Thinking of shopping I really think we should buy a gyrocarriage for the case where things go tits up and we have to run back south. Mathilde can run on her shadow horse and stealth her way back but Johan and Max are not so blessed.
If running is necessary, we can probably hitch a ride with Asarnil.Thinking of shopping I really think we should buy a gyrocarriage for the case where things go tits up and we have to run back south. Mathilde can run on her shadow horse and stealth her way back but Johan and Max are not so blessed.
Technically yes, but practically no. His words don't carry the same weight as ours do and he won't be privy to all the information we have and will have access to. At some point in the expedition, we will have to judge whether to take over or intervene or whatever. It would be up to Mathilde to judge whether she should intervene and how to best do so. We have no one to fall-back on or to delegate to in this matter.I mean, Johann has a better Diplomancy score than us, And I'd say we could trust him.
He isn't even dawongr, so his words won't carry nearly as much weight. Not to mention the intangible narrative benefits that come with Advanced Karaz Ankor Diplo.
Plus our Dwarf Rep.He isn't even dawongr, so his words won't carry nearly as much weight. Not to mention the intangible narrative benefits that come with Advanced Karaz Ankor Diplo.
If running is necessary, we can probably hitch a ride with Asarnil.
If a land based machine enters a patch of "physics now says no", it stops. If a flying machine stops, it falls, to loosly paraphrase why gyrochopers in the Chaos Wastes are a bad idea.Thinking of shopping I really think we should buy a gyrocarriage for the case where things go tits up and we have to run back south. Mathilde can run on her shadow horse and stealth her way back but Johan and Max are not so blessed.
SO HE DID! Thank you, I'm putting this as an edit into my post to prevent confusion, you leg-ended legend
I missed the context that this was about Dwarf Diplo.He isn't even dawongr, so his words won't carry nearly as much weight. Not to mention the intangible narrative benefits that come with Advanced Karaz Ankor Diplo.
If a land based machine enters a patch of "physics now says no", it stops. If a flying machine stops, it falls, to loosly paraphrase why gyrochopers in the Chaos Wastes are a bad idea.
Mathilde can cast shadowsteed for other people to use though, so that'd be a bit helpful, and I don't think that there's a risk of dhar from it if different wind users ride one. Though we've never lent one to another wizard before.
On an unrelated note, and it'd never catch on in the thread, especially when we can just buy one, but I want to make the Hochlander an item of shadowsteed. Tbh, I kinda wanna deck him out in non-combat Ulgu enchanted items for general utility, but it would never really impact the narrative enough to make such worthwhile.
It may be a hard sell to get them to let us bring it with us. With so few steam carriages space will be at a premium and a gyrocarriage will consume a lot with its size and need for fuel and spare parts. Also the QM statement that using a device that flies through a mechanical process is a dangerous idea in the chaos wastes where the laws of physics it relies on may decide to say no for a bit.Thinking of shopping I really think we should buy a gyrocarriage for the case where things go tits up and we have to run back south. Mathilde can run on her shadow horse and stealth her way back but Johan and Max are not so blessed.
Hubert got to ride one of our shadowsteeds once.Mathilde can cast shadowsteed for other people to use though, so that'd be a bit helpful, and I don't think that there's a risk of dhar from it if different wind users ride one. Though we've never lent one to another wizard before.
Raw stats indicate how good we are at a narrative level besides just a bonus to rolls. During the Waagh magic lectures, we were able to substitute learning for diplomacy by preparing beforehand but we had no ability to read the crowd nor could we have adjusted if our preparation was bad because our diplomacy sucked.Doesn't that answer the question about us being prepared diplomatic? We have advanced Karaz Ankor.
Its not like we are training to increase our Martial and Intrigue Raw.
Though I am curious. Whats the suggestion to increars our Diplo for the expedition? Kislev diplo?
Personally, I just don't weigh the possibility of this, and probable consequences of such a thing if it were to happen, as dire enough that I am motivated to put any possible "free" actions on diplomacy rather than on one of the things that people have been discussing dropping from various plans.Technically yes, but practically no. His words don't carry the same weight as ours do and he won't be privy to all the information we have and will have access to. At some point in the expedition, we will have to judge whether to take over or intervene or whatever. It would be up to Mathilde to judge whether she should intervene and how to best do so. We have no one to fall-back on or to delegate to in this matter.
All I'm saying is that by all indications this is a trip where our diplomacy will be tested and given it's our weak point, it could use some shoring up. The last thing we need is to say the wrong thing and alienate Borek or the other expedition leaders.
Huh. Well now I am confused. Maybe a pilot will risk "this far and no further"? ngl, I'm wayyyy too hungover to look for BoneyM's quote and look to see how the context of that meshes with the context of the scouting option, sorry. If I don't forget to, I'll do so after my next sleep. I can see some uses for a gyro-machine if they are considered "safe" to bring in at least some of the way.I mean we have options to scout the approach to Dun going in and out by gyro so it has to be at least safe enough for the dwarfs to try.
Or perhaps everything has gone according to plan. He can't give away secrets, but perhaps if he was swindled out of them?Wow.
What the heck happened to the Gotri who was trivially out-maneuvered by Anton into cheerfully revealing firearms secrets?
Intrigue 6?
Either he's wised up, or...
Maybe we shouldn't trust his assessment so uncritically?
Damn, if Gotri were any more radical he'd ride into battle on a skateboard.
I think Johann would be ok. He's sneaky and inexhausitble. Max would be a problem, but we can give him a horse, at least for the short term running away. Getting out would still be a bitch of course.Thinking of shopping I really think we should buy a gyrocarriage for the case where things go tits up and we have to run back south. Mathilde can run on her shadow horse and stealth her way back but Johan and Max are not so blessed.
If it wasn't a major possibility, we wouldn't be working behind Borek's back to decide the time of the expedition even before we leave for the trip. Dwarven characters wouldn't be offering bargaining chips in case of such an eventuality.Personally, I just don't weigh the possibility of this, and probable consequences of such a thing if it were to happen, as dire enough that I am motivated to put any possible "free" actions on diplomacy rather than on one of the things that people have been discussing dropping from various plans.
Someone please make a picture of him somehow kickflipping a gyrocopter.Damn, if Gotri were any more radical he'd ride into battle on a skateboard.
I think Johann would be ok. He's sneaky and inexhausitble. Max would be a problem, but we can give him a horse, so at least for the short term running away. Getting out would still be a bitch of course.