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Check your assumptions because I got World of God and Anime on my side;

Far be it from me to argue with the QM, but do make note that the Jade Order is a bit of a special case, kinda like Ambers are. They don't really need much micromanaging, so their Patriarch/Matriarch can afford to wander around. Paranoth only lasted one term in the Supreme office, from what I can tell. I don't think he was able to do the same back then. As the Head of the Order of Spooks and Spies, our job would be very different from healing and helping crops grow. We'd have way too much stuff to keep an eye on, to travel around.

As a Supreme Matriarch, it'd be even worse. It's really hard to advise your Emperor when you're half a world away, you know.

Kindly check your own assumptions, please.
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Far be it from me to argue with the QM, but do make note that the Jade Order is a bit of a special case, kinda like Ambers are. They don't really need much micromanaging, so their Patriarch/Matriarch can afford to wander around. Paranoth only lasted one term in the office, from what I can tell. I don't think he was able to do the same back then. As the Order of Spooks and Spies, we'd have way too much stuff to keep an eye on, to travel around.

It's really hard to advise your Emperor when you're half a world away, you know.
If we jump over the Magister Patriarch by challenging as LM, we can let Algard keep doing what he is doing, that would take a big load off our backs and allow us to wander if we want to. We have seen people commute from a lot of places like Elspeth is doing. So I am not convinced that it is impossible. Just a matter of having right compromises depending on what you want to get from the position.
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I'm just deathly allergic to political intrigue quests.

Also generally zero interest in becoming any sort of advisor or teacher or anything to Mandred. I don't want to make Mathilde a secondary character in his story like a lot of people seem to be gunning for
I don't care about the Supreme Matriarch position, but I do want to say that Mathilde being an advisor to Mandred isn;t making her a secondary character to his story any more than Mathilde was a secondary character to Abelheim or Belegar's stories. Regardless of what path we choose Mathilde is always the main character of the quest.

If you dislike politics, which I also do btw, then that's fine. But I don't understand the idea that we would somehow be secondary to Mandred.
If we jump over the Magister patriarch we can let Algard keep doing what he is doing, that would take a big load off our backs and allow us to wander if we want to. We have seen people commute from a lot of places like Elspeth is doing. So I am not convinced that it is impossible. Just a matter of having right compromises depending on what you want to get from the position.

If we jump straight to Supreme Matriarch, we will be LESS able to move around. The Supreme Matriarch has three main jobs. First, they advise the Emperor on magic-related subjects. Second, they represent the interests of Wizards in the Imperial Court. Third, they administer the Colleges and coordinate the efforts of the various Patriarchs and Matriarchs. They don't micromanage each College - that's the respective Patriarch's job - but it's really freaking hard to do any of the things they do if they're not even in the Empire.

The Emperor sure as hell isn't going to travel with his advisors halfway across the world to take the desires of the Matriarch into account. The Supreme Matriarch is to be at his disposal at any time, should he need advice - unless he specifically sends her away on a task.
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If some total asshole who's going to wreck things gets the Supreme Patriarch spot then I'd be open to Mathilde challenging, since we'd probably have at least a 1/4 chance of pulling off the immediate surprise shanking, but as long as reasonable people keep the position I don't see much of a point in getting involved.
Also generally zero interest in becoming any sort of advisor or teacher or anything to Mandred. I don't want to make Mathilde a secondary character in his story like a lot of people seem to be gunning for

That's not a particularly fair description, don't you think?

Technically, we're a secondary character in lots of peoples stories; Algard, Belegar, Abel etc. Doing the Bodyguard thing wouldn't diminish our own importance.

Heidi even told us that most of the job wouldn't be standing over Mandred's shoulder, but instead we'd be running around the Empire going on adventures to build goodwill and favours that Mandred could cash in as an adult. Basically an Empire version of the Loremaster at large job Belegar wanted to send us on.
If we jump straight to Supreme Matriarch, we will be LESS able to move around. The Supreme Matriarch has three main jobs. First, they advise the Emperoe on magic-related subjects. Second, they represent the interests of Wizards in the Imperial Court. Third, they administer the Colleges and coordinate the efforts of the various Patriarchs and Matriarchs.

