Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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yeah, it is risky but stands a good chance at helping with the evacuation.
in that case.

Foreign Relations:
[ ] Involve yourself in the Sylvanian campaign (specify how)
[ ] Involve yourself in the Marienburg affair (specify how)
[ ] Involve yourself in the Black Waters project (specify how)

we might want to look at doing one of these. might as well not waste the opportunity while we have the protecter up and running
I believe that having a high reputation among both the expedition and any potential survivors will give a bigger boost to the expeditions chances than a +20 to two rolls, so yes, I'm currently strongly in favor of setting the coin to Protector.
Having the Protector on when involving ourselves in the Sylvanian Campaign might put another pin into our home-town legend. Feather? The small additional articles which indicate accolades.

Mostly I just really think it'll be neat.
so just making sure, are people happy for the coin to beset to protector for the next turn?
Let's weigh our other options.
  • Night Prowler only works while we are within something that counts as a settlement and we are not using our stealth for violence. This seems potentially useful for scouting, if KD counts as a settlement, which it is not guaranteed to. Reasonable chance that this is a brick. Pass.
  • Deceiver lets us sell lies. This seems potentially quite useful for manipulating obstinate dwarves, but it's unclear how well it works during event turns instead of for prepared lies during a full turn. Solid maybe.
  • Gambler lets us go hard on an option, at the cost of no effect on any of our other actions this turn. Reasonable if there is a specific prep action we Absolutely 100% Must Not Fail, very weak when applied to the KD event. Meh.
Yeah, I think Protector is our best bet.
I was hoping for two. :ogles:
It's never two. :(
Eh, t
Maybe the real van Horstmann plot twist will be that he'll be a middle ground between the two extremes, where he's loyal to the Empire but he's also a massive douchebag.
I don't really see how it would be useful for any future mapping project in a karak that already has plenty of gyrocopters to observe things from above and at any angle and at any height. I'm much more interested in "long range teleportation", though like I said the AP cost isn't great.
My excitment for the possiblities of the teleport tower's possibilites means I want to be focused on it if possible (coin, maybe favour), so I want to wait untill after the expidition before trying that.

On the topic of the Far Sight tower, I'm picturing a very high, narrow tower with a Lens Room at the top, and a Control/Display room (via mirrors and more cantrips) at the bottom - with the possibilty of this being linked to a future MMAPP room.

The advantage is that somone in the MMAPP room will be able to see things faster than a gyrocopter can report back - even with limits like being able to see less far than a mobile gyrocopter, it is useful to have information move quickly.

Also, it sounds cool.
So im falling under this camp.

Priority one: get the spell finished if it still needs doing.

Priority two: Sword style

Priority Three: one of the mark actions or join the Sylvanian campaign (do some stabby stabby while the protector is up anyways)
Here's my priority list, starting at top priority and decreasing.

1. Does the Fog Path Spell need an extra action:
• If yes, Coin to Gambler on Fog Path.​
2. Does the Armor need an extra action:
• If yes, Coin on Gambler on Armor.​
• If 1 also happened, keep coin on Fog Path.​

3. Join the Expedition early.
• If both 1 and 2 happened, use overwork to fit this.​

4. Is there an action left:
• If yes, set Coin to Protector, then do another self improvement action.​
I think that is a good priority list, Redshirt, though as a subclause of 4 I would say that we should at least consider additional scouting, depending on the value of what our current scouting action turns up. It might be more useful than the marginal gain of another self-improvement action.
On the topic of the Far Sight tower, I'm picturing a very high, narrow tower with a Lens Room at the top, and a Control/Display room (via mirrors and more cantrips) at the bottom - with the possibilty of this being linked to a future MMAPP room.

The advantage is that somone in the MMAPP room will be able to see things faster than a gyrocopter can report back - even with limits like being able to see less far than a mobile gyrocopter, it is useful to have information move quickly.

Also, it sounds cool.

I understand it sounds cool to you, but it seems to me that the greatest threats to the karak and the ones most in need of mapping/monitoring are all underground. Everything aboveground is pretty well understood, scouted, and monitored. Would a big-ass tower help? I suppose, on the margins. Not in a way that really seems worth the cost to me, though.

Here's my priority list, starting at top priority and decreasing.

1. Does the Fog Path Spell need an extra action:
• If yes, Coin to Gambler on Fog Path.​
2. Does the Armor need an extra action:
• If yes, Coin on Gambler on Armor.​
• If 1 also happened, keep coin on Fog Path.​

3. Join the Expedition early.
• If both 1 and 2 happened, use overwork to fit this.​

4. Is there an action left:
• If yes, set Coin to Protector, then do another self improvement action.​

I feel Coin to Protector is more important than Gambler even if we're trying to finish Fog Path or Robes.

