Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I think Mathilde would make for a great Supreme Matriarch. She's been an advisor, a leader in times of war and peace, and a problem solver for matters mundane and magical. She also has good advantages going for her with Branalhune and the Coin. The only things stopping her is her inexperience as a magical duelist. Thankfully that's something that can be polished with experience and time. Solving that, I could see her winning the duels. While the next one is too early, the one after that could have her in best shape to succeed.
Are they not like once-in-eight-years event? The next one is perfect timing wise, from the point of double-playing it as a Merlin to our godson's Arthur. And I do beleive that eight years (which will hopefully include an eflcation) are more then enough to git gud.
Two questions; what would Mathilde gain from the position, and what would the position gain from Mathilde?

Cause to my mind the answer to both is 'basically nothing'.
It's the ultimate destination of the path she has chosen to walk.

someone that believes in 'changing the world they live in' mostly for the good. Arguable few that could be in the positionwill have such a simple, but difficult goal in mind.

and I don't think I need to defend 'because it would be fun to play'.
A line or vortex can be drawn through a single target. It's overkill for a single opponent, but that doesn't mean it's worthless.
Most battlemagic targets multiple enemies. That's why it's battlemagic. Single-target battlemagic is very rare.
Also, Throne of Vines is not a debuff.
It is for duels. Opening up a suction vortex in the room you are in would be suicide, and the Pendulum can be dodged. And a debuff is not a block the same way a buff is not an attack. The enemy is free to make their move uninterrupted save for moderate interference. Which still won't stop them from pouncing on their target.
Two questions; what would Mathilde gain from the position, and what would the position gain from Mathilde?

What we'd gain:

We'd be able to shape college policy.

We'd have direct access to the heads of the collages and be able to influence them.

We'd have direct access to the Emperor and his council and be able to influence him.

We'd be able to deploy wizards and battlewizards to pretty much anywhere in the Empire.

We'd be able to access the libraries and archives of the eight colleges.

What we'd bring:

We have unique insights in to various, hostile types of magic, and could pass those insights on.

We have close ties to the dwarves, and could bring in their knowledge and skill into aiding the collages (like we did with the training rooms).

We're close friends with both the Empress and the Elector Count of Stirland, and can influence the Empire through them.

We are building connections with both the Eonir and the Cult of Ulric.

We have connections with the Cult of Ranald.

Are we the best candidate right now? No. Do we have any ambitions that would directly benefit from the power and authority of the position right now? Also no.

But the position in question does hold much value, and we do have connections and skills that can benefit the Empire from such a position. Honestly, the whole thing is basically "Court Wizard to the Emperor", and that's not too different from "Court Wizard to Karak Eight Peaks", except that K8P doesn't need a court wizard anymore and the Emperor's current court wizard is doing a grand job.
I'm not very vocal about it, but I really don't like the idea of being a Matriarch, Supreme or otherwise. The most fun parts of this quest, in my view, have been the adventures. We can't do those if we are stuck behind a desk, signing papers and playing College Simulator. Honestly, if I wanted to play CK2, I'd play CK2.

Sure, we'd gain the ability to ADVISE the Emperor on Empire policy, but only at the cost of losing the ability to affect the world outside. Our greatest and most positive achievements haven't been as an advisor, but as an adventurer, warrior, wizard and assassin. Stirland is the one exception, and even then, we did things personally. Sylvania, Eight Peaks, Alcatraz, The Ambushed Dwarf Ship, Vlag and now the Waystone Project, which we got the chance to so specifically because of the prior achievements.

Also, since people are pointing out our ties to Ranaldians and the Empress as arguments for it - they are NOT. The Empress has very close ties to Ranaldians herself, so we don't bring those with us. We have ties to her regardless of whether we're Matriarch, and if they are truly worth anything, we don't need to be Supreme Matriarch to influence the Empress, and the Empire through her.
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They all have an official name, there's a table in the Collection of Important Information threadmark. But only the most pedantic would object to X Order or X College.
I was just looking for that but I am merely commenting that there seem to be wiggle room let them pick the name they are to use rather than protocol to use academic name of the order.

