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I feel that if the wood elfs had any interest in meeting Arsanil over the hundreds of years he's been around the old world, they would have.

And that if he was interested he has tried and failed already.

might not be a smart thing to bring up.
Kinda wondering if I should bulk that last out to a proper omake, or just leave it quipy. Feeling lazy honestly, so we'll see.

I'd love to see more of that.

its ok to just have fun and not be threadmarked.

But... if you want to keep being lazy, we could create a compilation post of short stuff. A single 200-word passage may not make the cut, but if we stack them on top of each other, surely BoneyM can't deny all of them at once! :p

In actuality though I wouldn't mind having a place to go through all the fun little snippets that pop up, the thread moves very quickly and it's easy to miss things. Like, the burrito madness summary was great, and I'm pretty sure there were a few Magda Wessens that didn't make it into apocrypha.

Edit: dangit double posted
You can always just delete the second post and edit it into the original one. I don't think it's a big issue either way though.
you know what? I've decided, if it comes to a will.

Anton gets the Coin. (we don't even need to bring it on the trip, the blessing is on us until the 6 months are up.)

Pan gets the k8ps house.

The College get the Box with a clouse that K8Ps get every third years supply of AV at lest.

The honchlander get 20% of the EIC so he can keep doing things with it and the rest to the prince when he turns 18(16? whats the adult age of the empire again?)
I think, if we die:

The Coin, if recoverable, goes to the Church of Ranald, in so much as there is one, in order to serve as the holy relic it is. Specifically, the Holy Relic that was only possible because of us. Saint Mathilde's Coin, because we actually will be in the aethyr to forward those prayers. Then over a few decades we'll reassemble enough of an aetheryic consciousness to be vaguely smug about it. This may or may not still involve giving it to Anton.

The penthouse goes to Wolf, as does our remaining money, to ensure his proper feeding and care.

Whoever gets the box has to share favor with us when selling it on to the Karaz Ankor; this will ensure a steady reputation raise for our sub-cult. We'll regain the ability to spend it by giving Morr a cut in exchange for sending on our mail; such is divine politics.

The Hochlander steps up as the overseer of the EIC with our full shares, with the understanding that if they go it'll pass on to another Grey College handler, for the safety and prosperity of the Empire.

Karak Eight Peaks gets all the tons and tons of books we purchased with our own money, for their own Loremaster to use (and so that nobody has to go to the effort of separating out our personal and work collections).
At this point I'd like to leave the Wisdom Asp box to Belegar with a note suggesting that he, "Soak Thorek for all he's worth!"

All this business of "leave the box to one group, but then they have to give some of the snakeblood to another group" is asking for trouble, IMO. Dead people can express wishes about the immediate disposition of their former property, sure, but trying to control what's done with it long after your death is a bad idea on principle and a bad idea for living people to allow. Nobody should be having to manage things according to the wishes of someone who died long ago. Mathilde divides up her property in her will as she likes, but then it's for the recipients to plot the course of the future.
At this point I'd like to leave the Wisdom Asp box to Belegar with a note suggesting that he, "Soak Thorek for all he's worth!"

All this business of "leave the box to one group, but then they have to give some of the snakeblood to another group" is asking for trouble, IMO. Dead people can express wishes about the immediate disposition of their former property, sure, but trying to control what's done with it long after your death is a bad idea on principle and a bad idea for living people to allow. Nobody should be having to manage things according to the wishes of someone who died long ago. Mathilde divides up her property in her will as she likes, but then it's for the recipients to plot the course of the future.
Well yes, but excessive complexity doesn't seem like itself when typing it out as a joke.

And when we regain autonomy in a few centuries it'd be a nice nest egg. :V
[X] Plan Perfectly Balanced
[X] Plan Unconvention

Exactly what I wanted, thank you.
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I've not consulted extensively, but I would expect that if @Omegahugger 's will proposal works out any unfortunate state of being 'all dead' will shortly be replaced by one of being mostly dead undead, so disposition of secondary possessions will be more concerned with their recovery and short-term storage requirements. ;)
@BoneyM totally serious question and certainly not a joke question... assuming we have totally coordinated and willing mages from all winds, can we make a "summon teletubies" spell/ritual/artifact with windherder, or would we need Quaysh for that particular buritto? And are they considered daemons or apparitions? Because that is a really good idea for a potential summon apparition spell.

This is Dhar territory. It would definitely be an Abominable Act, a breach of Articles 1, 4, 7, and 15, and will get all involved labelled heretic and traitor to be put to sword and fire immediately.

Personally whilst I think Fog path has a lot of utility for the expedition we're going on it's a bit meh for a battle magic spell. In TT unless we get something drastically better than I expect I think this spell would just let you allow a single unit to ignore dangerous terrain. Useful if you literally had nothing else to do or cast but you'd never actually use it otherwise. I'm hopeful that it will be a gateway to making more battle magics of our own as the thread will have dipped its toes in but given the way every thing else I've wanted has gone the last bunch of turns I doubt it.

Both the wargame and the tabletop overlook the logistical side of warfare. Fog Path would have won Crecy for the French.

