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Two gallons for a battle where they are used extensively.

Anvil runes IIRC are the ancestor runes, the rune smiths have a way to trickle charge them over time instead of directly feeding them via arcane fulcrum.
Is the two gallons word of boney that I missed somewhere?

No I mean that unless BoneyM is changing things a lot then an anvil rune /= an ancestor rune. My understanding (for years now) was that Kragg used a rune of hearth and home, rune of oath and steel or rune of wrath and ruin on most uses of the anvil. Saving the storm of magic ancestor runes for special occations.

Additionally, my understanding was that Thorek had shown that <1 Gallon recharged an anvil rune but not yet tested an ancestor rune.

Edit nvm about the two gallons thing.
That Night would certainly have contributed to the Empire's inability to defend against Grom, by dint of lack of trust of wizards and fewer wizards in general.

After four years of mounting squabbles and with the eight-yearly duel for the Supreme Patriarch position coming up, Supreme Patriarch Alric of the Light Order was ambushed and frozen in crystal by an ambitious underling called High Luminary Horx, who then broke into the vaults of the Light College to engage in a little light reading of the Book of Volans, thinking it would make him powerful enough to take on all comers and secure the Supreme Patriarch position for himself. Instead, it drove Horx insane and unleashed a Storm of Magic upon Altdorf.

This was taken as a perfect opportunity to settle scores as everyone broke out all the most powerful of spells and artefacts that can only be used during Storms of Magic. The Bright Order fought against the Light Order, the Amethyst Order fought against the Celestial Order, the Amethyst Order fought amongst themselves after one of them summoned ghosts and was accused of necromancy. The Grey Order called in an allied Knightly Order called the Knights of Judgement to try to restore order, the Gold Order tried to pick off anyone that looked like they might be becoming too powerful, and the Jade Order hunkered down, animating all the trees in their quarter of the city to strangle any other Wizard that tried to approach. After a great deal of chaos, the Grand Theogonist of the time put an end to the matter by storming the Hall of Duels and executing Horx, which ended the Storm of Chaos so abruptly that the backlash killed everyone that was drawing upon it. The only College leader to survive was Alric, who gave up the Supreme Patriarchy in shame for not being able to stop Horx.
Is the change in name on purpose?
Is the two gallons word of boney that I missed somewhere?

No I mean that unless BoneyM is changing things a lot then an anvil rune /= an ancestor rune. My understanding (for years now) was that Kragg used a rune of hearth and home, rune of oath and steel or rune of wrath and ruin on most uses of the anvil. Saving the storm of magic ancestor runes for special occations.

Additionally, my understanding was that Thorek had shown that <1 Gallon recharged an anvil rune but not yet tested an ancestor rune.

BoneyM said earlier in the thread that 2 gallons of AV would be enough for all the battle uses of a rune anvil in an emergency.
@BoneyM whilst it is never "safe" to learn Battle Magic, is it safer for someone with Magic 10 than Magic 7? Instinctively I would expect it to be so.

I was going to say something about there possibly being diminishing returns, but actually if someone with Magic 15 rolled up I could believe that they'd be fine unless they rolled a 1, and their version of the "never safe" spells was Cataclysm spells.

No. There might be some theoretically safer way of learning a spell if you're that astoundingly puissant, but if there is, the College doesn't know it.

Is the change in name on purpose?

No, fixing.

From what we know IC, was he actually a necromancer or was it just an unfortunately designed spell?

Everyone died before they got to the bottom of the matter.

Is that the same Master Chanter Alric who is Patriarch to this day? Or do the Lights have a lot of Alrics?

Same Alric.
Well it's troublesome that Horx was driven insane so easily, I wonder if that's because he attempted to make use of that knowledge to channel Qhaysh?
He summoned vengeful ghosts, which is a lot easier to do if you add some Dhar to your Shyish, so the accusations do seem to have some teeth to them.
Sure, I went "WTF" she I read how one guy just casually summoned some ghosts, and the mollified that the others rightly came upon him.

Thing is, I can totally see a Shysh spell that looks like vengeful ghosts but doesn't really involve dhar in any way, or is even actual necromancy.

Given everyone but the Greys and Jades took leave of their senses and we're all too happy to blast first, ask questions never, I don't doubt a misunderstanding led to the Amethystis infighting, as apparently many of them thought it was not actually bad juju.
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Well it's troublesome that Horx was driven insane so easily, I wonder if that's because he attempted to make use of that knowledge to channel Qhaysh?

That definitely contributed, since it's mentioned that when the Grand Theogonist stormed in Horx was throwing around spells from all of the Lores.

