They're a literal God. Offering them an amount of power a single human could manage is unlikely to be convincing.
Maybe if we got another deific juice heist, but I put low odds on surviving one if we want to actually seek one of those out.
You'd have to add yet another layer of magic to befuddle the wearer into not realizing the invisibility has worn off.
When making cursed items, K.I.S.S. is key.
I'd probably just put a stress triggered Bewilder secondary enchantment without messing with the invisibility.
Or I suppose...a Mindhole targeting themselves as if they were the caster if I wanted to get fancy. Turn invisible, forget everything about yourself after a few minutes.
Not sure WHY we'd actually go to all that effort for it, but thats GM-veekie's thoughts.
There's technically a town council, but nobody's under any illusions. The holy warriors riding on giant wolves that saved everyone are calling the shots.
Hmm, so the council handles all the boring stuff like alloting food, adjucating living spaces, and building infrastructure while the Knightly Order handles Justice and Politics?
That sounds really close to how Johann senses magic and objects around him. I could imagine him getting confused if he were somehow using Breach the Unknown to skip straight to answers. "Oh, this sensation of theirs is a lot like how magic feels. Must be magic."
Especially before we got him to properly F L E X his windsense.
Its really using a highly refined sense of touch to 'hear' with, but keeping in mind that sound travels REALLY well through solid objects and taut threads(like say, webbing). And you need to know about ultrasonics.
We could test this well enough if we wanted, based on this theory the We's communication ranges would be:
-Highest when inside an enclosed rigid object. Sound would propagate extremely long distances without dispersal, down a sufficiently narrow and hard tunnel.
-Lowered when the ground is soft.
-Lowered when in open spaces.
If true, the We should have perfect wifi when inside a Karak, but the range should drop dramatically in open space on soil, but since every We is a signal repeater, you would not notice the difference inside a colony proper.
Which means if true, an engineering solution for the We fragmenting over longer ranges is to set up a network hub of extremely hard(as in hard to the point of brittleness) steel speaking tubes, for hub operator spiders to sit between and 'echo' the sounds and keep the hive continuous.