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So... I know we have quite the artifact backlog. But any thoughts on getting the teaching Adela Engineering action next turn?

[ ] JOHANN: Have him teach Adela what he knows of engineering.
But any thoughts on getting the teaching Adela Engineering action next turn?
Er, first things first:

@BoneyM, does Johann have any training in engineering? Because I don't want this to turn into-

"Well, that's a fine thing. Just do what I do, and cast Gold Magic at it."
"But what if you're a Bright Wizard?"
"Bright Wizard? That's the wrong wind, plus it's gruesome. Gold Magic, that's my strategy!"
So... I know we have quite the artifact backlog. But any thoughts on getting the teaching Adela Engineering action next turn?

[ ] JOHANN: Have him teach Adela what he knows of engineering.
I'd be fine doing that and putting Max on an artifact.
Ranald's Coin
Vampire skulls

Preserved bodies of the Rat Mothers of Clan Mors.

Throwing star, still dripping venom.
Eshin Sorcerer crystal sword.
Eshin Sorcerer amulet, shattered.

Electric whip, stolen from Clan Moulder.
Vials, stolen from Clan Moulder.
Captured Clan Moulder devices (as yet uninspected)

Firearms; jezzails, pistols, bullets, gunpowder.
Warp Lightning Cannon (misfired, possibly broken)
Lighting mechanism, stolen from Clan Skryre. (shared project with Adela)
Breathing apparatus, stolen from Clan Skryre. (shared project with Johann)
Brass orb, stolen from Clan Skryre.
I think asking Max to look at the captured Clan Moulder devices makes a lot of sense, given that he translated the chaos dwarf anatomy book and so is already familiar with Moulder's... Moulder-ness.
Er, first things first:

@BoneyM, does Johann have any training in engineering? Because I don't want this to turn into-

"Well, that's a fine thing. Just do what I do, and cast Gold Magic at it."
"But what if you're a Bright Wizard?"
"Bright Wizard? That's the wrong wind, plus it's gruesome. Gold Magic, that's my strategy!"
Nah, Johann has proper engineering knowledge. It's necessary if he wants to actually apply any skaven knowledge he gets to make untainted Imperial machinery.
Er, first things first:

@BoneyM, does Johann have any training in engineering? Because I don't want this to turn into-

"Well, that's a fine thing. Just do what I do, and cast Gold Magic at it."
"But what if you're a Bright Wizard?"
"Bright Wizard? That's the wrong wind, plus it's gruesome. Gold Magic, that's my strategy!"

Not quite Imperial Gunnery School level, but he got a solid foundation from the Gold College and has done a lot of reading since then.
actually, on the case of 'magic-tech' in general.

does Mathy actually have the knowledge on the 'engineering' side of project to actually do some of the things that were talked about?

like, I won't ask for Johnna or Adela, they both very particularly have the Mechanic trait or gold order spells on top of their magic ones.

there is a legitimate chance that we don't know enough to mix magic and tech without them helping.
I mean, you're going to have to define 'the things that were talked about'. Illusion can hide sights and sounds well enough to protect people's ears from cannon blasts, so the subject being a gyrocopter as opposed to, say, a grey wizard shouldn't have an impact on the final result; unless gyrocopters are inherently magical, the subject is almost irrelevant. Enchant Object just makes things work better, so if it makes them work better by breaking them then it was miscast. Was there anything else?
ahhh, you know what, the 'magic-tech' guys can have their fun, I'll just get the popcorn...
I feel that you asked a very vague question, and, upon receiving an equally vague answer, proceeded to mock the idea. 'Hah hah, I will watch this as entertainment', when you've previously made clear that you use this terminology when you think that things are going to go very badly.

This makes me feel bad. I don't think it's against the rules or anything, but it wasn't pleasant.
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Maaaan, look at all that cool Skaven stuff just sitting there in the vault.

