Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
@BoneyM Is the Library Location vote part of the plan? Personally I'd rather it isn't. It's not really in any way related to anything we can spend AP on right now.

I've gotten way too many little comments about the current update pace to be that keen on spinning off yet another vote.

Isn't Windsight separated into a) what you perceive and b) how you perceive it?
Magnetoreception sounds more like a than b (though many metals aren't even magnetic). Like, what does it mean to perceive Aqshy through magnetoreception and how does it "magnetically" feel different from Ghur?

What does it mean to perceive red? How does it visually feel different from perceiving blue?

Also, magnetoreception as a medium to read Chamon infused ink doesn't sound in any way easier or more accurate than using visual-based Windsight in order to perceive and d useecipher letters infused with something that carries natural Chamon (or any other Wind).

Could it be that, regardless of whether Johann's Windsense is magnetoreception-based, he also is highly Chamon-soecialized, being able to sense the slightest differences in concentration of all the various Chamon-carrying substances?

Because otherwise, magnetoreception or not, Johann should be just as capable of reading texts written in living algae or feral animal blood or projected by light or carefully burned into paper.

Single-Wind Wizards are always going to be more familiar with their own Wind than the others.

Counterweight elevators are not a thing yet then.

Counterweight elevators still require either motive force or equal amounts of weight going both ways.
Whether Kvinn-Wyr or Karag Nar is appropriate depends on how concerned you are about space... Karag Nar isn't going to be tight on space anytime soon, but I don't expect the library to be done expanding anytime soon either. I'll have to spend some more time mulling them over.
My concern about Karag Nar at ground level is that this is super valuable real estate; it's less that Karag Nar is going to run out of space, is that "easily accessible from the entrance" is the most valuable space in Karag Nar. This was a problem before:
Back at Karak Eight Peaks, Karag Nar is the site of no small amount of grumbling and you wade in before it gets much worse. Though the men are currently sleeping on bedrolls in communal halls in the Karag, what their future situation will look like is still undecided, and in between making final preparations to leave Codrin is keeping the peace but making no long-term decisions for his soon-to-be former charges. You're not sure if some new leader would have emerged if things went on much longer, but you'd much rather not risk the future of Death Pass on a maybe, so you step in.

Everyone, it seems, wants to stake a claim on a set of quarters adjoining the central staircase, and with no other landmarks in the entire mountain you can see why. You refresh your own scouting memories with some poking around, and in a temporary office you work on a MAP of the main branches of the Karag. You map out a market for visiting merchants, a dining hall for group meals, and an armoury for the tools of the Undumgi's trade, and put word out for anyone who wishes to stick around without combat in their future, and there's a handful - young mercenaries think they'll be happy to fight their entire lives, but old ones start to dream of a tavern or a grocer or some other peaceful retirement, and you carefully distribute some of the larger rooms to them. Some are of a religious bent, and you approve shrines to Shallya, Ulric, Myrmidia, Ursun, and the Lady. You also receive a few unexpected requests, and after a word to an equally bemused King Belegar, you plot out the future locations of shrines to Grimnir and Valaya.

With landmarks more plentiful and more scattered, instead of fighting over the most central positions the Undumgi start making decisions based on their preferences. Some want a nearby tavern, some want a favoured shrine close by, some want to be a good distance from the shopping and the prayer. Before long everyone has a room that you've had the few literate Undumgi write the names of their owners onto in charcoal, and you have full blueprints tucked away in case anyone gets cheeky and tries to replace a name with their own. Soon, wood will flow from Ulrikadrin and supplies from Barak Varr will include trade goods, and people will be able to start making proper homes for themselves. Long term, you expect companionship to be a concern, but word of almost six thousand newly enriched, well-employed and very eligible bachelors will soon reach Barak Varr and start radiating through the Border Princes and heading towards Black Fire Pass, and with a little luck the problem will solve itself.
My worry (and I admit that this might be me jumping at shadows) is that by appropriating the best real estate in the Karag, we don't cause a population crunch, but we do make the inhabitants of Karag Nar unhappy with us. Having to walk by the giant library in the best position every time they're coming in from the outside and need to walk farther to get to, I dunno, the taverns or shops or prostitutes or whatever else would normally be occupying the "downtown" area of the city might breed resentment.

