Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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It wouldn't be a Grudge; a Dwarven Grudge isn't a negative sentiment, it's an oath that can be acceptably satisfied with murder.

So we're back at this sentiment, but from a different angle. "-but we don't need to be for them to decide, quite reasonably, that maybe we can be trusted to pick our own jobs." 'Pick our own jobs' is synonymous with 'know how to be productive without their meddling'. We're Mathilde Weber. We're always productive. If we move away from one job position, it's because we want to go and be productive in a different manner. They don't have the time or energy to micromanage us in a way that they think could get better results, because the person who knows and is qualified to assign Mathilde Weber to new tasks best is Mathilde Weber.

Any course of action in which our college favor generation remains greater than zero is being productive. We are the Grey Order.

Yeah, constant approval voting. It's just niftier.

As my addentum noted, I agree with those, I just cannot think of any action that is both safe (the QM is willing to kill us if the dice say so) and less time consuming than our loremaster job that can keep them off our back reliably.

Research is unreliable, because it needs to have practical applications for the Empire to really matter to the grey College, even if it still grants favour. How many of those can we publish in a row? Without battle experience and the resources of a Karak, we'll run out pretty soon.
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Regarding the matter of the Grey College assigning us work if we are unproductive, we should consider what they regard as productive. For this I present the list of contributing activity suggestions from our exam:
And, finally, Should you reach Magisterial rank, you are expected to contribute to the wellbeing of the Grey College in the manner/s of your choosing. Select all of the below Collegiate Responsibilities that you are willing and able to perform.

(omitting those you're unable to do or are ill-suited to any of your future plans)
[ ] Enchantment Commissions (payment in cash)
[ ] Enchantment Services (payment in College rep)
[ ] Lectures and Demonstrations
[ ] Tutoring
[ ] Taking on Apprentices
[ ] Interrogation
[ ] Research and Development (thaumaturgical) (ie. stuff derived from Shyish-Kebabs and Qhaysh juice)
[ ] Research and Cataloguing (biological)
[ ] Being available to investigate reports of unsanctioned magic-users.
[ ] Being available to intervene in matters of great import as needed
Like any decent superspy organisation the Grey College needs analysts and gadgeteers just as much as it needs field agents. While some might argue that sitting in her tower writing papers is a waste of Mathilde's talents she is a magister and it is her right to decide how she contributes.

On the other hand, Mathilde's superiors are not the true authority here. I strongly suspect that neither BoneyM nor the majority of voters would stand for a quest of quiet study and diligent research. If Mathilde doesn't go looking for trouble every couple of turns then trouble will undoubtedly come to her.
Regarding the matter of the Grey College assigning us work if we are unproductive, we should consider what they regard as productive. For this I present the list of contributing activity suggestions from our exam:
Like any decent superspy organisation the Grey College needs analysts and gadgeteers just as much as it needs field agents. While some might argue that sitting in her tower writing papers is a waste of Mathilde's talents she is a magister and it is her right to decide how she contributes.

On the other hand, Mathilde's superiors are not the true authority here. I strongly suspect that neither BoneyM nor the majority of voters would stand for a quest of quiet study and diligent research. If Mathilde doesn't go looking for trouble every couple of turns then trouble will undoubtedly come to her.

Do note that all research jobs in that list either have to do with teaching others (which will be at least as much of a time sink as being a loremaster, if not more so), developing or researching things with practical applications for the colleges (which can overlap with our objectives, but we may eventually run out) or cataloguing dangerous lifeforms (which requires adventure/danger)
developing or researching things with practical applications for the colleges (which can overlap with our objectives, but we may eventually run out) or cataloguing dangerous lifeforms (which requires adventure/danger)
Those options don't actually say 'with practical applications', or 'dangerous lifeforms'. I'd imagine doing things like that would yield more favors, but they're not requirements.
I mean, Boney wants to run an interesting quest, and Mathilde is an adrenaline junkie besides - there's no chance of her going for a boring research job for twenty years.
Yeah, but we're talking about available job options in the grey college, not what a character who'd be willing to yolo herself at a greater daemon if one showed up would prefer to be doing.
Yeah, but we're talking about available job options in the grey college, not what a character who'd be willing to yolo herself at a greater daemon if one showed up would prefer to be doing.

I'm suddenly reminded that Mathildes plan for dealing with the Emperor Dragon during the multi-faction pileup was "go duel it and pray". :V
[X] [TOWER] Oh Dear
[X] [LIBRARY] Esoteric Imperial Ranald (150gc), Esoteric Imperial Sevir (50gc, 2CF), Antiquarian Dwarven Dragons (100gc, 2DF), Dwarven Romance (50gc), Bretonnian Romance (50gc)
[X] [PURCHASE] Post a bounty of 300 gold at Barak Varr for enough dragonbone to make two staffs.
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So, now that we are pretty clearly getting the big book of magic BIG*

things I want to see in the narrative.

1: Mathy being downright creepy with how smug she with her new status symbol and constantly bring it up every chance she gets in conversation for an update or two. (e.g. 'and did I mention I had a copy of AMTontNoM') and everyone getting slowly more annoyed about it over the course of the update.(everyone has had this friend at one point.)

