Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I hoped we could drop Mathilde's Sigmar issues, not because i care about Sigmar or want to spend time with Sigmarites, but because i felt it would have been a good growing up moment, realizing that shit happens and being angry that one person was not saved when we know that gods are limited and not all powerful, sometimes shit happens.
Thread decided otherwise.

Not really important here though, as dwarves would not appreciate umgi gods getting involved anyway.
Yeah, the big issue is that if the trait could go away because we just don't care about it anymore it'd already be gone. But when you have to give up something like the ability to sense gods or combine multiple winds into single enchanted items for the ability to not dislike somebody who never comes up in the narrative anyways, it becomes functionally impossible to get rid of.
I honestly don't know if thats a good thing or not... that means the site is so dead that this one quest can completely consume its tag cloud everytime it updates.
This quest has three-hundred voter turnouts for stuff like loot. Not lurkers just watching, actual voters participating in the thread. That voter base is reading actively enough to pivot on a dime; we've seen vote swings larger than entire previous 'wow, that's a lot of votes' records. We're six thousand pages and more than five hundred thousand words into it, over about two years. And I'm pretty sure that sometimes when this quest updates the site starts having trouble.

So, whatever the website is supposed to look like in terms of activity, we're at the upper end here. Anything higher and they'd probably have to buy new servers.
I honestly don't know if thats a good thing or not... that means the site is so dead that this one quest can completely consume its tag cloud everytime it updates.
SV has roughly as many new threads as SB in creative writing and quests, and the update rates aren't too dissimilar either. I doubt it's possible for any one person to read all of it (not all the posts on those subforums, all the updates). That's plenty lively.

It's just that the Divided Loyalties thread moves more in a single week than 90% of all threads do in their lifetime, and I'm not even counting all the quests that don't make it past the first update.
It's just that the Divided Loyalties thread moves more in a single week than 90% of all threads do in their lifetime, and I'm not even counting all the quests that don't make it past the first update.
Because of who I am as a person, I checked this assertion. The post closest to 168 hours (one week exactly) before your post, #151,628, was this one, post #147,652.

3976 posts. 159 pages. In one week by the clock.

This isn't even the most active the thread has ever been.
I will contest murder. Mathilde has only ever killed in warfare or under her remit to enforce the laws of the Empire.
...yeah, maybe. Regimand himself described rolling up the network as murder, and we did kill a lady ourselves. Not like there was a formal trial, though we did interrogate her. Capital punishment was still a very final judgement.
It was literally a joke. Mathilde has done many a bad thing.
Ah, fair enough. Sorry I missed that, hope you didn't take the mini pile-on I triggered too badly. Apologies for that.
Didn't Regimand say that we wouldn't actually have faced any consequences other than being more tightly watched, whatever happened?
He hoped. In other words, he said he thought those would have been the consequences for us.
...Ok, I'm fine. Hi everybody!
Hi, and welcome to the thread!
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Because of who I am as a person, I checked this assertion. The post closest to 168 hours (one week exactly) before your post, #151,628, was this one, post #147,652.

3976 posts. 159 pages. In one week by the clock.

This isn't even the most active the thread has ever been.
As a physicist, I just wildly rounded numbers. A decent fraction (especially quests) make it to 100, but much fewer reach 150, and so I took that as my target. 150/7 is 20, and in Divided Loyalty terms, that's somehow a slow week, but plausible enough. It rather pleases me how close I got with my estimation.

Since I'm already replying to you: Do you, oh Lorekeeper and Archivist of the Word of the Boney One, remember where Mathilde got her Ranald from?
I honestly don't know if thats a good thing or not... that means the site is so dead that this one quest can completely consume its tag cloud everytime it updates.
The quest currently tends to contain about 1/7 of the new posts on the site in a given day. At one time, it was 1/5.

For example, for the past 24 hours, this quest represents 13% of the site activity, judging by "new posts in that time".

(There's been about 600 posts in this thread in the past 24 hours, and the site says 4,600 posts total in that time period. So, 13%.)

SV tends to hover around 5,000 posts a day, SB around 8,000.

For whatever it's worth, whenever DoDA gets updated, the tag cloud immediately represents that story, not this one.
Since I'm already replying to you: Do you, oh Lorekeeper and Archivist of the Word of the Boney One, remember where Mathilde got her Ranald from?
I don't know what you mean by "got her Ranald from." Do you mean her worship of Ranald? It was a character generation option. Or do you mean something else?

(What field of physics? My dad was a high-energy physicist until he decided as a postdoc that an MBA was a better career plan than winning the Nobel Prize. Meeting my mother may have had some contribution to this particular theoretical breakthrough.)
I don't know what you mean by "got her Ranald from." Do you mean her worship of Ranald? It was a character generation option. Or do you mean something else?

(What field of physics? My dad was a high-energy physicist until he decided as a postdoc that an MBA was a better career plan than winning the Nobel Prize. Meeting my mother may have had some contribution to this particular theoretical breakthrough.)
I meant in universe. It's not like she one day woke up and realised she was a Grey Wizard and former Peasant either. So where/when/how did she decide that the Lad was her god of choice?

(I'll answer the second point in PM, to avoid a derail).
I think he's looking for a Watsonian answer rather than a Doylist one.

I believe it's implied to be "she picked it up because Ranald worship is endemic among Grey apprentices," but I'm not sure there's an explicit statement anywhere.
I meant in universe. It's not like she one day woke up and realised she was a Grey Wizard and former Peasant either. So where/when/how did she decide that the Lad was her god of choice?
Aha. I am quite confident that there is no established canon on the subject. My suspicion is that Candesce is right, simply due to the fact that we know she had a personal shrine to him in Altdorf and he is called her oldest friend, but it is not settled history.

(Incidentally, @veekie is the one to thank, Doylistically, for Ranald; he was the first one to bring it up as a patron deity option in the voting. Thanks veekie!)
I meant in universe. It's not like she one day woke up and realised she was a Grey Wizard and former Peasant either. So where/when/how did she decide that the Lad was her god of choice?

(I'll answer the second point in PM, to avoid a derail).
Something about seeing a guy playing a card trick in street where she lost money to and then figured out how he did it with the help of Ranald was the starting point.

Can't find the source tough because thread is very long.
We know that near the start of her stay in the Grey College, Mathilde adopted a stray cat and named it Morr, in order to fulfill her Doom. ("When abandoned and alone, Morr will befriend you.")

That sounds 100% like something that would greatly amuse Ranald, god of cats and playing silly buggers, so I suspect that it's tied into her later worship of Ranald.
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