Damn Straight I am! I'm leading this crusade for Freedom, Justice, Virtue and Waifus! We're conquering that Best End like the First Crusade conquered Jerusalem!*

*After much confusion and hardship, a harrowing campaign against a much better provisioned enemy, various sieges, a last ditch charge to conquer the main objective and ending with a great massacre. So hopefully not like the First Crusade at all.

So exactly like the First Crusade.

We've already got the "confusion and hardship" part down pat, our campaign has been harrowing and our enemy has more resources than us by nature, we've had long, drawn-out confrontations, we bet everything on one last gambit and we ended up causing the end of the world.

So I think we already did the First Crusade. We need to model ourselves after one of the other ones that actually succeeded.

...There were other successful Crusades, right?

...We're so screwed next go-around.
So exactly like the First Crusade.
Hopefully not like the First Crusade. I expect grueling campaigns against enemies in superior tactical and strategic positions, perhaps a siege or two and a last ditch charge to try to obtain victory is just thematically appropriate for any hero going against an enemy much stronger than him, not to mention the fact that Confusion and suffering Hardships are our natural state of being, but we can certainly make do without the massacre at the end.

We've already got the "confusion and hardship" part down pat, our campaign has been harrowing and our enemy has more resources than us by nature, we've had long, drawn-out confrontations, we bet everything on one last gambit and we ended up causing the end of the world.

So I think we already did the First Crusade. We need to model ourselves after one of the other ones that actually succeeded.

...There were other successful Crusades, right?

...We're so screwed next go-around.
Well, the Third kinda ended up with Jerusalem under Muslim rule, but Christian pilgrims going to the Holy Land could request Safe conduct during their pilgrimage, so long as they were unarmed, and many territories the crusaders conquered during the previous crusades were recognized as legitimate kingdoms. So I guess the First Crusade is the Good End while the Third is the Normal End? Best End is obviously the one with no (permanent) fatalities and everyone free from the Macguffin's control.
Well, I look forward to the continuation. The twistiness of this quest was fun.