2: all the loremasters and runemasters in k8p looking over it with begrudging professional interest. (because at heart they are all book nerds and this is a very unique Book even if it's not on a topic they are interested in.)

3: the horror on a working dwarfs face when they are trying to figure out how it get it up the mountain without damaging it.
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[X] [TOWER] Oh Dear
[X] [LIBRARY] Esoteric Imperial Ranald (150gc), Esoteric Imperial Sevir (50gc, 2CF), Antiquarian Dwarven Dragons (100gc, 2DF), Dwarven Romance (50gc), Bretonnian Romance (50gc).
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[X] [TOWER] Oh Dear
[X] [LIBRARY] Esoteric Imperial Ranald (150gc), Esoteric Imperial Sevir (50gc, 2CF), Antiquarian Dwarven Dragons (100gc, 2DF), Dwarven Romance (50gc), Bretonnian Romance (50gc).
[X] [TOWER] Oh Dear
[X] [LIBRARY] Esoteric Imperial Ranald (150gc), Esoteric Imperial Sevir (50gc, 2CF), Antiquarian Dwarven Dragons (100gc, 2DF), Dwarven Romance (50gc), Bretonnian Romance (50gc)
Divided Loyalties, the video game
I had to admit, I enjoyed reading about Battlepick Imagination more than I enjoyed actually playing it. Running the Wiki meant that I got to do that while some rich idiot forked out the cash to buy the bewildering combination of favor currencies and DLC needed to advance in the interesting quest lines.

Not that I hated the gameplay! I wouldn't have recommended it to Matty in that case. It's a lot of fun, at least until you hit the paywall. I expected that would take her a few days, and until then she'd be distracted enough I could pie in peace. I doubted she'd just keep making new characters like me, that wasn't really her style.


She showed me her starting build, and it was horribly minmaxed, bless her heart. I couldn't find it in me to disapprove. She'd learn the early-game was brutal enough without demonic possession and puppet strings on her own.


The first time I checked back, she'd managed to scrape through the first few rounds. Apparently, if you drop a starting level character into a mid-level quest line, there's just random chances of getting eaten that literally pop out of the walls.


The next time, it was after the big Drakenfels event. The "shoot it to pieces" resolution part wasn't unknown, but I've never heard of anyone getting the rare Asarnil event for that war quest at the same time. As a scholar, it is of great interest. However, as a loyal friend and lover, it's much more important to laugh in her face for flubbing the employment roll right after.


Later interrogation revealed that apparently you can get rid of the demonic possession and gain a unique item at the same time. I must update the wiki. Take that GuidingStars!


I have to admit I'm a bit annoyed that she's outleveled me already. If I didn't see the book piles growing at their usual rate, I'd be worried how much money she's spending. But no, apparently she was just all the saints in her previous life, and got double jackpot on the item gacha.

I'll have to update the wiki that the special K8P-reconquest Kragg gacha actually dispenses more than just various forms of insult. It's going to drive the completionists completely mad. Ahh, I can already see the endless bitching. But really, it's their own fault for paying to be insulted.


There's a second one! Ahahahahahahahahhaahahahahaaahh. The moderation team is going to hate me for this.

And if you win this one, he insults someone else!

*snerck* Superior skill indeed.


Seeing a minmaxed character past the initial hardship backed by end-game gear tear through whole strongholds on her own is glorious.


Huh, so S-Ranking that mission gets you a Heroic Deed. I can't help but feel this was intended for a team and not one ridiculous stealth tank.


Man, the final stretch of K8P is brutal. That ork attack is just plain nasty, and that's after you have to fight through several clans of Skaven and orks. Though I'm honestly surprised the whole thing gets a resolution at all, I mean that was just a ridiculous combination of circumstances.

I must check with her if she's secretly a genius hacker who decided to fuck with this game, or just that lucky. Then I'll know if the Vegas trip will be business or pleasure.


Matty coming in and then fidgeting outside the kitchen was a blaring sign that things were about to get very uncomfortable. Scratch that, she's radiating enough that I'm getting sympathetic resonance from across the room.
I continue bustling about, because stopping would just make things more awkward, and I'm not sure either of us could take that.

"I may have developed a crush on somebody."

Well, that's one hell of a thing to drop on somebody. I stop my work and turn to her fully. After a moment of silence, she continues.

"In the game. It, uh, snuck up on me."

"Is it the Dragon? It's ok if it's the Dragon."

It's not ok if it's the Dragon, though couldn't truly blame her if it's the Dragon

"No, uh, it's Johann."



Well, that's good.

"That's good."

She shoots me a look. It's hard to describe, except that it's coming at high velocity, so I clarify.

"Johann is one of my characters. I thought I mentioned it at some point?"

I'd give it even odds of either of us forgetting.

Matty relaxes, gives me a nod that implies a smile and plops down on the couch. A moment later she's fiddling away on her phone. And then, showing the sort of timing that makes me wonder if he's actually playing on the account I made as a joke or if it's Matty screwing with me, Dog flies across the room like fluffy shooting star and claims his position of footpillow like the probably mostly canine royalty with strange preferences that he is.

