MATHILDE: How about we play good news, bad news.
MATHILDE: The Good News is that we found out what happened to Karak Vlag.
MATHILDE: The Bad News is that it was trapped in the Aethyr under the control of Chaos.
MATHILDE: The Good News is that we brought it back.
MATHILDE: The Good News is that Karak Vlag is back under the control of its original dawi clans.
ALGARD: Wait, that's not right. You're not supposed to do two pieces of good news in a row.
MATHILDE: That's because the good news wasn't actually good news anyway, because they're all Chaos Dwarves now and a new menace to the High Pass and Kislev. Goodbye!
(Vanishes in a puff of smoke.)
MATHILDE: The Good News is that we found out what happened to Karak Vlag.
MATHILDE: The Bad News is that it was trapped in the Aethyr under the control of Chaos.
MATHILDE: The Good News is that we brought it back.
MATHILDE: The Good News is that Karak Vlag is back under the control of its original dawi clans.
ALGARD: Wait, that's not right. You're not supposed to do two pieces of good news in a row.
MATHILDE: That's because the good news wasn't actually good news anyway, because they're all Chaos Dwarves now and a new menace to the High Pass and Kislev. Goodbye!
(Vanishes in a puff of smoke.)