@BoneyM - my preferred option right now is the trip to Ulthuan, but could you clarify how long we have between the downtime/recovery from this job and going on it, or is it down to the voters to decide?
As ideally given the prideful nature of Elves and their millennia of knowledge, a bit of preparation before going so you can most take advantage of it seems ideal. For example learning the Elven spellcasting language seems essential for acquiring magical knowledge, given it'll be how they frame their own thoughts on it and cast with. Trying to converse in a bastardised magical language, or the normal elven language seems like its trigger their superiority complex. Similarly calling yourself a "Master" of Ulgu and not having control over your ulgu mutations, wouldn't inspire great belief in Mathildes ability given the Elven focus on control and discipline.
As ideally given the prideful nature of Elves and their millennia of knowledge, a bit of preparation before going so you can most take advantage of it seems ideal. For example learning the Elven spellcasting language seems essential for acquiring magical knowledge, given it'll be how they frame their own thoughts on it and cast with. Trying to converse in a bastardised magical language, or the normal elven language seems like its trigger their superiority complex. Similarly calling yourself a "Master" of Ulgu and not having control over your ulgu mutations, wouldn't inspire great belief in Mathildes ability given the Elven focus on control and discipline.