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I'm not worried, all will fall before Anton and his superior skills at warm and fuzzy moments once it is his turn.

What are we trying to know about Anton anyway? Is he still on the market? What are his thoughts about what he is looking for when he is determined to marry for love? How his romantic hunt is going on?

Does he mind a long-distance courtship?

Can we create a Tower of Smoke and Mirrors in his land to link to our own in the Eight Peaks? Off to work in the Eight Peaks via teleportation tower in the morning, back home to family in the evenings, weekends off with family?
I'm not worried, all will fall before Anton and his superior skills at warm and fuzzy moments once it is his turn.
Honestly? Out of all of them Anton is the one I expect to be the least compatible, by virtue of us having already turned him down while simultaneously telling him to find true love. By the time we get around to it he'll probably have moved on, and if not would be at least a little dubious at our apparent shift in opinion.
Then there's the dragon, who is... well, a dragon. Oswald is something of a middle ground, but I have a sneaking suspicion he might be Sigmarite, which is a problem. Roswita is Roswita, with all the problems that carries, Johann has had a recent, life-long injury that could severely impact his willingness to seek a relationship, and Panoramia... might be straight or really focused on her work? That last bit is a bit rickety, but they've all got possible reasons to turn us down or be turned down, however likely they are.
Does he mind a long-distance courtship?

Can we create a Tower of Smoke and mirrors in his land to link to our own in the Eight Peaks? Off to work in the Eight Peaks via teleportation tower in the morning, back home to family in the evenings, weekends off with family?
These are questions for Roswita too, I imagine.
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We're going to be debrief by some baron normie regarding things we saw or hear in the karak?

No spilling secret unless our patriach, the supreme patriach and the emperor himself give leave to do so.

Or in other word,
"I can neither confirm nor deny the details of the issues asked, without my superiors express permision."

We might not be lord magister, but any normie who feels we can be a spy without clearing with grey patriarch or the emperor himself can go suck himself.

Problem is, he is not some baron normie, he is one of the people directly under the Emperor, and one of the most powerful ones of those to boot.

He is very likely to expect Mathilde's oaths to the Empire to override her oaths to Dwarves. Wizards being completely bound to their oaths to the Empire specifically is how the whole Colleges arrangement works, and saying that it only lasts until they find someone else to swear other oaths to isn't a super great plan.

Honestly? That makes me want to tell him nothing even more. A diplomat so stupid that they would think that loyalty is a bad characteristic to have when given primarily to the empire based on the fact it is not given solely to the empire but also to the Empire's closest, most ancient and dear allies sounds utterly braindead to me, college propaganda or not. To any person with diplomatic sense, this would sound as the best thing to have, as the alternative would be a person who doesn't honour their given in good faith oaths, not a person loyal to the empire above all else. So he either doesn't see wizards as people, he doesn't see people as people, or he is bad at diplomacy because he demands loyalty without understanding how truly loyal people work.

Either way, he deserves nothing regardless of position.
How long does it take to go to Altdorf again? Because anything longer than, say, a couple of hours, really wouldn't be a trip you make frequently unless you have specific business, and in that case we usually don't have the time to pop in.
If it takes a few days, Mathilde could still reasonably make time to make the trip twice a year- and if it DOES take a few days, you lose very little by staying an additional day to see friends and loved ones, rest and recuperate, and take in the sights of the capital.

Admittedly, the investment of, oh, 10-15 days a year spent on trips to Altdorf probably does begin to approximate the investment required to tick off a Social box every half-year.
On another note an actual close to history Bismarck expy is terrifying.

If he takes closely after the original, he's going to be incredibly smart and hardworking.
Buut.. he had 2 sides, the foreign policy charm side and the domestic policy "angry tyrant" side.
e.g. "flying into a rage because one postal office in butt-of-earth refuses his postal stamp price policy"
Luckily that doesn't seem to be the case here, cos, well if I recall correctly his inner-political-nickname was usually something devil related.
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On another note an actual close to history Bismarck expy is terrifying.

