The FORCE Awakens
...You really don't care where you go anymore, as long as it's someplace else.

You step out the door and begin a leisurely stroll, not caring if someone spotted you. Though you are on guard if the Lost Logia decided to spring any traps and drag you to school.

To your concern, it did nothing. Though by now it was really hard to tell.

The world around you seemed to be getting more advanced. What was once an empty street was now a suburban area with plenty of people living out their lives. It's... almost scary seeing the stark difference.

As a group of elementary schoolers run past you the reminder that this is all fake starts to fade away... only for you to shake your head and chain it down.

You couldn't lose sight of anything anymore.

Eventually your travels take you to a park, a very familiar park. You take a seat on a bench and sigh as the cool wind blows past your hair.

As you sit there and rest the memories of this world flooding back to your head

"Hey Yuuno." Nanoha says, snapping you out of your trance. "Let's do it."


"Let's make the most of our High School years." Nanoha answers, turning to look at you with a smile on her face. "Let's make wonderful memories together."

...Sure, you could do that. It's the only way to get out of here, and it's not like you'd be missing out on any work. It'd only be lasting a day in real time. Besides, maybe you could restore their memories some time in the year?

And so you give out your promise under the watchful eyes of the heavens.

"Mm, lets."​

...Did that really happen? It seems like so long ago...

Heh, it looked like everything was trying to shatter your conviction after that until you finally broke. Both you and the promise lie in pieces. Could you still fix that promise?

...Maybe. But a part of you still wants to just defy everything you see hear and BREAK IT.

Suddenly an unfamiliar voice calls your attention.

"Hey you!" It calls, convincing you to turn your head and look at a brown haired boy in the eye. "You're Yuuno Scrya right?"

"Um, yes?" You blink, taking in the sight in front of you. "Who are you?"

He just smirks, cobalt blue eyes just piercing at you.

...You are also surprised by the fact that he's wearing a fur jacket in this weather.

"Name's Tohma Avenir," He introduces himself, giving you a way. "Year two class A at Doki Doki High. You're quite famous you know?"

"...I am?" You ask, totally not startled at the reminder of what the school is named.

He just walks closer before sitting down right next to you with a grin.

"Are you kidding? You had that Takamachi chick hunting you down with a wooden sword!" He shouted before throwing an arm over your shoulder. "Not to mention you have the Ace of the basketball team and one of the hottest sisters ever."

Oh god. He's like Chrono, but worse.

"Tell you what," He says. "You look like you need some fun and I know just where to get some. So allow me as your Sempai to show you a good time."

You think it over for a bit then sigh.

"Sure." You say, throwing your arm in the air. "What's the worse that could happen?"

Tohma's grin tells you that you know you just jinxed it.


Annnnnd that's how you found yourself in a warehouse on the outskirts of town twenty minutes later. It was a cluttered mess, full of boxes and papers everywhere as a blue haired girl hastily scribbled on a flippable white board about a floor above you on a floor that you were pretty sure could break at any moment.

"Hey! Isis!" Tohma calls out to the girl, causing her to stop whatever she was doing and turn to face the two of you. "Here he is! The guy who could out run a Fuwa."


She just grins before running down some rusty stares and running over to the two of you. Giving you a once over with a grin.

"So, you're the one who can out run the little sister of the Godly Twins on a rampage." Godly what? "Name's Isis Egret, I take it Tohma didn't inform you on why you're here?"

"He... said something about having fun." You admit with a shrug, turning to face Thoma who was only giving Isis a sheepish look.

"Heh, well, I don't really think a civilian like you would really respond well to the actual details." He confesses. "It's going to be very dangerous, you know?"

Did he just-

No, Yuuno, keep your cool.

"How dangerous are we talking?" You ask seriously, already ready to hear just abou-

"We're going to be stealing from the Mafia." Isis says bluntly, taking out a folder from a file cabinet and handing to you. You open the file only to be greeted with a picture of a bottle and a name.

"Essentially, that bottle is a deadly weapon." Isis explains. "It's known as Eclipse and it's essentially steroids... with a different drawback. Instead of Aggression and the like, it instead drives the user to murder. You know that death on the news? The result of an eclipse user."

"Eclipse," Thouma begins. "Is currently being monitored and sold by the Hückebein family and our mission is to sneak in and shut down the market while also figuring out how they make it."

"I see..." You trail off, reading over the effects of this 'Eclipse'.

Well this certainly is different from the last few days.

"So," Isis asks, extending her hand towards you. "You in?"

[] Count me in.
[] Yeah- no.

Some where in the distance a phone buzzes.

[] Lost.
[] Normal.

This isn't the Lost route, not by far, but it's not the Doki Doki route either. Just think of it as something in between while we're waiting for the choice.

I tried to ask the Lost Logia why this but the only thing I got was...



= ?

I mean, all we need now is the samurai who can cut anything.

Edit: Also, I am once again reminded of how hard it is to find pictures of adult Yuuno by himself.
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[X] Count me in.
[X] Lost.

Do or die!

...Probably die horribly but it'll either be epic, hilarious or both!
[X] Count me in.
[X] Lost.

Fuck yes I'm in.
This went from fluffy high school romance to moral and philosophical dilemmas to Murder Mistery and now it's on its way to turning into a buddy cop show starring Yuuno "Ferret" Scrya and Tohma "Scrappy" Avenir.

I fucking love this quest.
"Hey you!" It calls, convincing you to turn your head and look at a brown haired boy in the eye. "You're Yuuno Scrya right?"

"Um, yes?" You blink, taking in the sight in front of you. "Who are you?"

He just smirks, cobalt blue eyes just piercing at you.

...You are also surprised by the fact that he's wearing a fur jacket in this weather.

"Name's Tohma Avenir," He introduces himself, giving you a way. "Year two class A at Doki Doki High. You're quite famous you know?"

<demented laughter>

Once the Nanoha Force characters have been mass-marketed in quest format, the Vivid and INNOCENT fandoms WILL BE WIPED OUT IN NO TIME!

"Are you kidding? You had that Takamachi chick hunting you down with a wooden sword!" He shouted before throwing an arm over your shoulder. "Not to mention you have the Ace of the basketball team and one of the hottest sisters ever."
Apparently, we are reputed to "have" Hayate. This may or may not speak fairly well for future attempts to waifu her.

"Tell you what," He says. "You look like you need some fun and I know just where to get some. So allow me as your Sempai to show you a good time."
....<pffffffffffffffffft> :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

The idea of Thoma actually being the senpai for once is just.... too hilarious.

"He... said something about having fun." You admit with a shrug, turning to face Thoma who was only giving Isis a sheepish look.

"Heh, well, I don't really think a civilian like you would really respond well to the actual details." He confesses. "It's going to be very dangerous, you know?"

Did he just-

No, Yuuno, keep your cool.

"How dangerous are we talking?" You ask seriously, already ready to hear just abou-

"We're going to be stealing from the Mafia." Isis says bluntly, taking out a folder from a file cabinet and handing to you. You open the file only to be greeted with a picture of a bottle and a name.

"Essentially, that bottle is a deadly weapon." Isis explains. "It's known as Eclipse and it's essentially steroids... with a different drawback. Instead of Aggression and the like, it instead drives the user to murder. You know that death on the news? The result of an eclipse user."

"Eclipse," Thouma begins. "Is currently being monitored and sold by the Hückebein family and our mission is to sneak in and shut down the market while also figuring out how they make it."

"So," Isis asks, extending her hand towards you. "You in?"

[x] Count me in.
[x] Normal

@ daze: will choosing the normal route lock us out of continuing/following up on this plot thread????
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