Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
It occurs to me that once the skaven language gets a *little* less classified, Journeyman Gold is going to be legend. Co-author on maybe the most important book of the age, as a journeyman. A bar to be lived up to for apprentices, a goad to lazy magisters.

Hope he can claim credit, or at least proper smug while keeping his mouth shut. ;)

Unfortunately, Queekish (2483). has no author, though the people in power may know.
Yeah, the chaos wastes dont have shit on the soul destroying horror of the academic hellscapes.

At least, if the Chaos Wastes break you, your corpse and soul will end up feeding something or being used by one of the Four, until you finally break and stop being human in any sense.

Academia will break you, let you recover (or not, it doesn't care) then break you again. Over, and over, and over again until the only thing left is your useless husk that even then will be able to feel the whole process. And then they'll take your body for 'research purposes' no matter how good you do.

If you are blessed by Them, at least you will be so until the W.A.P (Warhammer Average Protagonist) breaks you, and anihhilates you.
The others? Slip once and suddenly you selled your soul, your wife, your body, your dog, and everything else for further research.

Truly, the true abominations are the ones in plain sight.
At least, if the Chaos Wastes break you, your corpse and soul will end up feeding something or being used by one of the Four, until you finally break and stop being human in any sense.

Academia will break you, let you recover (or not, it doesn't care) then break you again. Over, and over, and over again until the only thing left is your useless husk that even then will be able to feel the whole process. And then they'll take your body for 'research purposes' no matter how good you do.

If you are blessed by Them, at least you will be so until the W.A.P (Warhammer Average Protagonist) breaks you, and anihhilates you.
The others? Slip once and suddenly you selled your soul, your wife, your body, your dog, and everything else for further research.

Truly, the true abominations are the ones in plain sight.

Chaos sucks, more likely to get "Blessed" with a penis tongue than anything actually useful.

No gods, no masters, everyone become vampires!
I mean academia is its own form of Hell.

"Lord Magister De Gaynesford, what's your secret for dealing with so many petty squabbles and academic backstabbers?"

"Well, it all started with that trip in, gods, it must have been '86. There we were, surrounded on one side by daemons and on the other by raiders, and there I was smack in the middle, gunning down whichever side looked like the biggest threat at that particular instant..."
Chaos sucks, more likely to get "Blessed" with a penis tongue than anything actually useful.

No gods, no masters, everyone become vampires!

Why do you think I follow the Plotter?
At least, most of the "Blessings" are useful, and spreading the need of revolution and change is a rather fun endeavor!

Not like those Slaaneshi Fucktards that seem to plague places like 4chan, or the goddamned Khornate Idiots that insist on crossing my path so often in games, and accept any reason to start beating everyone into bits. And the less said of the Nurglites, the better.

No, I'm happy here, singing Eiffel 65 and doing seemingly Innofencive things like change the caramel on the cake for peanut-butter.
A simple life if you follow all the Loop-de-loops that the Blue-son-of-a-bitch is so fond off.

Edit: Corrected spelling of Their names. Even if it's doesn't make a difference on how much of a planless trainwreck they are-
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Hey now, lay off Slaanesh.


Unfortunately, Queekish (2483). has no author, though the people in power may know.

Huh. You are correct, both for dwarf and human flavors.

So a complete census of what he's credited for would be as follows, then:

Observations on Runecraft During The Expedition To Karak Eight Peaks, By M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), J. Maximilian de Gaynesford (Gold), J. Esbern (Amber) & J. Seija (Amber), J. Panoramia (Jade), 2478.

Deployment of an 'Anvil Of Doom' During The Battle Of Karag Nar, By M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), J. Maximilian de Gaynesford (Gold), J. Panoramia (Jade), J. Esbern (Amber) & J. Seija (Amber), 2478.

Dragon Ogres and Volcanic Lightning, By M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), J. Maximilian de Gaynesford (Gold), J. Esbern (Amber) & J. Seija (Amber), 2478.

A Full and Accurate Census of All Varieties of Undead within the Hunter's Hills, 2476, By M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), E.C. Abelhelm Van Hal (Templar) (S·T·T·L), J. Maximilian de Gaynesford (Gold), 2480.

Waaagh and Peace: Efficient Solutions to Greenskin Magic, By M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), J. Maximilian de Gaynesford (Gold), 2481.

And only-

Anatomy of the Fire Dwarves of Zharr-Naggrund, By M. Grey (Grey), J. Gold (Gold), 2482.

-is credited anonymously.

