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Well, the Cloak of Beards is pretty Anti-Kragg. Same goes for Dwarf-Gouger.

I want to reiterate just how fucking haxx the Cloak of Beards is against Dwarfs, now that i looked it up again. Every Runed Item in contact with the Elf carrying the Cloak of Beards has a 50% chance of being destroyed. Per Turn. I don't think there is anything nearly as good against Daemons as the Cloak is against Dwarfs.

If we meet a guy with a suspiciously fearsome multi-colored magic cloak when we are on Elfcation, i suggest we change the side of the road.
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An enchanted bullet? Why would you enchant a bullet? Enchanting takes the same amount of time no matter what you're enchanting, so it's better to enchant the gun so that all your shots are magically enhanced rather than just one. It's why it's the Amber Bow, not the Amber Arrows.

Because sometimes you want a one-shot weapon, that expends all the effect the enchantment might ever have in a single burst, to deal with a serious problem. Like the one that particular enchanted bullet was used for. One-shot items aren't especially economical for general use, but when you absolutely need to stop the madman who is actively conjuring a Storm of Magic to devastate your city, you'll be glad to have one on hand.
Minority vote here, why do people feel so loyal to the Empire? I understand College of Magic, they are directly responsible for most of the good stuff that would happen to us. But as far as I'm aware the Empire has done less then fuck all for us, it's not like it even allows the colleges to exists peacefully either. It just takes one bad Emperor or Count with the semi-secret dwarf knowledge for this to blow up in K8P and our faces and then we lose trust and reputation.

Is there a reason people are being so forward beyond just love of the Empire?
The cloak shudders and crawls away with its wearer included when Kragg enters the premises in fear of containing less beard power than Kragg does.
The Cloak of Beards entering Kragg's line of sight will be the day that a dwarf becomes capable of wielding magic outside of Runes or a pact with Hashut, since his glare will channel either Shyish or Aqshy to disintegrate it (and the wearer) on the spot.
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Minority vote here, why do people feel so loyal to the Empire? I understand College of Magic, they are directly responsible for most of the good stuff that would happen to us. But as far as I'm aware the Empire has done less then fuck all for us, it's not like it even allows the colleges to exists peacefully either. It just takes one bad Emperor or Count with the semi-secret dwarf knowledge for this to blow up in K8P and our faces and then we lose trust and reputation.

Is there a reason people are being so forward beyond just love of the Empire?

Speaking personally, I see "Speak honestly of everything not explicitly secret, including rifts within the Karaz Ankor" as a happy medium between our competing obligations. Dwarven reticence isn't actually a good thing, and the stuff that they don't talk about but should talk about gets them in trouble all the time. Discreetly advising some people as to the particulars of that landmine isn't necessarily something Belegar would want us to do, but it might be the better long-term plan.
@BoneyM, with enchanting, is it possible to make something that's functionally equivalent to the Book of Ashur (bonus to casting and dispelling) but only works for shadow wizards or us specifically?
Minority vote here, why do people feel so loyal to the Empire? I understand College of Magic, they are directly responsible for most of the good stuff that would happen to us. But as far as I'm aware the Empire has done less then fuck all for us, it's not like it even allows the colleges to exists peacefully either. It just takes one bad Emperor or Count with the semi-secret dwarf knowledge for this to blow up in K8P and our faces and then we lose trust and reputation.

Is there a reason people are being so forward beyond just love of the Empire?
to be loyal to the college of magic is to be loyal to the empire.

plus, we are a grey wizard, loyalty has been grinded into our skulls. (possibly literally.)
Minority vote here, why do people feel so loyal to the Empire? I understand College of Magic, they are directly responsible for most of the good stuff that would happen to us. But as far as I'm aware the Empire has done less then fuck all for us, it's not like it even allows the colleges to exists peacefully either. It just takes one bad Emperor or Count with the semi-secret dwarf knowledge for this to blow up in K8P and our faces and then we lose trust and reputation.

Is there a reason people are being so forward beyond just love of the Empire?

Because as a wizard we swore oaths of loyalty to the empire, then the emperor, and so on down the line. It's the articles of magic. On pain of death wizards must follow these articles, they're the whole reason the non-wizards don't sick Witch Hunters on us anymore.

We can have other loyalties and friendships so long as they don't conflict with the overall good of the Empire, and should try to align interests so that our friends are on the same page, but it's a careful balancing act. It should be possible to betray neither of our oaths in this situation, with the second option.

It is unnecessary to betray either the Karaz Ankor or the Empire here.
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Because as a wizard we swore oaths of loyalty to the empire, then the emperor, and so on down the line. It's the articles of magic. On pain of death wizards must follow these articles, they're the whole reason the non-wizards don't sick Witch Hunters on us anymore.

We can have other loyalties and friendships so long as they don't conflict with the overall good of the Empire, and should try to align interests so that our fiends are on the same page, but it's a careful balancing act. It should be possible to betray neither of our oaths in this situation, with the second option.

