Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics
[X] (DRAGON) Offer to teach it Khazalid
[X] (DRAGON) Compare notes between its recollections and Dwarven records of its activity

[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ROSWITA) Go for a Cruise on the Stir

[X] (ANTON) Visit your fief together
[X] (ANTON) Tour Blutdorf's repeater factory

[X] (OSWALD) A series of demonstrations at the artillery range
[X] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together
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Approval voting:

[X] (DRAGON) Offer to teach it Khazalid
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting

[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ROSWITA) Go for a Cruise on the Stir

[X] (ANTON) Visit your fief together
[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family

[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
[X] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together
Well, they just have to beat back the Chaos Wastes don't they?
To be fair, that's not actually impossible. It just requires knowledge that's been lost for millenia and most likely cooperation with a species able to use magic.
I do wonder if Gotri is being too pessimistic here. With Belegar's example right there, perhaps Borek will instead decide, "It's my responsibility to spend the rest of my life and have my children spend the rest of their lives and so on figuring out how to do a reclamation, and we'll come back and finish the job in only one or two thousand years."
"Aye, we originally intended to go through Black Blood Pass and straight on to Karag Dum, but Runelord Thorek advised otherwise while he was visiting, saying it was more important to minimize time spent in the deep Wastes than it was to go the shortest route."

"Which I've said all along," Snorri says distractedly, not looking up from the report.

"You're not a Runelord, Snorri," Borek says, exasperation thick in his voice.

Disregarding the Ranger's advice for not going over mountains in the deep wastes on landships until the Runelord backs him up.

Rangers have priority when it comes to navigation
"Well, that's handy. If there's a good thaw going by mid-spring next year, we go. Otherwise we keep preparing for the next year, and failing that as well, we go on the third year, come snow or shine."
Willing to bull through snow if need be.
"We'll see," Borek says.

"Evacuation," Gotrek and Snorri say at the same time.

"We'll see," Borek repeats firmly. "Our Norse kinfolk lasted near four thousand years. Karag Dum will not have fallen in a mere two hundred. If we can establish a new road to them..."

This is a dwarf mightly close to the edge and trying to pretend he's not gone off it yet. Most dwarves recognise the signs.
It is not even that intergenerational. Abelhelm was significantly older than Mathilde is, and his daughter, while younger, isn't that much younger as far as I know.
Six years.
he had a daughter only six years your younger
So she is around twenty-eight at the moment, while we're thirty-four. Not a large gap.
Wonder if theres something more to the infighting.
We learned in our scouting way back when that they have a twice-weekly date to fight. And I use the word "date" advisedly.
[Mihnea of Mikalsdorf: Intrigue, 84+19+6(Library: Vampires)=109.]

Mihnea would not be out of place on the cover of one of the worst-written novels you've read. He's whimsical, petulant, and has a voice that sets your teeth on edge. It's not difficult to record his forces, as twice a week him and Ioana lead their undead armies to the same battlefield between their territories and engage in something between a battle and a wargame with them, while a terrified crowd of peasants does its best to seem enthusiastic in their applause. You steal two rings and a torc from his nightstand, and after a glance at the shoddy magics they contain, make a mental note to have the gyrocarriage fly over Thunder Mountain on the way back.

[Ioana of Waldenhof: Intrigue, 28+19+6(Library: Vampires)=53.]

Ioana seems to be the only competent Vampire currently holding parts of Sylvania. Her guards might actually have caught you if divine concealment wasn't as close as the nearest crowded street. She has an on-again, off-again relationship with Mihnea and judging by the different forces that arrive at every 'battle', seems to have a deep well of corpses to draw upon - but you're unable to penetrate the well-guarded catacombs beneath the town. You mark her as the primary threat accordingly, neatly collate the information you've gathered into a report, drop it in to a frazzled but grateful Roswita who's received the 'good news' from Altdorf of her imminent reinforcements, and wish her the best.
Anyway, voting time!

