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1st edition Realms of Sorcery. It's bound in Beastman skin, constantly hints that true mastery over magic is only possible with the help of the Chaos Gods, and has a tendency to induce insanity and an overwhelming desire to travel to the Chaos Wastes.
Why is it still around? That sounds like something that ought to get thrown into a volcano.
Uh, why are we talking about stealing the Cloak of Beards like it's something the thread has already committed to doing? Is there any indication that Mathilde even knows it exists? It was brought up three hours ago in the context of a joke about Anti-Kragg weaponry; this isn't, like, a long-running ambition of ours. It's literally never been brought up in the narrative, and the narrative is already stuffed fit to bursting with other shiny things. We do not need more long-term schemes for Mathilde to chase down.

It fits into the same slot as "give the Elves the original Phoenix Crown back". Fixing Elf/Dwarf relations is something every Warhammer fan likes to think about and those two things are some of the biggest physical representations of it.
It's only a small minority of High Elves who cherish the thing, the same people who keep shaving Dwarfs to this day. Most would be agreeable to not have to acknowledge it exists anymore.
You sure about that? And even then, we could probably do it the reasonable way and earn enough favor or Boon equivalents to just ask for the thing. Even if they want it gone being stolen from would hurt their pride something fierce.
Maybe one day, wizards driven to the edge of sanity will stumble over our secret vault looking for an edge in a wizard war, and using the AV and Drucchi smut within they'll create a storm of magic and go mad.

Then we'll know that we've really made it as a wizard.
No, no, it's the Skaven porn we have to worry about.
Yes to being invited back, or yes to us being able to pull it off? Because in the latter case I really have to admire your confidence. From a safe distance. Like another continent.
Why is it still around? That sounds like something that ought to get thrown into a volcano.

Because having to keep a Wizard tied up in a magically-neutral room for six months or so until the urge fades is seen as a valid price to pay for them throwing around twice as many fireballs or whatever when this decade's apocalyptic threat knocks on the doors of Altdorf.
Why is it still around? That sounds like something that ought to get thrown into a volcano.

Not only is it still around, it is availiable to all armies except the dawi, because it's a corebook common magic item.

Empire? Has it.
Brettonia? Fine with having their priestesses read from it.
Slann? Read it.
Elfs? All three tabletop factions have copies.
Orks? They have it too.

It being such an obviously cursed item makes, frankly, zero sense.
I'm pretty sure that paper was already written by someone else, actually, hence where we got the idea. The problem is catching them in a specific way, and I don't think even Mathilde is entirely sure how she managed it.

If it was, we or our master would have found the paper when we were explicitly and actively looking for a solution to this exact problem.

Neither of us found a paper about surviving or trapping Wisdom Asp's, we had to read a book focused purely on the properties of light that had nothing to do with Wisdom Asp's and realize that we could use an item explicitly designed for a completley different purpose to trap it all on our own. No where was the Asp thing mentioned at all, this was all the cunning of ourselves and our master finding a solution from completely unrelated studies.

If there was a paper on this subject, we would have found it.
It fits into the same slot as "give the Elves the original Phoenix Crown back". Fixing Elf/Dwarf relations is something every Warhammer fan likes to think about and those two things are some of the biggest physical representations of it.
The Cloak of Beards is an incarnate relic dedicated to the dishonouring and desecration of the people who've been nothing but good to us. This isn't about fixing relations, it's about doing a solid for our greatest allies and friends and pissing off the people responsible for their shame and anger.
Guys, we already read one super magic book of evil temptation, and are currently advised specifically to get anti-chaos training. Let's not go for round two, yeah?
If it was, we or our master would have found the paper when we were explicitly and actively looking for a solution to this exact problem.

Neither of us found a paper about surviving or trapping Wisdom Asp's, we had to read a book focused purely on the properties of light that had nothing to do with Wisdom Asp's and realize that we could use an item explicitly designed for a completley different purpose to trap it all on our own. No where was the Asp thing mentioned at all, this was all the cunning of ourselves and our master finding a solution from completely unrelated studies.

If there was a paper on this subject, we would have found it.
Right, that's the thing I was thinking of. I guess we probably should put it down as an effective method then.
Also for the record, giving the Phoenix Crown back is something I'm against. It is a terrible idea from a practical perspective. Its capture is what gave the dwarves peace of mind enough to declare peace. It is the keystone holding back a war of extinction.
Not that I'm actually entertaining the idea, but rampant curiosity begs me to ask: @BoneyM what sort of favor or boons could we expect to get from successfully stealing or destroying the Cloak of Beards? I imagine it would be something, just not sure what.
Puting aside pulling off the heist in the first place, I don't see us being able to keep it a secret after returning it to the dwarves. They'll want to declare that a great shame has been erased, and even if they don't say how they managed it, it'll be pretty obvious when the elves examine the timelines involved.

Not only is it still around, it is availiable to all armies except the dawi, because it's a corebook common magic item.

Empire? Has it.
Brettonia? Fine with having their priestesses read from it.
Slann? Read it.
Elfs? All three tabletop factions have copies.
Orks? They have it too.

It being such an obviously cursed item makes, frankly, zero sense.
That just frankly sounds like a mistake, or the rules bending to make up for the lack of other anti-dwarf magic items out there.
Mathilde when first seeing her future home:
"The entire Karag seems built to draw attention to this room, which is probably why the Warboss chose it. Its doorway is visible from most of the central staircase."

"My God Weber, you've solved the paradox! It really is false!"
Or, depending on the listener:
"My God Weber, you've solved the paradox! It really is true!"
Ten minutes later, Mathilde is frantically trying to look as unresponsible for the night of a thousand and one duels as she can.
Because having to keep a Wizard tied up in a magically-neutral room for six months or so until the urge fades is seen as a valid price to pay for them throwing around twice as many fireballs or whatever when this decade's apocalyptic threat knocks on the doors of Altdorf.
...I'd be up for it. We get to keep our pornentertainment, right?
It's a gameplay abstraction. Easier than writing a dozen sets of fluff for mechanically identical items.
I mean, it's a book created by the Chaos Gods to corrupt mortals. I'm perfectly willing to believe that it just randomly pops up in libraries.
Is that the case in the quest-canon too? If so what's the justification for there being so many copies?

Not even one Book of Ashur has appeared in this quest, so it's rather premature to ask me to justify multiple.

Not that I'm actually entertaining the idea, but rampant curiosity begs me to ask: @BoneyM what sort of favor or boons could we expect to get from successfully stealing or destroying the Cloak of Beards? I imagine it would be something, just not sure what.

I'd decide what the result would be over the course of the caper.
Puting aside pulling off the heist in the first place, I don't see us being able to keep it a secret after returning it to the dwarves. They'll want to declare that a great shame has been erased, and even if they don't say how they managed it, it'll be pretty obvious when the elves examine the timelines involved.
Establishing our innocence is a puzzle we'll have to solve but it's not unsolveable. The easy way out is the Deceiver but there may be other ways to go about it.
I'd decide what the result would be over the course of the caper.
Well that's not ominous in the slightest. I'm actually vaguely interested now. Not enough to actually do it, mind, just that it might be amusing.
Huh, thought for you crazy people actually supporting this, but we do have that trait which makes infiltration basically a given as long as they're not actively looking for magic, and given dwarves don't have magic, any protection on the Cloak of Beards might be missing that. Again, I don't think it's actually worth the cost of succeeding, even assuming we could, but it's a thing.
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