Why would Aqshy be bad against armored foes? Armor only protects against fire so much, especially when it isn't even close to airtight and you put enough heat on them--the armor becomes so hot that it would horrifically injure anyone caught inside of it, and you couldn't remove the heat without taking the armor off (and good luck getting serious armor off quickly in the middle of a battle while melting alive).
Chamon is more about buffs and debuffs--making your allies' armor and weapons super tough/effective, or making your enemies' armor turn into lead (making it stupidly heavy while also being not nearly as tough). Though stuff like Searing Doom would probably be very effective against armored foes.
But Azyr is also really good against armored targets, at least in limited numbers, because lightning. Metal armor means that you're going to get electrocuted to death at best, if not fried outright. And because it is lightning, good fucking luck dodging it, because it travels at the speed of light. Even large, very tough flying creatures would be effectively knocked out of action for a long while after being struck by lightning.