So is there some reason not to do adult mode I should know about? I'm the only one voting for it, and coincidentally am completely ignorant of whatever this is.
It's not very important.

Vivio is about 12 years old, through the use of high power enhancement magic, genetic enhancement and being the clone of Sankt Kaiser Olivie basically Nanoha-verse King Arthur/Jesus, she can transform into an 18-20 year old form, which has some advantages in melee combat due to greater reach and leverage.

It's a fairly uncommon magic technique, since the only people who use it much are:
-Old Belka Inheritors - Vivio, Einhart, etc, because the Belkans were big on upgrading their babies to be able to fight if needed and it's heritable.
-Rio - Rio somehow reached it independently by taking the approach of stacking enough strength buffs onto her body to skip to a 16-18 year old form temporarily so she has ROOM to fit in more buffs.

It's pretty much just for combat use, possibly training if she wants to practice in a form with more reach.
It is theoretically possible that adult form would allow her to be take more seriously, but she doesn't need it due to:
-Vivio being known to the Church as basically the second coming of Jesus
-Vivio being a certified librarian at the Infinity Library(which is itself a transdimensional dungeon-thing)
-Vivio's adoptive parents being two of the current three aces. Also her adoptive uncle commands an interdimensional battleship, and a friend of the family is the third ace capable of spells equivalent to nuclear bombardments.

Overall adult form is just for fighting.
She has a weird social group.
It's not very important.

Vivio is about 12 years old, through the use of high power enhancement magic, genetic enhancement and being the clone of Sankt Kaiser Olivie basically Nanoha-verse King Arthur/Jesus
I read exactly this far before deciding that everything would make a fantastic amount more sense after sampling every bottle in a wine cellar. Excuse me.
So is there some reason not to do adult mode I should know about? I'm the only one voting for it, and coincidentally am completely ignorant of whatever this is.
Speaking generally, the only real pros and cons of Adult Mode are:

+You get increasingly used to using the adult body, and will have better affinity with it when practicing Strike Arts/in battle.
-Just using it for everyday stuff can get you some funny looks from people who kinda-sorta know you, but don't know why you're using it outside of Strike Arts.

At this point it's basically "small risk, small reward".

That said, there are likely to be other situations later on where the use of Adult Mode is critical/heavily expected.

Vivio is about 12 years old,

through the use of high power enhancement magic, genetic enhancement and being the clone of Sankt Kaiser Olivie basically Nanoha-verse King Arthur/Jesus, she can transform into an 18-20 year old form, which has some advantages in melee combat due to greater reach and leverage.
Also comes with an appropriate speed/endurance upgrade when compared to Kid Mode, along with the super-cool special ability of being able to get books from the top shelf by yourself without having to find a ladder.

It's a fairly uncommon magic technique, since the only people who use it much are:
-Old Belka Inheritors - Vivio, Einhart, etc, because the Belkans were big on upgrading their babies to be able to fight if needed and it's heritable.
-Rio - Rio somehow reached it independently by taking the approach of stacking enough strength buffs onto her body to skip to a 16-18 year old form temporarily so she has ROOM to fit in more buffs.
In terms of general shapeshifting, Yuuno can also transform into a ferret, which IIRC was also an uncommon skill.
Also comes with an appropriate speed/endurance upgrade when compared to Kid Mode, along with the super-cool special ability of being able to get books from the top shelf by yourself without having to find a ladder.
Yeah, limb lengths do a lot.

Though she could fly a bit, especially in the low gravity Infinity Library.

In terms of general shapeshifting, Yuuno can also transform into a ferret, which IIRC was also an uncommon skill.
Personal theory is that his people are descended from someone WAY back who married their familiar.

Rio is still weird though. I mean, it shouldn't work like that, but she did it. Stacked enough buffs that her body had to size up to fit. But then she's also the only kid who picked up the arena and hit her opponent with it.
So yeah I don't get why nobody wants to go adult mode, I mean we have to get used to it at some point, else we get fuc*sees the light of a starlight breaker glowing behind him* I mean we get in real trouble, like you would get when you swear in front of children who are still impressionable,

Anyway, why not start early while we are still relativly safe and not much is going on yet, instead of waiting for everything to blow over

In the library the added reach might actually do us some good and I mean what harm would it do us?

Eva himself said this is really the only malus we currenlty would gain from this
-Just using it for everyday stuff can get you some funny looks from people who kinda-sorta know you, but don't know why you're using it outside of Strike Arts.
so as long as we explain why we use our adult form for everyday stuff (because we need get used to it) there will be literally no problem with it

[X]The Infinity Library is almost always short on staff, so head over and see if there's anything you can do to help out Uncle Yuuno.
[X]Yes! Definitely!
In the library the added reach might actually do us some good and I mean what harm would it do us?
At least in canon, the inside of the Infinite Library is a place where flying around is perfectly permissible (as long as you fly slowly). Hell, the potions of it we saw in A's were ones which are impossible to navigate without flying!

