Look at it from the bright side.WE HAD THE OPTION EARLiER BUT SENT IT AWAY!
Or, well, we had the option of picking up a vat of organs that possibly could've been a small cloning tank, which people gave away to keep our AP sinks on the low side.
... I suppose the thread really is eager to leave Necromancy as the only path available for my goals.
Yes. Our tower can do it - that's what caused the whole "reality is twanging" thing that got taken advantage of. It's probably not a problem for the Colleges, because occasions where a bunch of battlemagic is getting used all at once in close proximity are very rare outside of even rarer magical superweapons.I sometimes wonder whats the dissipation rate from this particular heat sink. Is it even possible to reach saturation on grounding magic in soil?
I don't actually know. I was basing this off of the info threadmark:So, when we say "[ ] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)" is a specific Powerstone, or like whatever they have around?
I got the impression from how Algard treated them that powerstones were fairly generic and interchangeable. Is that not true?
This must get genuinely scary for the Orcs. This tunnel smells of death, spawns stealth spiders, and I'd bet the spiders ambush any survivors from attacks, so I don't think anyone is coming back out of it when they go down on an attack.The Gauntlet is not a place of glory, not any more. It is a place of endless mechanical precision, where the regular rabble of greenskins forced down the Underway path are mown down as dispassionately as water is pumped out of a mine below the water table. The passage itself is harshly illuminated by a series of polished bronze mirrors redirecting the light of several constantly-burning bonfires, and though the Dwarves keep the passage clear of solid remains to deprive would-be invaders of any cover, no amount of cleaning would manage to clear away the layer after layer of bloodstains that have formed. Only a cunning series of bellows to force the airflow towards Black Crag prevents the smell from being overpowering. But it's still far from pleasant, and you find yourself breathing through your mouth as you consider the sign in Khazalid mounted above one of the watchposts.
I really want to figure out indirect Qhaysh. More Aetheric Vitae experiments I guess.Necromancy used Shyish to shield the wielders from the corruption of Dhar - what else could be made possible by using one magic to manipulate another?
I'll be dead in the cold cold ground before I waste an opportunity for research, we are going to find out what happened to his magesight, I mean, he will probably have to rest on his main work, so he will appreciate not being treated as a cripple and have something useful to do.
So, we don't know? Should we discuss an specific color then? Ulgu in case we need it later? Or something else so we have 2 sources of magic for experiments? Red should be ok I think, or maybe Amethyst so @Omegahugger can plan.I don't actually know. I was basing this off of the info threadmark:
I mean, different winds would create different power stones?I got the impression from how Algard treated them that powerstones were fairly generic and interchangeable. Is that not true?
So, we don't know? Should we discuss an specific color then? Ulgu in case we need it later? Or something else so we have 2 sources of magic for experiments? Red should be ok I think, or maybe Amethyst so @Omegahugger can plan.
...I did not realize this, lol.
I want to get Advanced Assassination.
- Mathilde 1: Dictate lexicon 1 to Max
- Mathilde 2: Study We communication
- Mathilde 3: AV research action?
- Mathilde 4: College class -- Practical diplo? Powerstones?
- Serenity: Write half of Lexicon 2
- Max: Take dictation
- Johann: get some rest and feel better bb
- Ducks: TBD
- EIC: Recruit a perpetual apprentice to have as an aide for the EIC intel networks we want to establish? Or we could make do without one -- we don't need one.
- Penthouse: Build a tower? We've still got the Room of Oh Dear to build, and new options might have shown up as well.
Our Aethyric Armor is at the level of giving us fullplate-level protection, isn't it? Plus it comes with our "immune to physical exhaustion" Mastery effect. I am pretty sure mundane protection isn't that useful at this point; one of our long-term goals is creating enchanted robes that incorporate our Aethyric Armor and hopefully its Mastery as well, for which a We-silk-made robe is probably an excellent base component, but I don't think the robe by itself is useful to us at this point.I think we should get Matilda a We silk-battle robe because it would be light and yet provide the same protection as chainmail. I always feel like our girl is a bit of a glass cannon and this would help protect her without weakening any of her other skills.
Hrm. It's true that we didn't know about the Battle for the Caldera, in which we did a bit of assassination, but we did know about Karagril before it happened, and we had enough warning about Alka-Seltzer that we were able to get training (in Greatswording) before we went to introduce him to the business end of Branulhune. I see your point about it being an inherently high-stakes activity, but I think that with opportunity cost as a factor, I would rather increase her skills in things she doesn't yet have competence at but which we know we want to do relatively soon (diplomacy, powerstone creation) rather than something she's already very good at and which we don't have on the horizon at the moment.I want to get Advanced Assassination.
That rarely comes with forewarning if it's needed and continues to be one of the most dangerous things Mathilde does.
Getting better at it should reduce her odds of death.
I'll be dead in the cold cold ground before I waste an opportunity for research, we are going to find out what happened to his magesight, I mean, he will probably have to rest on his main work, so he will appreciate not being treated as a cripple and have something useful to do.
I wonder if we can get like a set of 8 tiny stones. Not big enough to use to power anything, but enough to potentially expose it to something.To be specific: Each Wind's Power Stone has a unique name, description, and behaviour.
Chamon: Goldstone - used to be called Philosopher's Stone, but the College decided that name was misleading. The first College to learn how to condense their wind into a solid brick.
Azyr: True Sapphires
Shyish: Endstones
Ghur: Ghost Amber
Hysh: Lumen Stones
Aqshy: Fire Rubies
Ghyran: Vitaellum
Ulgu: Crystal Mist
(As a side note, I wonder if the We have a natural predisposition to counting stuff in base 8 groupings, the same way humans find decimal easy?)
At this rate, when K8P reopens those foreign deposit accounts, it'll be the We running the bank.
Some poor wizard is going to travel here to look something up and they'll be a giant spider cheerfully flipping through a book in a silk hammock on the ceiling.
Didn't see that coming, did ya?Once again, my decision to savour the updates Boney posted during meal time backfired. Johann nooo ; -;
I wonder if we can get like a set of 8 tiny stones. Not big enough to use to power anything, but enough to potentially expose it to something.
She's already read in, IIRC. We took her hunting Skaven for our first action with them. Anyways that's a good idea since Johann really needs a lab assistant right now.I dare say for our next Duckling action we should read her into the conspiracy and have an actual engineer look at the Skaven toys.
She's already read in, IIRC. We took her hunting Skaven for our first action with them. Anyways that's a good idea since Johann really needs a lab assistant right now.