Edit: It seems Grey Order is the offical name of the our collage. I am not sure why it is not Shadow Order?
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I'm not very vocal about it, but I really don't like the idea of being a Matriarch, Supreme or otherwise. The most fun parts of this quest, in my view, have been the adventures. We can't do those if we are stuck behind a desk, signing papers and playing College Simulator. Honestly, if I wanted to play CK2, I'd play CK2.
Jade matriarch literally called wanderer who wanders most of the time so I feel like you are speaking from misconception.
I'm not very vocal about it, but I really don't like the idea of being a Matriarch, Supreme or otherwise. The most fun parts of this quest, in my view, have been the adventures. We can't do those if we are stuck behind a desk, signing papers and playing College Simulator. Honestly, if I wanted to play CK2, I'd play CK2.
Agreed. I like it when we are venturing out to new places and meeting new people. A lot of time would have to be spent Dealing with polical business. While I would like and adventure about that, I don't what the quest to be that. We don't need to constantly pursue the top of the world like most quests often engage in.
I'm not very vocal about it, but I really don't like the idea of being a Matriarch, Supreme or otherwise. The most fun parts of this quest, in my view, have been the adventures. We can't do those if we are stuck behind a desk, signing papers and playing College Simulator. Honestly, if I wanted to play CK2, I'd play CK2.
Personally, I think this quest is at it's strongest when it does exactly what it says on the tin - make us play as an advisor in someone else's CK2 quest and makes us juggle between our superior's demands, our co-advisors's dubious loyalties and/or skills, our underling's limits, and our personal projects. From that point of view, the Supreme Matriarch position is THE dream job.

I wouldn't want Mathilde to become a regular Matriarch though. But neither would I want Mathilde to devolve into your run-of-the mill RPG protagonist quest.
What we'd gain:

We'd be able to shape college policy.

We'd have direct access to the heads of the collages and be able to influence them.

We'd have direct access to the Emperor and his council and be able to influence him.

We'd be able to deploy wizards and battlewizards to pretty much anywhere in the Empire.

We'd be able to access the libraries and archives of the eight colleges.

What we'd bring:

We have unique insights in to various, hostile types of magic, and could pass those insights on.

We have close ties to the dwarves, and could bring in their knowledge and skill into aiding the collages (like we did with the training rooms).

We're close friends with both the Empress and the Elector Count of Stirland, and can influence the Empire through them.

We are building connections with both the Eonir and the Cult of Ulric.

We have connections with the Cult of Ranald.

Are we the best candidate right now? No. Do we have any ambitions that would directly benefit from the power and authority of the position right now? Also no.

But the position in question does hold much value, and we do have connections and skills that can benefit the Empire from such a position. Honestly, the whole thing is basically "Court Wizard to the Emperor", and that's not too different from "Court Wizard to Karak Eight Peaks", except that K8P doesn't need a court wizard anymore and the Emperor's current court wizard is doing a grand job.

I do not think the Eight colleges hand their secrets to the Supreme Patriarch, they are still mystery cults at the end of the day, he or she may have the authority to demand it, but that sounds like a great way to get dog-piled at the next duel. roll enough dice and you will lose.
The Transformation of Kadon is one spell to turn into a dragon, and then another spell to turn back into human.
Yeah, I remembered something along those lines. Wasn't sure of it, though.

What if we used a Steam Tank?
What are the rules on equipment? My assumption has generally been that any Lord Magister will have their own assortment of tricks and special gear, but we certainly didn't see any of that.

It may actually be forbidden to bring equipment. And... well, Branallhune is half our power.

I'm not very vocal about it, but I really don't like the idea of being a Matriarch, Supreme or otherwise. The most fun parts of this quest, in my view, have been the adventures. We can't do those if we are stuck behind a desk, signing papers and playing College Simulator. Honestly, if I wanted to play CK2, I'd play CK2.
I don't believe this has ever actually hindered anyone.

Jade matriarch literally called wanderer who wanders most of the time so I feel like you are speaking from misconception.

On the one hand, the Jade College is just Like That, but also consider being Supreme Patriarch didn't stop Balthazar Gelt from spending a significant amount of time attempting to Heist The Gromril and other shenanigans.

It is for duels. Opening up a suction vortex in the room you are in would be suicide, and the Pendulum can be dodged. And a debuff is not a block the same way a buff is not an attack. The enemy is free to make their move uninterrupted save for moderate interference. Which still won't stop them from pouncing on their target.
Yeah, but my point is that only one college really has strong single target spells, and that's the Amethyst College. The really powerful battle magic spells tend to all be multi-target, but that doesn't mean they won't be effective against one target. And debuffs very much can stop the enemy from pouncing on you, because it makes it harder for them to hit you.
I'm not very vocal about it, but I really don't like the idea of being a Matriarch, Supreme or otherwise. The most fun parts of this quest, in my view, have been the adventures. We can't do those if we are stuck behind a desk, signing papers and playing College Simulator. Honestly, if I wanted to play CK2, I'd play CK2.

