomorrow, though. That work for you?"

"Sure thing, Miss Nove! I hope your errands go well!"

You make plans to train again tomorrow, this time with Nove's help and supervision, before going on down to your fellow martial arts enthusiast, Rio Wesley.



Oh no, was she sleeping in today? "It's me, Vivio. I was wondering if we could hang out at the park and do some training today. ...I'm sorry if I woke you up..."

You can hear a huge yawn coming from the end of the line, after which Rio sounds much more coherent. "Nah, I needed to get out of bed anyway. Meeting up at the park, right? about an hour from now good for you?"

"Sure thing! See you at the park, Rio!"

"Yep! See ya there, Vivio!"

You proceed to make your way to the park, enjoying the clear sky and the cool breeze.

Before too long at all, you see a fully-awake Rio coming your way. "Heeeey~! Viviooo~!"

In what manner does the day's training proceed? (pick one)

[]Emphasize physical conditioning.
[]Emphasize Strike Arts form.

(pick one)

[]Focus on the training.
[]Make small talk while training. (about what?)