[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (DRAGON) Compare notes between its recollections and Dwarven records of its activity

[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ROSWITA) Sparring sessions
[X] (ROSWITA) Go for a Cruise on the Stir

[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family
[X] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come
[X] (ANTON) Discuss his aunt, the Jade Wizard

[X] (OSWALD) Swap war stories
[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
[X] (OSWALD) Discuss religion
[X] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together
[X] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics
[X] (DRAGON) Offer to teach it Khazalid
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (DRAGON) Compare notes between its recollections and Dwarven records of its activity

[X] (ROSWITA) Invite her to peruse your library for useful information
[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation

[X] (ANTON) Visit your fief together
[X] (ANTON) Tour Blutdorf's repeater factory
[X] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come

[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
[X] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together
[X] (DRAGON) Offer to teach it Khazalid
[X] (ROSWITA) Invite her to peruse your library for useful information
[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family
[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (ROSWITA) A shared investigation into the undead
[X] (ANTON) Visit your fief together
[X] (OSWALD) A series of demonstrations at the artillery range
[X] (DRAGON) Just show up and see if it's feeling chatty
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (DRAGON) Compare notes between its recollections and Dwarven records of its activity
I'm aware it may not be necessary, and it's certainly distasteful, but if Borek goes Slayer and tries to order a last, glorious charge through enemy lines...

Well, I hope we can at least consider that it might be best if Borek falls down some stairs.

Might not come to that, he might just charge the enemy by his lonesome, but if it comes down to it we shouldn't dismiss the Grey Wizard solution out of hand.

And on the note of dwarves and mohawks, we know that the canon expedition will be (at most) one of six possible things we'll face on a six-sided die. And I was trying to think of what rolling a 1 on that die would get us.

It could just be killier, mind. Three Bloodthirsters would be worse than the single Example Bloodthirster. But that seems kind of... uninspired? It's bad, yes, but is "more dakka" really the worst thing Boney could throw at us for a 1?

So then I got to thinking about what the worst encounter we could run into for reasons other than killiness might be, and I remembered this line:
None want to admit the possibility that Dwarves could fall to Chaos, but Zharr-Naggrund is a constant reminder that not even the Dwarves are immune to that temptation.
So my hot take is that rolling a one will have us finding a positively thriving Karag Dum, populated by Chaos Dwarves 2: Electric Boogaloo.

(Chaos Waste time dilation could give them even more time to get corrupted, too, just to make things spicier.)

Hopefully, if all of that speculation is correct, we can help make sure the Dwarves don't all blue-screen.

[X] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together
[X] (DRAGON) Offer to teach it Khazalid
Thinking about it, the fact that there will be quite the group of Slayers along is starting to sound like a bad idea. If Borek goes full Slayer, those dwarfs are likely to follow him, leaving perhaps only the Rangers, the attached Engineers, and whoever we end up bringing as the remaining forces under Borek's replacement.
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting

Meaning it's awake. That's half the hard part done compared to annoying it by waking it up.

[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ANTON) Discuss his aunt, the Jade Wizard
[X] (OSWALD) Discuss religion
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (DRAGON) Compare notes between its recollections and Dwarven records of its activity
[X] (DRAGON) Just show up and see if it's feeling chatty

These 3 seem like the best. Shared magical interest, shared academical interest or trying to establish some sort of dialogue.

[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ROSWITA) Try to convert her to a better God

Try and find some common ground not about undead or war (both reminders of her father) or try and convert her because Mathilde gotta Mathilde. Cruise is too romantic to start out with.

[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family
[X] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come
[X] (ANTON) Discuss his aunt, the Jade Wizard

I like all of these. Didn't go for guns because that feels like it could seem to be about business.

[X] (OSWALD) Swap war stories
[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
[X] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together

Solid getting to know you options Mathilde would enjoy.
Watch the canon situation be a 6 on the die roll, with every other possibility being progressively worse. :V

