Nascent Transhuman
I disagree with your position on essentially every point.
- Dwarf favor is hard to get by now that the Karak is cleared
- Mathilde is the wizard of K8P and will be expected to put her efforts towards the good of the Karak not doing flashy things that will make all dwarfdom in her debt
- We have a lot of things to spend it on, aid with the Vitae, getting runelords to consider looking at the elf Waystones etc...
- Stirland and its gunpowder has very little impact on the narrative. Realistically what is that gunpowder going to do, give a +5, a +10 to a hidden roll against the vampires and show up in a rumor paragraph?
A gunpowder factory is not a "flashy thing that doesn't benefit the Karak". It increases the stability and strength of the empire, which is one of K8P's strongest strategic allies and a powerful force against chaos.
That's not what Dwarf Favors are. We used some of our dwarven favors to literally make ourselves a nice reading room. A favor is an acknowledgement that we already did good things for the Karak, and the way to balance a favor out is for the Karak to do something good for Mathilde. Like, they won't complain if the things that benefit her also benefit the Karak, but the entire point of a favor is that Mathilde gets to decide how to use it.
We have a shitload of Favor and it's not hard to get more. Publishing the lexicon of Queekish, for example, is possibly of similar benefit to the Karaz Ankor as the reclamation of Karak 8 Peaks was, and that's counting the secret thing that only Thorgrim knows about. Think of the Queekish lexicon like you would the ULTRA/MAGIC program in WWII - it is so damn important that the biggest obstacle to getting favor from it will be the fact that it'll be classified to the eyeballs for years if not decades. Figuring out the Waystones is similarly so critically important that researching them is likely to leave us with more favors than we started with. Like, remember how we spent like 20 favors on the Eye of Gazul and parlayed it into a series of papers, presentations, and Talks With Important People that was worth something like 50 favors? Like that. In this specific case, AFAIK K8P has to buy its gunpowder from elsewhere; once that canal opens Stirland will be a major trading partner.
Stirland and its gunpowder have exactly as much impact on the narrative as all of the other things that're going on in Stirland, which is to say that the crop up approximately one or twice every social turn and sometimes throw up miniquests that occupy multiple mechanical votes.
Vote to use Favor. It's not doing anyone any good at all sitting in the bank. Use it to give us an opportunity to make more.
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