Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I don't get how spending time with Johann and his puppies are supposed to help us in finding out how compatible Johann is with Mathilde. We know they can live with one another well enough (and this is actually rather big, since not being able to put up with each other's quirks while living together can be a big deal-breaker in romance) , and that Johann would likely make a very good father, but I'm not sure what else new would necessarily come from it.

I know it's cute, I know it's warm and fuzzy, but I do want to know is how this action is more likely to help Mathilde know more about Johann to allow her to gauge how realistic a relationship is between the two, on matters such as religion and sexual-orientation or intellectual values, or other matters that the silent majority would like to know more about Johann of but hasn't been voiced yet. Clearly, a significant number of voters think that this is likely to help Mathilde get to know Johann better as a person in areas that are likely to shape Mathilde's consideration of "suitability", but I am curious to know why, and what areas such a course of action might uncover.
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I don't get how spending time with Johann and his puppies are supposed to help us in finding out how compatible Johann is with Mathilde. We know they can live with one another well enough (and this is actually rather big, since not being able to put up with each other's quirks while living together can be a big deal-breaker in romance) , and that Johann would likely make a very good father, but I'm not sure what else new would necessarily come from it.
I mean I agree but the Grungni festival is currently winning over the puppies by 17 votes.
Since the debate seems to be dying down, I wanted to go back to what we should be doing next turn. Personally, I would like to continue improving enchanting next turn because it is significant or potentially relevant to a number of our mid term goals or potential projects:
  1. Better Robes - Relevant for Elfcation and general survivability, especially if we can add our indefatigable mastery
  2. Staff - Relevant for Elfcation and general magical mastery.
  3. AV research, more knowledge of enchanting can only help us with this research. It might also give us a bit more info on how power stones are usually used in enchanting (if there is anything beyond being a bigger battery), which would seem helpful to know if we're trying to get a reaction out of AV.
  4. Advancing our Windherder trait - for multiple wind enchantments collaborating with other wizards. I hope we get some actions to put this sort of thing into practice.
  5. Potentially - Knowledge of how the magic can be woven into items may (may) be helpful with the Coin research. Or in reverse, examining the coin may grant us insight into different ways magic can be woven into an item
  6. Windsight for Runesmiths project - obviously helpful
  7. Potential Defensive map of the Karak - Would absolutely be necessary if we did the project. Might be a nice project to align our personal development and work goals. That said I don't see a good reason to spend an action learning the lesser magic version of our own MMAP since we can already reliably enchant our own version into things and we're beyond the point where simply filling out the spellbook will grant us any more magic points. So I see no utility in spending an AP on a simpler version of something we can already reliably do when we're already stuck in AP hell.
  8. Waystones - Potentially important here.

Night of a Thousand Arcane Duels

"The Colleges of Magic have taken leave of their senses; if we do not put an end to this they will raze Altdorf to the ground." —Grand Theogonist Viktor Helmgart[3a] The Night of a Thousand Arcane Duels was an outbreak of violence between the wizards of the Imperial Colleges of Magic in 2415...

An enchanted bullet? Why would you enchant a bullet? Enchanting takes the same amount of time no matter what you're enchanting, so it's better to enchant the gun so that all your shots are magically enhanced rather than just one. It's why it's the Amber Bow, not the Amber Arrows.
It could have been shot from an enchanted gun, too? Or maybe the effect was something that needed to be applied to the ammunition. I daresay a lot of the insta-kill spells would be very unsuited to being applied to a ranged weapon.
Kragg miscasting suggests otherwise.
That's him hitting his anvil too hard. Sure, he failed to cast the rune, but the implied context of "miscast" here is the sort of catastrophic failure a Battle Magic miscast bring.

Night of a Thousand Arcane Duels

"The Colleges of Magic have taken leave of their senses; if we do not put an end to this they will raze Altdorf to the ground." —Grand Theogonist Viktor Helmgart[3a] The Night of a Thousand Arcane Duels was an outbreak of violence between the wizards of the Imperial Colleges of Magic in 2415...

An enchanted bullet? Why would you enchant a bullet? Enchanting takes the same amount of time no matter what you're enchanting, so it's better to enchant the gun so that all your shots are magically enhanced rather than just one. It's why it's the Amber Bow, not the Amber Arrows.
I think that's supposed to be a blessed bullet. Charitably, you could say it's enchanted with divine magic.
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Since the debate seems to be dying down, I wanted to go back to what we should be doing next turn. Personally, I would like to continue improving enchanting next turn because it is significant or potentially relevant to a number of our mid term goals or potential projects:
It depends tremendously on our next project, but in general yeah, I agree that Enchanting helps us do a lot of the things we want to be doing soon, which is why my current draft library plan involves grabbing some Enchanting books.

