Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] (DRAGON) Offer to teach it Khazalid
[X] (ROSWITA) Sparring sessions
[X] (ROSWITA) A shared investigation into the undead
[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together
"Yes-yes, fought-slayed the ratties," she says absently, peering at the runework.
Gehenna is awesome, and I've got this suspicion that she might stick around longer than we're expecting. It must be nice to be able to talk openly about the Skaven, and we're the only place in the world that keeps the language books open to wizards instead of behind lock and key.
You imagine the effects of a grapeshot broadside lashing out from the side of the steam-wagons, and smile. "I'm sure it'll be appreciated."
And suddenly we turned those steam-wagons into Land Raiders. Good stuff.
Damn.... i want to do all the dragon options... not for romance but for utility!!!

I mean, think of the advantages all of them could bring!!!!!!

Hell, we could make the dragon mercenary mount and "our" dragon meet, if they are interested in chatting with someone of their kind!!!
[X] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come
[X] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together
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[X] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting

[X] (ROSWITA) Invite her to peruse your library for useful information
[X] (ROSWITA) Go for a Cruise on the Stir

[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family

No, they either stay at Karak Kadrin or march with the Throngs when they go to war.
Does Mathilde think that, if she had a barazul "on retainer", she could get them out to the expedition quickly enough to do any good if things looked bad? Or does that also fall under "They stay at Karak Kadrin"? Or is that too risky for a barazul anyway?
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Hell, we could make the dragon mercenary mount and "our" dragon meet, if they are interested in chatting with someone of their kind!!!
IIRC, dragons tend to be even more territorial and disinclined to share living spaces than die-for-our-ship style shippers, so I am not sure it's a good idea.

Plus, our dragonfriend doesn't seem to like elves, which means there's a non-zero chance they'll insult Deathfang's pet and then all hell breaks loose.
Does Mathilde think that, if she had a barazul "on retainer", she could get them out to the expedition quickly enough to do any good if things looked bad? Or does that also fall under "They stay at Karak Kadrin"? Or is that too risky for a barazul anyway?

They're halfway between Loremasters and Priests of Grimnir, and only exist in the employ of Karak Kadrin. You can't really headhunt one for your own payroll. And besides, they don't guarantee Dwarves won't go Slayer, if they think someone has a genuine reason they'll help them shave their head and administer the proper rites on the spot.
On Dragons and Linguistics. I'm wondering if he would ask us to teach him Khazalid on his own volition? It'd be the biggest boot to the Elves to have a Dragon encounter them who speaks Dawi.
[X] (DRAGON) Compare notes between its recollections and Dwarven records of its activity
[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
[X] (ROSWITA) Invite her to peruse your library for useful information
[x] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation

Want to know more about Roswita, not the Elector Countess. Also this seems less awkward and more believable even if less personal.

[x] (ANTON) Visit your fief together
[x] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family.

Mix of curiosity about the fief and gift shenanigans.

[X] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together

Bounding over work, whats else to vote?

Edit: dragon

[x] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
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[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family
[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
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[X] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family
[X] (OSWALD) Shared gyrocopter tour
[X] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics
[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ROSWITA) Go for a Cruise on the Stir
[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family
[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
Not sure if offering to teach a Dragon is nice. Arent Dragon pround creatures? Why should he learn Khazalid? Why dont the Dwarves learn Classical instead? They are the ones interested in communication not him.
I know there's no trap option but I found more narrative fitting to discuss linguistic rather than offer teaching.
Not sure if offering to teach a Dragon is nice. Arent Dragon pround creatures? Why should he learn Khazalid? Why dont the Dwarves learn Classical instead? They are the ones interested in communication not him.
I know there's no trap option but I found more narrative fitting to discuss linguistic rather than offer teaching.

Because it could, in his infinite superiority learn Khazalid better and faster than any Dwarf could learn Classical.

Also, because he enjoys our company, and we don't speak Classical.
[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family
[x] (DRAGON) Compare notes between its recollections and Dwarven records of its activity
[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
What the heck happened to the Gotri who was trivially out-maneuvered by Anton into cheerfully revealing firearms secrets?

