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Mallus is the name of the planet. Not the continent. A mountain sized waystone turned herdstone would have enough dhar in it to make the Great Maw look small if we tried the second secret.
Think of it that way:
Hopefully being closer to equator, the Empire will survive... well, a part of it.
Really, I always wondered about the southern hemisphere of Mallus. A pretty neat place to explore, for a post-apocalyptic sequel.
Welp, as far as reasons go to crack open an Acorn of Ages, using it to counter Morghur is probably the one use the Asrai would pat us on the back for, as opposed to killing us out of principle.

Maybe. Dunno.
Well, look on the bright side, at least we didn't roll red-red on the Dum table. So that's something. Nailed the Rite of Way casting too.
Welp, as far as reasons go to crack open an Acorn of Ages, using it to counter Morghur is probably the one use the Asrai would pat us on the back for, as opposed to killing us out of principle.

Maybe. Dunno.

We can't even do anything with because we aren't a jade!!!

Wait does our jade journeyman have any offensive spells at all?
Man if we didn't have our belt we would be so fucked right now.

As is, me might sort of stand a chance, if we double-team the bastard with Deathfang and assassinate him while he's fending off the Star Dragon. Maybe. Or we could all get mutated by the monster that considers Athel Loren his stomping grou- Oh fuck we still have the nut.
You mean our anti-mutation good luck charm? That's only a problem if we die - which is admittedly looking pretty likely right now.
Theoretically, if this idiot dies, we get 0 reputation gain from the protector right? Because he can respawn.

Whereas if he's captured, or its practical immortality sabotaged somehow, that works?
"Stabbed Morghur in the fucking face" is worth all the gains, son, even if he got better afterwards

Everybody in the Order faction cheers when someone spokes the wheel of the guy known colloquially as The Corrupter

EDIT: The downside is, the last time he got a good fight out of somebody (i.e. that Elvish demigod), when he put himself back together he started heading for Athel Lorien. Belebro is gonna be pissed if we bring Morghur home with us, we don't have anywhere to put him
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Well, I'd be in favor of:
1) Spying to see where the power from the Dum Waystone is coming from, it might lead us to surviving Dwarves,
2) Fighting with the above and the Khurgan tribes against the Beastmen, if it's at all possible (ie, if the rest of the expedition agree to it). A Herdstone of the size of a Karak is too much empowerment for a Demigod by any reasonable standard, it needs to be destroyed.
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Is Mathilde going to have to make it to the mountain, or north of the mountain, and purify or un-clog the Waystone? Thus causing it to purify and stop compiling warpstone and fueling Cor-Dum's resurrections (and probably empowerment)? While everybody else involved tries to tarpit Cor-Dum?

Like, okay, this might be potentially doable in almost literal "Luke doing a trench run against the Death Star" fashion, but...

Damn, just damn. Like.

We have the tools and the knowledge and the protections (against Dhar, though goddamn) to be able to play a crucial role in things here -- by reaching some place in the mountain, and unclogging it. And thereby potentially doing to Cor-Dum what we did to the Daemons at Karak Vlag. Sort of.

We have the potential of providing a solution to this, because we know things that nobody else does. And have Kragg's Talisman -- and Ranald's favor/attention, might might offer some slim protection to us -- and maybe Grey Wizard stealth if that matters. So that means we can make a difference here, but...


Goddamn, I did not expect to be anywhere near the same battle space as Morghur.
Guys I'm pretty sure we can't do this.

We don't have anywhere near enough dudes.

I agree. Maybe I'm overreacting, but a) he's turned a fucking Dwarf Hold into a Herdstone and b) unlike DoDA, we're a small band of adventurers, not a military-inclined province/Empire about to get hit by whatever the hell this version has thrown together/has on hand.
Welp, as far as reasons go to crack open an Acorn of Ages, using it to counter Morghur is probably the one use the Asrai would pat us on the back for, as opposed to killing us out of principle.
Would feeding the acorn to Deathfang work or would they just explode into dhar? A squirrel was a long term issue for the wood elves, imagine a dragon.

Wow, been a while since I've grasped a straws like this.
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Well, I'd be in favor of:
1) Spying to see where the power from the Dum Waystone is coming from, it might lead us to surviving Dwarves,
2) Fighting with the above and the Khurgan tribes against the Beastmen, if it's at all possible (ie, if the rest of the expedition agree to it). A Herstone of the size of a Karak is too much empowerment for a Demigod by any reasonable standard.

He's seen us, there is no spying to be had here.

Just misery.
So all my knowledge of WHF comes from this quest, and I don't really know what Cor-Dum means. Can someone explain it to me?


Morghur, known in ancient times as the "Shadowgave," the "Master of Skulls", Gor-Dum among the Dwarfs and to the Wood Elves simply as Cyanathair, "The Corruptor," is an ancient, highly mutated and wholly unkillable Beastlord and Great Bray-Shaman who has terrorised the forested woodlands of the...

Beastman pseudo-Daemon Prince that mutates everyone and everything in his vicinity.
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Cor-dum is another name for Morghur the Shadowgave.

Basical the demigod of the Beastmen and embodiment of pure chaotic change, even getting in melee range of him may fuck us.


Morghur, known in ancient times as the "Shadowgave," the "Master of Skulls", Gor-Dum among the Dwarfs and to the Wood Elves simply as Cyanathair, "The Corruptor," is an ancient, highly mutated and wholly unkillable Beastlord and Great Bray-Shaman who has terrorised the forested woodlands of the...

Beastman pseudo-Daemon prince that mutates everyone and everything in his vicinity.

Thanks for letting me know guys!
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