Though, of course, he was already the kind of guy who decided to trap the Supreme Patriarch in crystal and then crack open the forbidden vaults in search of power, so some of the insanity was probably pre-existing.
It's actually pretty safe. On the tabletop, if you miscast a Cataclysm Spell, there's a 2/11 chance you die. This is the same with striking Ancestor Runes - you mess up and something big happens. However, this kind of big effect upon an Arcane Fulcrum-level miscast just doesn't happen in Divided Loyalties. Kragg rolled a natural 1 when striking the Ancestor Runes and all that happened was he had a lower bonus from then on - less dramatic than even normal Battle Magic miscasts, much less Arcane Fulcrum miscasts like what was supposed to happen. If we were to mess up learning a Cataclysm Spell, everything will be fine enough to not be worth worrying about.
Forgot to mention but in the book, the Arcane Fulcrum miscast is in addition to the normal Battle Magic miscast.

It's not because the runes were so powerful that a miscast wasn't bad. It's because they are runes.

Miscasting isn't a thing they do.
Ancestor Runes are a thing that can miscast. When they do they don't Battle Magic miscast like Cataclysm Spells do in addition to Arcane Fulcrum miscast, but they do Arcane Fulcrum miscast.

Here, I can prove it. Storm of Magic, pages 28 and 51

The update said anvil runes, which are basically regular spells. Now, it could mean ancestor runes, but that's not clear from the update, and I rather doubt Thorek would start his testing with those.
Fair enough.

Wow. That is incredibly powerful. But the casting value of 25... I'm not super familiar with the mechanics of spellcasting, but that means you need at least four dice plus a max level wizard, realistically five or six, and can't have more than two sixes. A quick calculation tells me there's between half to a third chances of not miscasting (not successfully casting, just not having a miscast).
I'm not familiar with spellcasting rules in the game either. However, I can provide some additional information regarding this magic dice stuff. First, during a Storm of Magic, you roll 4D6 instead of the normal 2D6 to determine the Winds of Magic. Second, the dispel/power dice pools (whatever they are) are increased to 24.

Looking at the scenario as a whole, it was pretty clearly a Chaos plot.
I think it's better if some of these kinds of events happen because people can be and often are extremely stupid, destructive, and self-destructive all on their own. Chaos has to get its habits from somewhere, after all.
Though, of course, he was already the kind of guy who decided to trap the Supreme Patriarch in crystal and then crack open the forbidden vaults in search of power, so some of the insanity was probably pre-existing.
It's inexcusable but probably partly based on the idea of violence equaling suitability suggested by a duel for the position of Supreme Patriarch, which he was aiming for. The position, not the duel, though I imagine that would have occurred if he hadn't gone insane anyway.
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Those Hysh guys sure have some troubles keeping their forbidden vaults actually forbidden, don't they?

At this point it's just a check mark in the evil wizard's list: go shopping at the inverted pyramid for some dank gear and forbidden knowledge.
That Night would certainly have contributed to the Empire's inability to defend against Grom, by dint of lack of trust of wizards and fewer wizards in general.

Double-checked the timeline, and Waaagh Grom hit the Empire while the Colleges were still outlawed and under siege. So they would have had no magical backup whatsoever - even the Elementalists only got their charter after Waaagh Grom left.
I'm not sure if it's been brought up in the thread before, but don't Dwarfs have runic devices made for binding Shard Dragons?
It might be worth looking into them to use in a last-ditch "The Volunteer who just got turned into a dragon is extremely quickly turning feral" situation.

Or rather, you get the transformee to put one on after transforming, and hope to the gods that if they suddenly lose themselves and go feral the device works on them, despite them (probably) ending up as a different species of (rapidly turning) non-sophont dragon.

If I understand the description I read of it, it's a bit less morally questionable than the Binding Scroll, being designed to control non-sentient shard dragons rather than sapient 'normal' dragons.

It doesn't have... extremely good chances at working, but I've been wracking my brains trying to come up with something to make the Doom Menhir less of a "Half the time, it solves the dragon problem, the other half of the time, it doubles the dragon problem" situation.
Double-checked the timeline, and Waaagh Grom hit the Empire while the Colleges were still outlawed and under siege. So they would have had no magical backup whatsoever - even the Elementalists only got their charter after Waaagh Grom left.
Considering Grom had a chief shaman able to use the power of cracked open Waystones without blowing up, that suggests a magical mismatch in power that would have been deleterious at best.
[X] Speak honestly of everything not explicitly secret, including rifts within the Karaz Ankor
[X] You've got a puppy, he's got several. Easy. Spend time with him as your pup plays with his.
[X] Panoramia currently calls a small cottage somewhere in the Eastern Valley home, help her expand it into a proper tower.

Night of a Thousand Arcane Duels

"The Colleges of Magic have taken leave of their senses; if we do not put an end to this they will raze Altdorf to the ground." —Grand Theogonist Viktor Helmgart[3a] The Night of a Thousand Arcane Duels was an outbreak of violence between the wizards of the Imperial Colleges of Magic in 2415...
Horx was taken aback for a second, just enough time for a witch hunter to place an enchanted bullet in the back of his head.
An enchanted bullet? Why would you enchant a bullet? Enchanting takes the same amount of time no matter what you're enchanting, so it's better to enchant the gun so that all your shots are magically enhanced rather than just one. It's why it's the Amber Bow, not the Amber Arrows.
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