I suspect next turn is going to look something like:
  • [Job-specific action]
  • Enchanting Class
  • Anti-Chaos Training
  • Poke at the Coin
  • Overwork on either another job action or something AV-related
Hey, now that the voting frenzy has most settled, can I just say that we should try to visit Ulthar more frequently?

He is our archetypal War Buddy who went separate ways, each of us now in a much higher position than when we fought in The War, and appreciating of the honest companionship of just taking a few days to kick back, hang out and drink a lot. No pretenses or higher stakes or the politics our positions bring, just friends.
Hmm. @BoneyM might the book of Volans have insights about his use of Wind sight, and if so, could we use our great deed to be given limited access to those sections in much the same way trusted people are given access to carefully vetted sections of the Empire's edited copies of the Liber Mortis?

History indicates that its insights are the sort that get the Colleges outlawed for fifteen years and get the reader executed by the Grand Theogonist.
You consider it. "Elspeth von Draken probably could if she wanted to, but she only took up leadership of the Amethyst after whatever happened to Hexensohn and there were no better candidates. Paranoth might be able to, he was Supreme Patriarch for a few years, but that was years before I was even an Apprentice. Algard likes him too much, No-Relation Reicthard doesn't seem the type... I think the most likely candidate to try is Feldmann of the Golds, he's said to be ambitious and he's very good at getting along with non-Wizards... but to me, that suggests that he's not dipped enough into his Wind to stand a chance." You shake your head. "I think Dragomas is going to be a fact of life for the foreseeable future. And though that might not be ideal for your ambitions, I think he's good for the Empire."
Balthazar Gelt's section states his victory over Thyrus Gorman ended "the long standing prominence of Fire"

Between Dragomas and Alric and Paranoth, doesn't seem like it.
Hey, now that the voting frenzy has most settled, can I just say that we should try to visit Ulthar more frequently?

He is our archetypal War Buddy who went separate ways, each of us now in a much higher position than when we fought in The War, and appreciating of the honest companionship of just taking a few days to kick back, hang out and drink a lot. No pretenses or higher stakes or the politics our positions bring, just friends.
I would like that.
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It depends tremendously on our next project, but in general yeah, I agree that Enchanting helps us do a lot of the things we want to be doing soon, which is why my current draft library plan involves grabbing some Enchanting books.

I suspect next turn is going to look something like:
  • [Job-specific action]
  • Enchanting Class
  • Anti-Chaos Training
  • Poke at the Coin
  • Overwork on either another job action or something AV-related
av enchanting

also, can we get an Enchanting Classes at this level? I would think we are getting to the point that we can start teaching the classes in a lot of areas.

I don't know how much longer we can use the class crutch, and when the answer is going to be 'no one teaching is better than you, your going to have to figure it out yourself or make a deal with someone to teach you in private.'

I do think we should start looking at the private tutor option for skills soon.
It depends tremendously on our next project, but in general yeah, I agree that Enchanting helps us do a lot of the things we want to be doing soon, which is why my current draft library plan involves grabbing some Enchanting books.

I suspect next turn is going to look something like:
  • [Job-specific action]
  • Enchanting Class
  • Anti-Chaos Training
  • Poke at the Coin
  • Overwork on either another job action or something AV-related
Should we get books on Chaos to help with the anti-Chaos training? Normally I'm really hype for getting books even if it costs us gold, but given the subject matter...
History indicates that its insights are the sort that get the Colleges outlawed for fifteen years and get the reader executed by the Grand Theogonist.
Well, that's not as bad as the Liber Mortis, so clearly we'll be FiNe.
Piecing together scraps of canon, my current best guess is that Thyrus Gormann is Supreme Patriarch from 2503 to 2519. 16 years multiplied by Gelt's melodrama could qualify as 'long standing prominence'.
Dragons are also pretty firey.
Shadow wizards are the opposite of light wizards. If it went that bad when a light wizard read the Book of Volans, it must be really good if a shadow wizard did instead. :p
See it'll work because instead of trying to use the Book for unlimited power (good thing) and got cursed with madness (bad) , we'll go use it with the expectations of only bad things and then ultimately get good things. :V
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