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its ok to just have fun and not be threadmarked.Kinda wondering if I should bulk that last out to a proper omake, or just leave it quipy. Feeling lazy honestly, so we'll see.
Edit: dangit double posted
its ok to just have fun and not be threadmarked.Kinda wondering if I should bulk that last out to a proper omake, or just leave it quipy. Feeling lazy honestly, so we'll see.
Kinda wondering if I should bulk that last out to a proper omake, or just leave it quipy. Feeling lazy honestly, so we'll see.
You can always just delete the second post and edit it into the original one. I don't think it's a big issue either way though.
Well yes, but excessive complexity doesn't seem like itself when typing it out as a joke.At this point I'd like to leave the Wisdom Asp box to Belegar with a note suggesting that he, "Soak Thorek for all he's worth!"
All this business of "leave the box to one group, but then they have to give some of the snakeblood to another group" is asking for trouble, IMO. Dead people can express wishes about the immediate disposition of their former property, sure, but trying to control what's done with it long after your death is a bad idea on principle and a bad idea for living people to allow. Nobody should be having to manage things according to the wishes of someone who died long ago. Mathilde divides up her property in her will as she likes, but then it's for the recipients to plot the course of the future.
@BoneyM totally serious question and certainly not a joke question... assuming we have totally coordinated and willing mages from all winds, can we make a "summon teletubies" spell/ritual/artifact with windherder, or would we need Quaysh for that particular buritto? And are they considered daemons or apparitions? Because that is a really good idea for a potential summon apparition spell.
Personally whilst I think Fog path has a lot of utility for the expedition we're going on it's a bit meh for a battle magic spell. In TT unless we get something drastically better than I expect I think this spell would just let you allow a single unit to ignore dangerous terrain. Useful if you literally had nothing else to do or cast but you'd never actually use it otherwise. I'm hopeful that it will be a gateway to making more battle magics of our own as the thread will have dipped its toes in but given the way every thing else I've wanted has gone the last bunch of turns I doubt it.
Yep already found it and edited it into my post. I was wrong.
One of those spells that makes you scratch your head and wonder what it's doing in that lore of magic but eh.
Frankly, it comes down to practicailty. @BoneyM, I try not to game systems when said system is operated by person, but for this... well, I do have optimiser/powergamer instincts. I ask this not as a challange to the limations you set, but because my mind is one that sees a limitation, and seeks to overcome it.
If you say: "Doyle says no", then I accept that.
Is there anything stopping Mathilde from grabbing a human/halfling and letting them practice a bit with the breath item, so that they can use it (and recover) whule Mahilde fights?
Context being that "big attack on expidition, Mathike has better things to do with her time than use and recover from using this iten than some other human/halfing, compared to the utility of said human/halfling doing something other than use said item"
So when do we break the fourth wall and become actual voices in Mathilde's Brain @BoneyM ?
This is Dhar territory. It would definitely be an Abominable Act, a breach of Articles 1, 4, 7, and 15, and will get all involved labelled heretic and traitor to be put to sword and fire immediately.
I can do this all day.
I was thinking of "incoming horde" as the circumstances where the item is both useful, but Msthilde has swording and casting to do, which tend to be more valuable than one gun. It's a very specific edge case.It seems like this would greatly exacerbate the problem of reaction time, and it would be putting an incredible amount of power and trust in the hands of 'some other human/halfling'. Do you trust them to aim it with complete reliability in stressful situations, where if they err it could obliterate your allies or yourself? Do you trust them to be comfortable enough with magic to not hesitate when the time comes, and yet not so comfortable with it that they don't realize that all they've got to do is slip away from the Expedition, become a mercenary, and be able to demand a small fortune as a discount Asarnil? Do you trust them not to get killed in the chaos of battle and have the flask end up in enemy hands?
I'm really looking forward to the Grey College becoming the most popular wizards among the Knightly Orders if we can make the spell functional and teachable. It's not just Crecy-like situations(and battle of Banockburn situations), heavy cavalry is the military arm with the second most terrain restrictions. Better than chariots, worse than tanks(these are the things that overheat and undergo mechanical failiure trying to climb a hill, or suffer an inability to depress their guns far enough if they're too high up on a hill, and constantly get stuck and need a ton of work to tow them out on muddy ground), and traditionally the army with less of the heavy cavalry maneuvers around trying to avoid fighting on ground suitable to heavy cavalry, while the one with more keeps their main body sitting on suitable terrain, both using their light cavalry and raiders to try to threaten the other one with starvation and force them to seek a decisive battle before they can weaken.Both the wargame and the tabletop overlook the logistical side of warfare. Fog Path would have won Crecy for the French.
And this is where soft-locking comes from.
Hopefully Cython makes it into the top four next turn and isn't somehow just pushed out of contention again.
...Which hat? We've got a lot of them."Because underneath the hat you are a precious cinnamon roll,"
I brought this up when the update about Fog Path's development went up, but there was no buzz about this so I'm worried I missed something.Both the wargame and the tabletop overlook the logistical side of warfare. Fog Path would have won Crecy for the French.
And of course, my first thought upon reading this was "how can I use this to bring back Abelhelm".This is Dhar territory. It would definitely be an Abominable Act, a breach of Articles 1, 4, 7, and 15, and will get all involved labelled heretic and traitor to be put to sword and fire immediately.
That's a Lore of Death spell. Can't do it with daemonology or necromancy.And of course, my first thought upon reading this was "how can I use this to bring back Abelhelm".
... You know, the Teletubbies' powers of long-range communication are well known. That would be nice, wouldn't it? To see and talk to Abel one more time, even after he was taken from us?