Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I must say, I'm truly disappointed in Panoramia. To choose something as pedestrian as food over the creation of megaweapons? Simply sad.

On the other hand, Johan's reaction to burning his eyes with magic gold is exactly right. I suggest giving him money so he can do it again. We have to get rid of it anyway, and helping a fellow wizard is as good an option as any.
Do You Want To Learn Some Magesight?

Do you want to learn some magesight?
If it even can be taught...
I know you can't see anything
Or read a book
That sounds so very lame!

We used to be asskickers
And now you're not
Because you melted your eyes!

Do you want to learn some magesight?
If I can even teach you magesight...

Go away, Mathilde

Okay, bye...


Do you want to learn some magesight?
Or take your rats around the caves?
I think the punching dwarf is missing you
He's started making me
Punch everything he sees!

It gets a little boring
Just the ducklings now...
I miss our she-nan-a-gins

(fading footsteps)

Johan, please I know you're in there
Wolf has been asking where you've been
I said be patient and he's trying to
We're right out here for you
Just let us in

We used to help each other
We made a good team
But now I'm missing you

Do you want to learn some magesight?

Note: Started on it before the Duckling club, didn't know Johann was going to be a champ.
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I must say, I'm truly disappointed in Panoramia. To choose something as pedestrian as food over the creation of megaweapons? Simply sad.

On the other hand, Johan's reaction to burning his eyes with magic gold is exactly right. I suggest giving him money so he can do it again. We have to get rid of it anyway, and helping a fellow wizard is as good an option as any.
See, the thing is that someone surviving, indeed - doing well in a sink-or-swim atmosphere tends to instill in them a certain type of pride. Which can be useful, but you mostly tend to notice it when it might get in the way and I'm worried that Johann might not want anything that Mathilde can do to help, partially because Mathilde's abstract "throw stuff at this" idea is college favour, which Johann has access to himself.

I mean, I'm fine with spending some if it would help, and maybe a "do it for me" might be enough to get him to accept, but apart from that, the only thing I can see is Mathilde dropping an action where we investigate how to help and asking Ranald for a hand with it, if BoneyM says that's even viable - [Eshin'd by BoneyM; hmm, sounds like it might be up to the playerbase to come up with ideas]

Thinking on it, Mathilde's shadow must have frozen still and then started writhing like crazy when he started screaming :(
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[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)

Do you want to learn some magesight?
If it even can be taught...
I know you can't see anything
Or read a book
That sounds so very lame!

We used to be asskickers
And now you're not
Because you melted your eyes!

Do you want to learn some magesight?
If I can even teach you magesight...

Go away, Mathilde

Okay, bye...


Do you want to learn some magesight?
Or take your rats around the caves?
I think the punching dwarf is missing you
He's started making me
Punch everything he sees!

It gets a little boring
Just the ducklings now...
I miss our she-nan-a-gins

(fading footsteps)

Johan, please I know you're in there
Wolf has been asking where you've been
He says be patient and I'm trying to
We're right out here for you
Just let us in

We used to help each other
We made a good team
But now I'm missing you

Do you want to learn some magesight?

Note: Started on it before the Duckling club, didn't know Johann was going to be a champ.

Dammit you made me ship JohannXMathilde now...

Johann should have golden accents on his tuxedo at the wedding, with Mathilde wearing a gray wedding dress. There might also be smoke machines and cake punching dwarves.

We just need to bait Panoramia into telling Mathilde how everything can't be a megastructure and Ranald will provide! :p
Their memory isn't actually that incredible. Anything older than the eldest Egg-Layer is 'Echo', which means the We had to consciously decide to retell it to itself to remember it. This means that despite potential immortality, there's a lot of information attrition over long timespans. So anything they'd kept would be incredibly useful for ambush spiders and probably not so much for anyone else.
Given enough food, couldn't they have a bunch of Web-Weavers whose only job is to regurgitate information to each other in perpetuity, thus acting as an expandable memory library? Not that they will want to do that now that actual writing becomes an option.

Speaking of the We, shouldn't the Hunters in the Gauntlet form some kind of sub-hivemind that is quite a bit smarter than a cat? I mean they seem to often be in much closer proximity to each other than on normal hunting grounds, scurrying to and from battlefields in groups. Or do you need a central Egg-Layer as a communication node for a hivemind to form?

Also, would relays be an option? Like Web-Weavers hiding safely in a chain relatively short distance to each other to communicate far away.

Lastly, when a We splits into two, shouldn't they essentially be using the same "language", at least for a time, and thus be able to use normal hivemind mechanisms to exchange information?
Gotta say that actually came through really well given we're really only seeing her perspective. She basically flat out told him 'it's not really my job necessarily, but it's in my nature to see if you are fit for the position and to remove you if you aren't'. And that's how she tries to have a relatively normal social interaction.
*looks at the different perspectives on asking Francesco to come chat*

This is going to be a Thing if we ever talk to Soizic, isn't it? She's just going to be secretly terrified the whole time.

The Golds are very sink-or-swim. That said, if I dangled an equivalently empowering Grey Wizard ritual in front of the thread, I'd be shocked if the button didn't get hammered at least a few times.
Yeah, almost certainly.

Couldn't they now get around that by making written records, to an extent? Sure, it's not as good as first-hand memories, but now they can actually record history. That's got to be pretty exciting for them.

But other than that--how come the memories from the oldest Egg-Layer don't transfer to the younger Egg-Layers?
For their own personal records, using quipu instead of writing might actually suit them better.

"Don't you ever get sick of just... preventing everyone from starving to death? Ever want to branch out into some sort of dubious megaweapon?"

"Duty comes first," she says primly, "and there's a sense of satisfaction to a thriving topsoil."

