The Link
You, Yuuno Scyra, currently have no idea what you're life has become.

Five days ago, you awoke to this strange world where everything fit perfectly into a dating sim and you floundered around until a good friend of yours, Shamal, who is now you're older sister by blood, informed you that you and all your friends were stuck in a Lost Logia designed as a dating sim.

Why it exists you don't want to know for the sake of your sanity.

Nevertheless, the only known way to get out of the Lost Logia was to romance one of your brainwashed friends and get a confession of eternal love at the end of the year under your new High School's traditional cherry blossom tree in which the school is named after. Shouldn't be that hard right?

You failed. Horribly.

Now, it's not to say that you went total douchebag and went cliche trashy pick up lines with a rose in your mouth and a sparkle in your eyes (though that happened, literally). No, you eventually began to go against the set mold of the Lost Logia and break the limits.

And now look at where you are. A good friend of yours is completely and totally aware of the brain washing and Shamal's sick in bed where she can barley even move. You're also skipping school.

It was at this moment that you realized it was Sunday and thus, there was no school anyways.


Why were you recapping? Because now you find yourself being offered to help shut down a drug operation by two people who you don't even know.

Yeah, that's right. You should be concerned about who they are or if they're just a by product of the Lost Logia.

You should be doing many things.

You're not.

You shake Isis's hand with a firm grip and a smile on your face. It's not a business smile, but a real smile forged only through hope.

Isis returns the hand shake with a firm grip of her own.

"I'm in." You say, voice full of confidence that left no room for doubt.

Isis gives you a wide grin before letting go of you're hand. "You got spunk, I like that."

"Should I show him that?" Thouma asks your confusion. "We might as well tell him now."

Isis sighs before pulling out a bottle of pills and throwing them at you, much to you're surprise. You stumble back a bit, juggling the bottle in your hands before catching it and looking up at Isis.

"This is are secret weapon," Isis begins. "We call it Linker and it's designed to let out the hidden potential in human beings. It kickstarts what we call the linker core and-"

"The Linker core takes in energy from around the planet and converts it into usable energy which can be unlocked through various equations of math?" You interrupt to the shock of Isis and Thouma. It's only a guess based on your knowledge of how linker cores work but it's blatantly obvious to you what they're referencing.

"....What?" Isis asks before shaking her head. "It only gives a boost in physical capacities so far as we know. It was discovered shortly before Eclipse was released and the main lab was destroyed. I'm the only one who has the knowledge of how to make them..."

You give a quick glance at Thouma and your eyes meet while he conveys the standard don't ask message.


"Do you mind if I take one?" You ask, opening up the bottle.

"Sure, go ahead." Isis says, watching you intently as you take a pill and plop it in your mouth. "It only lasts for five minutes so be careful."

You swallow the pill and for a second it seems like nothing happened but then all of a sudden a burst of familiar energy welled up within you. It seemed like so long since you last felt it but you know it had been less then a week.

Instinctually, almost as to give a warm welcome to the feeling, your mouth begins to chant and a familiar equation begins to run through your head. You slam the numbers in joyously before you let loose a spell.

Before anyone has a chance to realize it, several chaos begin flying through the air and tearing through the walls of the warehouse.

Everyone blinks as you return to your senses.


"....You and Thouma set out at nine pm tonight." Isis says in shock. "I don't really care what you do until then."

You don't think she's entirely okay right now.

Oh well, you can explain it later. Now you have the rest of the day free to do whatever you want.

[] Hang around with Thouma around town.
[] You need to go check on Shamal.
[] You know this can't go on forever, go make it up with her.


Color me impressed.


Why did I give Yuuno assess to his Linker Core? Well, the real question is if I actually gave him access or not. If you've been paying attention you'll know the answer to this one.

Well, the choice is still up.

[] Lost
[] Normal
[X] You know this can't go on forever, go make it up with her.
[X] Normal
Before anyone has a chance to realize it, several chaos begin flying through the air and tearing through the walls of the warehouse.
Chaos? What, did this suddenly become a Sonic crossover?

[] You know this can't go on forever, go make it up with her.
Maybe I'm just derping, but who is the "her" referred to here?
On the one hand, I really want to hang out with Thoma.

On the other hand, we probably ought to look in on Shamal, too.

Decisions, decisions....

Wait, I know!

[x] Hang around with Thouma around town.
-[x] Somewhere in the course of doing that, swing by the house to check on Shamal.

[x] Normal
See, that's why I type my updates in sticky notes, then copy paste them into the browser and manually go over them before posting.
[X] You need to go check on Shamal.
[X] Lost

First, we check on our sick waifu onee-chan friend. Then we cackle like a maniac because We've got our Magic Mojo back, son! Then we have a moment of paranoia because if the Lost Logia gave us Magic it's because it has something really bad coming for us. After a moment of utter, unspeakable terror, we get started on the preparations for tonight's Op.