Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)
Why are so many people voting against the powder factory? Are we saving the Favours for something?
Speaking for myself: it feels like a random arbitrary thing to do. Hiring an engineer grandmaster to take a look at the rifle and offer what advice he felt reasonable was a natural progression of events in the story, since we had just visited Anton when the factory opened. But we haven't paid any attention to the gong farmers and we've been selling that saltpeter offscreen for literal in-universe years without spending a single thought. Why does Mathilde suddenly care? Can we even build a gunpowder factory for a mere five favours and no money? I see "expert assistance" creating such a factory in the info threadmark, but that is a far cry from actually making the factory, which seems like something that would take AP. It doesn't feel like something Mathilde wants to do, it feels like something voters want to do. Part of why I voted for stepping back from our active role managing the EIC is because I don't want to play Business Tycoon.

If someone wants to make a case demonstrating that this is possible and desirable, I might vote for it, but it feels completely tangential to the actual narrative.
They don't share our strong sense of civic duty and loyalty to the empire comrade.
I was one of the louder voices lobbying for "the EIC needs to be a prosocial institution" and instilling that particular value of maximizing the long-term good of the Empire, but I'm not playing Uplift The Empire's Tech Base Quest. I'll do it if that feels natural in the story, but not just cause someone thinks it'd be neat.
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Speaking for myself: it feels like a random arbitrary thing to do. Hiring an engineer grandmaster to take a look at the rifle and offer what advice he felt reasonable was a natural progression of events in the story, since we had just visited Anton when the factory opened. But we haven't paid any attention to the gong farmers and we've been selling that saltpeter offscreen for literal in-universe years without spending a single thought. Why does Mathilde suddenly care? Can we even build a gunpowder factory for a mere five favours and no money? I see "expert assistance" creating such a factory in the info threadmark, but that is a far cry from actually making the factory, which seems like something that would take AP. It doesn't feel like something Mathilde wants to do, it feels like something voters want to do. Part of why I voted for stepping back from our active role managing the EIC is because I don't want to play Business Tycoon.

If someone wants to make a case demonstrating that this is possible and desirable, I might vote for it, but it feels completely tangential to the actual narrative.
The stirland repeater would be made more dependable with the use of higher quality gunpowder, this helps our friends (who run the factory), Stirland (who uses those rifles) and the empire (because they are used to kill vampires).
Why are so many people voting against the powder factory? Are we saving the Favours for something?
Dwarf Favor has become a far less renewable resource now that all eight peaks have been reclaimed, since most of our contributions to Karaz Ankor at this point are likely to either just be us doing our job or too Rangery to earn Favors from.

In addition, this factory would take advantage of the nitre from our gong farmers, but this nitre is already being bought and used for Dwarven gunpowder production.

So the vote to open a gunpowder factory spends scarcely renewable Favors in order to shuffle gunpowder production from one Order faction to another, which isn't super compelling.

Sure, it would help Stirland, but there are a lot of things we can do to help a lot of people. I'm not sold that we should spend Dwarf Favors on this particular one. Might be a different story with College favors, since there are so many available ways to earn more of them, but I'm pretty sure that's not an option here.
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[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)

I'm fine with the leading Library plan.

[X] [DWARF] No purchase.

I agree with @picklepikkl 's arguments.

[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
-[X] Ulgu

I think that Mathilde should enchant Wolf's collar herself. Both because it'll be more meaningful that way, and because I'd like to incorporate more functionality into it than "just" high fidelity Move - ideally, I'd like to incorporate a shadowsteed variant so that Wolf can easily keep up with Mathilde over long distances.
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)

I'm fine with the leading Library plan.

[X] [DWARF] No purchase.

I agree with @picklepikkl 's arguments.

