Balthier is the leading man!
I have always despised that meme, and held a more tempered dislike for the character that spawned it.

re: DRILL LA DRILL: To be fair, there were pre-determined waifus involved.

...the main difference is that the playerbase-at-large had a different one in mind than I did, and that kinda blindsided me.
... What the heck did I just watch? (Also, what song's the second one? I keep thinking it's some touhou remix, but I can't place it. >.<)
It appears that, put a gun to our heads, we prefer dokidokis to mindfuck.
Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] Normal.
[X] Just walk around town.
No. of votes: 12
Bondo, Iandude0, Faceless Goon, Kerfirou, Shadlith, Jedarol, RexHeller, LordCassius, Enohthree, Tonaris, wingstrike96, Grimmair

[X] Normal.
[X] Check that Vita is okay first
[X] The scene of the murder
No. of votes: 1

[X] Lost
[X] The scene of the murder
No. of votes: 5
Highwind, ThatOneCrazyChic, BeYawn'd, salman332, TehChron

-[x] ...but as a show of mutual good faith, I'd like some assurance that the real Vivio - and I mean real in the same sense that Yuuno would - if she was connected to the system, is safe/unhurt, and will be proven to be such if we meet one of the win conditions.
[x] Just walk around town.
-[x] Look for Zafira. He's the only Wolkenritter left, as far as you know, that hasn't in some way been compromised. Ask him for spiritual and emotional guidance.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Lost.
[x] TSAB
[X] Normal.
[X] Just walk around town.
[X] Lost.
[X] The scene of the murder
No. of votes: 1

[x] Lost.
[x] TSAB
No. of votes: 1
Also, because this has been bugging me forever, what's Panacea Quest and why is it so awful?
... What the heck did I just watch? (Also, what song's the second one? I keep thinking it's some touhou remix, but I can't place it. >.<)

It is some Touhou remix song. I don't know what it is either.

It appears that, put a gun to our heads, we prefer dokidokis to mindfuck.


I want one a choice with every fiber of your being

every fiber of your being

I didn't say those words for no reason. The only way you can stick it is if you can get everyone to have Unanonymous Votes for that one vote.

The Lost Logia is an asshole.