The crystal sword and shattered amulet seem particularly noteworthy, since they were used by the Eshin Sorcerer.
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One thing I'd like to lobby hard for is maxing out our Engineering books because we have a lot of skaven engineering stuff to go through. Max Engineering would provide a massive overall bonus not only to studying all that engineering stuff, but also to writing papers on it and possibly even developing tech based on it. As a bonus, it should help Adela with her engineering studies.
Karag Zilfin, Windswept Mountain: Azyr
Karag Yar, Sunset Mountain: Shyish
Karag Mhonar, Shadow Mountain: Ulgu
Karagril, Silverhorn: Ghur
Karag Lhune, Crescent Mountain: Chamon
Karag Rhyn, Mount Redstone: Aqshy
Karag Nar, Sunrise Mountain: Ghyran
Kvinn-Wyr, White Lady: Hysh
Karag Nar, Sunrise Mountain: Our house, so Ulgu
Karag Yar, Sunset Mountain: Rider of Dusk, so also Ulgu

Maaaan, look at all that cool Skaven stuff just sitting there in the vault.

The crystal sword and shattered amulet seem particularly noteworthy, since they were used by the Eshin Sorcerer.
Yup. As Johann observed-
We took back Karak Eight Peaks. And we're sitting on enough Skaven artifacts and technology to pump out papers for the next decade."

Not quite Imperial Gunnery School level, but he got a solid foundation from the Gold College and has done a lot of reading since then.
Isn't Adela already learning 'the bits Nuln knows already' from Gotri and his crew? If that's the case, what can Johann add to that in terms of pure engineering?
(Perhaps as opposed to 'Umgi magitech' or whatever we're calling it, I guess.)
Edit: Also, hmm, is that quote saying that Adela could learn more from enrolling in the local Imperial Gunnery School?
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I feel that you asked a very vague question, and, upon receiving an equally vague answer, proceeded to mock the idea. 'Hah hah, I will watch this as entertainment', when you've previously made clear that you use this terminology when you think that things are going to go very badly.

This makes me feel bad.
I use this terminology when I think things will be entertaining.

I would be happy to let Mathy have a go at something only to find out she bit more then she could chew, that's narratively fun.

I'm hoping that Mathy goes for the magic copper and makes a mess of it, not as 'ha, am glad the voters Idea didn't work' but as a learning experience for the character.

then hopefully we get a vote.
- does she give in, and move on to another project, as she would rather move on then spend years chasing a mechanic trait just to finish one idea
- or does she fight it, and stubbornly spend the time to fish the project no matter how stubborn and annoying it is.

one way or the other, it will be a developing moment for Mathy.

hence popcorn.
Isn't Adela already learning 'the bits Nuln knows already' from Gotri and his crew? If that's the case, what can Johann add to that in terms of pure engineering?
(Perhaps as opposed to 'Umgi magitech' or whatever we're calling it, I guess.)

Dwarven education methods aren't what you'd call rapid. There's still plenty left for Johann to fill in.
Another reason to max out our Engineering books is that we'd have the greatest repository of engineering knowledge in the entire world, because thanks to Extensive and Esoteric Skaven we'd have two sets of Extensive+Esoteric and two sets of Extensive - more than everyone else.
Karag Nar, Sunrise Mountain: Our house, so Ulgu
Karag Yar, Sunset Mountain: Rider of Dusk, so also Ulgu
Yeah, that bothers me too (as well as the fact that Sparklebutt lives in Zilfin, not Kvinn-Wyr), but ultimately I went with the mapping that made the most amount sense based purely on the names. If we set the rule that "powerful local wizards get their mountain-college association, no matter the name," I'd make Nar Ulgu and Zilfin Hysh, Mhonar can have Shyish, and Kvinn-Wyr can have Azyr because it's the most useless mountain and the most useless Wind :V
Yeah, that bothers me too (as well as the fact that Sparklebutt lives in Zilfin, not Kvinn-Wyr), but ultimately I went with the mapping that made the most amount sense based purely on the names. If we set the rule that "powerful local wizards get their mountain-college association, no matter the name," I'd make Nar Ulgu and Zilfin Hysh, Mhonar can have Shyish, and Kvinn-Wyr can have Azyr because it's the most useless mountain and the most useless Wind :V
Azyr has good spells in WFRP. Ghur, meanwhile, has the worst spells and the worst arcane marks in WFRP. It's only when you get to Battle Magic that Ghur starts being good.
I use this terminology when I think things will be entertaining.
I mean, you say this, and then you explain that what you mean by this is that you hope that the idea will go badly and we'll make a mess of it. Your use of the word 'Entertaining' is synonymous with failure, by your own clarification. I apparently interpreted your post quite accurately the first time around, and 'I'd love to watch you fail' is still pretty mean to say, and so I'm not exactly sure what the post adds.