"Speaking as someone who enjoys not starving, thank you," Max says with a nod.

"You're quite welcome," she says, giving you a smug look.
We really need to help Pan Pan become an official Magister, so that she can properly snarck

She looks quite proud of herself. "The Gunnery School here settled it, I managed to get one of my brothers in and I'm looking to get some cousins into the next intake."
You miss your family, so you brought them to you, huh. Good idea

She seems like she wants to speak up in defence of shiftless debauchery, but she apparently decides against it.
Man, the Ducklings are in top form today.

Neither the We nor the Dwarves see the Warpstone as something desirable, so they're fine leaving it wherever it's not causing problems and can't fall into the claws of the Skaven. There's no longer any Skaven in their diet, so there's no more buildup.
...huh. Does that mean that for the foreseeable future, no more Egg Layers will be lost to "old age?"
I don't think we need to remove the Chamon from his eyes; he said that it would only be as problem if he planned on getting them magically healed, but he can re-attempt the gilding without that. All he needs for a second attempt is for the damage to scar over.

Fair enough. Guess I won't be campaigning for a write in.
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)
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[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
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Given enough food, couldn't they have a bunch of Web-Weavers whose only job is to regurgitate information to each other in perpetuity, thus acting as an expandable memory library? Not that they will want to do that now that actual writing becomes an option.

Speaking of the We, shouldn't the Hunters in the Gauntlet form some kind of sub-hivemind that is quite a bit smarter than a cat? I mean they seem to often be in much closer proximity to each other than on normal hunting grounds, scurrying to and from battlefields in groups. Or do you need a central Egg-Layer as a communication node for a hivemind to form?

Also, would relays be an option? Like Web-Weavers hiding safely in a chain relatively short distance to each other to communicate far away.

Lastly, when a We splits into two, shouldn't they essentially be using the same "language", at least for a time, and thus be able to use normal hivemind mechanisms to exchange information?

[ ] Investigate how the We communicates with... itself?

...huh. Does that mean that for the foreseeable future, no more Egg Layers will be lost to "old age?"

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I had no real expectations, what with Oswald being a complete blank slate and all, but a compressed stream of "Artillery is really cool, did you know that? I love artillery, let me tell you all about artillery, which I love. It's tradition has been carried in the Oswaldson legacy for generations!" still caught me a bit off guard

I'm sure Pickle will appreciate the fact that he's a bit of a nerd
It's nice to be understood. Yeah, I really enjoyed that whole interaction; "let's bond over the things we do well" is fun to read.

[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
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Anyone up for arranging some engineering lessons for Adela in the near future?
Having an actual engineer in the Skaven technology research and reverse-engineering strategic project sounds useful, to say the least.
Ok, I'm slightly warmed up to Johan now. But I still think I prefer Oswald (and I'm still trying to figure out if he was attempting to hit on Mathilde there... :V)

Edit: Aaand vote. Because I should try to do that more often.

[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
Seems like a good idea
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
(I don't think we need a power stone, or at least not before we know some more about them)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
Don't think anyone's suggested anything, but I also don't see anything we need.

No strong opinion on Dwarf purchase.
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It was mentioned, but they're currently really uncomfortable with the idea of having access to information and then not having access to it, so they're sticking with buying their own books.
Are they getting them shipped in or is our library having copies made? The first seems a little wasteful.
"Into what are you growing your not-food-gold?" They'd stumbled onto the concept of accounts, by splitting their Karak-We-gold into food-gold and not-food-gold. You're starting to wonder how the economists of the University of Altdorf would react to the creatures.
Honestly a 'food standard' economy might be rather advantageous.
Whether your currency is based on gold or IOUs it is ultimately arbitrary. There is no intrinsic value to a lump of shiny metal. With food however? There is a certain amount of food that any given creature must consume in a given period of time to not die. This amount is relatively constant over both time and different creatures. Thus you can compare the value of anything to something that has an inherently stable value.

"Whatever form of dismounted swordplay he practices with the General is between him and her."
People. We must investigate the other half of this ship. The romance section of our library demands it!

She encountered Beastmen a time or two, but Stirland isn't very heavily forested compared to the northern provinces, Sylvania's forests belong to the undead, and the forests south of Black Fire Pass tend to be dominated by Forest Goblins instead of Beastmen. As for Ogres, their mountains are on the other side of the Dark Lands.
Come to think of it, is the 'all undead are human' actually a thing in lore or just an artefact of Games Workshop having a limited model range? Presumably there are plenty of Beastman and Greenskin corpses in Sylvania's forests.

[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)
Need I remind people that there are already Dwarfs turning that stuff into gunpowder? They are just doing it in their Karak rather than at our factory.

[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
I think working with Johann on magesight is a good idea, and not just for shipping purposes.

One of the issues the thread had with Johann was that he tried to decieve us, and therefore Mathilde would never trust him enough.
Johann basically said that trusts her as much as his former master, and if we view that in the light of Mathilde's relation with Regimand, that says quite a lot.

It's probably as close as we're getting to someone who trusts us enough to work with us for multi wizard casting, and with that show of trust, the thread can use it to get over the paranoia about Johann having hidden motives.

If we manage to get Johann's magesight to level up (and at the same time learn more about how he sees the winds) we have one potential partner for Multi wind projects.
Come to think of it, is the 'all undead are human' actually a thing in lore or just an artefact of Games Workshop having a limited model range? Presumably there are plenty of Beastman and Greenskin corpses in Sylvania's forests.
It isn't, as in the book Shamanslayer and Lichslayer the Necromancer Heinrich Kemmler utilized the slain bodies of a massive horde of Beastmen for his army.
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