As for harm, in canon, when Vivio got given her Device (which was needed in order to really use Adult Mode), she had to promise not to abuse her Device or Adult Mode. Pretty sure that using it just so that people think that you're an adult counts as abuse.

Granted, that's canon, and this is an AU. Flying in the library I'm guessing is staying though because that's from A's (and by the time of Sound Stage X, which is about half way between StrikerS and ViVid, Vivio was already fully licensed to wander around the library by herself and help out with the staff's grunt work). The promise not to abuse Adult Mode is the kind of thing I would expect to stay because it feels like the kind of thing that Nanoha would ask of her daughter.
As for harm, in canon, when Vivio got given her Device (which was needed in order to really use Adult Mode), she had to promise not to abuse her Device or Adult Mode. Pretty sure that using it just so that people think that you're an adult counts as abuse.
1) In this quest, Vivio's Adult Mode is more of an inherent skill (akin to Yuuno's ferret morph), and she doesn't need a Device in order to use it. Having said that, using a Device for the transformation would bypass the "have to get used to your alternate body in order to use it effectively" thing, on account of shenanigans. 'course, Vivio doesn't have a Device yet.

2) Using it just to "pass yourself off as an adult" without any good reason to is abuse, yes. But just "getting used to the form in order to be more comfortable in it for when you actually need it" isn't.

Granted, that's canon, and this is an AU. Flying in the library I'm guessing is staying though because that's from A's (and by the time of Sound Stage X, which is about half way between StrikerS and ViVid, Vivio was already fully licensed to wander around the library by herself and help out with the staff's grunt work).
To be honest, I had completely and totally forgotten about flying in the library. Mostly because it's been freaking years since I watched A's. But yeah, that's still a thing.

It's also not the only location in which Vivio could plausibly want to get a book from the top shelf, so technically speaking my earlier statement was vague enough to still be applicable! :D

The promise not to abuse Adult Mode is the kind of thing I would expect to stay because it feels like the kind of thing that Nanoha would ask of her daughter.
Vivio has promised her mother to be responsible with Adult Mode, yes. To the best of her judgment, anyway.
"What do you mean, Momma? I didn't provoke that man into a frothing rage on purpose! That's just silly" *clasps a top-shelf book possessively to her chest*
Fate Harlaown: She's your other mama! She's a very powerful and skilled Enforcer, who goes around the galaxy catching bad people and bringing them to Justice! She's not at home as much as Nanoha-mama because of her job, but you and Nanoha-mama still love Fate-mama!
I thought Vivio referred to Fate as "Fate-papa". That's I remember her saying in the anime at least. Speaking of Fate, her intial reaction to Vivio's adult form was great. She just had this look on her face like, "What am I looking at?!"
I thought Vivio referred to Fate as "Fate-papa". That's I remember her saying in the anime at least. Speaking of Fate, her intial reaction to Vivio's adult form was great. She just had this look on her face like, "What am I looking at?!"
No, she calls both of them mama.

The funny part is that she describes her mom's job of "military combat instructor" as "public servant". It's technically a valid description, but it gives completely the wrong impression.
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No, she calls both of them mama.

The funny part is that she describes her mom's job of "military combat instructor" as "public servant". It's technically a valid description, but it gives completely the wrong impression.
Yeah, well, her idea of a weekend vacation is going to her friend's planet to destroy a city in a series of mock battles in the process of training...

That said Fate is pretty much textbook Navy Dad.

Speaking of Fate, her intial reaction to Vivio's adult form was great. She just had this look on her face like, "What am I looking at?!"
Better. The only other time before that she saw that form was records of bodyjacked Vivio fighting Nanoha hard enough to require a quadruple starlight breaker to take down.
Yeah, well, her idea of a weekend vacation is going to her friend's planet to destroy a city in a series of mock battles in the process of training...
Yes, and the whole "my mom is a public servant" thing resulted in that weekend vacation being the very first time that Einhart finds out what Nanoha is really like, having previously only seen her doing domestic stuff like cooking meals for her daughter :rofl:
[X]The Infinity Library is almost always short on staff, so head over and see if there's anything you can do to help out Uncle Yuuno.
[X]Maybe another time...

For some reason, despite having the least amount of screen time (or maybe because of it), Yuuno is one of the most interesting characters to me. I really dislike how the space archeologist/Indiana Jones/ultimate tank support character was treated in the main series, and I guess that's why I gravitate to fics like 2814 and Blood that Flows. It's always interesting to see what an author can do with a character that doesn't have a lot of story-building to back it up.
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Yes, and the whole "my mom is a public servant" thing resulted in that weekend vacation being the very first time that Einhart finds out what Nanoha is really like, having previously only seen her doing domestic stuff like cooking meals for her daughter :rofl:
Nanoha has interesting ideas of what constitutes mandatory leave for recuperation.
Hmmm, should I try reading ViVid ? It's been a long time since I watched the three seasons of Nanoha, and I always dodged reading Force because I heard silly things about it.