I also think the Robes are just not that important. Sure I'll go along with doing them, but they aren't super high priority,
I think that is a good priority list, Redshirt, though as a subclause of 4 I would say that we should at least consider additional scouting, depending on the value of what our current scouting action turns up. It might be more useful than the marginal gain of another self-improvement action.

I can agree with that - it would give us more info and let us get a head-start on Expedition Rep before the expedition even starts thanks to the Protector.
On the Max/Johann action slots next turn:

I know that the general response to specific training has been "They know what they're doing, leave them to it", but I'd like to point out that as of next turn it will be a year and a half since Mathilde gave either of her employees any direct instructions at all, of any kind. There comes a point where "I trust you know what you're doing" becomes "I don't really care what you're doing".

They have had plenty of time to raise the ceiling on their strengths, and it's not micromanaging to guarantee that one of the gacha rolls is the highest-utility option for each to shore up their weak points.

Army of Lead for Johann to give him some unit-scale debuffs and round out his high level of personal punchiness, some form of personal melee defence for Max (I'd go with Axe-training on Belegar's dime) to round out his current spec.

Yes, they 'might be doing that already', but the point of the half-action each is to guarantee it, at basically zero cost. The gachas will then pick from the remaining options, with no actions lost. The past few turns have been raising the ceiling; it's time to raise the floor.

Given that all the major prep items are already accounted for, I'm happy to focus on the minor detail that's been niggling for a while with no attention. So I personally won't be voting for any plan that has Mathilde going totally laissez-faire on her obligations as an employer this time. Want to pick up a free +1 vote on your plan? Specify the Max/Johann actions.
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I understand it sounds cool to you, but it seems to me that the greatest threats to the karak and the ones most in need of mapping/monitoring are all underground. Everything aboveground is pretty well understood, scouted, and monitored. Would a big-ass tower help? I suppose, on the margins. Not in a way that really seems worth the cost to me, though.

I feel Coin to Protector is more important than Gambler even if we're trying to finish Fog Path or Robes.

I also think the Robes are just not that important. Sure I'll go along with doing them, but they aren't super high priority,
I'm also under the 'coin to protector' is more important then robes. and is arguably more important then fog path.

setting the coin to action that's not the expedition doest feel right to me.
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I've been thinking about the mapping of the Karaks, underground in real time, and I think the best spirit to bind into it's creation would be a plant, or even a mushroom.

You have a working to tie a tree-spirit to a real tree in the Karak, and use the spirit-roots growing down into open spaces as your relay/sensor network. So a thing where a real tree IS the map, hanging suspended in midair at the top of a dome and it's roots form the tunnels and halls, bound to mirror the growth of the immaterial (or perhaps made of a very thin fog?) root system that grows down and out through all the tunnels it can. New tunnel opens, new root grows on the real tree. Real tree is fed by magic from the spirit bound into it and probably runes of light and stone all around it's chamber. Any part of the spirit tree gets cut off, that portion of the real tree falls off.

And (going crack now) we get an awesome lenticular cloud effect over the whole of K8P from afar, as if a tree sheltered the entire caldera under it's wispy branches. Elves with love it and want to be our friends, wutroth trees will grow thick on the slopes, and we could tie in megaprojects like purifying the aquifers via 'roots' or even materializing portions on command to block incursions.
I believe that having a high reputation among both the expedition and any potential survivors will give a bigger boost to the expeditions chances than a +20 to two rolls, so yes, I'm currently strongly in favor of setting the coin to Protector.
I agree, both out of thematics and, as an additional point of strategic relevance, I would suspect one of the events we talked about with Gotri is very applicable to the coin choice: "Handy. Right, Borek's going to encounter the reality that his Karak is inevitably doomed, and when that happens, he's probably going to go Slayer and won't care who he takes with him. "

I would think that would qualify very much as "A danger [to the expedition] that we didn't cause." and one where "believing we acted out of selflessness" would make a major difference to our ability to keep the command in able hands. Ideally we just convince him to keep going, but I imagine it makes the prospect of having pull those levers Gotri gave us much easier and less fraught than it could otherwise be.

I'm not sure if that point's been made before or not, but I feel like it's one that should be, so I'll just say it anyways.

EDIT: Basically, I think this could soften a lot of the worst outcomes of what I expect could be quest defining reaction rolls. Not just during the event but, if used well, after it too. (Because Belegar's Loremaster leading a mutiny could do bad things to the divide in the Karak Ankor.)

