Even if it's cleared out: a library deep underground and hanging over An black abyss that even the dwarfs think is a little too deep... is cool as hell, but not the best for attracting visitors.Lhune is the mountain that is currently most occupied by Dwarves, it's next to Nar which is where the humans are, it's fairly accessible from the Eastern Valley which is where the Halflings are, and it's a relatively short underground jaunt from the Karagril-Black Crag front which is where the We are. So it's got that going for it, which is good because being the most likely location left in the Karak for Five Nights AtFreddy'sMathilde's is a hell of a downside risk.
Ducks are vicious, we should pick a nicer animal, like lions or something.Hmm.
Some cursory research tells me that ducks are possible animals to include in a coat-of-arms, symbolizing vigilance and courage.
So we can totally include a duck in the emblem of WEB-MAT, to honour the legacy of Duck Club.
Mathilde yes. It'll be fine. She just has to convince everyone she was actually a hysh emperor dragon this entire time. And then convince the hysh emperor dragon to wear a petticoat and WH hat.
[ ] Challenge Dragomas for the title of Supreme Matriarch (NEW)
[ ] Attempt to recruit Egrimm van Horstmann into WEB-MAT (NEW)
Some cursory research tells me that ducks are possible animals to include in a coat-of-arms, symbolizing vigilance and courage.
So we can totally include a duck in the emblem of WEB-MAT, to honour the legacy of Duck Club.
- [ ] In Karag Nar, just below your Penthouse
- [ ] In Karag Nar, easily accessible from the entrance
"Far from," is the instant and heartfelt response. "Apart from the lack of defences. There's basic repair facilities in each bay, but if any of them need more than a few screws tightened it means I gotta lug my toolbox over. We need a single engineering bay deeper in the mountain for serious repairs or major overhauls, but that means either ramps or an elevator. Could really use the main Lhune elevator too, to keep from having each sack of powder or crate of parts carried by hand all the way up from the Underway."
"The elevator will have to wait - blasted mushrooms run amok, damn near entirely clogging it in places. Build your engineering bay."
[ ] Plan Redshirt v2
-[ ] MAX: Recruit him into the research branch of WEB-MAT
-[ ] JOHANN: Recruit him into the research branch of WEB-MAT
-[ ] DUCK: Attempt to recruit someone into the research branch of WEB-MAT: Adela
-[ ] EIC: Insert agents into a particular province, cult, company, or institution to start gathering their secrets. (Cult of Karnos, Talabecland)
-[ ] KAU: Establish the site of the KAU:
--[ ] In Karag Zilfin, just below Cython's territory
-[ ] Suggest Eike spend a few weeks in Karak Eight Peaks, so she can grow familiar with Dwarves and their ways.
-[ ] Organize and coordinate investigations by Miners and Prospectors and collate the information they gather into a unified map
--[ ] COIN: Gambler
-[ ] Investigate the possibility of using one Wind to directly manipulate another.
-[ ] Attempt to recruit Egrimm van Horstmann into WEB-MAT
-[ ] SERENITY: Write a paper: Daemonic Concealment of Karak Vlag
-[ ] PENTHOUSE: Build a basic tower of single-Wind environments for each of the 'missing' Winds: Light, Amber, Amethyst, and Gold
Oh. Elevators have already been invented. In that case: @BoneyM Are elevators a viable installation in Karag Nar (or any other mountain) that could help mitigate the effects of being in otherwise less easily accessible locations?
When I saw we could challenge Dragomas for the Supreme Matriarch position I smiled like a loon. But then reality hit me since we are no were ready for that since we would need a lot more battle grade magics to even think of trying it. In a few years sure now not a good idea.
Indeed. I am sure none of the other challengers ever thought of thatIn theory all we have to do is somehow disrupt the spell that turns him into a dragon as he's casting it, and then strike before he can throw any other kind of top level Amber battle magic at us and hope that's enough to incapacitate him. Easy peasy.
Easier said then done I'm afraid, and I doubt Dragomas is a fool so he'll probably be prepared for someone trying that.In theory all we have to do is somehow disrupt the spell that turns him into a dragon as he's casting it, and then strike before he can throw any other kind of top level Amber battle magic at us and hope that's enough to incapacitate him. Easy peasy.