It's, just, like... Please don't?
Azyr because it's the most useless mountain and the most useless Wind
Azyr has good spells in WFRP. Ghur, meanwhile, has the worst spells and the worst arcane marks in WFRP. It's only when you get to Battle Magic that Ghur starts being good.
I think that was tongue in cheek channeling Mathilde's in-character view.
First they were a safe-ish border for us, and then they just took care of the local greenskin problem. Downright generous of them, really.
When you get invited to an all-you-can-eat party buffet, who's gonna turn that down? No self-respecting river troll, that's for sure.
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I mean, you say this, and then you explain that what you mean by this is that you hope that the idea will go badly and we'll make a mess of it. Your use of the word 'Entertaining' is synonymous with failure, by your own clarification. I apparently interpreted your post quite accurately the first time around, and 'I'd love to watch you fail' is still pretty mean to say, and so I'm not exactly sure what the post adds.

It's, just, like... Please don't?
... dude, i think your just being thin skined here...

Gonna go with @chocolote12 here. It's feels bad when someone says "Your failure will be entertaining to me."

ya, because failure can be entertaining if used in a narratively interesting way.
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I'm 100% behind having Johann tutor Adela in engineering, and then letting Johann/Max/Adela spend the next decade deciphering the Skryre technical manuals and turning them into useful insights for Order. And having a maxxed out engineering library for them to consult makes a lot of sense, so yeah, I'm all for that purchase.

Mathilde can spend the next few turns writing that book on the We, then writing the book on AV. No doubt we'll have pickex up plenty of other paper topics by the time that's done, so there's really no reason to be stingy.

Speaking of which, Max has got to have an absurd amount of College Favor for a Journeyman - being our personal scribe has paid off handsomely for him.
Some people approach the quest as a story they want to be interesting, and some approach it as a game they want to find success in. Both are valid. Please be mindful of those that approach the quest differently from you and refrain from hoping aloud for a result that you'd enjoy but they wouldn't.
Well, I don't know about that- those Trolls came in handy plenty. First they were a safe-ish border for us, and then they just took care of the local greenskin problem. Downright generous of them, really.
You're not wrong, but that's the virtues of the troll population, not the virtues of the mountain itself. What's it got besides empty space? It doesn't even seem to have much historical significance.
Azyr has good spells in WFRP. Ghur, meanwhile, has the worst spells and the worst arcane marks in WFRP. It's only when you get to Battle Magic that Ghur starts being good.
(i am roleplaying as Mathilde's internal monologue here, which canonically finds the Celestials super aggravating.)
I think that was tongue in cheek channeling Mathilde's in-character view.
I'm 100% behind having Johann tutor Adela in engineering, and then letting Johann/Max/Adela spend the next decade deciphering the Skryre technical manuals and turning them into useful insights for Order. And having a maxxed out engineering library for them to consult makes a lot of sense, so yeah, I'm all for that purchase.

Mathilde can spend the next few turns writing that book on the We, then writing the book on AV. No doubt we'll have pickex up plenty of other paper topics by the time that's done, so there's really no reason to be stingy.

Speaking of which, Max has got to have an absurd amount of College Favor for a Journeyman - being our personal scribe has paid off handsomely for him.
Dwarf Antiquarian Engineering would be a great purchase to make this turn, it fills a hole in our library budget that I've been banging my head against the wall trying to deal with.
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