Intrigue 6?
Either he's wised up, or...
Maybe we shouldn't trust his assessment so uncritically?
Its Diplomacy(Karaz Ankor) being tested here, not Intrigue and he IS a Prince, with the full education in diplomacy of one.
If you think it over from a dwarf perspective rather than leap to the first conclusion from a spy perspective, he's suggesting that when/if the expedition leader goes Slayer, the candidates for leadership are:
-Slayer Thane of Karag Dum, functionally 'King' of the expedition
-Clanless Engineer, rank Lieutenant of no Hold, functionally 'Internal Thane' of the expedition
-Clanless Ranger, rank Lieutenant of no Hold, functionally 'External Thane' of the expedition
-Master Wizard, rank Thane of Karak Eight Peaks
-Anonymous Dwarf, no rank.

As Borek has no oaths binding him to his position, unlike a King, he usually forsakes leadership if he swears the Slayer oath - his job is now to die well, not lead.
This means command falls to...based on the situation(definitely external-y situation), Snorri, followed by Gotrek, followed by Mathilde.

In such a case, all Mathilde needs to do to take command would be to offer Snorri and Gotrek a reason to go "Not It".
The secret is to make your employer think having an underling known only as The Hochlander sounds mysterious and fun.
What if he is actually named Hochland?

The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[ ] (DRAGON) Just show up and see if it's feeling chatty

Seems unlikely to work out. The Dragon doesn't like a 'just chat'

[ ] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics

This is a "complain about Eltharin being a bad language in Eltharin" session. It'd be funny.

[ ] (DRAGON) Offer to teach it Khazalid

I'd note this shouldn't take as long as it would seem. The dragon managed to learn Classical back when they were hanging around proto-Tilea eating pirates, without much in the way of extended diplomatic contact.
Learning will be quick.
Learning Khazalid using Eltharin as the medium of communications is going to be fascinating.

[ ] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting

Engage the dragon as one puissant magical being to another.
Actually a thing Eltharin is good at.

[ ] (DRAGON) Compare notes between its recollections and Dwarven records of its activity

History class! Probably the most interesting...except doing this through Eltharin does not seem a good plan for coherence.

Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[ ] (ROSWITA) Sparring sessions

Pretty basic, get a feel for how killy she is. Maybe probe regarding her choice in weapons?

[ ] (ROSWITA) Invite her to peruse your library for useful information

This is the mating display of the Apex Nerd, showing off their collection. We DO have a very extensive collection of books, so we could get a big chat going.
Not sure how much time she could spend here reading rather than borrowing a few home though.

[ ] (ROSWITA) A shared investigation into the undead

Ah...remember when we dismantled a new kind of undead together with Abelhelm?

[ ] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation

I'm pretty curious how

[ ] (ROSWITA) Go for a Cruise on the Stir

This is asking for pirate interrupt.

[ ] (ROSWITA) Try to convert her to a better God

I suppose if she was a devout Sigmarite it'd be...problematic.

[ ] (ANTON) Visit your fief together

Show him our fief and talk about leadership. Anton's carried the job for a while now, and it's a side of him we hadn't seen back in council.

[ ] (ANTON) Tour Blutdorf's repeater factory

Visit his dakka factory. See the place which craps out death and gold.

[ ] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family

Fun and games, though we're a bit unfairly advantaged in this game.

[ ] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come

Good Old Days...mostly comparing growth.

[ ] (ANTON) Discuss his aunt, the Jade Wizard

We have been curious on this for a while now.

[ ] (OSWALD) A series of demonstrations at the artillery range

Hmm...naw, been there, done that. Learn more about his gunnery.

[ ] (OSWALD) Swap war stories

Drakenhof stories vs Oswald's Adventures.
Eight Peaks we were both there.

[ ] (OSWALD) Bond over pets

His cat does seem interesting.

[ ] (OSWALD) Discuss religion

Learning the whys of his faith

[ ] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together

Learn more about the cannonry again.

[ ] (OSWALD) Shared gyrocopter tour

Scenic tour!

[X] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics
[X] (DRAGON) Offer to teach it Khazalid
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ANTON) Visit your fief together
[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family
[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
[X] (DRAGON) Offer to teach it Khazalid
[X] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come
[X] (ANTON) Discuss his aunt, the Jade Wizard
[X] (OSWALD) Swap war stories
[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
[X] (OSWALD) Discuss religion
[ ] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come

- this is often the set-up before a guy confesses his love to a girl in several animes and movies i've seen (i.e pirates of the caribean and cyrano). Though sometimes the opposite happens and acceptance of the status quo and the two reminisce on the "what if" but that's as far as it goes (i.e. some tragic love story that i forgot the title).

Edit: also a famous shania twain song
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