It is unnecessary to betray either the Karaz Ankor or the Empire here.

The articles are written the way they are to give wizards the maximum amount of wiggle room. The first loyalty to the Empire rather than the Emperor is listed in that order for a very good reason.
There are secrets that the wizards could learn that are so dangerous the Emperor cannot be allowed to know about them, the Emperors allegiance to the Empire as a whole may be suspect or the guy may be corrupt or to incompetent to trust.

Regardless nothing in there compels us to tell any secrets we know to the Empire if we believe leaking them will be a pure negative.
Is there lore on the Book of Ashur? I'm only seeing mechanical effects in the core book.

1st edition Realms of Sorcery. It's bound in Beastman skin, constantly hints that true mastery over magic is only possible with the help of the Chaos Gods, and has a tendency to induce insanity and an overwhelming desire to travel to the Chaos Wastes.
I figure that's a good candidate for the fifth action, along with other things in the AV tech tree ("practice Enchanting with AV" and "poke it with a Powerstone to see what happens"). There has not been broad thread consensus about trying it out the way I've seen widespread support for "anti-chaos training" and "finally poke at the damn coin," which is why I didn't specify it in my "I think we're gonna do something like this" hypothesis, though obviously we still might do it.

If AV is our assigned task, obviously, things become easier, but I suspect it won't be, since we've confirmed our major Karaz Ankor-benefiting theory about AV without the benefit of an official project.
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Minority vote here, why do people feel so loyal to the Empire? I understand College of Magic, they are directly responsible for most of the good stuff that would happen to us. But as far as I'm aware the Empire has done less then fuck all for us, it's not like it even allows the colleges to exists peacefully either. It just takes one bad Emperor or Count with the semi-secret dwarf knowledge for this to blow up in K8P and our faces and then we lose trust and reputation.

Is there a reason people are being so forward beyond just love of the Empire?
Whilst the ignorant peasants haven't always been friendly, the Empire has - through the Colleges - raised us up from being one of said ignorant peasants to effective nobility. The Empire itself has never screwed us over, and the amount of antipathy it sometimes gets in this thread really does remind me of the far more justified attitudes to the Imperium of 40K - which it very much does not deserve.

The Empire is, generally, a force for good in this setting, and Mathilde is absolutely sure of this fact, right down to her bones - see our teaching the EIC of such for an example.

I believe the main reason people are even considering concealing things which don't need to be concealed on behalf of the dwarves is in large part because we've spent a lot of time with them recently. Which to be fair, is something that happens IRL a lot too. But at its core this kind of thinking really echoes back to "but what have they done for me recently", which I find distasteful to say the least.
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I figure that's a good candidate for the fifth action, along with other things in the AV tech tree ("practice Enchanting with AV" and "poke it with a Powerstone to see what happens"). There has not been broad thread consensus about trying it out the way I've seen widespread support for "anti-chaos training" and "finally poke at the damn coin," which is why I didn't specify it in my "I think we're gonna do something like this" hypothesis, though obviously we still might do it.

If AV is our assigned task, obviously, things become easier, but I suspect it won't be, since we've confirmed our major Karaz Ankor-benefiting theory about AV without the benefit of an official project.
I would like to argue for using the tower of paper writing to do Mathys first romance novel. as we are in a manageable place with papers and its nice to do something amusing occasionally.
Not at Mathilde's level of understanding. Not even at the Grey College's level of understanding. It seems very likely that Tzeentch had a hand in the creation of the Book of Ashur.

While the text purports to be a simple treatise on magic, it constantly and subtly hints that magic and Chaos are intertwined and that only the Chaos gods can teach the reader all that is necessary to be a truly great wizard.

I dunno, seems innocuous to me... :V
Minority vote here, why do people feel so loyal to the Empire? I understand College of Magic, they are directly responsible for most of the good stuff that would happen to us. But as far as I'm aware the Empire has done less then fuck all for us, it's not like it even allows the colleges to exists peacefully either. It just takes one bad Emperor or Count with the semi-secret dwarf knowledge for this to blow up in K8P and our faces and then we lose trust and reputation.

Is there a reason people are being so forward beyond just love of the Empire?

Because it is in character for Mathilde to do so. Let me be clear: the Empire is the most pro-magic human faction in the entire world. Mathilde was saved from a witch's pyre because a man insisted on the law being upheld. The lives of those blessed and cursed with magic in the Empire are protected under its laws. They are given permit to pursue the research and improvement of their arts and were given a solid base of instruction by elven master wizards. In Bretonnia and Kislev, boys with magic are killed and only some of the girls are able to find places in the Damsels, Hags and Ice Witches. In Araby, the Border Princes, and the lands of Myrmidia, there's not even that. It's either a pyre or seeing how efficiently you can trade sanity for power until you kill yourself or the mob gets impatient. For all of its flaws and injustices, the wizards of the Empire will fight dying to the last man for it because they know that they have a really sweet gig going compared to everyone else.
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