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Now, to save our thread from cold-hearted punishment, I've decided to calculate the percentages of every candidate that has more than 10 votes because that's around the percentage you'd need to enter the Danish parlament(because that's around the level where I got to include Qrech the Cuddlerat). That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Kazador's sons13.25648415
The We8.645533141
Esbjern & Seija7.204610951
Kazrik & Edda3.458213256
As we can see while there isn't any option that satisfies a majority, both Johann and Panoramia almost does that. Meanwhile, we see a drop of ~16 percentage points down to the next "tier" with Roswita and Anton, which is not a small amount. From there the differences starts getting smaller, with only ~6 percentage point drops between "Tier 2-3" and "Tier 3-4", with Tier 4 notably only containing Cadeath and having the support of 20% of the voterbase.

From there it is a relatively steep drop of ~7 percentage points down to the rest, and from here on the differences are so small and fluid it no longer makes sense to divide things into separate tiers.

and unlike the last time I pretended to do statistics on shipping in this thread, this time I can claim the numbers are statistically significant. Also, now might be a good time to mention that I slept through all my statistics lessons
Now, to save our thread from cold-hearted punishment, I've decided to calculate the percentages of every candidate that has more than 10 votes because that's around the percentage you'd need to enter the Danish parlament(because that's around the level where I got to include Qrech the Cuddlerat). That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Kazador's sons13.25648415
The We8.645533141
Esbjern & Seija7.204610951
Kazrik & Edda3.458213256
As we can see while there isn't any option that satisfies a majority, both Johann and Panoramia almost does that. Meanwhile, we see a drop of ~16 percentage points down to the next "tier" with Roswita and Anton, which is not a small amount. From there the differences starts getting smaller, with only ~6 percentage point drops between "Tier 2-3" and "Tier 3-4", with Tier 4 notably only containing Cadeath and having the support of 20% of the voterbase.

From there it is a relatively steep drop of ~7 percentage points down to the rest, and from here on the differences are so small and fluid it no longer makes sense to divide things into separate tiers.

and unlike the last time I pretended to do statistics on shipping in this thread, this time I can claim the numbers are statistically significant. Also, now might be a good time to mention that I slept through all my statistics lessons
So what your saying is i have as much a chance of seeing half-elf babies as Bernie Sanders has of being the next president of the United States?
So doing the same thing @Omegahugger did, but using actually significant numbers as a breakaway instead of forcing bias, (40 votes, which by coincidence is also the top 10, don't you love it when this stuff works out.) we get...

But, if you'd do another one when you show how much of the voterbase is in favor of just Johann, how much is in favor of just Panoramia, how much for both and how much for neither, I'd slap another like on that.
because of approval voting, singleton vote are not necessarily relevant for analyse. (e.g, I voted for both Roswita and Anton, but I would just vote for Anton if this was a competing vote.)

So what can we see?

its surprisingly tight when you put it all together (Johnna actually only has a +10% lead overall vote over Asarnil when you look at all the vote) but it actually makes sense when you think about the fact that most of those that voted for Johnna and Pan also voted for others as well, looking at this, I would not be surprised if there are a lot more people who didn't vote for either of these two then there are those that just voted for Johnn or Pan.

While I think that they are still favourites, I would not be surprised, if say, Anton or Roswita will actually be more popular in a competitive, 'winner takes all' vote... though I would not be surprised if the opposite is true too.

basically, it's actually too close to tell with the top picks who would win when Approval changes to competitive, because we cant tell if Johnna and Pan are the 'favourites' or are 'generally acceptable, but lose out if people have one pick.'
So doing the same thing @Omegahugger did, but using actually significant numbers as a breakaway instead of forcing bias, (40 votes, which by coincidence is also the top 10, don't you love it when this stuff works out.) we get...

because of approval voting, singleton vote are not necessarily relevant for analyse. (e.g, I voted for both Roswita and Anton, but I would just vote for Anton if this was a competing vote.)

So what can we see?

its surprisingly tight when you put it all together (Johnna actually only has a +10% lead overall vote over Asarnil when you look at all the vote) but it actually makes sense when you think about the fact that most of those that voted for Johnna and Pan also voted for others as well, looking at this, I would not be surprised if there are a lot more people who didn't vote for either of these two then there are those that just voted for Johnn or Pan.

While I think that they are still favourites, I would not be surprised, if say, Anton or Roswita will actually be more popular in a competitive, 'winner takes all' vote... though I would not be surprised if the opposite is true too.

basically, it's actually too close to tell with the top picks who would win when Approval changes to competitive, because we cant tell if Johnna and Pan are the 'favourites' or are 'generally acceptable, but lose out if people have one pick.'
Calling him Magister John like you found him on a street corner. For shame.
So doing the same thing @Omegahugger did, but using actually significant numbers as a breakaway instead of forcing bias, (40 votes, which by coincidence is also the top 10, don't you love it when this stuff works out.) we get...

...what methodology did you use to get those percentages? The fact that they sum to less than 100%, rather than more, seems extremely off given approval voting. Did you divide by the sum of the vote counts rather than by total number of votes?
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