[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
-[X] Ulgu

I think that Mathilde should enchant Wolf's collar herself. Both because it'll be more meaningful that way, and because I'd like to incorporate more functionality into it than "just" high fidelity Move - ideally, I'd like to incorporate a shadowsteed variant so that Wolf can easily keep up with Mathilde over long distances.
Reasonable arguments, and I'm probably going to be busy today and tomorrow so

[X] Redshirt Army
I think that Mathilde should enchant Wolf's collar herself. Both because it'll be more meaningful that way, and because I'd like to incorporate more functionality into it than "just" high fidelity Move - ideally, I'd like to incorporate a shadowsteed variant so that Wolf can easily keep up with Mathilde over long distances.
I wish you good luck in convincing people to vote for it.
Speaking for myself: it feels like a random arbitrary thing to do. Hiring an engineer grandmaster to take a look at the rifle and offer what advice he felt reasonable was a natural progression of events in the story, since we had just visited Anton when the factory opened
This is a natural progression as well, since that Dwarf Engineer observed that inferior gunpowder was fouling up the repeaters and eroding the barrels.

Mathilde would care because we just listened to Roswita gripe about lack of powder to finish off the vampires. It's a solid investment.
These are good points, but I'd argue that hoarding the Dwarf Favours does nothing but make Dwarfs anxious over imbalance of debts. Why not reap the benefits sooner?

Also Stirland needs that gunpowder more than Zhufbar does. Roswita's having trouble sieging out the last vampire fortresses and towns, and her biggest handicap has been Stirland's abysmal economy and lack of supplies.

We can have the EIC expand the Niter Works later.
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I think that Mathilde should enchant Wolf's collar herself. Both because it'll be more meaningful that way, and because I'd like to incorporate more functionality into it than "just" high fidelity Move - ideally, I'd like to incorporate a shadowsteed variant so that Wolf can easily keep up with Mathilde over long distances.
That would be better, yes, but it seems fairly optimistic to assume that we'll ever vote for that.

These are good points, but I'd argue that hoarding the Dwarf Favours does nothing but make Dwarfs anxious over imbalance of debts. Why not reap the benefits sooner?

Also Stirland needs that gunpowder more than Zhufbar does. Roswita's having trouble sieging out the last vampire fortresses and towns, and her biggest handicap has been Stirland's abysmal economy and lack of supplies.

We can have the EIC expand the Niter Works later.
To your first point, because then we will have spent our mostly non-renewable resource, which would be an issue if we wanted to use it for something more relevant later. Hoarding Dwarf Favors comes with the benefit of having Dwarf Favors, and given that most research options involving Runes seem to cost Dwarf Favors we will find relevant things to spend them on soon enough.

To the second, Roswita seems to have things well in hand as is. Could they be better? Yes, but there are a lot of things we could do to make things better for a lot of people. I'm not seeing why we need to spend limited resources on this particular one.

To the third, we specifically voted not to interact with the EIC's business operations. We should have a far better reason then maybe helping Roswita some if we want to play take-backsies on a vote like that.
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This is a natural progression as well, since that Dwarf Engineer observed that inferior gunpowder was fouling up the repeaters and eroding the barrels.
That sounds like something we should pass along to Roswita and the EIC, and then if they start working on higher-quality gunpowder factories, we can hire consultants for them. Not something for us to take onto ourselves; we didn't build a repeater factory, Anton did, and we gave him help.

I continue to be unconvinced that we can will a gunpowder factory into existence by spending 5 favours. Get dwarf assistance while setting one up, sure, but we'd still need to actually do it, and we don't have EIC AP for that anymore, which means it's probably personal AP.
Obviously we should enchant Wolf's collar to have it automatically animate his body if he ever gets incapacitated. That way, no matter how badly he'll get hurt he'll at least be able to try and escape.

... Reanimation enchantments are entirely optional, trust me.
Wait am I stupid or what. I blitzed through the entire quest read in like 2 nights but I can't remember how we buy stuff and where are the options shown and stuff. Do we just get to write any book or item or upgrade to something in. Gah I'm probably just blind
Wait am I stupid or what. I blitzed through the entire quest read in like 2 nights but I can't remember how we buy stuff and where are the options shown and stuff. Do we just get to write any book or item or upgrade to something in. Gah I'm probably just blind

It's a mixture of asking BoneyM for prices on unique stuff and picking from listed things on the Rep drop downs in the Collection Of Important Information informational threadmark.
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)

[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
Are they getting them shipped in or is our library having copies made? The first seems a little wasteful.

