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I, too, thought he boosted his voice with some petty-tier cantrip or somesuch, and Alric was just stunned by the very loud noise. An actual fear effect makes more sense.
Is it jusy the narative but, i notice a very soft power play amongs the Greys, with each notables trying to outstealth the other.

Great update.
We see that like master duelist that they are, the outcome is determine in a split second or so.

The world is large and full of powerfull people, we have a lot to learn if we ever going to challange our peers into magical combat.

I, too, thought he boosted his voice with some petty-tier cantrip or somesuch, and Alric was just stunned by the very loud noise. An actual fear effect makes more sense.
The guy can turn to dragon, and his shout got power... are we sure he travels to Cathay instead of Skyrim?
Or maybe he arrives at Cathay as The Prisoner.
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Is it jusy the narative but, i notice a very soft power play amongs the Greys, with each notables trying to outstealth the other.

Great update.
We see that like master duelist that they are, the outcome is determine in a split second or so.

The world is large and full of powerfull people, we have a lot to learn if we ever going to challange our peers into magical combat.
Outside of the duel we shouldn't be looking to challenge our peers to magical combat. We should be looking to make them blow themselves up or stabbing them in the back before they know we're there.
If we are going to theorize about using our sword or counter runes, why not just use a gun to shoot him? Because that's not showing our mastery of magic. It's using fancy tools we didn't make it ourselves. It's not proper in a magic duel. The Staff is fine because it's a neutral item that all parties could potentially use.
So two things.

"How many challengers do you think we'll see?"

He shrugs. "Paranoth has the puissance but not the inclination. Feldmann has the people skills but isn't much of a duellist. Reicthard isn't a risk-taker. Elspeth..." he hesitates.

"Is terrifying," Algard says from behind you, causing the two of you to jump, "but I don't think she's entrenched enough to make a play for more, even if she was willing. And she might not be willing - she stepped up as Magister Matriarch largely because there wasn't anyone else suitable after Hexensohn's..." he pauses for a fraction of a second, eyes darting over to you, "unfortunate fate. And as for me, I'm happy with Dragomas' leadership."

"That leaves Maria Stossel and Alric," you note.

"Trying to predict what Maria's going to do just makes her less predictable," Algard grouches, and Starke nods in agreement.
so rightly or wrongly, the greys seem to think that Paranoth, Elspeth and maybe Maria and Alric (not expecting the bad roll) were the most likely to actually win if they felt like challenging.

Mira 1, Maria 2, Gormann 3, Feldmann 4, Amber 5, nobody 6 rolled a 6

and, if we assume wost-> best roll: Mira (light), Maira (Blue) and Gormann (future SP in Canon) would have been the most problematic of the challenges. (tho I wonder if Mira was the 1 because she is strong, or just that as long as she did better/worse Then Alric it would have messed with light order politics in a way that would have been bad for Dragomas.)
the duel taking place in winter makes it difficult for those of them attuned to the seasons.
It always takes place in winter? That must be causing some persistent gripes among all of them. Has there ever been a Jade Supreme?
What was interesting to note here, is that all of the duels were over extremely quickly. I think the most anyone managed to pull off was 2 spells. Something to consider in terms of tactics if we ever want to take a crack at this.
I don't think I'm interested in challenging Dragomas. But if he ever gets beaten, retires or dies in an unrelated incident then maybe. Although I wouldn't want to challenge Elspeth either.

@BoneyM What's the procedure if the Supreme's seat gets unexpectedly bvacated some time during the four year term? Has it ever happened before?
...I'm not even surprised Alric tried. If he knew how to retire gracefully, then he never would've gotten his second or third term. But stubborness can be a vice as much as determination is a virtue, and Alric has landed on the vice side by now.
Let us all remember that he had a 35% chance either of winning or of making it to round two. He just really stumbled here.
Intentional. It strengthens the Order of the rightful Supreme Patriarch and provides a strong incentive for the Colleges to stick to the approved method of transferring power.
Is it an effect of the Obsidian Room?

If we have Blessed Weapon on our gun then we technically win with a spell.
If we jump straight to Supreme Matriarch, we will be LESS able to move around. The Supreme Matriarch has three main jobs. First, they advise the Emperor on magic-related subjects. Second, they represent the interests of Wizards in the Imperial Court. Third, they administer the Colleges and coordinate the efforts of the various Patriarchs and Matriarchs. They don't micromanage each College - that's the respective Patriarch's job - but it's really freaking hard to do any of the things they do if they're not even in the Empire.

