You don't think that the memory of how the last war with the Dwarves ended up shattering their Empire and setting the Elves on their current downward slide to destruction is a good reason for them to say "hey, we really can't afford another one of those, guys"? Especially with a Phoenix King noted for his diplomatic outreach and not, say, being Caledor II?
Now that's absurd.
Hmm, a thought.
While I doubt things will work out in such a way, it might be worth considering, in a doomsday prepping sort of way, that the Elgi remembering what happened last time might be a reason
for them to fully commit to War of the Beard Round 2 here and now, because this is might be their only chance to engage the Dawi while on somewhat equal terms. Think about it: the current High King declared that he was going to strike every Grudge from the Damaz Kron.
All of the them, including those still outstanding against the Elgi. Which sure, whatever, that's just more Dwarven blistering and grinding themselves to dust out of sheer stubbornness, Ulthuan wishes them good luck with that.
Then they hear that the Karaz Ankor is trying to reclaim K8P, because Mathilde outright told Daorir that they were. Then they detect that the Dawi have reactivated a sizable chunk of their section of the Waystone Network, because if the Eonir knew about it then Ulthuan certainly does. The Dawi appear to be actually
succeeding at this whole Vengeance thing. Then there's this situation with the canals, which would an sizable boost to the Karaz Ankor economically, and potentially diplomatically, since the more distant Hold beyond Blackfire Pass will suddenly have a lot better access to their human allies.
It would not be impossible to look at this situation, and consider it not in the context of backing a human citystate against the Dawi backed Empire in a trade dispute, but whether or not they want to back down
now against a resurgent Karaz Ankor, when Ulthuan could still potentially halt their momentum.
I repeat my beginning statement that I don't think this is actually how the Elves will see this, though.
YEah, but it ain't going to happen because of this vote.
Slann: *squints at canal, glances at golden plaque* "Hold on, those bodies of water aren't supposed to be connected..."