What are we gonna do with our old set of AA robes? Give em to one of our subordinates? Donate them to the Grey Order for rep? Could sell them to a wizard for a few hundred gold.
I really like the thought of donating them to the Grey Order and giving some Journeyman a bit more chance of survival, but probably the Hochlander is a better choice?
In unrelated news, I would like to encourage supporters of [ ] Plan Compromise~~~ to instead support [ ] Plan Redshirt v2, and here is why:
-[X] Attempt to recruit assistance for the Karag Dum Expedition: Colleges of Magic, Ulrican Warrior Priests.
Well after the vote opened, we got this bit of information:
Umgi Gods on a Dawi Expedition would be an immensely tough sell.
As a result of this, my previous enthusiasm for recruiting priests to the expedition has plummeted. We lack the personal or institutional credibility to get dwarves to accept Umgi priests the way we
do have the personal/institutional credibility to get them to accept wizards. Consequently, I dropped my approval vote for kfrar's plan (with disappointment; I really wanted to recruit Ulricans at some point).
Why should you vote for Redshirt instead, you ask? Well, the only other difference between Compromise and Redshirt is the Max action, whereas the difference between Compromise and Last Chance is the Johann action. Here they are side-by-side:
Plan Compromise said:
-[X] MAX: Study an artifact: Eshin Crystal Sword
-[X] JOHANN: Recruit him for the Karag Dum Expedition, and have him train in preparation for it.
Plan Redshirt v2 said:
-[X] MAX: Recruit him for the Karag Dum Expedition, and have him train in preparation for it.
-[X] JOHANN: Recruit him for the Karag Dum Expedition, and have him train in preparation for it.
Plan Last Chance for Study v2 said:
-[X] MAX: Study an artifact: Eshin Crystal Sword
-[X] JOHANN: Study an artifact: Breathing apparatus.
So, obviously, if you are absolutely opposed to Max going on the KD expedition, you should clearly ignore me and vote for Last Chance instead. That much I'll freely grant.
I've posted a bunch about why I think Max would be great to have, but some people are going to strongly oppose it on nigh-axiomatic levels, and, okay, fine, I disagree with it but it's a valid position to hold.
However, assuming you're at least
open to Max going, I think Redshirt makes a better switch from Compromise than Last Chance, for the simple reason that the thing you keep in Redshirt is recruiting Johann for the KD expedition. We know NPCs have "personal actions" which they use in the background to progress their own objectives or develop their skills, and I agree with Redshirt that giving any wizards we recruit more time to prepare themselves, by simple dint of recruiting them earlier and thus giving them more time to prepare, is
very useful. It boosts the expedition's power without costing us additional AP.
Furthermore, I don't think losing Max's research action on the crystal sword is a big deal; the crystal sword is probably really
neat, and worth a hefty chunk of College Favour, but I doubt it will yield anything of direct practical
use to us. We've already got Branulhune, after all, and I don't think we'll be hurting for Favour any time soon (especially given that we're about to drop the We book). And Feldmann promised us copies of all the research the Gold College does, so our curiosity will be satisfied; it's not like we'll never learn its secrets if we let it go now.
tl;dr: Plan Compromise is IMO no longer viable due to Umgi priests not being very welcome on the expedition, and I think supporters should change their votes. If you feel absolutely convinced that Max shouldn't go on the expedition, by all means switch to [ ] Plan Last Chance for Study v2, but otherwise I think you should switch to [ ] Plan Redshirt v2.
(It should be noted that no matter which of these win, I will be fine with it -- they all do the really important bits the same way, we'll be fine no matter what -- but I felt I should drop at least one real effortpost into this voting cycle