The Emperor sure as hell isn't going to travel with his advisors halfway across the world to take the desires of the Matriarch into account. The Supreme Matriarch is to be at his disposal at any time, should he need advice - unless he specifically sends her away on a task.
We're currently planning on commuting from the north of the Empire to the far side of the Border Princes and back on at least a monthly basis for the foreseeable future.

I also highly doubt that Dragomas is at the Emperor's beck and call like a personal waiter. That would be a massive waste of a Dragon.
The way I see it the Supreme Patriarch duels don't play to Mathilde's strengths as a Magical duellist.

Mathilde is very very good at counter spelling necromancers, Orcs and dhar users (less useful here), using and using her her magical equipment (permanent damage).

The fact that a significant portion of the thread looks at learning battle magic with a lot of scepticism also wouldn't help.*

As I see it the major problem is that there is a bit of conflicting/perverse incentives with the duel system for college leadership. In that certain colleges' magics and battle magics are much, much harder to use or defeat in a non-lethal fashion than others.

For example, if you're from the Grey order and want to become Supreme Patriarch/Matriarch you'd better hope your opponents are mentally there enough to surrender after being hit with one of the mind altering effects, because penumbral pendulum and Pit of shades are hilariously lethal.

There's a reason Dragomas' dragon trick is so dominant, which is that any of the few things that can successfully hurt or fight a dragon are also hilariously lethal.

One of the mitigations is actually the Staff, since it is understood what a huge advantage it is that people usually surrender.
I think a Jade can heal someone killed by the Pendulum most of the time. It's a pretty clean cut and Jades can apparently also heal someone whose brain was freshly sliced in half.
Yes it is clear you are thinking an all consuming genre shift in to *I dunno* House of Cards? That will not happen. We already had a lot political intrigue in this quest both at the start when we got professor killed and later in fits and burst. Hell remember when the Chamberlein of Seal called on us? That is the highes stakes there is and unlikely to repeat but it does give you some idea what it would be like.
To be fair, that's not really what I see as political intrigue either. And I say that as someone who likes political intrigue and would like to see more of it.
Verezzo ended up dead after a single AP worth of spying and truthful reporting. After that we investigated the next Military Advisor candidates, but never actually plotted with or against any of our colleagues or with or against any of Abelheim's peers.
The Chamberlain asked us a couple of questions as an expert in our field once. We had the chance and ability to weigh in there, but in the end all of the consequences have so far been mostly off screen or in the background.
Political intrigue would have been things like having an active hand in Belegar's feud with Thorgrim that goes beyond just honest advice when asked. Or using the "investigate character" action more often and then either use what we learn for personal gain or in order to allow our liege to do things that the investigated character was previously being a legitimate obstacle to (in ways that don't allow for summary execution).
Three out of four options I voted for before Waystones won would have allowed for more political intrigue. But alas it was not to be.
Do we know the name of every LM out there, including those in the other colleges? Algard didn't in this update...
Mathilde might very well be one of the most known Grey LMs currently. And if not then it's only because her promotion is so recent.

Think about the other seven. How much of their canon achievements are things that would be classified and unknown from an IC perspective? Starke was famous for how little was known about him even as a Patriarch, Krammovitch's status as a quasi-traitor is definitely not widely known, von Bucht's achievements are mostly about economy and tax policing, Kupfer is (semi?)retired and Grey is Grey. Hell, Egrimm didn't even know that Algard was a Patriarch as opposed to being dead.
Contrast that with Mathilde who has lead an army against Drakenhof and about whom the Karaz Ankor sends official proclamations.
If we are going to theorize about using our sword or counter runes, why not just use a gun to shoot him? Because that's not showing our mastery of magic. It's using fancy tools we didn't make it ourselves. It's not proper in a magic duel. The Staff is fine because it's a neutral item that all parties could potentially use.

winning the dual in a way that doesn't leave the other wizards respecting our wizardness is a recipe for a shitting time in office.
You know, something I don't think has been mentioned yet is the tactical aspect to when you declare your challenge, and how the order of duels might influence a candidate's success if they win. Winning your duel as one of the first ones out means you have to take on a bunch more challengers afterwards and that you took on the current Supreme P/Matriach at full or near full strength, which is a good recipe to be respected, but makes it a lot harder to get the position. But on the other hand, if you wait for the last minute and make your challenge then then you have a much easier time of things- fighting an opponent who's been in multiple battles, with no or few follow-up opponents- but in exchange you probably won't get as much respect during your term as you did things the 'easy' way.
Re-checked the Important info and I just realised; It seems Grey Order is the offical name of the our collage. I am not sure why it is not Shadow Order?