I'm glad to have time for us to kick this around in the moratorium, because I'm really uncertain about the best way to play it. Convenience is good, but monopolizing the most convenient space could be bad.
Engineer-enchanter who already started training powerstone creation before making Magister, with connections to the local Gunnery School and a large family to back her up.
She's not an enchanter. None of the K8P wizards are besides us.
[]Plan: Jyn, AV, Tongs and Spells
-[ ] MAX: Recruit him into the research branch of WEB-MAT
-[ ] JOHANN: Recruit him into the research branch of WEB-MAT
-[ ] DUCK: Continue to work with Panoramia with implementing the Waaaghsoak Mushrooms as an aid to spellcasting.
-[ ] EIC: Insert agents into a particular province, cult, company, or institution to start gathering their secrets. (Talabecland Branch of the Cult of Kurnous)
-[ ] KAU: Establish the site of the KAU
--[ ] In the Silver Tower, an ancient structure on the southwestern face of Karagril

-[ ] Experiment with integrating the Vitae into enchantments.
-[ ] Investigate the possibility of using one Wind to directly manipulate another.
--[ ] The Gambler
-[ ] Attempt to finish off the Grey College spellbook by learning Shadow of Death, Cloak Activity, and the MAPP.
-[ ] Seek any pre-Time of Woes information on the Lhune Depths that may have survived the Karak's fall

-[ ] SERENITY: Write a paper: Daemonic Concealment of Karak Vlag
-[ ] PENTHOUSE: Build a basic tower of single-Wind environments for each of the 'missing' Winds: Light, Amber, Amethyst, and Gold: 300gc for four towers.
-[ ] The Gambler: specify an action this will apply to.

[]Plan: Jyn, AV, Spells and last job
-[ ] MAX: Recruit him into the research branch of WEB-MAT
-[ ] JOHANN: Recruit him into the research branch of WEB-MAT
-[ ] DUCK: Continue to work with Panoramia with implementing the Waaaghsoak Mushrooms as an aid to spellcasting.
-[ ] EIC: Insert agents into a particular province, cult, company, or institution to start gathering their secrets. (Talabecland Branch of the Cult of Kurnous)
-[ ] KAU: Establish the site of the KAU
--[ ] In the Silver Tower, an ancient structure on the southwestern face of Karagril

-[ ] Experiment with integrating the Vitae into enchantments.
-[ ] Attempt to finish off the Grey College spellbook by learning Shadow of Death, Cloak Activity, and the MAPP.
--[ ] The Gambler
-[ ] Seek any pre-Time of Woes information on the Lhune Depths that may have survived the Karak's fall
-[ ] Organize and coordinate investigations by Miners and Prospectors and collate the information they gather into a unified map

-[ ] SERENITY: Write a paper: Daemonic Concealment of Karak Vlag
-[ ] PENTHOUSE: Build a basic tower of single-Wind environments for each of the 'missing' Winds: Light, Amber, Amethyst, and Gold: 300gc for four towers.
-[ ] The Gambler: specify an action this will apply to.
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I've gotten way too many little comments about the current update pace to be that keen on spinning off yet another vote.
I fully support your update pace. It's a complex realignment of the quest, and you've done a good job of providing a great deal of high-quality player agency in controlling that realignment.

(If I'm gonna be vocal when complaining, then I should also comment in support when I strongly agree with a decision.)
I really liked your breakdown of pros/cons Picklepikkl, but I did have a few points I disagreed on.
In Kvinn-Wyr, with an entrance from the Eastern Valley
  • Pros: Currently a completely empty Karag, easily accessible from the populated areas of the Karak
  • Cons: No useful symbolism attached to it, it's just an empty mountain
Cons: an empty mountain has no defenders in its own right, and K8P is very much still in a dangerous neighborhood. If the Karak's outer defenses get breached, "uninhabited mountain" will be near the top of the list of territory that can be abandoned to consolidate the defensive lines.
In Karag Zilfin, just below Cython's territory
  • Pros: Cython might give a shit about the library, currently unoccupied by dwarves
  • Cons: Zilfin is still detectably a place where chemical warfare took place and it is way out in a corner far from all the occupied areas of the Karak
Cons: I think the thread being horny for dragons (apparently literally, given how close some of the romance votes were) has led people to overlook that dragons severely freak out most people in-universe. And they freak people out for extremely good reason. Even the non-Emperor dragons are absurdly powerful, and don't exactly have terribly prosocial histories/reputations. The people we want to visit and be involved with the library are likely to find an Emperor Ice Dragon right upstairs to be a menacing presence. Dragons have a history of killing people and taking their stuff when they like things. Telling people "oh, don't worry, the dragon upstairs likes books!" is just going to get replies of " mean like how dragons like treasure? which there are thousands of years of history of them attacking people in order to claim that?"

