Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)

She's already read in, IIRC. We took her hunting Skaven for our first action with them. Anyways that's a good idea since Johann really needs a lab assistant right now.
Also a seeing eye person/ratpupper.
Look at it from the bright side.
Now the Hivemind lobby basically has to back any scheme to become Nagash 2.0, because that's the only way to either conquer Altdorf or become Supreme Matriarch, so that we can crack open the vaults and get our cloning vat back.

As a potential member of this lobby (depending on plan viability and other opportunities, hive mind Mathilde is third on my preference behind Quaysh Mathilde and Ulgu Mist Logia Mathilde) , I have to say, I was always against becoming Nagash 2.0, but I was never against becoming Nagash's good counterpart...
"We want to learn about other intelligent beings. Karak Eight Peaks is part of the Karaz Ankor, which is allied to the Empire, which itself is made up of smaller entities, and so on, and so on. Other intelligent beings are solitary intelligences, but still have the desire for community. It is frightening and inspiring. A We-hive with only a single Egg-layer would be terrified of dying and not take any risks. But solitary intelligences, which are always on the precipice of extinction, take bold action, and they do so with such success that we would consider it desirable to have in mates. Even you do that, who are the most like us of the solitary intelligences, and know how alone and at risk of death you are."

"You're right, I do know that. But I can't have immortality in a hive, and I would rather do important things with my life than not."

"We are glad to be your ally."
Very good, but I think some mistaskes near the end.
"A We-hive with only a single Egg-layer would be terrified of dying(True death, hive death, it's own mortality?) and not take any risks. But (solitary intelligences) Individuals , which are always on the precipice of (extinction) a true death, take bold action (Maybe take risks?), and they do so with such success that we would consider it desirable to have in mates. Even you do that, (who are the most like us of the solitary intelligences) and you are the most wise/learned/knowledgeable/full of memories/Loremaster of the Individuals, who must know how mortal you are/how easily you could die." (Personally I'd go with "learned" or "Loremaster" and "how mortal")

"I'm aware of my mortality. But I'll never be like you, so I would rather be skilled/learned/respected then not."

"We are glad to be your ally."


The "most echo" refers to memories/knowledge/learning, possibly referencing Mat's position as Loremaster, a repeating pattern of "solitary inteligence" in transliation really should be "Individual" as a noun, and the references of "only one" make the most sense in the context of "mortality" and "True Death" or "Memory Death", as opposed to the losses of members of the hive. You could even call it "Hive Death", but translating it as just alone, instead of mortal, misses part of the point I think.

EDIT: @BoneyM Would asking Oswald to train us in Trig/Cannon aim be an option next turn? I'm asking for purely professional reasons. :whistle:
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[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
-[X] Ulgu
[X] [DWARF] No Purchase
Our Aethyric Armor is at the level of giving us fullplate-level protection, isn't it? Plus it comes with our "immune to physical exhaustion" Mastery effect. I am pretty sure mundane protection isn't that useful at this point; one of our long-term goals is creating enchanted robes that incorporate our Aethyric Armor and hopefully its Mastery as well, for which a We-silk-made robe is probably an excellent base component, but I don't think the robe by itself is useful to us at this point.
I was thinking more in case she runs across one of the anti-magic weapons out there. They ate not COMMON but they can be found if someone knows that they will be fighting magic users in the future. Champions of Khorne tend to have multiple anti-magic items/weapons alone.
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] Dwarf Rifle
Need I remind people that there are already Dwarfs turning that stuff into gunpowder? They are just doing it in their Karak rather than at our factory.
No you need not remind us that, Angelform. The vote isn't to get dwarfs to make gunpowder, it's to set up a factory operated by humans that runs at dwarf standards, increasing the total amount of gunpowder produced in the world. Also, this gunpowder, unlike the gunpowder produced by those dwarves, will go to Stirland, which is at this very moment trying to build up a large stock of gunpowder so it can destroy vampires, and which has a very good infantry gun that would greatly benefit from high quality powder.
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Power Stone (Ulgu) (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] No Purchase.
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I'm not sure "tiny Power Stones" are really a thing - to my understanding, when you crack a Power Stone in half, the whole thing evaporates into a huge burst of its component winds, rather than leaving you with two smaller stones.

