Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm really torn on the Ice Dragon options, any except the first seems good to me. Ah, polyglot. How I yearn for thee.

[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation

Baiting a trap for "pirates" perhaps?
[X] (ROSWITA) Go for a Cruise on the Stir

It be interesting to see what he thinks of our cactus
[X] (ANTON) Visit your fief together
[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family
[X] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together
[ ] (DRAGON) Just show up and see if it's feeling chatty
[ ] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics
[ ] (DRAGON) Offer to teach it Khazalid
[ ] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[ ] (DRAGON) Compare notes between its recollections and Dwarven records of its activity
Honestly anything but 'teach Khazalid' is going to run into the problem of both having to speak in riddles.

[ ] (ROSWITA) Sparring sessions
[ ] (ROSWITA) Invite her to peruse your library for useful information
[ ] (ROSWITA) A shared investigation into the undead
[ ] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[ ] (ROSWITA) Go for a Cruise on the Stir
[ ] (ROSWITA) Try to convert her to a better God
Interesting options. Both in the sense of 'that would be interesting to see' and 'it is interesting that the option is available'.
Religious conversion probably wouldn't go over well. A cruise seems odd given she is activly making war.
For utility sparring could help us both. For worldbuilding either the investigation or the presentation would be opportunities for BoneyM to fill in some more of the world.

[ ] (ANTON) Visit your fief together
[ ] (ANTON) Tour Blutdorf's repeater factory
[ ] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family
[ ] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come
[ ] (ANTON) Discuss his aunt, the Jade Wizard
…this gives me the impression that not much has been going on with Anton.
No immediate preference.

[ ] (OSWALD) A series of demonstrations at the artillery range
[ ] (OSWALD) Swap war stories
[ ] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
[ ] (OSWALD) Discuss religion
[ ] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together
[ ] (OSWALD) Shared gyrocopter tour
In contrast Oswald has a whole lot going on. Given the vague prediction we were given it would be wise to keep an eye on the Gunnery School.

[X] (DRAGON) Offer to teach it Khazalid
[X] (ROSWITA) Sparring sessions
[X] (ROSWITA) A shared investigation into the undead
[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together
[X] (DRAGON) Offer to teach it Khazalid
[X] (ROSWITA) Sparring sessions
[x] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come
[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
-Karak Dum is falling - He's going to hold together JUST long enough for the survivors to reach safety, then he's going to shave that mohawk.
To be very optimistic, things might just fall the way that he can save so much of his clan and whatever ancestral relics they have there, that he feels he has done enough good and should now stay with his remaining people in their attempt to live in exile.

Unlikely, but the combination of success and duty to his clan might keep him going.
"Yes-yes, fought-slayed the ratties," she says absently, peering at the runework.
Mathilde: "Hey, wait a minute..."
Mathilde walks up to Gehenna, grabs her by the hair, and tugs, taking off the human mask and revealing a Skaven face
Eshin-friend: "And-and I would have gotten-scurried away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling too-too quiet man-things!"
So something people might have forgotten.
Khazalid is kept secret.
I wouldn't say it's our secret to share.
[X] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (DRAGON) Compare notes between its recollections and Dwarven records of its activity

[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ROSWITA) Go for a Cruise on the Stir

[X] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come
[X] (ANTON) Discuss his aunt, the Jade Wizard

[X] (OSWALD) A series of demonstrations at the artillery range
[X] (OSWALD) Swap war stories
[X] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together
[X] (OSWALD) Shared gyrocopter tour
[X] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics
[X] (DRAGON) Compare notes between its recollections and Dwarven records of its activity
[X] (DRAGON) Offer to teach it Khazalid

[X] (ROSWITA) Sparring sessions
[x] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come
[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come
[X] (OSWALD) A series of demonstrations at the artillery range
[X] (OSWALD) Discuss religion
[X] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together
In this particular case it would allow the Dawi to keep talking to the dragon long after all currently present elf-speakers are dead or moved elsewhere, so it's very much in their interest.

In their interest or not, it is not up to us to decide such things I'd say. Not even sure if it would be acceptable to bring it up.
Hmm... Well, let's keep in mind that Gotri was also the guy who used the example/explanation of his schooling at Karaz-a-Karak being a form of hostage exchanging -- something which made readers go "Uh, give the guy an airship fleet? That's not a hostage. That's not a hostage at all. :V"

So, I'm less confident of the conclusions or implications of a coup. Both the likelihood of it happening. And of whether it would be a good idea to resort to or keep in your backpocket as a tactic. And also... Heck, even if Borek does goes Slayer, that doesn't mean he'd need to be coup'd as some of us have interpreted Gotri's words as being. It could likely be that Borek would hand over leadership before doing so. Because of the very fact that he knows that going Slayer would mean that he no longer can fulfill the duty of leading the expedition anymore. Which means that we would not need to interfere in something like that or do anything drastic or underhanded.