So his name is on Abel's book, Waaagh and Peace, and the dragon ogre paper. I think that covers most of the big groups that he might want to work with later, out side of K8P. Generals, wizards, and Templars/cults militant.

Good show overall. Wonder what he picks up got his first magic item?
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What are we gonna do with our old set of AA robes? Give em to one of our subordinates? Donate them to the Grey Order for rep? Could sell them to a wizard for a few hundred gold.
A thought occurs. Can we send Max and/or Johann to anti-Chaos training?
No. It's invite-only, because the same knowledge that lets you avoid attracting attention from the Four teaches you how to get that attention if you so desire. My guess is that a given College's Magister Patriarch/Matriarch makes the call; unlike a bunch of our other College classes, our training involved only Greys.

And, despite the shared word, anti-Chaos training isn't actually that important for traveling to the Chaos Wastes. The perils of the Wastes are, essentially, analogous to radiation poisoning, whereas anti-Chaos training teaches you how to avoid accidentally building a fission pile in your backyard while you're trying to do something else. Very important, if you're the sort of person who can be trusted with the knowledge of how fission piles work, but doesn't actually help you if you're spending a week in an area with high background radiation. Related concepts, but different hazards.
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[ ] Seek out merchants who have travelled the Skull Road to learn what they know of it.

Can this^ be done and an EIC action?

Also, would reaching out to the Cult of Ranald be better as a Mathilde action (she's the one with the pull) or an EIC action (they're the ones with the time)?
What are we gonna do with our old set of AA robes? Give em to one of our subordinates? Donate them to the Grey Order for rep? Could sell them to a wizard for a few hundred gold.
I really like the thought of donating them to the Grey Order and giving some Journeyman a bit more chance of survival, but probably the Hochlander is a better choice?

In unrelated news, I would like to encourage supporters of [ ] Plan Compromise~~~ to instead support [ ] Plan Redshirt v2, and here is why:
-[X] Attempt to recruit assistance for the Karag Dum Expedition: Colleges of Magic, Ulrican Warrior Priests.
Well after the vote opened, we got this bit of information:
Umgi Gods on a Dawi Expedition would be an immensely tough sell.
As a result of this, my previous enthusiasm for recruiting priests to the expedition has plummeted. We lack the personal or institutional credibility to get dwarves to accept Umgi priests the way we do have the personal/institutional credibility to get them to accept wizards. Consequently, I dropped my approval vote for kfrar's plan (with disappointment; I really wanted to recruit Ulricans at some point).

Why should you vote for Redshirt instead, you ask? Well, the only other difference between Compromise and Redshirt is the Max action, whereas the difference between Compromise and Last Chance is the Johann action. Here they are side-by-side:
Plan Compromise said:
-[X] MAX: Study an artifact: Eshin Crystal Sword
-[X] JOHANN: Recruit him for the Karag Dum Expedition, and have him train in preparation for it.
Plan Redshirt v2 said:
-[X] MAX: Recruit him for the Karag Dum Expedition, and have him train in preparation for it.
-[X] JOHANN: Recruit him for the Karag Dum Expedition, and have him train in preparation for it.
Plan Last Chance for Study v2 said:
-[X] MAX: Study an artifact: Eshin Crystal Sword
-[X] JOHANN: Study an artifact: Breathing apparatus.
So, obviously, if you are absolutely opposed to Max going on the KD expedition, you should clearly ignore me and vote for Last Chance instead. That much I'll freely grant. I've posted a bunch about why I think Max would be great to have, but some people are going to strongly oppose it on nigh-axiomatic levels, and, okay, fine, I disagree with it but it's a valid position to hold.

However, assuming you're at least open to Max going, I think Redshirt makes a better switch from Compromise than Last Chance, for the simple reason that the thing you keep in Redshirt is recruiting Johann for the KD expedition. We know NPCs have "personal actions" which they use in the background to progress their own objectives or develop their skills, and I agree with Redshirt that giving any wizards we recruit more time to prepare themselves, by simple dint of recruiting them earlier and thus giving them more time to prepare, is very useful. It boosts the expedition's power without costing us additional AP.

Furthermore, I don't think losing Max's research action on the crystal sword is a big deal; the crystal sword is probably really neat, and worth a hefty chunk of College Favour, but I doubt it will yield anything of direct practical use to us. We've already got Branulhune, after all, and I don't think we'll be hurting for Favour any time soon (especially given that we're about to drop the We book). And Feldmann promised us copies of all the research the Gold College does, so our curiosity will be satisfied; it's not like we'll never learn its secrets if we let it go now.

tl;dr: Plan Compromise is IMO no longer viable due to Umgi priests not being very welcome on the expedition, and I think supporters should change their votes. If you feel absolutely convinced that Max shouldn't go on the expedition, by all means switch to [ ] Plan Last Chance for Study v2, but otherwise I think you should switch to [ ] Plan Redshirt v2.

