Ekzentric Lohner
I miss Wildstar...
Are Hobgoblins covered by any of the topics we've got books for? We've been more worried about Daemons, Kurgen, and Chaos Dwarves, but those Dum prep actions for learning about dealing with Hobgoblins or learning their language are there for a reason...
I'd like to finish the basic investigation options for it first - use in enchantment, exposure to divine magic, exposure to a power stone, being subjected to power stone creation methods, and weaponization.I think it's past time we publish our findings about the Aethyric Vitae. I want it to be the first thing that has our Magister Lady title on it.
Next turn I'm still of the opinion we try
Fog Path
Overwork (something) Sword style or Pall of darkness
Join expedition
Coin set to protector.
I'd prefer to reserve potential overwork for "if we don't finish Fog Path with our remaining action, try to finish it with Overwork." That specific conditional action was approved as a valid choice by BoneyM a while back.I would rather do Pall of darkness.
We actually have a chance at finishing it in one action.