Drakengard 3 and Nier taught me the Best Ending is the one with the hardest requirements, so I remain resolute.

Lost Route all the way.
Yeah, and I learned from Final Fantasy X that sometimes you have to throw the hero under the bus in order to get a happy (or rather, better) ending for everyone else.

I do

I just can't for the life of me comprehend why you think Tidus was the hero
The dude fought like hell to save the world from an unkillable monster even though he knew (or very strongly believed, anyway) that victory would mean his death. What the hell else do you call that, if not heroic?

And before you give a sarcastic answer to that, there's also that the story itself treats him as the hero, as much as Yuna.

Auron, by comparison, is "just" the disproportionately badass Obi-Wan to Tidus's hot-tempered Luke.
The dude fought like hell to save the world from an unkillable monster even though he knew (or very strongly believed, anyway) that victory would mean his death. What the hell else do you call that, if not heroic?

And before you give a sarcastic answer to that, there's also that the story itself treats him as the hero, as much as Yuna.

Auron, by comparison, is "just" the disproportionately badass Obi-Wan to Tidus's hot-tempered Luke.
This isn't a sarcastic answer

But that's the role a lot of side characters fill in stories. You know, sacrificing themselves so that the rest of the cast can get their happily ever after?

If we're going by storytelling conventions, then honestly Wakka is more apt to fulfill the role of hero then Tidus given the number of flags he hits.

Underdog story, lives in the shadow of his brother with an acceptably tragic past with his own dreams of making it to the top

Gets caught up in the whirlwind of fate by encountering mystic forces

Constantly at the side of the mysterious beauty with ties to his past as they all come together to save the world and have their happily ever after?

That Wakka?



THE ORIGINAL POINT that I was trying to make, is that sometimes the main character has to fall on his sword in order to protect the people he cares about.

The main character - and thus, by implication, the "hero" of this story - is in such a position. The best moral option, far as I can see, is to take advantage of one of his brainwashed friends and then face the rightful consequences for doing so, given that refusing to do so runs the risk of getting all of his brainwashed friends (and himself) murdered by a psychotic matchmaking computer.

Nah, Wakka wins, by the sole point of actually getting married, harassed by his pregnant wife, then finally becoming a father.

What did Tidus get?

A woman whose personality got overlaid a couple of times and had gotten used to stripping and changing her clothes in mid battle.


Now I remember why I detested X-2....Thanks a lot/sarcasm.
At least Tidus had more reason to be there than Vaan did (being a Master of All in terms of stats doesn't count)?

Also, I await the day that Final Fantasy Record Keeper lets me field a team of Auron, Jecht, Braska, and Seymour. Auron and Jecht are already available and Seymour is inevitable since Golbez, Exdeath, Kefka, Sephiroth, and Edea are all playable.
To be fair, some guys are into that sort of girl.
It's also a gameplay mechanics in Ar Tonelico 3, just without the changing part. How much you've progressed through exploring the girls' subconsciouses VN style determines how many layers they're willing to explode off midbattle (with a meter needing to charge up between layers). Each layer exploded off exponentially increases the speed at which their spells charge up.

Granted, that's an RPG series that intentionally pushed the limits of "how much innuendo can we include and still be rated T?". The innuendo got more outrageous with each game, until finally the third one (the one I just mentioned) got rated M in America despite being rated the equivalent of T in Japan.

As an example, here's a scene from the FIRST game in the plot dense trilogy (with absurdly detailed worldbuilding) . And no, despite how the dialogue sounds, this is not even the slightest bit lewd.
The invisitext QM note translates to "Who's eyes are those eyes?", by the by.

It's from a VN called Chaos;Head, make of that what you will.

...though I intend not to do so, it's worth telling you that my first instinct on being threatened is to do something incredibly self-destructive out of spite.

Don't worry, that just proves your human.

-[x] ...but as a show of mutual good faith, I'd like some assurance that the "real" Vivio - and I mean "real" in the same sense that Yuuno would - if she was connected to the system, is safe/unhurt, and will be proven to be such if we meet one of the win conditions.


Brx'uh txlhw wkh lpsruwdqw sodbhu Hyd, krzhyhu, wkhuh'v vrphwklqj brx qhhg wr nqrz.

Lq wkh qrupdo sdwk wkhuh lv qr zulwh lqv dqg lq wkh Orvw urxwh wkhuh lv rqob zulwh lqv.

Zkdw? Kdyh brx qhyhu sodbhg d Ylvxdo Qryho ehiruh?

Rk bhv, L fdq phwdjdph wr.

Yeah. Right. And Nanoha isn't a magnet for lesbians.

Does this look like the face of a chick magnet to you? :V

....Wait no don't answer that.

Brx'uh txlhw wkh lpsruwdqw sodbhu Hyd, krzhyhu, wkhuh'v vrphwklqj brx qhhg wr nqrz.

Lq wkh qrupdo sdwk wkhuh lv qr zulwh lqv dqg lq wkh Orvw urxwh wkhuh lv rqob zulwh lqv.

Zkdw? Kdyh brx qhyhu sodbhg d Ylvxdo Qryho ehiruh?

Rk bhv, L fdq phwdjdph wr.
You are having fun with this, aren't you?
I don't think this qualifies as mind control per say. Their basic personality/nature seems to be the same, they just have different memories. But they are not going to say yes to us where they would have said no if they had their memories. At least, that's how I see things.
Brx'uh txlhw wkh lpsruwdqw sodbhu Hyd, krzhyhu, wkhuh'v vrphwklqj brx qhhg wr nqrz.

Lq wkh qrupdo sdwk wkhuh lv qr zulwh lqv dqg lq wkh Orvw urxwh wkhuh lv rqob zulwh lqv.

Zkdw? Kdyh brx qhyhu sodbhg d Ylvxdo Qryho ehiruh?

Rk bhv, L fdq phwdjdph wr.
....is there anybody who can attempt to translate that?

Or is it just senseless gobbledegook?