Yep already found it and edited it into my post. I was wrong.

One of those spells that makes you scratch your head and wonder what it's doing in that lore of magic but eh.

To Elves, it wouldn't be, because why wouldn't you use the Lore of Fire instead? This is known as Cardinal magic. But the Colleges expand the capability of each individual Wind as much as possible because they can only ever safely use a single Wind, using both the literal (Elemental) and metaphorical (Mystical) resonances of their Wind to stretch the boundaries. This means at the edges there's a fair bit of overlap between individual Colleges.

Frankly, it comes down to practicailty. @BoneyM, I try not to game systems when said system is operated by person, but for this... well, I do have optimiser/powergamer instincts. I ask this not as a challange to the limations you set, but because my mind is one that sees a limitation, and seeks to overcome it.

If you say: "Doyle says no", then I accept that.

Is there anything stopping Mathilde from grabbing a human/halfling and letting them practice a bit with the breath item, so that they can use it (and recover) whule Mahilde fights?

Context being that "big attack on expidition, Mathike has better things to do with her time than use and recover from using this iten than some other human/halfing, compared to the utility of said human/halfling doing something other than use said item"

It seems like this would greatly exacerbate the problem of reaction time, and it would be putting an incredible amount of power and trust in the hands of 'some other human/halfling'. Do you trust them to aim it with complete reliability in stressful situations, where if they err it could obliterate your allies or yourself? Do you trust them to be comfortable enough with magic to not hesitate when the time comes, and yet not so comfortable with it that they don't realize that all they've got to do is slip away from the Expedition, become a mercenary, and be able to demand a small fortune as a discount Asarnil? Do you trust them not to get killed in the chaos of battle and have the flask end up in enemy hands?

So when do we break the fourth wall and become actual voices in Mathilde's Brain @BoneyM ?

You already kind of are. Thread speculation turns up in her internal monologue fairly regularly.
It seems like this would greatly exacerbate the problem of reaction time, and it would be putting an incredible amount of power and trust in the hands of 'some other human/halfling'. Do you trust them to aim it with complete reliability in stressful situations, where if they err it could obliterate your allies or yourself? Do you trust them to be comfortable enough with magic to not hesitate when the time comes, and yet not so comfortable with it that they don't realize that all they've got to do is slip away from the Expedition, become a mercenary, and be able to demand a small fortune as a discount Asarnil? Do you trust them not to get killed in the chaos of battle and have the flask end up in enemy hands?
I was thinking of "incoming horde" as the circumstances where the item is both useful, but Msthilde has swording and casting to do, which tend to be more valuable than one gun. It's a very specific edge case.

The bolded bit did not occur to me tbh. A duckling could be trusted, I
Both the wargame and the tabletop overlook the logistical side of warfare. Fog Path would have won Crecy for the French.
I'm really looking forward to the Grey College becoming the most popular wizards among the Knightly Orders if we can make the spell functional and teachable. It's not just Crecy-like situations(and battle of Banockburn situations), heavy cavalry is the military arm with the second most terrain restrictions. Better than chariots, worse than tanks(these are the things that overheat and undergo mechanical failiure trying to climb a hill, or suffer an inability to depress their guns far enough if they're too high up on a hill, and constantly get stuck and need a ton of work to tow them out on muddy ground), and traditionally the army with less of the heavy cavalry maneuvers around trying to avoid fighting on ground suitable to heavy cavalry, while the one with more keeps their main body sitting on suitable terrain, both using their light cavalry and raiders to try to threaten the other one with starvation and force them to seek a decisive battle before they can weaken.

Fog path just skips the whole issue, you can let a bunch of beastmen or greenskins catch your heavy cavalry being led through a bog, then all mount up and fog path charge them like it was the solidest ground, and this trick will stay mostly unexpected for a good decade or so, because neither beastmen nor greenskins have any system for sharing military intelligence around their infestations in the Empire.

The Grey college would absolutely exploit popularity among the knightly orders.
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Ship Names
You're still embarrassed to be thinking about the whole topic, but a few ales with dinner help, and the bawdy rounds of song led by the bard in the corner make it feel even less out of place. Doing something about the amused exasperation that Wolf sends you whenever you're on a date is added motivation. Deciding you can move safely while the entire tavern is distracted, you select a prepared conversation topic and hope that putting a name on the concept will help you grapple with it rationally. "So," you say over the din, "What do you think our ship name is?"

Panoramia looks over at you to give your question a quizzical eyebrow. "Ship name? I didn't know we were buying a boat."

"Boat? No, uh," you break off, thrown by her unfeigned incomprehension. "Hold on. I know you participate in the book exchange," you ask.

"Oh, that?" Panoramia shakes her head. "I never actually read any of them. I saw you bribe Edda to organize your party," she says with an amused smile, "and figured I could use it for favors too."

"Oh," you say, "Okay." You blink and start discarding evidence that you now know is invalid. "No wonder I couldn't figure out what you liked," you mutter sheepishly, your face heating up as you recall some of your more exotic theories. You try to hide in your tankard.

Panoramia giggles.