If he takes closely after the original, he's going to be incredibly smart and hardworking.
Buut.. he has 2 sides, the foreign policy charm side and the domestic policy "angry tyrant" side.
e.g. "flying into a rage because one postal office in butt-of-earth refuses his postal stamp price policy"
Luckily that doesn't seem to be the case here, cos, well if I recall correctly his inner-political-nickname was usually something devil related.
That's fine, then, this guy is foreign-only. Internal diplomacy is a different guy, internal stewardship is a third.
Its mainly an issue of how much is "on-screen" for want of a better term.
I definitely understand that BoneyM can't write up Mathilde's whole social life with multiple friends and family each turn. But currently he handles it in a way where whenever we vote to meet someone during a social turn we seem to not have seen them since the last time we did so. Which is fine for people like Ulthar or Regimand and arguably also fine for close friends that live out of our way like Anton, but for people we both consider our friends or family and who live in towns we visit frequently (currently just K8P and Altdorf) this kind of game/story compromise makes it pretty much impossible by design for Mathilde to have anything like an involved social life, regardless of our choices.
In a way I think I'd like it if at some point the Social Turn isn't always about who we socialize with, but who BoneyM chooses to explicitly show our socializing with. Maybe just for people that we visit frequently. In other words it could be implied for example that we do short visits to Heidi and Mandred whenever we find the time while in Altdorf for a bit, but she only becomes a vote option when BoneyM has something interesting in mind. This would also fix the problem of us feeling the need to make BoneyM write scenes for Heidi when he doesn't think it would be all that interesting and fix the part where he runs out of ideas for little gifts to Mandred, because Aunt Mathy might just be giving a couple a year off screen that aren't worth mentioning, just like not a single birthday of any of our adult friends was ever worth mentioning.
his the Emperors Diplomacy adviser, not the Emperor
What does this refer to? Because Bismarck wasn't ever the Emperor either, just his (I don't know, everything?) advisor.
so, for the next project, I've been thinking about how do we deal with the dwarfs wanting to spread out among the peaks while still making the place defendable. and I have an idea.

1: MAPP that people have been wanting to do, have it set up so that parts that shouldn't have people in it get lighted up.
2: Ulgu wards. ether to mess with distance like the college, hid doors, mazes, etc etc. that can be turned on or off section by section.

that way any part of the peaks that are not in use are protected by a maze fog.

now we just need to think of a good acronym...

Mathilde's F-O-G?

Mathilde's C-L-O-A-K?
I want to improve enchanting. I want to get it up as high as possible as soon as possible. The reason I want this is because our AV lets us make Storm of Magic level gear. The best Cataclysm Spell in Storm of Magic is The Dance of Despair - a Lore of Shadows spell, and unleashing it will guarantee victory in a battle. Behold its glory and rejoice, for it is our destiny.
I want to improve enchanting. I want to get it up as high as possible as soon as possible. The reason I want this is because our AV lets us make Storm of Magic level gear. The best Cataclysm Spell in Storm of Magic is The Dance of Despair - a Lore of Shadows spell, and unleashing it will guarantee victory in a battle. Behold its glory and rejoice, for it is our destiny.
so.. two questions

1: has it been invited yet? (cause I don't see Mathy having the right masteries for it.)
2: does Mathy have any talent or ability to play the fiddle, would really suck to learn such a spell and find out she is tune deaf.
I want to improve enchanting. I want to get it up as high as possible as soon as possible. The reason I want this is because our AV lets us make Storm of Magic level gear. The best Cataclysm Spell in Storm of Magic is The Dance of Despair - a Lore of Shadows spell, and unleashing it will guarantee victory in a battle. Behold its glory and rejoice, for it is our destiny.
I'd note that we don't actually know that AV lets us do Storm of Magic stuff. I can follow the logic, but I could also imagine that Cataclysm spells etc. require such a huge quantity of ambient winds that we just don't have enough AV to make it work.

Having said that - you never know when a real Storm of Magic might occur, so being prepared wouldn't hurt.
so.. two questions

1: has it been invited yet? (cause I don't see Mathy having the right masteries for it.)
2: does Mathy have any talent or ability to play the fiddle, would really suck to learn such a spell and find out she is tune deaf.
It's only 20 years from canon, so it's very likely to have been invented by now.
I'd note that we don't actually know that AV lets us do Storm of Magic stuff. I can follow the logic, but I could also imagine that Cataclysm spells etc. require such a huge quantity of ambient winds that we just don't have enough AV to make it work.

Having said that - you never know when a real Storm of Magic might occur, so being prepared wouldn't hurt.
Ancestor Runes require the same thing as Cataclysm Spells to work because of their heavy magic requirements - an Arcane Fulcrum. Two gallons of AV provides enough magic to charge Ancestor Runes, so I'm very sure we have enough AV to make it work.

The problem with enchanting cataclysm battle magic spells is that we'd need to learn how to cast a cataclysm based battle magic spell.