Also, no, the appropriateness is not at all lost on me that one the strongest possible uses of the Coin of Renald the Protector is to legitimize a mutiny or revolution.
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"If you survive long enough, your path will allow you to become something similar. And the blessing of your species is that it will take you much less time than it did me."
I wonder if this affinity for magick is what made the Undumgi soldiers responsive to the Anvil of Doom strikes during the initial expedition. This is something we can study, now that we have a steady supply of recharge for Thorek's Anvil.

@BoneyM would it be theologically acceptable for the Runelords to test the effects of Anvil Buffs on humans? If nothing else it'll make the Dwarfs much more willing to use humans as fodder and preserve their population a bit, or maybe even branch out into runes tailor made for human use.
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I concur. Here's my list of actions that I think are in plausible competition for our two slots:
  • Join Expedition at Praag
    Pro: getting an early start on the exciting confluence of characters (read: drama explosion waiting to happen) that will be this expedition. Con: Not getting to do something else on this list.
  • Train our Mantle of Mist Arcane Mark
    Safety from airborne hazards and personal magical development.
  • Train our Windsight against Pall of Darkness
    Neat combat trick and advancing Windsight for a potential upgraded trait down the line.
  • Scout More
    Depending on if we learn any gamechanging information from the scouting action this turn that would have been useless if we acquired it during expedition turns, a strong voting bloc might emerge for doing more scouting.
  • Recruit More
    I know some people want to go pick up more friends.
  • Develop Fog Path Spell
    Maybe it'll turn out that two turns wasn't enough.
I think there's a reasonable chance that people might successfully lobby for taking a second Overwork action next turn, imposing a -10 penalty on our T34, for the sake of squeezing in even more prep.
We could do two overwork actions and take the -20 penalty. I think this is the kind of thing that it's worth it.

More likely IMO, from currently being involved in writing a large RPG book: It was written by multiple people, and the compiler/publisher didn't notice the "don't play vampires" note in one author's chapter blatantly contradicting the chapter another author had written on how to play vampires.
I think it was more "Playing a vampire is generally a bad idea, but our players will want to do it anyway, they'll expect rules on playing vampires from the vampire book, and inevitably some of the vampire player games will be good anyway."
It's not permanent. Pruning the warboss has a purely temporary effect, and if we die I highly doubt that effect will be capitalised upon before it wears out.

Killing the current warboss will at best reset things to how they were immediately after the caldera battle. More likely the Karak Drazh Orcs will still be stonger than they were at that point.
Actually likely to backfire if kept up long term.
People remember "kill the warboss" like its an axiom for fighting orcs, forgetting that "kill the warboss" is followed up with "roll an army in to massacre them in the confusion".

OR, what happens if you kill the Warboss is:
1) General confusion
2) Strong Orcs rally some minions and begin fighting for dominance
3) Leaders emerges, losers submit to leaders or killed
4) Leaders bash out a Warboss and then their rivals are now their sub bosses or dead.

If you just repeatedly assassinate the warboss without killing the warboss candidates you've produced a stronger Waagh, as the candidates get better and better in skill via competition.
If you DO assassinate the warboss and all their candidates you're taking lots of risks, this is what armies are for.
Or to put another way:
People want to link (by a method Mathilde doesn't currently know) the tower to another piece of magical infrastructure (which doesn't currently exist) so it can self-update (by a method that doesn't exist and would likely require demons if it did) the tiny and insignificant portion of K8P (the surface) that the tower can actually see.

Or in other words: paying 2CF to commit us to paying a great many CF, DF and AP on a project that Belegar will probably never pick.

I am very much hoping BoneyM has some new tower options. Because all the current ones are either too expensive for our remaining budget or effectively worthless.
Eh, if people want it fully automated thats a thing.
Theres also the 'lower tech' method of linking the map to physical tokens that an operator using the observation tower can update by hand, vastly less potent, but usable in battle.

But, the tower is useful in its own right without any weird slippery slope logic.
I know that the general response to specific training has been "They know what they're doing, leave them to it", but I'd like to point out that as of next turn it will be a year and a half since Mathilde gave either of her employees any direct instructions at all, of any kind. There comes a point where "I trust you know what you're doing" becomes "I don't really care what you're doing".
Belegar: "Hey, I do it, it works, I don't need to learn about more distressing Zhuf things, just look at the results."
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So litterly spend a year taking it easy after the trip?

maybe do a lot of AP soscal actions?

I'd be down for that, if I was sure that we'd get the luxury not to do anything strenuous. But with Roswita's vampire war ending, Marienburg heating up, elven god shenanigans, and who knows what else, I don't trust that we'd actually get to sit still. Not to mention that we'd be eating a malus in any actions we throw on the Boon project, whichever one ends up winning.
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