Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I would like to argue for using the tower of paper writing to do Mathys first romance novel. as we are in a manageable place with papers and its nice to do something amusing occasionally.
I suspect convincing the thread will be an uphill battle. I intend to advocate for writing the first half of our We book, because the We are wonderful and would probably enjoy having a book that explains them to the not-We with whom they are in a many-food.

In any event, there is not broad consensus about the use of our other actions the way there seems to be broad consensus for "anti-chaos training," "get better at enchanting," and "poke the coin."
What's the vote count at again?
I posted a tally recently and you can check my posts for that, since it hasn't changed much since then, but in general you can see this for yourself by checking Thread Tools in the upper right -> Vote Tally.
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[X] Speak honestly of everything not explicitly secret, including rifts within the Karaz Ankor
[X] There's a festival to Grungni coming up, and Johann has taken to observing the Holy Days of the Ancestor-God. Join him in this.
[X] Though you rarely think of those days, you did grow up on a farm and know something of the soil. Spend time with her as she goes about her work.
After a great deal of chaos, the Grand Theogonist of the time put an end to the matter by storming the Hall of Duels and executing Horx, which ended the Storm of Magic so abruptly that the backlash killed everyone that was drawing upon it.
Praise Sigmar!
I suspect convincing the thread will be an uphill battle. I intend to advocate for writing the first half of our We book, because the We are wonderful and would probably enjoy having a book that explains them to the not-We with whom they are in a many-food.
I'm gonna have to concur with this. I'm not sure about others but one of my goals is to get 50 favour to afford a flying tower, and I want that first before writing romance books. After that I'd be totally down for doing some fiction writing but until then I'd prefer to stay focused on getting favour.
Isn't Norsca also predominantly human and pretty pro-magic outside of the Khorne factions?
It's pro-magic in the sense that they usually don't bother with pyres if they want to kill you. If you're not ruling over the tribe you're part of as a magic-user, odds are good you're being kept around to be used as a battery for enchanted items or portents, Khornate faction or not.
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Speaking of the novel writing thing ... I'm currently catching up, and one of the things I've seen a desire of is a desire to make Ranald a stronger, more worshiped deity.

Do we want to throw some Ranald advertising in our books? Just make him look good in general?

Also, there was some desire to make him a God of Magic ... if we release a hit, and, you know, just lie about him being a God of Magic ... that might be enough to get the job done? Especially if when people ask us about it we use the Coin to make our lies seem like we think it's the truth.
Let me be clear: the Empire is the most pro-magic human faction in the entire world.
It's the least magic-friendly human faction in the world. Norsca loves magic except for the Khornates. Kislev hates male wizards but are culturally entirely alright with magic itself. Bretonnia's wizards are revered by the peasants. Araby's had its own magic tradition since forever with no indication that its wizards are culturally or legally disadvantaged. Tilea has a wizard who openly flaunts her level 4 magic ruling a city state and everyone there is so completely fine with it that said wizard's beauty is a more distinguishing feature than her magical abilities. Magic use in Cathay is such a casual thing that Cathayans who travel to the Empire have trouble understanding you need a license for it there. Nehekharan wizards and priests were the same thing.

The Empire is unique in how much the people despise wizards and magic in general. It is a global anomaly of hate and prejudice.
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Hey thanks for the responses, I got about 4. It's nice just to see where other people are coming from.

And while I still disagree with the idea that being loyal to the colleges is being loyal to the Empire, that's fine because I'm not obligated to. The Empire is the most human-magician friendly place in the world so I can understand backing it. and some of what the dwarfs know should be made public.

it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth to vote for something I know could bite us in the ass later with Belegar.
Also, there was some desire to make him a God of Magic ... if we release a hit, and, you know, just lie about him being a God of Magic ... that might be enough to get the job done? Especially if when people ask us about it we use the Coin to make our lies seem like we think it's the truth.
All the coin does is make it impossible for people to think we're lying, so they would just declare us a headcase if we proclaimed that.
Speaking of the novel writing thing ... I'm currently catching up, and one of the things I've seen a desire of is a desire to make Ranald a stronger, more worshiped deity.

Do we want to throw some Ranald advertising in our books? Just make him look good in general?

Also, there was some desire to make him a God of Magic ... if we release a hit, and, you know, just lie about him being a God of Magic ... that might be enough to get the job done? Especially if when people ask us about it we use the Coin to make our lies seem like we think it's the truth.
I wouldn't want to mention it at all really - one of his sacraments is not telling people you worship him. If he's ever actually relevant then by all means paint him in a positive light, but don't try and shoehorn him into other subjects.
Hey thanks for the responses, I got about 4. It's nice just to see where other people are coming from.

And while I still disagree with the idea that being loyal to the colleges is being loyal to the Empire, that's fine because I'm not obligated to. The Empire is the most human-magician friendly place in the world so I can understand backing it. and some of what the dwarfs know should be made public.

it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth to vote for something I know could bite us in the ass later with Belegar.
the quest is divided loyalties.

this kind of catch 22 is what this quest is made for.

to be honest, Boney was being far too nice giving us such a long brack during the k8p arc.
I suspect convincing the thread will be an uphill battle. I intend to advocate for writing the first half of our We book, because the We are wonderful and would probably enjoy having a book that explains them to the not-We with whom they are in a many-food.
I maintain that it's about time to publish the Preliminary AV paper.