Meanwhile, I contemplate whether accidentally seducing your girlfriend is something to be proud of. Hmm, before that, I should clarify.

"What about flirting with the cute druid?"

During the following silence, I pulled the pie from the oven. Turning back to her, I am met with a stare straight at the pie. Her eyes drift up, and we stay like that for a long moment, sight line only interrupted by the occasional vapors drifting off the pie.

Then she turns back to her phone, and checks it with exaggerated motions.

"Oh look, Panoramia is taking part in the next pie competition!"

Then she goes back to staring at me. It was a fair point, so I just start cutting up the pie.

AN: This came to be because I noticed that gold/favors is kinda similar to free-to-play currencies, where you just get showered with one kind but can't do much with it, and the other type that's super useful (special buildings, training bonuses, ultra rare equipment, or just turn it into lots of the first currency) but a lot harder to come by. (There would actually be three tiers, with the super ultra rare and expensive Heroic Deeds. Though I would guess you couldn't technically buy those directly, but there would be these pricey DLC mission that just happen to reward them).

However, the comparison of Divided Loyalties to Pay-To-Win bullshit felt unfair and just insulting, so instead we have the bullshit adventures of Mathilda (yes, with an a. She's not creative in her naming) in Hammer Imagination. GW can take accusations of being money-grubbing and pay-to-win, they're a big corporation. And I mean, there's some truth there, though I don't think they're anywhere near as bad as the video game industry.

Finally, a PSA: Most whales are not rich idiots that can afford it, they are exploited people with an addiction. The narrator just doesn't think about that.
[X] [PURCHASE] Post a bounty of 300 gold at Barak Varr for enough dragonbone to make two staffs.
[X] [PURCHASE] Post a bounty of 100 gold at Barak Varr for enough dragonbone to make a staff.

I think we still have over 3,000 gold? So up to 300g isn't a relatively a huge expense, for an expert enchanter... even if we discover we have zero talent for staff-making and use the bones for something else.

[X] [TOWER] Grey Battery
[X] [LIBRARY] Esoteric Imperial Ranald (150gc), Esoteric Imperial Sevir (50gc, 2CF), Antiquarian Dwarven Dragons (100gc, 2DF), Dwarven Romance (50gc), Bretonnian Romance (50gc)
[X] [TOWER] Oh Dear
[X] [PURCHASE] Post a bounty of 100 gold at Barak Varr for enough dragonbone to make a staff
[X] [PURCHASE] Put an order in for Dragonbone (to make a staff with, eventually) for 500gc; through Barak Varr
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.

I'm not particularly convinced that we want a dragonbone staff - there are better materials for ulgu, and it seems like more of a vanity project.

Looking back, we kinda got the idea stuck in our heads when we didn't take the dragon skeleton as loot after our college of necromancy rampage. I feel a lot of the reasoning behind wanting dragonbone is justification after the fact. It would have been pretty neat to own ("oh, that thing, yeah I picked it up during one of my adventures, I can't tell you the story though, it's classified... *mysteriousness intensifies* *smugness intensifies* "), but if we're buying rare staff materials we shouldn't restrict ourselves to dragonbone.

[X] [PURCHASE] Post a bounty of 100 gold at Barak Varr for suitable materials to make a masterwork ulgu wizard's staff.
(and ramp it up gradually if we get nothing useful)

[X] [TOWER] Oh Dear
[X] [LIBRARY] Esoteric Imperial Ranald (150gc), Esoteric Imperial Sevir (50gc, 2CF), Antiquarian Dwarven Dragons (100gc, 2DF)
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there are better materials for ulgu,
Like what? The only other thing that's even been mentioned to be Ulgu-conducive is the wood of a particular kind of tree that we used as Timber in our wizard towers, and dragon bone is better than it is, once it's been properly attuned.

Like, Dragons are the dominant single-wind-spellcasting organism. Their entire body is made to channel whatever wind they're attuned to. The only thing that'd be comparable is if we had a third arm that we could chop off, or something.
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Like, Dragons are the dominant single-wind-spellcasting organism. Their entire body is made to channel whatever wind they're attuned to. The only thing that'd be comparable is if we had a third arm that we could chop off, or something.

Can we re-attune dragon bones though? because if not, then we're likely to get a bunch of bones of the wrong wind. (This isn't rhetorical, I don't know if this has been confirmed)

Also I doubt that anything would be comparable to a staff made from our own bones. (Would the seed of regrowth allow us to heal from a missing bone, and would Mathilde actually go for that?)
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Like what? The only other thing that's even been mentioned to be Ulgu-conducive is the wood of a particular kind of tree that we used as Timber in our wizard towers, and dragon bone is better than it is, once it's been properly attuned.

Like, Dragons are the dominant single-wind-spellcasting organism. Their entire body is made to channel whatever wind they're attuned to. The only thing that'd be comparable is if we had a third arm that we could chop off, or something.
Why a third arm?
Just chop one of the current ones and then use the regen seed to regrow it. :V
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