(It should be noted that no matter which of these win, I will be fine with it -- they all do the really important bits the same way, we'll be fine no matter what -- but I felt I should drop at least one real effortpost into this voting cycle :p)
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Aha. I am quite confident that there is no established canon on the subject. My suspicion is that Candesce is right, simply due to the fact that we know she had a personal shrine to him in Altdorf and he is called her oldest friend, but it is not settled history.

(Incidentally, @veekie is the one to thank, Doylistically, for Ranald; he was the first one to bring it up as a patron deity option in the voting. Thanks veekie!)
Technically, I think she may have known Morr before Ranald, since she had him when she was 10

on the other hand, a pet doesn't get more Ranaldite than a black cat
Get the band back together!

Mathilde to scout dungeons, kill bosses, and lead the wizards.

Johann to break formations and champions with his fists and steel staff, aim artillery and run as an outrider.

Max to ride the steam wagons, lay down volumes of fire from hardpoints, and solve problems with materials or scholarship.

Estabin and Senja, for near in cavalry support and preventing fights with those monsters that are ghyran, not chaos or dhar. Also comic relief as Mathilde continues her tradition of walking in on them fcking. Maybe good for thoughts of romance for herself!

And it all starts with the two golds.

Vote Plan Redshirt v2!
So, obviously, if you are absolutely opposed to Max going on the KD expedition, you should clearly ignore me and vote for Last Chance instead. That much I'll freely grant. I've posted a bunch about why I think Max would be great to have, but some people are going to strongly oppose it on nigh-axiomatic levels, and, okay, fine, I disagree with it but it's a valid position to hold.
The problem i have with recruiting Max (or Johann) at this point, is that we are not committed to going ourselves, so asking them is a though sell for me.
I'm generally opposed to it otherwise as well, even while i do admit they could be useful, but until we ourselves make a decision to stay or go, even arguing about recruiting them is a no go.

Now, i think we will end up going, there's a fairly strong consensus on that it seems, got no strong opinions either way myself, but votes can surprise us at times, so i want certainty first.
Also, recruiting Johann or Max before we decide to leave ourselves, feels like strongarming the thread on Mathilde going issue.
Probably not the intent, i think most people just take it as given that Mathilde will go as well.
You can have an adventuring party... or you can have an adventuring party and the relic that saved Karak Eight Peaks!

Remember, we can always use a later turn to recruit them. Meanwhile, we are soon losing the opportunity to dissect a wondrous device!

A mysterious, divine-touched garment which purports to have some relation to gaseous phenomenon, and for its lack from the Clan Skryre stronghold, shattered their dastardly plans, aroused a mighty dragon, and reclaimed Vala Azril Ungol for the Karaz Ankor!
Research the Gas Mask that started it all, and behold the architect of a miracle! Vote for Plan Maximum Research [] Plan Last Chance for Research v2!
The problem i have with recruiting Max (or Johann) at this point, is that we are not committed to going ourselves, so asking them is a though sell for me.
I'm generally opposed to it otherwise as well, even while i do admit they could be useful, but until we ourselves make a decision to stay or go, even arguing about recruiting them is a no go.

Now, i think we will end up going, there's a fairly strong consensus on that it seems, got no strong opinions either way myself, but votes can surprise us at times, so i want certainty first.
Also, recruiting Johann or Max before we decide to leave ourselves, feels like strongarming the thread on Mathilde going issue.
Probably not the intent, i think most people just take it as given that Mathilde will go as well.
Sure, that makes a ton of sense and it's a valid way to feel. My post was aimed at people already supporting Plan Compromise, though, which does have Johann getting recruited, which implies that those people are OK with recruiting at this point. And I think those people should switch from Compromise to Redshirt.
[ ] Seek out merchants who have travelled the Skull Road to learn what they know of it.

Can this^ be done and an EIC action?

Also, would reaching out to the Cult of Ranald be better as a Mathilde action (she's the one with the pull) or an EIC action (they're the ones with the time)?
Nice thinking but no. Great minds think alike.
Can we send the Hochlander to talk to merchants and mercenaries who have traveled the Expedition's route?
Rather outside the job description. The EIC doesn't have so much as a branch office in Kislev or Osterland or Ostermark.
Voting is open