We have detailed information on its material properties, and a good use case for it as a trade good for Runesmiths, so there is currently a point to the paper. Plus, we've started showing the stuff to other people anyway.

Then, if we do get the Runesmiths and the Colleges to the table together, the Colleges will know of at least one thing they can offer - figuring out how to get more of the stuff, or perhaps how to make something else that can fulfill the same purpose.

And then we could get the Colleges to work on the problem of AV production without even needing to ask for it.

Things might not shake out so cleanly, but if all it costs us is a Serenity action I think it's worth the risk, especially if we take the anti-Chaos training next turn. It's not like Algard will be less suspicious of the snake-in-a-box we've been lugging around since Stirland if we hide it from him for longer, so if we're ever going to publish it we might as well do so now.
I maintain that it's about time to publish the Preliminary AV paper.

We have detailed information on its material properties, and a good use case for it as a trade good for Runesmiths, so there is currently a point to the paper. Plus, we've started showing the stuff to other people anyway.

Then, if we do get the Runesmiths and the Colleges to the table together, the Colleges will know of at least one thing they can offer - figuring out how to get more of the stuff, or perhaps how to make something else that can fulfill the same purpose.

And then we could get the Colleges to work on the problem of AV production without even needing to ask for it.

Things might not shake out so cleanly, but if all it costs us is a Serenity action I think it's worth the risk, especially if we take the anti-Chaos training next turn. It's not like Algard will be less suspicious of the snake-in-a-box we've been lugging around since Stirland if we hide it from him for longer, so if we're ever going to publish it we might as well do so now.
I'd prefer doing all the study we can on it then dropping the book on everyone for maximum intellectual dominance.
It's the least magic-friendly human faction in the world. Norsca loves magic except for the Khornates. Kislev hates male wizards but are culturally entirely alright with magic itself. Bretonnia's wizards are revered by the peasants. Araby's had its own magic tradition since forever with no indication that its wizards are culturally or legally disadvantaged. Tilea has a wizard who openly flaunts her level 4 magic ruling a city state and everyone there is so completely fine with it that said wizard's beauty is a more distinguishing feature than her magical abilities. Magic use in Cathay is such a casual thing that Cathayans who travel to the Empire have trouble understanding you need a license for it there. Nehekharan wizards and priests were the same thing.

The Empire is unique in how much the people despise wizards and magic in general. It is a global anomaly of hate and prejudice.
Kislev auto kills male Kislevite wizards because there is a prophecy of one bringing them down. Bretonnian male wizards are probably eaten by Wood Elves as part of Lileath's attempt to protect Athel Loren. Damsels/Prophetesses and Ice Witches/Hags have direct divine backing and not all of the magical women get to be that either. Estalia and Tilea are divided and shouldn't be generalized. The Border Princes are fine with wizards, technically, but it isn't worth living in the Border Princes for. Cathay is halfway across the world and good luck getting through Ork and Goblin hordes, Zharr-Naggrund, the Mountains of Mourne, the Ogre Kingdoms and the Hobgoblin Khanates. The Empire is the least shitty option. Unless you luck out and become a Daemon Prince.
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I wouldn't want to mention it at all really - one of his sacraments is not telling people you worship him. If he's ever actually relevant then by all means paint him in a positive light, but don't try and shoehorn him into other subjects.

Characters tend to be religious in these times, we don't need to let people know we worship him to have a character that does.
I'd prefer doing all the study we can on it then dropping the book on everyone for maximum intellectual dominance.
And if we already had a reliable way to make the stuff I'd be fine waiting until we can T-Pose all over the Colleges, but as things stand we can't and it would be really useful if they helped us with that.

Which they can't if we don't even release a preliminary paper on the subject for them.

Our AV-related accomplishments will be far more impressive when there's more than two gallons of the stuff per year for the entire world to make use of.
And if we already had a reliable way to make the stuff I'd be fine waiting until we can T-Pose all over the Colleges, but as things stand we can't and it would be really useful if they helped us with that.
The only way they can help make more is if they summon up a wisdom's asp and roll a nat 50 when trying to deal with it, with increasing risk whenever they fail. They will not be able to help. They may instead demand some of our AV for the good of the Empire or something like that.
Norsca loves magic except for the Khornates.
They love the things that magic can do for them, and most will happily keep you enslaved and force you to use your powers to further their interests. Contrast the Empire, where you are legally free to pursue whatever life you like so long as you abide by the Articles, and hold equal status after completion of your apprenticeship to minor nobility.
Kislev hates male wizards but are culturally entirely alright with magic itself. Bretonnia's wizards are revered by the peasants.
The reason for both cases is the only magic users they come across are effectively looked upon as priests. Anyone who doesn't fit into that mold of having been born female and being able to cast spells will be mercilessly hunted down and killed, without any of the legal rights that the Empire affords them.
Nehekharan wizards and priests were the same thing.
Nehekharans made no distinction between the two. The Empire wasn't hunting down Priests of any of the various Cults that call on divine magic, so that axis is not directly comparable.
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