The reason the Supreme Patriarch/Matriarch is chosen by a duel is because the colleges are a military institution. Wizards are walking artillery, and the head of the colleges is basically one of the most potent war assets of the Empire.

I highly doubt Dagomas, a man who turns into dragons, spends most of his time chained to a desk, and not out in the wilds blowing up greenskins.

Algard does spend a lot of time behind a desk, because he's the head of a spy agency and has his own agents (his Hands) to do fieldwork for him. He's the exception.

Alric very nearly joined us on the expedition to the wastes.

The Amethyst Patriarch did join us for Drakenhoff.

Elspeth commutes between Altdorf and Nuln on the back of a Dragon.

Becoming Matriach won't take away our ability to go on adventures, any more than becoming a shareholder of the EIC or becoming Loremaster did, and honestly, I'm a little tired of people arguing that Boney will turn this into "paperwork quest" if we vote for the wrong option.
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Jade matriarch literally called wanderer who wanders most of the time so I feel like you are speaking from misconception.

Ah, yes. Because being given the title of Wanderer automatically means you will spend the entire life wandering, even when your job is to lead a very important organization based from a specific location. I am not convinced. The only things we know about the woman is her name, her current position and the title she was once given. Everything else is an assumption of yours. For all we know, the Matriarch got her title because, unlike most Magisters and Lady Magisters, she spent her entire career travelling and writing papers on her findings. Kinda like us, except with less killing.

In fact, we've met multiple Patriarchs and Matriarchs, including Dragomas. Guess where we found them? In Altdorf, in their offices or colleges. We convinced the Amethyst Patriarch to assist at Drakenhof, but considering how that went, we don't know if he was cool, or up to somethind shady with vampires. And where did we find him? In Altdorf.
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If we want a grey spell to use in one of the duels I have a suggestion. We should learn and then modify The Steed of Shadows in to a combat mount spell then summon shadow dragon to fight Dragosmas in an epic Kaiju fight.

Nothing about that plan can go wrong. :V
Personally the reason I do not want the top job is a bit more nuanced than 'no paperwork'. It would bind us tightly to the Empire and the Empire is about a generic as anything in WHF gets. I want to go out and see the world make use of our xeno-affinity trait not be stuck dealing with internal empire matters.
Ah, yes. Because being given the title of Wanderer automatically means you will spend the entire life wandering, even when your job is to lead a very important organization based from a specific location. I am not convinced. The only things we know about the woman is her name, her current position and the title she was once given. Everything else is an assumption of yours. For all we know, the Matriarch got her title because, unlike most Magisters and Lady Magisters, she spent her career travelling and writing papers on her findings. Kinda like us.

In fact, we've met multiple Patriarchs and Matriarchs, including Dragomas. Guess where we found them? In Altdorf, in their offices or colleges. We convinced the Amethyst Patriarch to assist at Drakenhof, but considering how that went, we don't know if he was cool, or up to somethind shady with vampires.
Check your assumptions because I got World of God and Anime on my side;
Usually known as Paranoth the Wanderer, which he definitely lives up to. It's said he's walked every road in the Old World, Araby, and Ind. That makes him a rather hands-off Magister Patriarch, but the Jades don't seem to be suffering from it.
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Ah, yes. Because being given the title of Wanderer automatically means you will spend the entire life wandering, even when your job is to lead a very important organization based from a specific location. I am not convinced. The only things we know about the woman is her name, her current position and the title she was once given. Everything else is an assumption of yours. For all we know, the Matriarch got her title because, unlike most Magisters and Lady Magisters, she spent her entire career travelling and writing papers on her findings. Kinda like us, except with less killing.
That doesn't jive with Boney's word on the matter.
Usually known as Paranoth the Wanderer, which he definitely lives up to. It's said he's walked every road in the Old World, Araby, and Ind. That makes him a rather hands-off Magister Patriarch, but the Jades don't seem to be suffering from it.
I'm just deathly allergic to political intrigue quests.

Also generally zero interest in becoming any sort of advisor or teacher or anything to Mandred. I don't want to make Mathilde a secondary character in his story like a lot of people seem to be gunning for
Magister Patriarch (of the jades), not Supreme Patriarch, or Patriarch of the Grey Order.
Positions, and orders, are a bit different.
Balthazar Geld spent a lot of time chasing stuff around so I am not convinced that positions is a death of the ambition people seem to assume.

I'm just deathly allergic to political intrigue quests.
I mean name of the quest should have sent you running for the hills long before this if that was the case. We had a lot of intrigue (of every variaty) from the start, It is just both GM and player base has handled it well so we haven't seen the normal cringe you see in other quests that tries their hand on such politics. And I have faith it will keep going that way.
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