School Principal Quest (Nanoha)

Strictly speaking, neither would I. But he was not very reasonable; he was rude, demanding, and incompetent, because he - as pointed out - could have told us this earlier, or simply requested and/or taught himself to use the technology provided. Instead, we get this posturing piece of crap, which I have very low patience for.

And part of the charm of make-believe is that I can go for the less pragmatic, more entertaining option when dealing with douchebags.
"You got in my face and demanded that I 'figure out' a solution to your problem, and I have done that. Now get with the program. And the next time you come in here with a complaint, you'd do well not to forget your manners."
"You got in my face and demanded that I 'figure out' a solution to your problem, and I have done that. Now get with the program. And the next time you come in here with a complaint, you'd do well not to forget your manners."
Hmm.... what was up with the anger?

Is he naturally grouchy, in a bad mood, or does this thing come with age?
Hmm.... what was up with the anger?

Is he naturally grouchy, in a bad mood, or does this thing come with age?
I think he's chafing that Hayate has authority over than him but is a) younger and less experienced than he is, and either otherworldly or educated elsewhere ("We do things traditionally here in Japan"). Recall that Japan is somewhat xenophobic, especially more conservative people.

He may also be sexist, but I can't actually prove that yet.
I think he's chafing that Hayate has authority over than him but is a) younger and less experienced than he is, and either otherworldly or educated elsewhere ("We do things traditionally here in Japan"). Recall that Japan is somewhat xenophobic, especially more conservative people.

He may also be sexist, but I can't actually prove that yet.
Like basically everyone of consequence in the public school system is almost always going to be an old man with years of teaching experience.
Not this young girl who really should go get married already.
[X] Order and install some blackboards and related materials for each of the classrooms. (1 resource)
-[X] Since only a few of the teachers need it, you just need to outfit one spare classroom Traditional Style and then have the teachers that demand it rotate through that traditional classroom. Since you only need one board immediately, its workable to buy surplus from other schools.
That's a good point. She's going to design uniforms for the teachers, isn't she?
It's a pity that our government sponsorship and commitment to a proper learning environment for the children stand in the way of giving Gempachi-sensei a mandatory uniform that really shows off what a goddamn asshole he's being.
Sorry, this thread won't continue and I don't want to keep you all hanging. I just lost inspiration for a while, only getting like halfway through he next chapter. Also I got an infraction for something I offered to remove if anyone said it was against the rules which really makes me mad so I'm quitting the site.
Urgh. Why would there be any focus on combat? Magic is magic, and the TSAB recognizes hundreds (or was it thousands?) of different magic systems. There are as many non-combat uses for magic as you can imagine; Just take a look through Harry Potter to get some ideas, and then add technology on top of that, because the TSAB has full-on magitech. There's literally no reason why anyone would want to introduce fighting into a general purpose education.

Yes, I am aware we don't see a lot of civilian applications for magic. We see some - like Yuuno's spell to help him read multiple books at once - but it's not exactly in the spotlight. But we have specific reasons for that, too. MGLN focuses on combat applications because it's an action focussed anime, and Nanoha teaches magical combat because she's a drill instructor at a military academy. MidChilda could not operate as a magitech society if they did not use magic in their everyday lives. At best, they'd be a technological society with magic awkwardly tacked on.

So. If this is going to be a school with specific focus on combat, then by all means include it. But if not, and it seems pretty unusual to have a planet's first magic school also be a combat school, then you should drop it entirely. Focus on a general magical education, and if anyone is really interested in military or sport applications, then direct them to the proper outlets - the military academy, or magical sport instructors, respectively.

EDIT- ah, only just saw that this quest was dropped. Um... oh well? My points still stand, if anyone else is looking to pick up the torch.
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Urgh. Why would there be any focus on combat? Magic is magic, and the TSAB recognizes hundreds (or was it thousands?) of different magic systems. There are as many non-combat uses for magic as you can imagine; Just take a look through Harry Potter to get some ideas, and then add technology on top of that, because the TSAB has full-on magitech. There's literally no reason why anyone would want to introduce fighting into a general purpose education.

Yes, I am aware we don't see a lot of civilian applications for magic. We see some - like Yuuno's spell to help him read multiple books at once - but it's not exactly in the spotlight. But we have specific reasons for that, too. MGLN focuses on combat applications because it's an action focussed anime, and Nanoha teaches magical combat because she's a drill instructor at a military academy. MidChilda could not operate as a magitech society if they did not use magic in their everyday lives. At best, they'd be a technological society with magic awkwardly tacked on.

So. If this is going to be a school with specific focus on combat, then by all means include it. But if not, and it seems pretty unusual to have a planet's first magic school also be a combat school, then you should drop it entirely. Focus on a general magical education, and if anyone is really interested in military or sport applications, then direct them to the proper outlets - the military academy, or magical sport instructors, respectively.

EDIT- ah, only just saw that this quest was dropped. Um... oh well? My points still stand, if anyone else is looking to pick up the torch.
About that–combat wasn't going to show up for the students until at least end of second year anyway. I'm not exactly sure what made you think it would actually. The reasons I had a combat stat system is two-fold: one, I was reusing the system from another quest I decided not to make, and two, there were going to be magic problems on Earth you would have to solve. Though the two or three events I already thought of didn't necessarily have to be solved by fighting.

If someone else does want to continue/restart this btw I'll give you my notes if you want.
About that–combat wasn't going to show up for the students until at least end of second year anyway. I'm not exactly sure what made you think it would actually. The reasons I had a combat stat system is two-fold: one, I was reusing the system from another quest I decided not to make, and two, there were going to be magic problems on Earth you would have to solve. Though the two or three events I already thought of didn't necessarily have to be solved by fighting.

If someone else does want to continue/restart this btw I'll give you my notes if you want.
I suppose that's fair, but my comments were mostly based around the point: do you expect any non-military institution to seriously give their students information on how to fight? Outside of certain sports, the answer is always "no". So why would a magic school be any different? There are plenty enough uses for magic that a more general magical education would take up all of a student's time without needing combat lessons, just like our real life schools already do, and that goes double if students are also expected to follow a normal Earth non-magical curriculum.

Even in Harry Potter, literally a story about magic school, the only "combat classes" they had were either for sport, or counters for certain dark creatures people could reasonably be expected to find in certain magical professions. The heavy focus on "dark wizards" can probably be laid at the feet of the recent war magical Britain just finished.

If you really needed to shoehorn combat in somewhere so you could use a pre-existing system, then you could have just gone the route Vivid did and say certain students also participate in magic martial arts as an extracurricular. Maybe even a Cadets/other junior military program equivalent. That's a reasonable answer you could actually hear from a highschool student. But not as part of the mandatory curriculum.
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