1: x10000 Time Dilation, By The Time We Leave K8P Has Fallen Again
2: Chaos Dwarves 2: This Time It's Personal
3: Karak Dum Sank Underground, Never To Be Seen Again
4: Everybody's Dead, Jim
5: Tzeentch Plot Aimed Straight At Mathilde
6: Canon Situation
Thinking about it, the fact that there will be quite the group of Slayers along is starting to sound like a bad idea. If Borek goes full Slayer, those dwarfs are likely to follow him, leaving perhaps only the Rangers, the attached Engineers, and whoever we end up bringing as the remaining forces under Borek's replacement.
There's only fifty of them:
"Currently, fifty Engineers, fifty Slayers, and about a hundred and fifty Rangers, mostly of the Redbeards. Each Monitor also has a pair of cannon on swivels."
80% of the dwarfs on the expedition are non-Slayers. So if there's a leadership crisis and the Slayers all go Doomseeking, we'll still have the bulk of the forces to get home safely.
Respect for Gotri. Dwarfs in general don't seem to recognize exactly what kind of creature she is, let alone recognize the potential need for her trade. Sneaking into a monster's seat of power, assassinations of Orc Warbosses, recon. None of that really recognizes she's a tool that can be bent to internal factors as easily as external ones.
I wonder if Belegar has a "Have someone quietly 'dealt with': Write in who" option in his metaphorical turn planner.
Er, what's that third one?
Never heard of a lady of the lake lore. The other lore damsels get is heavens iirc. Only one of them has all three which is iirc the Fey Enchantress.
I had it they could do three, but checking their wiki I found:
Damsels said:
capable of mastering both the Lore of Beasts and the Lore of Life. This is highly unusual, for even the most powerful Wizards of the Empire can only master one lore of magic.[5]

Furthermore, the Bretonnians consider sorcery to be a gift from the Lady of the Lake - the guardian spirit of their land. As a result, Grail Damsels can call upon the divine power of their goddess, allowing them to perform unique and unearthly feats of magic...[9][10]

  • Aura of the Lady - Grail Damsels and Prophetesses are blessed by the Lady's spirit, enabling them to resist magical attacks and extend that resistance to nearby allies.[2]
  • Aerial Shield - The enemy's missiles vanish magically in mid-air, causing no harm to their target.[10]
  • Lady's Favour - A vision of the Lady of the Lake appears to lead the Bretonnians into battle.[10]
  • Eerie Mist - An eerie mist rises about the enemy, stifling the sights and sounds of battle.[10]
  • Shield of Combat - The enemy's blows are magically deflected from causing harm.[10]
  • The Curse of the Lady - Casting aside spoiled tokens of virtue and nobility, the Damsel calls down the Lady's greatest punishment on all those champions who would oppose noble Bretonnia...[9]
  • Fey Paths - Calling upon the power of the Lady, a Damsel can summon a mystical, billowing mist. Upon stepping forward, they can travel to anywhere in Bretonnia, covering hundreds of miles in but the blink of an eye.[7]
  • Prayer of Fortitude - A Damsel's prayers empower everyone around with the will to ride forth in the name of quest and glory.[2]
Looked like a Lore of the Lady to me, so I figured I remembered wrongly and the third one wasn't a basic Lore but this one instead. Sources listed 9 and 10 are Storm of Magic and Armybook.

Looking at prophetesses it lists them with also knowing Heaven, yeah.
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There's only fifty of them:

80% of the dwarfs on the expedition are non-Slayers. So if there's a leadership crisis and the Slayers all go Doomseeking, we'll still have the bulk of the forces to get home safely.
Ah, I missed that it seems. Seeing as Karak Kadrin is their base I assumed there'd be more Slayers than that, at least half.

Watch the canon situation be a 6 on the die roll, with every other possibility being progressively worse. :V

1: x10000 Time Dilation, By The Time We Leave K8P Has Fallen Again
2: Chaos Dwarves 2: This Time It's Personal
3: Karak Dum Sank Underground, Never To Be Seen Again
4: Everybody's Dead, Jim
5: Tzeentch Plot Aimed Straight At Mathilde
6: Canon Situation

edit: welp.
NuclearConsensus threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 4
4 4
80% of the dwarfs on the expedition are non-Slayers. So if there's a leadership crisis and the Slayers all go Doomseeking, we'll still have the bulk of the forces to get home safely.
All wizards on the expedition will already be more inclined to follow Mathilde's orders than Borek's.
Of which we'll at least have Johann, Max, our Ducklings and some random Ducklings.

The rangers are more likely to follow Snorri's orders than Borek's.
The engineers are more likely to follow Gotrek's orders than Borek's.

Except Clanless can't really politically afford to tell the official leader of the expedition off.
Except Gotri gave us Offers to have Snorri and Gotrek inducted into K8P Clans - which Mathilde technically has Command of as Thane.
Voting is open