You're sure she knows what you're thinking right now and your blush deepens. "Okay yes good back to my original question now," you babble frantically. "Ship names. Uh. Shipping. Relationships. For characters in books? When you're arguing about who should get with who?" You dare to sneak a look at her.

Panoramia's nose wrinkles. "Gossiping about fictional characters?"

"Literary analysis and art appreciation," you reply thankfully, grasping her engagement with the familiar topic like a drowning sailor taking a lifeline. "When someone thinks that two characters should be in a relationship and they are fundamentally and incontrovertibly incorrect, you have to be able to efficiently explain why they're wrong and why they should feel bad about their wrongness," you say, stabbing the table with one finger to underline the importance of the topic. Panoramia snorts in amusement and you continue with regained confidence. "Thus the ship name: terminology to ease communication by unambiguously labeling a particular relationship."

"Ah," she says, enlightenment dawning. "So, the arguments over whether Alarielle belongs with Tyrion or Teclis, names for the different factions?"

You nod. "Exactly. Sword-shippers think Tyrion should win, while Staff-shippers root for Teclis."

"I see," Panoramia says. She gives you an appraising look as she takes a long drink of her ale. "And you're asking what our ship name is." She takes another ominous pull. "As in, the name for our relationship."

"Y-Yes. This would've been much less awkward if you'd known what I was talking about." You cough. "And if the conversation had gone the way I planned."

Panoramia laughs. "Don't worry, I'll stop teasing you about it soon enough. You're just cute when you get flustered." Like right now, you see her think under all the green. She ponders. "You'd be Dark Horse, I think. Except you're not competing with anyone for my hand, and even if you were nobody would bet against you." She smiles at you.

"Aww." You smile back. "On the other hand, making myself out to be the underdog to gather sympathy would be an effective gambit."

"Ah, there's your trademark sleight of hand," Panoramia laughs.

"If you're not cheating you're not trying," you declare airily. "Anyway, the traditional portmanteau would probably be Pan-thilde."

"What, you're not going to take first author privileges?"

"Mat-o-ramia is hard to say and feels competitive again."

"Not the way Dark Horse is," she says, "but I can see it. Weber, Panoramia, Weberamia?"

"Easier to say, at least. Spies, druids, plants, assassins... Maybe something about gardening?"

She shakes her head. "No, too morbid and edgy." She considers. "I'd suggest something related to farming or fertility," she says mischievously, "but I have a feeling you'd explode."

"I thought you said you'd stop teasing me," you pout at her.

"I wasn't teasing you! I specifically avoided making any suggestions." She sticks her nose in the air and huffs. "I will similarly avoid anything related to that huge long thing you hide under your robes."

"Wh- what, Branulhune," you splutter, "It's not like that!"

"Right," she says. "What did you name it again? Cleverness by Moonlight?" She grins wickedly. "Oh, I bet."

"This has gone horribly wrong," you complain, burying your burning face in your hands. "Why did I suggest this topic."

"Because underneath the hat you are a precious cinnamon roll," Panoramia says. She gives you a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Are there any minerals with appropriate symbolism? I'd suggest a plant, but I avoided the religious parts of the curriculum."

You peek out at her from between your fingers. "Nephrite is a form of jade that's often gray in color, but I'm not familiar with any metaphysical meaning."

"It sounds like an Amethyst thing." She drums her fingers on the table. "How about Shady Tree? They make for relaxing naps on hot days."

Emboldened, you come back out and smile at her. "That sounds like a nice date, if nothing else."

Panoramia returns the smile. It makes you feel fuzzy. "It does. Shall we revisit the topic after doing some research?"

You laugh a little. "Sometime next week? Sounds good to me."

"It's 'Vines In Shadow', you twits," yells a Fieldwarden at the next table over.

Thanks to @BoneyM for editing and this thread for helping me brainstorm ship names. :V
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And this is where soft-locking comes from.

Hopefully Cython makes it into the top four next turn and isn't somehow just pushed out of contention again.
Both the wargame and the tabletop overlook the logistical side of warfare. Fog Path would have won Crecy for the French.
I brought this up when the update about Fog Path's development went up, but there was no buzz about this so I'm worried I missed something.

Is there some special property of Ulgu that lends it to casting "single battle magic spell casting many lesser magic spells", or is that something plausibly replicable with other winds?

Because the concept of cross-wind battlemagics, even if just mass casting of lesser magics is pretty impressive.
This is Dhar territory. It would definitely be an Abominable Act, a breach of Articles 1, 4, 7, and 15, and will get all involved labelled heretic and traitor to be put to sword and fire immediately.
And of course, my first thought upon reading this was "how can I use this to bring back Abelhelm".

... You know, the Teletubbies' powers of long-range communication are well known. That would be nice, wouldn't it? To see and talk to Abel one more time, even after he was taken from us?
And of course, my first thought upon reading this was "how can I use this to bring back Abelhelm".

... You know, the Teletubbies' powers of long-range communication are well known. That would be nice, wouldn't it? To see and talk to Abel one more time, even after he was taken from us?
That's a Lore of Death spell. Can't do it with daemonology or necromancy.
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