Seriously, one of the first things Belegar had us do as Loremaster was "get me a way to defend against the dragon, because I'm inherently worried it might attack us, which dragons have historically repeatedly done to dwarves." IIRC Holds have been outright lost to dragons in the past, in fact.

People also seem to be under the impression Cython might help protect the library. We have no indication that Cython has any interest in protecting anything for us. Literally we talked to them about a million-plus strong Waaagh coming to kill all of us and they just went "yeah, good luck with that, I'm gonna go back to my nap." Anything that doesn't intrude above the snowline doesn't matter to them.
In the Silver Tower, an ancient structure on the southwestern face of Karagril
  • Pros: Currently an empty structure, good symbolism (silversteel is what the pikes of the Undumgi are made of, so there's dwarf-human cooperation already served up on a platter)
  • Cons: Not accessible from the Eastern Valley, which is where the humans and halflings live
This is the one I strongly favor. First, being located on an inhabited mountain means its unlikely to be abandoned as indefensible if the Karak's outer defenses get breached, which any uninhabited mountain will be at aggravated risk of. So that's an unlisted Pro IMO.

Second, while it's on an inhabited mountain, it's conceptually distinct enough from the Karag itself that it can be considered as its own entity.

Third, I think "not accessible from the Eastern Valley" is an overstatement. It doesn't directly border the Eastern Valley, true. But "a longer walk from" is not the same as "not accessible from." For one thing, look at the map of Grand Avenue and major Underway passages in K8P:

That's a near straight shot from Karag Nar to Karagril. It's not that it's not still something of a trek, but it is hardly inaccessible.

Fourth, I think concerns people have stated over the Silver Tower potentially not having enough space are off base. Even setting aside that dwarven architecture of the Old Holds is not exactly known for its minimalism, it would be just as possible for the dwarves to excavate more rooms beneath the Silver Tower as doing so beneath our penthouse, which they've been doing for years and years now.
Some thoughts on papers and priorities regarding expedition results, since I've seen people wondering about which to prioritize:

Time sensitivity: Honestly, I feel like our current overwork status gives us a bit of leeway. We have a plus 10 bonus from fresh papers mixed with a minus 10 malus from overwork, both of which will disappear next turn.

Daemonic Concealment of Karak Vlag (FRESH)
-Mathilde has unique insights here. If she doesn't write it, no one will.

Observations on the Windfall north of the Dark Lands (FRESH)
-Mathilde was not alone in her observations on Windfall, which means this isn't a unique contribution, but might be important for the purposes of not being sniped on the paper. Assuming we care about that.

Observations on the Chaos Wastes in the western Great Steppes (FRESH)
-Another non-unique insight. OTOH...
-Collating this feels like it might honestly be a group action with the duckling club. A fair number of K8P wizards were with us, though I don't know whether Max and Johann count the purposes of "being in the duckling club" here, which drops it down to just Hubert, if not the case.

Observations of Karag Dum and its unusual guardian (FRESH)
-While Mathilde wasn't alone here, as she was with Vlag, she still has important insights that only she can share. Another wizard might write the paper, but miss things like the divine element at play in turning the wasteland to desert.
While accessibly is a bit of a problem, a bit of a walk is not too bad.
If we make the library as fancy as we want it to be, it could change from "a bit of a walk" to "a pilgrimage to knowledge" if we spin it right.
Cons: I think the thread being horny for dragons (apparently literally, given how close some of the romance votes were) has led people to overlook that dragons severely freak out most people in-universe. And they freak people out for extremely good reason. Even the non-Emperor dragons are absurdly powerful, and don't exactly have terribly prosocial histories/reputations. The people we want to visit and be involved with the library are likely to find an Emperor Ice Dragon right upstairs to be a menacing presence. Dragons have a history of killing people and taking their stuff when they like things. Telling people "oh, don't worry, the dragon upstairs likes books!" is just going to get replies of " mean like how dragons like treasure? which there are thousands of years of history of them attacking people in order to claim that?"