They're not doing deep cuts into the available literature at this point, so most of their books are printed, so it's cheaper to import than to hand-copy.

Come to think of it, is the 'all undead are human' actually a thing in lore or just an artefact of Games Workshop having a limited model range? Presumably there are plenty of Beastman and Greenskin corpses in Sylvania's forests.

The more powerful undead known to the Empire tend to be human because that's what the Vampires threatening the Empire have most at hand to experiment with, but they're definitely capable of raising greenskins or Beastmen.

Man, just imagine some adventurer cracking one open some time. They're basically chitin right? Or more stony?

Like pearls that very faintly glow in the dark.

@BoneyM : If the We are regularly sending hunters into Black Crag can we ask them for a scouting report or help us to map it out?

They have only really penetrated into the Underway passage leading to Black Crag and some of the underground passages beneath it, not the entire mountain.

@BoneyM, when you have the chance: given the current purchase vote for "[ ] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)", if the vote doesn't change to specify anything, would Mathilde get an Ulgu stone or just the first thing she can? I don't know how large the College supply is, whether they have stuff in inventory or whether each request is a custom job.

She'll go for an Ulgu power stone. They're usually made-to-order because it's tedious to make them, but finding someone to do so isn't often a problem because it's a good favour payout for a month's work in safety and comfort.

I wonder if we can get like a set of 8 tiny stones. Not big enough to use to power anything, but enough to potentially expose it to something.

According to known methods, one size only.

EDIT: @BoneyM Would asking Oswald to train us in Trig/Cannon aim be an option next turn? I'm asking for purely professional reasons. :whistle:

It's a valid option for:
[ ] Ask an acquaintance to train you in a skill: specify who and what.

Speaking of AV, a thought: the stuff can be distilled into liquid forms of each individual wind pretty easily, since if you put some Ulgu next to it you get one-eighth of it attracted and seven-eighths repelled. Do we have any immediate use for unstable liquid Ulgu?

If the liquid separates by this process, it disintegrates into Winds.

This is the first time I've seen mention of report in a while, should we also be mentioning things like the We's request to formally join the Karak collective or their prexisting records they were keeping to figure out how much they owed us in food?
Or does somone else report that to Belegar? The diplomat?

You can assume that all that sort of thing gets sent up the chain, it's just really tedious to explicitly list everything that just happened all over again at the end of a turn.

@BoneyM will 5 Dwarf Favours cover a Stirland Dwarf-quality Powder Factory? If not, what else do we need to invest?

It will be throwing a Dwarf chemist at the EIC and saying 'do gunpowder'.
She'll go for an Ulgu power stone. They're usually made-to-order because it's tedious to make them, but finding someone to do so isn't often a problem because it's a good favour payout for a month's work in safety and comfort.
Thank you. OK, so we don't need to worry about the power stone's definition, just whether we also want that collar for Wolf.
That sounds like something we should pass along to Roswita and the EIC, and then if they start working on higher-quality gunpowder factories, we can hire consultants for them. Not something for us to take onto ourselves; we didn't build a repeater factory, Anton did, and we gave him help.

I continue to be unconvinced that we can will a gunpowder factory into existence by spending 5 favours. Get dwarf assistance while setting one up, sure, but we'd still need to actually do it, and we don't have EIC AP for that anymore, which means it's probably personal AP.

I get where you are coming from, even though I disagree with you.

I regret not campaigning harder for the investments into niter and handgun factories when it was more immediately relevant to the story (for example, the cannon shortage due to Zhufbar thunderer expansion) but at this point I will take what I can get.

While I understand not wishing to play the tech uplift™ quest, I would argue that Mathilde as we developed her has both a healthy respect and an affinity for martial technology, as well as more of the above for dwarf knowledge in particular.

Her helping Stirland and Empire itself tech up via dwarf aid seems very in-character to me.
Voting is open