I don't really want the dwarves enchant a sword when Mathilde can do so herself, and should be learning enough enchanting to become able to manage it. The base Grey Spellbook could potentially let an enchanted sword do any (or several!) of the following:
- Mindhole anyone we land a hit on, confusing the hell out of them and making them forget who they're fighting and why
- Cloak Activity the use of the sword so that it looks like we're not actually attacking people, or are attacking them in a different way they won't be able to defend againt
- Mockery of Death whoever we hit so that they are immediately paralyzed and incapacitated after a single hit
- Just be a straight-up invisible sword
- Ignore nonmagical armor like Shadow Knives
- Act like it's an Occam's Mindrazor weapon (strength equal to leadership score, etc.)
Now, Mathilde isn't actually good enough to do this enchanting herself right now, admittedly. Dwarf favor is a quick and easy method to get very high-quality stuff, as we've seen. But I want Mathilde's weapon to be
hers, not someone else's. The primary weapon of someone who can make magical items being something that they made themselves just feels more right to me.