No thanks.
We'll hit Lord Magister eventually. After that it's just a matter of convincing the higher ups that we should be allowed to learn the spell.
The impact delivered to the gates cares nothing for simple physics, for the power of the rune on Kragg's hammer, one that exists nowhere else in the world, delivers an impact greater than that of a cannon.
Now there's two :)
He has no response, as what he expected to be the climactic battle of the Expedition's reconquest ends with one of the younger and more boisterous members of Clan Angrund using the corpse of a dead rat as a projectile to finish off the last living Night Goblin in the slave pit.
Belegar gets the first inkling that this campaign will not go as expected.
So this is interesting. Who is Alrik? It could be his father, but he was disinherited. Now, still claiming his name could be a deliberate insult, but dwarves takes family and clan very serious, and falsely claiming inheritance seems like the sort of thing to produce grudges. Expecially when you were disinherited, and so the relation was deliberately severed.

So, more likely Alrik is some sort of father figure/mentor to Ulthar. At a guess, whoever was his master when he started as a ranger. Which is still a pretty nice dig at his biodad. In that context, it also makes sense that we've stopped hearing him referred like that, now it's Prince Ulthar, not Prince Ulthar Alrikson. Now, that could be custom (how does it work with Kazik?), but I suspect not. Going around with a name like Xson when X isn't your fathers name is rather strange, and it would be a constant reminder of the whole affair. And as much as Ulthar dislikes his family and enjoys needling them, I doubt he finds the whole affair pleasant either. It's one thing to consider your family dicks. Getting proven right can be satisfying. Getting proven right by them demonstrating themselves as the worst since the chaos dwarfs and your father continuing to fail in his societal expectations for redemption through suicide is another thing entirely.

Honestly, the whole situation reminds me of the stories I've read of narcissists. His father as the origin, and his brothers getting it through a combination of nature and nurture. He himself as the scapegoat until he got out. A subsequent implosion now that the pressure relief valve was missing. And now the attempt by his father to rewrite history. All of that is familiar.

Dwarven society makes it even more tragic, because getting away would be even harder, and even with humans there's a lot of "But Family!". It would make Ulthar very receptive to the idea that what you're born as doesn't determine who you are, and he was friendly from the start. And when Kragg was like "one good axe doesn't prove the workshop", he was like "One load of gold and fifty loads of muck make a goldmine", so credit for backtalking to Kragg in our favor.

You could make a reading kinder to his father too. He might just be a staunch traditionalist who believed proper adherence to be critical for the good of the hold, and who had the seriously bad luck of two really shitty children. Until that gets substantited more, I'll stick with the first reading for my headcanon though.

I guess one way to distinguish these two would be to see how long it takes for his father to take the slayer oath. If he's a true traditionalist, he'll try to get Ulthar ready as fast as possible so he can ensure his hold has a successor, and then leave.
If he's a narcissist (or whatever the dwarf equivalent is), then he'll put it off as much as possible. Might not even occur to him that it's expected, he did nothing wrong after all. In which case things might get unpleasant, and would probably land before the High King.