Seriously, one of the first things Belegar had us do as Loremaster was "get me a way to defend against the dragon, because I'm inherently worried it might attack us, which dragons have historically repeatedly done to dwarves." IIRC Holds have been outright lost to dragons in the past, in fact.
This is a solid point.
Third, I think "not accessible from the Eastern Valley" is an overstatement. It doesn't directly border the Eastern Valley, true. But "a longer walk from" is not the same as "not accessible from." For one thing, look at the map of Grand Avenue and major Underway passages in K8P:
In order to get to the Silver Tower from the human or halfling areas, you have to either walk across the Eastern Valley, descend through the Citadel into the caldera, and walk north to Karagril, or you have to descend into the Underway, go to under-Karagril (which, I will point out, is next to an active conflict zone), and climb up. Obviously it's accessible in the sense of "it is possible to get from one place to another," but it isn't accessible in the sense of convenient or particularly welcoming: neither the Underway nor the Citadel strike me as areas particularly conducive to high-volume civilian traffic. It's located in a part of the Karak currently populated only by dwarves, Gretel, and Cython, and after all the trouble we're going to in order to make it multispecies, that seems potentially self-sabotaging to me.
Time sensitivity: Honestly, I feel like our current overwork status gives us a bit of leeway. We have a plus 10 bonus from fresh papers mixed with a minus 10 malus from overwork, both of which will disappear next turn.
Yeah, it's a bit of a silver lining to the -10 cloud; we aren't under pressure to jam out as many papers as possible with Max, because we're in a six of one/half a dozen of the other situation.
For actions, I definitely prefer going all-in on paper writing this turn, specifically those that relate to the expedition. We're eating an overwork penalty which puts anything obviously risky off the table, and there were other wizards on the expedition- if we wait on papers, I imagine the most we can get on any duplicates to what they've written is 'confirming'. And it's not as if we're going to run out of paper material by binging on them this turn, either; we have other papers available, plenty of research material, and we're about to start a project on waystones. If the last one doesn't give us plenty of paper material, I'll eat Mathilde's hat.
Ok I don't know if someone has tried this before but...

Hey, BoneyM, could we use 1 personal action on 'relaxing' in order to get rid of the -10 penalty for overworking? I imagine that we could not but I have been thinking about this since I first read about overworking when I was speed-reading the quest for the first time some months ago.

Also; what about our new gyrocarriage? And the whole reactions of the Colleges to the expedition? Also the whole thing with the Grudge against Ranald for our Dwarf Soul? I imagine you are leaving all of this for the Social Turn? Same with going to Karak Vlag to see how things are going there?


Ok, now about the turn.

--Recruit him no matter what, he is worth his weight in gold. (Pun very much intended)

--Yup, recruit him too. He is also worth his weight in gold. (Except this time literally… hum… btw BoneyM if we were to melt Johann, how much would he be worth? Asking for reasons).

-Wizards of Karak Eight Peaks:
--Well when…
---Hubert: Heavy research is not really his thing so no.
---Panoramia: We can recruit her later if needed but I don't know if she would be interested.
---Adela: Can someone explain to me why so many people want to recruit her for the project? I must have missed something in an update or another. That said she does have 20 Learning, more than any other of the candidates does expect Panoramia, which we don't know a single stats about (kind of weird, that, you would think we would know more about her than any of the others. Hum, maybe she IS a black magister after all? Hahaha).
---Gretel: Hum… maybe later, also she should think about testing for Magister soon.

-The EIC:
--Sure, invite him to come here, could be fun.

---Ok, I'll elaborate: if there is someone in the hold who will love this Library it will be Cython. Hell I in fact want to make a point that all corridors in the library shall be big enough for a dragon (or The We) to use it with no problem!
---Also I just really fucking love dragons and want to spend more time with him. Helps that I adore the way BoneyM wrote him.

-Personal Actions:
--Originally I was gonna suggest investing into our diplomacy (we are 1 training section away from getting advanced in Advanced Diplomacy in Kurgan and Bretonnia which would be useful for researching artefacts we got from the expedition (understanding the language and all) and also for recruiting dames respectively) but yeah I think we can do this later. Maybe when we go recruit dames we can study diplo from Bretonia beforehand for example. With that said let's see what we got:
--Lhune Depths: yeah I would also feel kind of bad for not using an action here but I can be convinced not to do so.
--[ ] Challenge Dragomas for the title of Supreme Matriarch: yeah, no, but we still get to see if anyone tried right? Really don't want to miss him fighting (could be useful if we tried later after all). BTW this challenge can happen in between how many years? I think it was 10?
--[ ] Hire a trainer to come to Eight Peaks and teach you: specify what. (costs favours College trainers, money for human ones, Dwarf trainers are free) oh this is simply wonderful, we shall make great use of this later hahaha!
--[ ] Gain enough control of [ARCANE MARK]: we talked about it before and yeah, maybe it's time to do it. It will also make a better impression on the elfs.
--[ ] Try to see through Pall of Darkness with your improved magical senses: kind of want to pick this in the future when we don't have -10 to everything.
--[ ] Finish Grey College Spellbook: sure, don't see why not.
--[ ] Sword Training: also don't see any problem in picking this.
--[ ] Research: don't try anything difficult like manipulating a wind with another or Aethyric Vitae while we have -10 please.
--[ ] Paper: I think that by far the most important one would be the 'Daemonic Concealment of Karak Vlag' one. It's Fresh too so the -10 gets nullified by the +10 and we do Fated papers all the time. Plus EVERYONE and I do mean EVERYONE will want to know how we did this. Hell, bloody Teclis would probably want to read a copy just to figure out how we did what we could not (except not because the dude likely has a AP hell that makes ours look tame in comparison).