Still, it would be kind of funny if it was possible - Teclis himself embedded eight Power Stones, one of each wind, into his sword, so it would be Mathilde emulating someone she looks up to.
I guess that's a point against Warpstone being a Dhar powerstone, since it can be divided? Or is there something there in the conceptual chaos-ness of Dhar that lets it be special?

Building an Infinity Gauntlet out of a complete cycle of powerstones sounds like an amusing plan. The non-Ulgu powerstones might need to wait until we've figured out AV or non-Ulgu winds better, though.

Speaking of AV, a thought: the stuff can be distilled into liquid forms of each individual wind pretty easily, since if you put some Ulgu next to it you get one-eighth of it attracted and seven-eighths repelled. Do we have any immediate use for unstable liquid Ulgu?
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
Hmm thoughts on maybe using our construction action this next turn on making our home even more of a paranoid nightmare? Since while it is currently good enough that even Mathilde would need to go loud to break in (I wonder how that works when substance of shadow is a thing) I'm not sure it will be enough if the worst case happens and the skaven find out we wrote the queekish dictionary that was just released. Now I don't think it's likely that assassins will come for us just that the dictionary means the odds of a assassin coming for us have increased greatly so a little preventive will go a long way if the worst happens.
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)

Factory good, powerstone on hand good, books probably good! What we really need though/can get, as we were so kindly reminded by Boney, is a telekinetic collar!

Medium range librarian boy! Helping Mathilde get things down off the shelves that are taller than 6 feet. :V It is a cheap bandwagon to start up and I hope people hop aboard!

(It also gives Wolf a stealth option! He can huck a brick, or some other debris, down a hallway and while the idiot is like " ❗ What was that noise!?!?" He can slip on by!)
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[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)

Definitely useful and appropriate.

Goodest Boy lengthening his lead. Plus more opportunities to scare the wind out of the ducklings and beards off of various dwarves.

[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)

Effective use of resources, plus good for the economy.
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[X] [COLLEGE] A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)

Medium range librarian boy! Helping Mathilde get things down off the shelves that are taller than 6 feet. :V It is a cheap bandwagon to start up and I hope people hop aboard!

(It also gives Wolf a stealth option! He can huck a brick, or some other debris, down a hallway and while the idiot is like " ❗ What was that noise!?!?" He can slip on by!)
Your vote's improperly formatted. You've ether gotta combine your College purchases into a single line item, or nest them under a single College purchase plan. When you just list the purchases as two separate line items like that, you're approval voting to either buy the Powerstone or to buy the collar, not to buy both.

You want something like this:

[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)

[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
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So it seems like, on the heels of this social turn, a lot of people want to take the final We research action. I think that makes a lot of character sense, since the We spokesspider did tell her that she was the most Echo of the not-We, and so investigating "hey so what does that mean exactly" is a reasonable thing for Mathilde to want to do. That leaves a rough outline for next turn as something like this:
  • Mathilde 1: Dictate lexicon 1 to Max
  • Mathilde 2: Study We communication
  • Mathilde 3: AV research action?
  • Mathilde 4: College class -- Practical diplo? Powerstones?
  • Serenity: Write half of Lexicon 2
  • Max: Take dictation
  • Johann: get some rest and feel better bb
  • Ducks: TBD
  • EIC: Recruit a perpetual apprentice to have as an aide for the EIC intel networks we want to establish? Or we could make do without one -- we don't need one.
  • Penthouse: Build a tower? We've still got the Room of Oh Dear to build, and new options might have shown up as well.
This seem halfway reasonable to folks? I'm thinking that if we do decide to recruit an aide for the EIC intel network, we should put Ranald's Coin on that, because it's really important that such a person be both reliable and competent.

I don't actually know. I was basing this off of the info threadmark:

I got the impression from how Algard treated them that powerstones were fairly generic and interchangeable. Is that not true?

If buying a powerstone wins, a nice synergy would be a College lesson on Powerstones and testing the interactions of AV and powerstones.
You prepare a report for King Belegar on your progress with Queekish, including what you've learned of its dialects and that you should be ready to begin work on something distributable very soon. You're quite certain he'll leave you on that assignment, as if there was anything urgent enough to require your immediate attention you'd have heard about it.
This is the first time I've seen mention of report in a while, should we also be mentioning things like the We's request to formally join the Karak collective or their prexisting records they were keeping to figure out how much they owed us in food?
Or does somone else report that to Belegar? The diplomat?
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