The Only Truth
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- 「̛̛́́ ͏̨҉̕͏ ͏̶̴」
Check your assumptions because I got World of God and Anime on my side;
Far be it from me to argue with the QM, but do make note that the Jade Order is a bit of a special case, kinda like Ambers are. They don't really need much micromanaging, so their Patriarch/Matriarch can afford to wander around. Paranoth only lasted one term in the Supreme office, from what I can tell. I don't think he was able to do the same back then. As the Head of the Order of Spooks and Spies, our job would be very different from healing and helping crops grow. We'd have way too much stuff to keep an eye on, to travel around.
As a Supreme Matriarch, it'd be even worse. It's really hard to advise your Emperor when you're half a world away, you know.
Kindly check your own assumptions, please.
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