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"Well, on the positive side, at least I have an excuse to rest and recover for a few months..."

"Good news Johann! If we start now we can finish the whole battery of experiments before your eyes heal enough for the next surgery!"

We know what our AV action will be! Perhaps he may gain a windsight trait automatically?
Or it will just turn dhar with all the gold? We better be near for science... I mean safety reasons.
Is this going to run into scaleability issues as they expand in population and potentially split off new hives? Or will they just gradually increase the proportion of gold-food?
Hopefully they'll learn the power of multi-tasking by that time.

Also on another note, @BoneyM can Mathilde speed up Johann's recovery period by using her Windherder trait to draw the excess Chamon out of his eyes?
Reading spider interactions gives me warm fuzzy feelings. Best spoder friends, 8/8 fuzzy leg hugs! :lol:

Like others have said, very curious what the We can sense from Mathilde. Perhaps there is room for a joint paper on spider communication, co-authored by We, am sure they'd enjoy the concept of college favors. :p

It would be hilarious if the We eventually turn to what's it called investment fonds?
I continue to be fascinated by the idea of frikkin telepathic spooders figuring out derivatives and fractional-reserve banking before the rest of the planet. Mathilde would be giggling for years at the enormity of the prank she'd helped perpetrate on the empire's financiers.
What's derivatives and fractional-reserve banking?
What's derivatives and fractional-reserve banking?
"In finance, a derivative is a contract that derives its value from the performance of an underlying entity." So think of them like stocks; you've got ten stocks, but that might be worth ten bucks or a hundred bucks.

Fractional reserve banking is when most of the money in the bank isn't actually in the bank, it's invested elsewhere, by my understanding engendered by two seconds of research. This lets banks keep a bit for day to day transactions, while using the money for other purposes instead of just sitting on it.
What's derivatives and fractional-reserve banking?
Derivatives are contracts based on the future value of something. So stock investments and bonds fall into this category.

Fractional reserve banking is how banks operate, lending out money that other people have entrusted to the bank while the bank retains a fraction of the money it's supposed to have stored up. This injects the economy with wealth that's greater than the total sum of currency that physically exists. As long as bank runs don't occur this system boosts economic growth and prosperity.
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Is this going to run into scaleability issues as they expand in population and potentially split off new hives? Or will they just gradually increase the proportion of gold-food?

I know the We don't seem to use tools, but they build things, including apparently the Hunter's causeway out to distances only hunters normally range. Could the hunter spiders be taught to set traps when on their own?
Potentially using dwarf made tools as traps, like bear traps, or explosive charges.

Their intelligence 'range' is limited, and outside of it Hunters appear to be limited to variations on ambush predation.

... we do have xeno-affinity. Speaking of, @BoneyM are we ever going to get a We diplomacy skill, or are they too minor and alien to the rest of the world for that?

The We is essentially one person. If you gain experience at dealing with more than one, a skill for it would be possible.

@BoneyM, on average, how much does it cost to hire a 3rd tier party of 6 adventurers? According to Renegade Crowns there's a bunch of ruins in the Border Princes of loads of different kinds, with about 39% of them being Arabyan or Khemri ruins (20% Arabyan, 19% Khemri). Lure of the Liche Lord gives us Karitamen's tomb as an example of the latter, and his tomb contains this room:

I'm thinking that we could sponsor expeditions to Border Prince ruins so we can get all manner of books and scrolls, and maybe a small cut of the loot. Karitamen's pyramid in particular would be a good candidate. We get a number of journal entries from a guy who went all the way through the time, only turning back in Karitamen's burial chamber itself, so we could know about it. There's also a rosetta's stone just outside the pyramid that has writing in Nehekharan, Classical, Eltharin, and Khazalid, which can be used to decode the writings inside the pyramid. We know the latter two languages, so we'd be able to read the scrolls within. (Maybe also Classical writings? If so, sending an expedition just to get that rosetta's stone would be worth it.)

Additionally, 14% of Border Prince's ruins are Dwarf. I'm not really sure how viable it is to go through them given dwarves tend to be touchy about it, but maybe it's ok if the adventurers are other dwarves?

There's more than enough plot hooks in the story without turning to OOC knowledge for more.

Also on another note, @BoneyM can Mathilde speed up Johann's recovery period by using her Windherder trait to draw the excess Chamon out of his eyes?

