... What the heck is that doing here
I don't know about this guy can we take him?
Mmm, allow me to elucidate as a method to calm my nerves
In a flash of realization, you know why your question had confused the Yusak Shaman. When he spoke of Dum, he did not mean the Dwarfhold of Karag Dum.
He meant Cor-Dum.
As you watch reality flinch away from him, Morghur the Shadowgave, immortal demigod of the Beastmen, bellows a warbling prayer to the mountain that has become his Herdstone, and from the trees countless more voices join him
The big Beastman fellow right there is Morghur the Shadowgave, or as the Dwarves know of him, Cor Dum
He is the closest thing the Beastmen as a unified race has as a leader, an immortal demigod of Chaos
His very presence twists and corrupts reality around him, spreading mutation, madness and ruination by mere merit of him being there
He cannot be killed as he simply rises again
Hailed as prophet and champion of the Chaos God's among his kind, Morghur is the Archenemy of the Wood Elves and has gone toe to toe with the likes of Orion and Ariel
Followers of Chaos are known to be drawn to him at times to stand in his presence
A pilgrimage that often leads to their doom, either killed directly or dying from their bodies giving out from the mutations
Even the strongest willed who manage to survive are often permanently scarred from the experience, their minds shattered and forever plagued by visions
The very rare few who survive intact are regarded with awe and respect
What was once Karag Dum has become his Herdstone
Herdstones, also known as Chaos Hearts, are corrupted Waystones that Beastmen hold as sacred sites of worship
They give various offerings of weapons, banners, blood sacrifice and other such ritualistic offerings at them
The general reaction to intrusion upon a Headstone is for every warherd in the area to descend upon you en masse and tear you to shreds
Or in fewer words, Karag Dum is fucked
It's not entirely impossible that there may be a few survivors, but Karag Dum itself is beyond hope
A Bloodthirster would be preferable to this