Makes me wonder though, what is the procedure when society believes a dwarf ougth to take the oath, but that dwarf disagrees. For normal dwarfs, probably exile. But for high ranking ones, it probably gets unpleasant. At least the throne of power guarantees that the final instance will not suffer from this, so there always is a higher authority to appeal to.
"One bolt at the right time can win a war," he says distractedly. "Not quite the stuff of legends, but it might be the stuff of victory. So, here to join in?"
Ulthar is pretty great. I'm actually somewhat sure he would've made it on the romance list if he hadn't left.
He waves at a particularly twisty set of sketched chambers. "From what we can tell, the greenskins haven't been in control of about half of the Chiselwards for some time. Instead, it's spiders. Might be cave spiders, might be escaped forest spiders, though the descriptions don't quite match either. Whatever they are, they're damn huge and they're clever enough to only fight on their terms. We've pushed them back beyond some moderately defensible choke-points but there's still a few avenues that could go either way, and the further back they retreat, the higher density they'll have when they decide to stop retreating."
Wow, that's actually super badass, kudos to the We. I mean, carving out a good chunk of territory in a greenskin held mountain? That ain't easy.
"Look, it's- oh, by the-" You scrabble as the stub of pencil rolls across the slab of stone, then swear as it drops off the far edge. Overwhelmed with frustration, you reach out, grab a handful of Ulgu, and slap it into the air. "This is the pocket, right? We've barricaded it in here, here and here." Grey smoke thickens, then flows obligingly down invisible channels. You can see it so clearly in your mind and projecting it into the air in front of you seems a thousand times easier than explaining again to the obstinate Dwarf how a bunch of Rangers hacking away at half-grown Squigs could be about to get about three hundred fleeing Goblins to the rear. "Here's what we thought was the dead end coming off it, here's that weird interwoven bit, here's the edge of the Squig caves, and if Rekthor's report is right, here is where that junction branches off towards the hall."
My personal headcanon is that this moment did a lot to win Mathilde the respect of the dwarfs. Killing greenskins and skaven is nice and all, but even beasts can do that. Matching a ranger in his tunnel sense, now that's something to be respected, and it was done without any weird zhuf either. For a while, at least.
You can only imagine his reaction when he reached his next destination, the Temple of Grungni, and found that its doors had been breached and the insides had been transformed into a shrine to greenskin gods. You don't have to imagine his reaction shortly after, as everyone is telling of how he walked through the spell the resident Goblin Mage-Priest had tried to defend itself with and then hit it so hard that it left a crater.
The only thing that might be worse for a spellcaster than a furious Kragg is a Bloodthirster, and I'm not sure on that.
You've never heard of a Dwarf wielding a polearm, but apparently in ages long past it was quite common, before the onslaught of Skaven and Night Goblins necessitated new tactics. You wonder if they'll start once more.
Hmm, the pikes ended up with the Undumgi, but are there any plans for the dwarfs to start using them too?
@BoneyM Has Mathilde heard anything on this? For that matter, why did they stop using pikes in the first place?
Belegar called back those that went to pursue, and as they barricaded the entryway between the Avenue and Karag Lhune, the fleeing greenskins cried out in terror one by one before being silenced by whatever new foes lurked out there.
I think that's Skaven, right? I don't remember. Bok was in another mountain, and the We are contained, so it must be Skaven.
I mean, you'll also have to convince the thread to learn a spell that's significantly more powerful (and dangerous) than "regular" battle magic, which seems non-trivial.
I'm not even sure how you'd go about learning this - it seems like you'd have to go and find an ongoing Storm of Magic, which I don't think are common. Certainly you couldn't do it in one of the College's safer learning environments.

I kind of suspect that every Cataclysm spell was invented by the Wizard casting it on the spot.
I mean, you'll also have to convince the thread to learn a spell that's significantly more powerful (and dangerous) than "regular" battle magic, which seems non-trivial.
It's actually pretty safe. On the tabletop, if you miscast a Cataclysm Spell, there's a 2/11 chance you die. This is the same with striking Ancestor Runes - you mess up and something big happens. However, this kind of big effect upon an Arcane Fulcrum-level miscast just doesn't happen in Divided Loyalties. Kragg rolled a natural 1 when striking the Ancestor Runes and all that happened was he had a lower bonus from then on - less dramatic than even normal Battle Magic miscasts, much less Arcane Fulcrum miscasts like what was supposed to happen. If we were to mess up learning a Cataclysm Spell, everything will be fine enough to not be worth worrying about.
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So this is interesting. Who is Alrik? It could be his father, but he was disinherited. Now, still claiming his name could be a deliberate insult, but dwarves takes family and clan very serious, and falsely claiming inheritance seems like the sort of thing to produce grudges. Expecially when you were disinherited, and so the relation was deliberately severed.
He was disinherited, but that's not the same thing as renouncing him as his son entirely. It's almost certainly his Dad's name.
Hmm, the pikes ended up with the Undumgi, but are there any plans for the dwarfs to start using them too?
@BoneyM Has Mathilde heard anything on this? For that matter, why did they stop using pikes in the first place?

If the pikes hadn't ended up with the Undumgi they might have, but they won't be now. They fell out of favour when Dwarves stopped being able to dictate where and when they fought, and ambushes in cramped tunnels became common.

I think that's Skaven, right? I don't remember. Bok was in another mountain, and the We are contained, so it must be Skaven.

From memory, it would have been either Moulder or Mors.

It's actually pretty safe. On the tabletop, if you miscast a Cataclysm Spell, there's a 2/11 chance you die. This is the same with striking Ancestor Runes - you mess up and something big happens. However, this kind of big effect upon an Arcane Fulcrum-level miscast just doesn't happen in Divided Loyalties. Kragg rolled a natural 1 when striking the Ancestor Runes and all that happened was he had a lower bonus from then on - less dramatic than even normal Battle Magic miscasts, much less Arcane Fulcrum miscasts like what was supposed to happen. If we were to mess up learning a Cataclysm Spell, everything will be fine enough to not be worth worrying about.

I'd definitely caution against taking Kragg as the norm.
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