Try it and find out.
For those that haven't gotten to know her, Mathilde is an intimidating figure to make conversation with.
Gotta say that actually came through really well given we're really only seeing her perspective. She basically flat out told him 'it's not really my job necessarily, but it's in my nature to see if you are fit for the position and to remove you if you aren't'. And that's how she tries to have a relatively normal social interaction.
@BoneyM, if we wanted to hire a tutor to teach us Tilean, would now be the time to make that decision or would it be a main turn thing? If now is the time to buy it, how much gold would it cost in that case?

On a related note, is it possible to get magic books from Tilea? Wizards are relatively accepted there so there might be books on the subject. Tileans might also be more free with the distribution of information on the gods, though I have no idea how true this is if at all.
If you were a gestalt intelligence instead of a single lonely creature trapped in your own body, we would absolutely hit on you. -- the We

Technically Mathilde are a gestalt intelligence of wolf and human? Even works exactly the same as the spiders having to communicate info witg each individual or it will be lost upon death.

@BoneyM has anyone tried explaining how to rear animals by collecting inedible food-stuff to grow more animals?

I could totally see the We having a leg up or seven in rearing mountain goats. :tongue:

A We and halfling joint endeavor to expand any herds by having the We as shepards and manual labour perhaps...
So far my future vote will likely be;
[ ] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[ ] [DWARF] Gunpowder factory improvements (5 Favour)
[ ] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)

Although since that's non-specified, I wonder if getting a non-Ulgu Powerstone would be of any use?
Probably not until we learn more, I guess.

Also, how do Powerstones work in this RP? One-shot only like TT, or a battery that can/'t be recharged..?
@BoneyM, if we wanted to hire a tutor to teach us Tilean, would now be the time to make that decision or would it be a main turn thing? If now is the time to buy it, how much gold would it cost in that case?

It would be one of these during the main turn vote.
[ ] Hire a trainer to come to Eight Peaks and teach you: specify what. (costs favours for Dwarf trainers, money for human ones)
[ ] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there. (1 College Favour per class; 100gc can be paid instead for non-magical classes)

On a related note, is it possible to get magic books from Tilea? Wizards are pretty accepted there so there might be books on the subject. Tileans might also be more free with the distribution of information on the gods, though I have no idea how true this is if at all.

No, there's no real organized magical society there, their wizards are either from master-apprentice traditions or from the Colleges.

@BoneyM has anyone tried explaining how to rear animals by collecting inedible food-stuff to grow more animals?

They might develop that way if they trend more towards Karak integration than remaining hunters.

Also, how do Powerstones work in this RP? One-shot only like TT, or a battery that can/'t be recharged..?

They can be worked into an enchantment as a power source, battery, or capacitor, or can be expended for a one-shot boost to casting a spell.
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Since Classical is considered an academic language, would learning it open up academic doors to us? Or would we be better off picking up Tilean?
Since Classical is considered an academic language, would learning it open up academic doors to us? Or would we be better off picking up Tilean?
It doesn't matter. Tilean, Estalian, and Classical are all considered the same language for the sake of books, the same way that Reikspiel, Old Reikspiel, and Bretonnian are.
[ ] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
That way we have one on hand for the "poke AV with a powerstone" research topic, in case we want to try that instead of the anti-magic runes next turn.
Considering that we seem to be going slow and steady it would likely be better to make our own power stone. It would allow us to understand the results better.
@BoneyM Would it be possible for us to spend an action trying to up our skills WITHOUT going to the College? Could we push for Advanced Infiltration or Advanced Interrogation just by spending an appropriate action participating in simulations with, say, the We, or on some Black Crag Orcs?
@BoneyM, can we get dwarven books on the individual winds? What about enchantment and power stones? I'm asking since we have books on Sevir so I'm guessing that they might have books on those subjects from fighting or working with elves.
@BoneyM Would it be possible for us to spend an action trying to up our skills WITHOUT going to the College? Could we push for Advanced Infiltration or Advanced Interrogation just by spending an appropriate action participating in simulations with, say, the We, or on some Black Crag Orcs?

You can use this to train without going to the College:
[ ] Ask an acquaintance to train you in a skill: specify who and what.

Unless nobody's done what you're trying to do, it's generally better to seek tutelage rather than reinventing the wheel solo. And "Mathilde sneaks into Black Crag every day until she hears the level up ding" is something I've got no desire to write.

@BoneyM, can we get dwarven books on the individual winds? What about enchantment and power stones? I'm asking since we have books on Sevir so I'm guessing that they might have books on those subjects from fighting or working with elves.

No. The books they'd have on the subject are written for an audience that have a different set of magical senses entirely to Mathilde.
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