Every other Order uses something else except Grey Order who uses colour.

Trying not to sound sinister in a time where anti-magic sentiment was extremely rife, I'd say.

@BoneyM So. Did Volans step down, die or was there actually a madlad/madlass with enough power to actually challenge him?

Officially, he was defeated. Whether he let it be known through unofficial channels that he wasn't going to give his all to secure a third term is unknown to history, but the one that followed him up is Kadon, the guy that looked at the Warhammer setting and decided that he was gonna catch 'em all.

and, if we assume wost-> best roll: Mira (light), Maira (Blue) and Gormann (future SP in Canon) would have been the most problematic of the challenges. (tho I wonder if Mira was the 1 because she is strong, or just that as long as she did better/worse Then Alric it would have messed with light order politics in a way that would have been bad for Dragomas.)

In this case it was just 'the order in which I remembered their names', and I was torn between two candidates for the Ambers so I just said 'Ambers' and figured I'd decided between Anraheir and Kerwen Sigmarrson if that option won.

It always takes place in winter? That must be causing some persistent gripes among all of them.

In modern times, yes. It used to take place at the turn of the year because that is when a new Supreme Patriarch would come into power, but they changed it so an outgoing Supreme Patriarch would have time to wrap everything up, and so that it was a sensible distance from Hexensnacht, because some theorize having it on Hexensnacht is part of why the Night of a Thousand Arcane Duels happened.

Has there ever been a Jade Supreme?

Two. The Staff of Volans releases equal amounts of Winds into the chamber so there's no advantage or disadvantage based on what Winds are naturally in flux.

@BoneyM What's the procedure if the Supreme's seat gets unexpectedly bvacated some time during the four year term? Has it ever happened before?

The Emperor confers with the remaining Magister Patriarchs and Matriarchs and they decide on an acting Supreme Patriarch for the rest of the term. It hasn't happened so far.

Is it an effect of the Obsidian Room?

No, it's part of the changes Teclis made to Altdorf when he rearranged it to make room for the Colleges.
Officially, he was defeated. Whether he let it be known through unofficial channels that he wasn't going to give his all to secure a third term is unknown to history, but the one that followed him up is Kadon, the guy that looked at the Warhammer setting and decided that he was gonna catch 'em all.
Is the lore of Kadon becoming Supreme Patriarch original or sourced?
Original. The history of the Colleges prior to about 2500 is pretty thin, the only Supreme Patriarchs named in canon for that period are Volans, Alric, and Paranoth.
I will say that Kadon the Second SP is a pretty original one, most people have him predate the colleges to almost as classical old-world history as Fozzrik
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I will say that Kadon the Second SP is a pretty original one, most people predate him to almost as classical old-world history as Fozzrik

The Colleges have something of a tradition for renaming oneself in that way, like Gehenna did. But there are rumours that the Amber Brotherhood Kadon was the actual historical Kadon, and that he's still around somewhere.
I will say that Kadon the Second SP is a pretty original one, most people have him predate the colleges to almost as classical old-world history as Fozzrik
It's not like there's any sources to indicate period.

The only things we know about Kadon are that he (presumably) invented the Transformation of Kadon, that he was a master at changing his shape, and that one day he couldn't change back.
I wanted to note that the way the greys popped up around us is a good reminder that windsight means we see the winds, not that we see things through the winds. As in, we usually 'see' people via the way ambient winds are attracted or repelled from then- but in an environment where the winds are suppressed, we don't have anything to see with.
It's not like there's any sources to indicate period.

The only things we know about Kadon are that he (presumably) invented the Transformation of Kadon, that he was a master at changing his shape, and that one day he couldn't change back.
Was 't there even some debate on that last part, namely that he might have been able to, and simply wouldn't?
Of course the titular transformation allowed him to turn into anything, presumably including a human.

Then one day he got "stuck" as a dragon and went "Oh no, what shall I do in this totally not rad form that I was not hatched with, woe is me, i shall fly into exile and not because I understimated how awful the paperwork was, alas"
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