-Penthouse: do the multi-wind thing, yes.

-Egrimm van Horstmann: as someone who did not knew who he was until I read people freaking out about him on the thread I got to say that he trying to cast doubts of that light-journeyman being tempted by Chaos did not sit well with me. Dude kind of seemed way too proud and entitled for my tastes, like someone who believes he should already be a Light Lord Magister already and that the college is dumb for not 'recognizing his greatness' or something… With that said, I believe we made a great impression on him as an example of someone who is young but also powerful and wise and that deserved our promotion to Lady Magister. (I think he still kind of shocked that we invented a Battle-Magic spell specifically for the expedition and we were casting it multiple times in sequel while in the middle of the bloody Chaos Wastes, heh). So maybe we made him think that 'oh, is not the Colleges of Magic that are stupid, is just the Light College. The Grays at least can recognize talent when they see it. Wonder if it's the same with the other Colleges?' Which is good and, if this was a reason that could lead him to Black Magister Path, we could help him avowing it, especially if we get him away from his boss. With all that said however I think that 1) we should not try now when we have a -10 and 2) I'm still not sold on this being worth the risk, he really looked way too arrogant for my tastes. But I'm not 100% committed to reject or accept him, at least for now.

-Coin: we could either put it on:
--Library: specially if increases the chances of a crit that will make the Dragon interested (I just really love dragons, sorry).
--Lhune Depths: if we do it we could use the coin as a last gif to the Karak before we are no longer Loremaster.
--Training: maybe for one of the Arcane Marks or completing the spellbook but I don't think is a priority to spend the Coin on.
--Paper: if we do the one on Karak Vlag because there is no way in hell everybody and their mothers are not going to read it anyway so we should just go and write the best possible paper on it.
Ok I don't know if someone has tried this before but...

Hey, BoneyM, could we use 1 personal action on 'relaxing' in order to get rid of the -10 penalty for overworking? I imagine that we could not but I have been thinking about this since I first read about overworking when I was speed-reading the quest for the first time some months ago.
I'm pretty sure that would undermine the drawback of overworked.

there would be no reason to not overwork every time and then just spend an AP to get rid of the penalty. it would end up net-positve
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Ok I don't know if someone has tried this before but...

Hey, BoneyM, could we use 1 personal action on 'relaxing' in order to get rid of the -10 penalty for overworking? I imagine that we could not but I have been thinking about this since I first read about overworking when I was speed-reading the quest for the first time some months ago.

No. It'd be too pat to trade one action now for one less later, and bone-deep exhaustion doesn't work like that. The only cure is getting to bed at a reasonable hour for a good long stretch of time.

Also; what about our new gyrocarriage?

Under construction.

And the whole reactions of the Colleges to the expedition? Also the whole thing with the Grudge against Ranald for our Dwarf Soul? I imagine you are leaving all of this for the Social Turn?

People ask for this sort of thing a lot, and don't seem to give any thought to the fact that they're asking for something very vague and that a lot of the time there's no neat way for a writer to make it happen. How does that sort of scene work, just Mathilde going up to random Wizards and saying "hey, I did X, you probably already heard about that but react to it now all over again so I can see it"? Wandering Karag Lhune and waving around the Grudge proclamation and approaching random Dwarves and asking for them to give their take on it like a TV interviewer accosting people on the street?

Mathilde has had several of her Grey College senpais comment on the Expedition. She's had Belegar give his take on the Grudge thing. Believe me, I get the desire to really wallow in it for a good long time, but the low-hanging 'reactions' are done. As Algard said: "Our work is rarely seen and even rarer appreciated. Temper your expectations accordingly. A job performed well needs to be its own reward, for we so rarely see any other."