It's really freaking hard to do any of those if you're not even in the Empire.
Again Balthazar Geld managed and I have faith we can too.
If some total asshole who's going to wreck things gets the Supreme Patriarch spot then I'd be open to Mathilde challenging, since we'd probably have at least a 1/4 chance of pulling off the immediate surprise shanking, but as long as reasonable people keep the position I don't see much of a point in getting involved.
That might be the only condition I would accept voting yes for the challenge.
If some total asshole who's going to wreck things gets the Supreme Patriarch spot then I'd be open to Mathilde challenging, since we'd probably have at least a 1/4 chance of pulling off the immediate surprise shanking, but as long as reasonable people keep the position I don't see much of a point in getting involved.
Does Alric count? I think he should.
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If some total asshole who's going to wreck things gets the Supreme Patriarch spot then I'd be open to Mathilde challenging, since we'd probably have at least a 1/4 chance of pulling off the immediate surprise shanking, but as long as reasonable people keep the position I don't see much of a point in getting involved.
I'd totally do that, but I would also not try too hard against the next non-asshole challenger if we do win.
I mean who wants to bet The guy that trapped Alric In the Night was going though the same thing as Horstman? Under appriciated understudy seems to be trend with him.

That's true for most of them; Dagomas and Alric both have three terms, Volans had two, and most others would have had just the one.
I think he commenting related to him being a traveler while he was SP in answer to peoples claim that Sp is too busy so can't travel.
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That's another thing: being Supreme Atriarch has a set number of years. It's not like we'll be in the position forever, though that would be awesome. If the job doesn't live up to expectations, or if we want to go so something elsw, or whatever other reason to stop, there's a way out built in!
They all have an official name, there's a table in the Collection of Important Information threadmark. But only the most pedantic would object to X Order or X College.
Re-checked the Important info and I just realised; It seems Grey Order is the offical name of the our collage. I am not sure why it is not Shadow Order?

Every other Order uses something else except Grey Order who uses colour.
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I wouldn't mind going for the Supreme Matriarch position at some point in the future, but it'd be very dependent upon how Mathilde's grown and what the state of our work is at the time. And considering we don't even know how long we're going to be on waystones for, let alone what we'll be doing after it, planning for eight years into the future seems a bit silly right now.
I'm just deathly allergic to political intrigue quests.

Also generally zero interest in becoming any sort of advisor or teacher or anything to Mandred. I don't want to make Mathilde a secondary character in his story like a lot of people seem to be gunning for
Then I guess we will forever be at odds, as political intrigue is the main draw for me in this quest, and I don't care about other aspects that much.
We should learn and then modify The Steed of Shadows in to a combat mount spell then summon shadow dragon to fight Dragosmas in an epic Kaiju fight.
If we dig into Apparition research and master Mathilde's unruly (and occasionally murderous) shadow, this is actually plausible.

And "counter a dragon with a dragon" is an established strategy of Mathilde's.
Dragomas turns and regards Alric, but if he has any comments he keeps them to himself, instead giving a nod to the man and walking in your direction until he is standing opposite Alric's position. The two stand motionless for a long moment, and you note the contrast between them: Dragomas shirtless, muscled, and deeply tanned, Alric pale and thin in pure-white robes and softly glowing. Then the Staff of Volans pulses with magic, releasing precisely equal amounts of Ghur and Hysh into the room.


Alric didn't stand a chance.

"Arburg of the Order of Life challenges Dragomas of the Amber Brotherhood," comes a rich but stilted voice, and a woman steps forward from your right.

"Kurtis?" Algard prompts.

"Former Battle Wizard, promoted a few years ago. Fought alongside the forces of Ostland and Nordland against Beastmen, and with the Second Fleet against Norscans."



Dragomas once more stands in the center of the room, looking for a new challenger.


But none step forward.

The rolls didn't impact things as much (but still relevant), because Dragomas is a badass like that, but were still really good rolls.

Goes to show luck is as important as skill.

In the Dragomas!quest negaverse someone definitely sacrificed a goat or two.
I actually do have an idea on how Mathilde could eventually advance her magical abilities enough to win, not as a one-off but credibly against multiple challengers. She's not there yet, but it's a path she could take.


Mathilde already has learned techniques for superior dispelling of greenskin magic and necromancy, and she also understands Winds not her own better than most wizards. With time, that could be developed to make her an expert at dispelling. Imagine a duel where Mathilde waves her hand and disrupts every magic her opponent tries to cast. No dragon for you, Dragomas! If she forced it into a physical confrontation that way, I expect the colleges would respect it a lot more than "run up and hit them with your sword really fast". Being the undisputed best magical shutdown expert in the colleges is magic worthy of being SP. Like I said, she's not there yet and doesn't have the traits, but that is the "magical duel superiority" path I could see her taking.
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