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Surely not the last one, it's not the time to do so, given we still barely know her. Any of the first four seems fine to me. I'm not too sure on the Stir cruise, we just got news that piracy has ticked up, and it's possible, though unlikely, that if Marienburg can't get at the EIC they'll take a swing at Roswita instead.
I'm sorry but that sounds like a great reason to choose that option. We get a cool back to back battle buddies moment, and Get to act like a smug Grey Wizard by totality intentionally thwarting another Marienburg plot. You couldn't make a better date if you tried.
so we're definitely going to want to be spending as many actions as we can on Gotrek and Snorri when the expedition actually starts. Building our own power base in case we need to pull a soft coup is gonna be essential.
(ROSWITA) Attend Roswita's academic presentation

Er, what academic presentation? I'm guessing it's Sylvania-related, but that covers a hilariously broad range of subjects.
[ ] (ROSWITA) Try to convert her to a better God
...I really, really want to do this. I do. But Ranald dammit, people have a point about it being a little too soon. We also should figure out if we actually need to steal her from Sigmar, or just point out an alternative. I seem to recall that she had lost a good chunk of faith at some point?
Look. At. This. Shit.

Look at it!

A dwarf said this!

The best part? He said useful. Theres pragmatism behind those sweet words.
Seriously loved this. Hes perhaps the first Dwarf beyond Belegar (and we outright told him) to get a feeling of what truly is a Grey, shadowmancing is part of it.

Getting very hard to focus on the romance options with her around.
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Which is why we should go on the Stir cruise! Fighting pirates aboard a ship while you're on a date with a love interest is romantic as heck! It's probably right out of one of Mathilde's romance books!
I'm sorry but that sounds like a great reason to choose that option. We get a cool back to back battle buddies moment, and Get to act like a smug Grey Wizard by totality intentionally thwarting another Marienburg plot. You couldn't make a better date if you tried.
Sure it makes for a badass moment, and the thought of dunking on a Marienburg plot is nice. But what does it show Mathilde about Roswita that she doesn't already know. Roswita being a badass fighter is something Mathilde has already seen firsthand, and doing so again does nothing to expand Mathilde's knowledge of Roswita as a person. What are her likes and dislikes, her hobbies? Which god/s does she worship (if any)? Getting into a fight with her answers none of those questions, and they're the ones Mathilde needs to know to judge Roswita's relationship compatibility with her.

Then again, Mathilde and Abelhelm did have a nice moment together when they were locked in to a room while undead things pounded at the door, so...
I think that's pretty unlikely, given how firm the dwarven chain of command is. It'll probably end up being whatshisface>Snorri>Gotrek>Mathilde.
Would it? Mathilde is a Thane, of K8Ps even, and If both of them take the offers Gotri suggested, that would put them under her authority... I think. I'm not sure I followed the politics of it correctly.
By default it would go Borek > Snorri > Gotrek, but if she was so inclined Mathilde could make a strong case that Thane title takes precedence in a crisis.
I'm considering if we should replace our revolvers with a pair of drakefire pistols. They've got very strong combination with the Lore of Fire and would be fantastic for taking out groups of relatively weak enemies like what nearly killed Mathilde in Karagril. Plus, because they're pistols, we don't have to train with them to use them well since we already have the proper training.
Max seems surprisingly non-smug. Also, seems interested in enchanting despite lacking a talent for it.
Might be still tries to take it up, and have at least basics for it.
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