Same with going to Karak Vlag to see how things are going there?

This might be a thing. I'll make that decision when it's time to write up the social turn options.

--Yup, recruit him too. He is also worth his weight in gold. (Except this time literally… hum… btw BoneyM if we were to melt Johann, how much would he be worth? Asking for reasons).

About 240 crowns.
At first i was surprised at how low value Johann was, but i guess it's called gilding, not transmute to gold.
Which is probably for the best, it would be hell on floors to have a human sized solid gold statue traipsing around.
The main options I've seen kicked around for our Duckling actions are "recruit Adela" or "study more Windshrooms with Panoramia." I am curious, though: are there reasons why "study the Ghyran-seed with Panoramia" or "help her prep for Magister" aren't popular? I'm not married to any of the options (though I'm not high on trying to recruit Adela), I'm just wondering why two of these have gotten a lot of discussion and the other two haven't.
No. It'd be too pat to trade one action now for one less later, and bone-deep exhaustion doesn't work like that. The only cure is getting to bed at a reasonable hour for a good long stretch of time.

Figured as much but, as they say on my country, 'there is no offence in asking'.

People ask for this sort of thing a lot, and don't seem to give any thought to the fact that they're asking for something very vague and that a lot of the time there's no neat way for a writer to make it happen. How does that sort of scene work, just Mathilde going up to random Wizards and saying "hey, I did X, you probably already heard about that but react to it now all over again so I can see it"? Wandering Karag Lhune and waving around the Grudge proclamation and approaching random Dwarves and asking for them to give their take on it like a TV interviewer accosting people on the street?

Mathilde has had several of her Grey College senpais comment on the Expedition. She's had Belegar give his take on the Grudge thing. Believe me, I get the desire to really wallow in it for a good long time, but the low-hanging 'reactions' are done. As Algard said: "Our work is rarely seen and even rarer appreciated. Temper your expectations accordingly. A job performed well needs to be its own reward, for we so rarely see any other."

That's fair, okay. I'm asking more because I wanted to hear the opinion of our peers on what the hell was going on Karak Dum based on our findings but chances are that they would just make even more questions that we did.

The Ranald Grudge thing however I thought it would be something we would have to talk with the High King about? Although I figured that Ranald himself is laughing his ass off about the whole thing my fear was that the Signatites would use a dwarf grudge as a justification for banning Ranald or something like that.

Okay, thanks! *writes it down for future reference*
The main options I've seen kicked around for our Duckling actions are "recruit Adela" or "study more Windshrooms with Panoramia." I am curious, though: are there reasons why "study the Ghyran-seed with Panoramia" or "help her prep for Magister" aren't popular? I'm not married to any of the options (though I'm not high on trying to recruit Adela), I'm just wondering why two of these have gotten a lot of discussion and the other two haven't.
I would personally like to help Pan with the Magister Exams, but many others would rather not pressure her and let her take the exam when she thinks she it ready...

And the Nut, I think we a lot of people would rather use the WEBMAT action to research it rather than only Pan...
The main options I've seen kicked around for our Duckling actions are "recruit Adela" or "study more Windshrooms with Panoramia." I am curious, though: are there reasons why "study the Ghyran-seed with Panoramia" or "help her prep for Magister" aren't popular? I'm not married to any of the options (though I'm not high on trying to recruit Adela), I'm just wondering why two of these have gotten a lot of discussion and the other two haven't.
We have one duckling action left, so it's hotly contested between time-sensitive tasks. Panoramia feels no pressing need to become a Magister, and the nut can be poked by the Golds.
The main options I've seen kicked around for our Duckling actions are "recruit Adela" or "study more Windshrooms with Panoramia." I am curious, though: are there reasons why "study the Ghyran-seed with Panoramia" or "help her prep for Magister" aren't popular? I'm not married to any of the options (though I'm not high on trying to recruit Adela), I'm just wondering why two of these have gotten a lot of discussion and the other two haven't.
I would personally like to help Pan with the Magister Exams, but many others would rather not pressure her and let her take the exam when she thinks she it ready...

And the Nut, I think we a lot of people would rather use the WEBMAT action to research it rather than only Pan...

I would like to help Pan out too and as for her not wanting too I think we could convince her if we said that having access to the College again would help her out in her project with the Halflings.
Voting is open