I have a prediction: If we haven't hired him within the next year or so, he'll use whatever influence he has to force his name to come up for Lord Magister promotion, hoping to get from under Alric's thumb.So regarding the Van Horstmann quantum treachery, I'd argue that we're dealing with four different possible scenarios. And in each of them it'd be in our best interests to hire Egrim. Whether or not recruiting him is worth an action is obviously an entirely different point (and whether you want him to appear more in the quest a separate third point), but if the question is whether or not we should think of hiring I think the answer is clearly yes.
Scenario 1: Van Horstmann is 100% the decent and talented Magister he seems to be. This is by far the most likely scenario and the one most supported by the text, and in this case hiring him is obviously a good idea. We get an almost Lord Magister tier Wizard of a Wind we don't currently have and who Mathilde happens to get along with personally. Like, how many Hysh Magisters can we say that about? Reeling him in is clearly a good idea.
Scenario 2: Van Horstmann is on the up and up, but has some Black Magistry-worthy secret hidden. Not too likely a story, but it's fully plausible and would explain the vague, cagey remarks that BoneyM loves to throw at us. It's also the sound of thing that sounds really bad (and could potentially be that) but is the exact same situation that Mathilde has been in for the entirety of her Magisterhood. Arguably her apprenticehood as well if you count "is currently part of a Lahmian conspiracy". In this case as well, hiring Egrimm is obviously a good idea as well seeing as, well, all of the downsides from this option compared to the first are stuff we're already used to handling.
Scenario 3: Van Horstmann has actively studied Dhar (or other Black Magistry-worthy subjects), but intends to use them in defense of Order. You could say that this is a subsection of Scenario 2, but I'd argue that there is a qualitative difference between "has knowledge" and "has knowledge with the intent to use it". And if this happens, then we absolutely want to get our grubby hands on Egrimm. While the reasons I'd be partial to him are obvious, matter of fact is that if he's within our circles it'll be that much easier to convince him not to do that obviously bad thing that might seem like a good idea. If we let him stew in his current position, whatever drove him to study Dhar in the first place will only continue to push him down that path, but if we pull him away from that environment we might be able to stop that. Or at least make sure he practices properly...
Scenario 4: Van Horstmann is actually a traitor just biding his time. This is the worst case scenario, but even in this unlikely and unsupported-by-the-text scenario, I'd still say it's in our best interest to recruit him. Why? Because Egrimm has somehow kept himself being a high-ranking Black Magister a secret for most of his life, and if left alone he'll likely keep being hidden until the right time comes and he reveals himself at the absolute worst timing. If we bring him in, not only will he spend much more time in greatsword range, he will also be put in an entirely new enviroment with entirely new situations, which brings entirely new ways for him to screw up and get caught. He know that Traitor!Egrimm can stay hidden within the College of Light because he's done so (... Unless the entire College are traitors I suppose), but he has yet to prove that he can hide within the WEB-MAT. Keep your enemies closer and all that jazz.
So no matter what the truth actually is, I think it's in our best interests to recruit Egrimm if we in any way can spare the action. Bonus points because the -10 malus are unlikely to literally explode on us here.
Also, just for the record, I would like to restate my theory that if Egrimm van Horstmann turns out to be in the pocket of any of the Big Four, my money's on Nurgle. He's the only one who didn't turn up to help Slaanesh with their mountain problem. Come on, even Khorne showed up! Khorne hates Slaanesh!
She's also spent some time in the depths of Karag Lhune, and though she spent a great deal of time complaining that fungi and flora were supposedly as different as plants and animals, she's found a great deal to be interested in in a variety of mushrooms valued by Night Goblins for its ability to absorb ambient magical energies.
Isn't Windsight separated into a) what you perceive and b) how you perceive it?Different people have different types of Windsight that have differing advantages and disadvantages. Mathilde's is visual, Johann's is magnetoreception. Directly comparing the two and trying to judge which 'surpasses' the other is meaningless.
Engineer-enchanter who already started training powerstone creation before making Magister, with connections to the local Gunnery School and a large family to back her up.Why do we want Adela for our research institute? Nothing against her as a person, she's great, but we've collaborated with her on research before and she didn't exactly cover herself with glory. I think the Karag Nar Gunnery School connection will take care of itself.
Counterweight elevators are not a thing yet then. I'd have expected Dwarves with all that tech and vertical living to have thought of it by now.Technically yes, but we're talking about winch and pulley systems. You'd be trading tired legs for tired arms. The main Dwarven ones work by making sure everything going up is matched by an equal weight going down as much as possible and having a team on a capstan the rest of the time, which is the sort of thing that needs careful organization and scheduling.