Gotri's ideas can sometimes be a bit extreme or come to incorrect conclusions.

I think the takeaway we should take from this is, at most, that Borek has a chance of going Slayer as a result of this expedition. That doesn't mean that Gotri's darker doubts are right, or even a good idea to follow or keep as a backup.

So, uh... I'd prefer if we didn't take his conclusion of what-would-have-to-be-done (even if Slayerhood happened) and keep it as a 'better to have it than... etcetc' thing.
Honestly anything but 'teach Khazalid' is going to run into the problem of both having to speak in riddles.
Well actually... we could teach it Reikspiel?

It's a language we know. And, uh, we wouldn't get in trouble for sharing it.
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (ROSWITA) A shared investigation into the undead
[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family
[X] (OSWALD) Swap war stories
In their interest or not, it is not up to us to decide such things I'd say. Not even sure if it would be acceptable to bring it up.
I expect that if Mathilde decided that it is a thing she might like to do, the update will be written in a way that she will have floated the idea of teaching the Ice Dragon Khazalid past whomever the relevant 'cultural authority' (for lack of a better term) might be, if that is something that Mathilde, the character that actually has a excellent outsider's understanding of dwarven culture, thinks might be needed.

You seem to be looking at this as if is is a pseudo-trap option, rather than a "this is choice is not problematic, possible problems are solved in the background"
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[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family
[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
Dwarves don't want Khazalid floating around willy-nilly, but they're aware that you can't really keep the lid completely on a living language used by a far-flung community, and teaching it to a creature you're allying with is a sensible alternative to relying on bloody Eltharin.
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation
[X] (ANTON) Celebrate Two-Gifts Day with him and his family
[X] (OSWALD) Shared gyrocopter tour
The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[x] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics

Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[x] (ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation

Baron Anton Kiesinger II
[x] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come

Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson
[x] (OSWALD) Visit Nuln's Gunnery School together
[X] (DRAGON) Visit to investigate magics the Dragon seems to be casting
[X] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics

[X] (ROSWITA) Invite her to peruse your library for useful information
[X] (ROSWITA) Go for a Cruise on the Stir

[X] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come

[X] (OSWALD) Swap war stories
[X] (OSWALD) Bond over pets
I'd strongly suggest discussing linguistics with the Dragon, even if teaching Khazalid isn't something the thread is interested in despite QM clarifications about the Dawi's position on teaching the Dragon Khazalid as opposed to trying to negotiate in bloody Etharian. Remember, even if it's Kazrik's job to treat with the Dragon, it is unlikely Kazrik speaks Etharian. If we have to eventually negotiate a final settlement that the Dawi commit to keeping oaths on (and we need to convince the Dragon that once the Dawi gives an oath to a treaty, they would keep to their oaths), it's best that we discuss with the Dragon the issue of language in general. One way or another, the language barrier has to be traversed, and the three obvious solutions is either Mathilde acting as interpreter, or the Dragon conversing in Khazalid, or Kazrik learning a language the dragon prefers to negotiate in (such as Classic). Languages seems like something we need information on, one way or another.
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So, I'm less confident of the conclusions or implications of a coup. Both the likelihood of it happening. And of whether it would be a good idea to resort to or keep in your backpocket as a tactic. And also... Heck, even if Borek does goes Slayer, that doesn't mean he'd need to be coup'd as some of us have interpreted Gotri's words as being. It could likely be that Borek would hand over leadership before doing so. Because of the very fact that he knows that going Slayer would mean that he no longer can fulfill the duty of leading the expedition anymore. Which means that we would not need to interfere in something like that or do anything drastic or underhanded.
I think the implication is that he will lead an expedition in some form of suicidal, revanchous last charge, Slayer-style.
Huh. I'm honestly not sure if I should be impressed or horrified by Gotri in this update. I guess I'll split the difference and say I'm horropressed? :confused:
[X] (DRAGON) Discuss linguistics

[X] (ROSWITA) Invite her to peruse your library for useful information

[X] (ANTON) Discuss old times, and how far they've come
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