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Their memory isn't actually that incredible. Anything older than the eldest Egg-Layer is 'Echo', which means the We had to consciously decide to retell it to itself to remember it. This means that despite potential immortality, there's a lot of information attrition over long timespans. So anything they'd kept would be incredibly useful for ambush spiders and probably not so much for anyone else.
Whelp, that's disappointing.
Eh, maybe if we ask them for training in advanced infiltration we might manage to convert some of their insights into papers on how best to ambush Skaven and/or sneak into their settlements, if their experience gives them anything that can be ported over to human use there may be an audience for it, especially in the Grey College, and for sneaking into settlements.
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The Golds are very sink-or-swim. That said, if I dangled an equivalently empowering Grey Wizard ritual in front of the thread, I'd be shocked if the button didn't get hammered at least a few times.
That seems like the exact opposite of what a college is founded for. If all you do is let people succeed or fail on their own, you're deliberately sabotaging your own efforts for no reason.
Their memory isn't actually that incredible. Anything older than the eldest Egg-Layer is 'Echo', which means the We had to consciously decide to retell it to itself to remember it. This means that despite potential immortality, there's a lot of information attrition over long timespans. So anything they'd kept would be incredibly useful for ambush spiders and probably not so much for anyone else.
Couldn't they now get around that by making written records, to an extent? Sure, it's not as good as first-hand memories, but now they can actually record history. That's got to be pretty exciting for them.

But other than that--how come the memories from the oldest Egg-Layer don't transfer to the younger Egg-Layers?
I/3 failure rate, actually.
"Success with complications" is still a partial failure for a medical procedure.
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... You know, technically speaking, isn't turning into a vampire kinda like the Dhar equivalent of Gilding?

Definitely a button that should be hammered, yes.

You know, I'm not sure how comfortable I am with discussing Mathilde getting her buttons hammered this soon after Mathilde x We romance was discussed.
That said I am willing to entertain the idea of Mathilde coaching the We on the finer points of romance novels as an interaction later.
The We's Stealth School
Whelp, that's disappointing.
Eh, maybe if we ask them for training in advanced infiltration we might manage to convert some of their insights into papers on how best to ambush Skaven and/or sneak into their settlements, if their experience gives them anything that can be ported over to human use there may be an audience for it, especially in the Grey College, and for sneaking into settlements.

I will never pass up a chance to do this.

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Couldn't they now get around that by making written records, to an extent? Sure, it's not as good as first-hand memories, but now they can actually record history. That's got to be pretty exciting for them.

That's part of why they're so interested in the concept of writing.

But other than that--how come the memories from the oldest Egg-Layer don't transfer to the younger Egg-Layers?

By what mechanism would they transfer? They can't just hit copy-paste on an individual Egg-Layer's living brain. The only way memories get moved from one individual to another is if they are consciously and deliberately communicated from one to another, and putting aside how tedious that would be, there's only so much you can transfer each generation before you've got more to transfer than you have hours in the day.
That's part of why they're so interested in the concept of writing.

By what mechanism would they transfer? They can't just hit copy-paste on an individual Egg-Layer's living brain. The only way memories get moved from one individual to another is if they are consciously and deliberately communicated from one to another, and putting aside how tedious that would be, there's only so much you can transfer each generation before you've got more to transfer than you have hours in the day.
Also every unit takes food to operate too.
I didn't really follow the We-Speak can someone translate?
Best guess is that they find the dwarfs and humans cooprative "hunting" inspiring (and sexy). If they were reduced to a single body they think that they would be to paranoid to cooperate that way with other Wes and would hide while trying for easy prey.
I didn't catch everything, but what I did catch is that it's part this, part how impressed the We are with how humans/dwarves/halflings are all individuals without any kind of expendability, yet they all hunt and act and fight in the face of overwhelming danger all the time. The We rarely ever experience such danger--only when the entire We is threatened with annihilation. For a human/dwarf/etc to go into a fight/hunt/battle knowing this danger every time and still acting selflessly/bravely is both impressive and very sexy to the We (sexy in the sense that it would totally love to incorporate such impressive genes if it were possible to breed them into its gene pool).

Plus, it seems like the We are just barely starting to comprehend just how incredible the level of trust, cooperation, skill, and complexity goes into the kind of civilization the Empire/Karaz Ankor have. Whereas the We have difficulty closely cooperating with multiple other Wes, the Empire and Karaz Ankor create a vast civilization comprised of the equivalent (in the person-hood/identity sense) of hundreds of thousands/millions of Wes. I imagine that, for the We, the level of cooperation, skill, coordination, and experience of such civilizations leads to hunts on a scale they can't even imagine, which is probably fascinating for them.
Question, when are the purchase plans gonna come out? It's been over an hour since the moratorium ended and we don't have a single plan.
Question, when are the purchase plans gonna come out? It's been over an hour since the moratorium ended and we don't have a single plan.
Pickle did ask someone post their plan, so I guess:

[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)

It apparantly doesn't overspend!
This is a spend-only-the-budget plan mostly aimed at Aethyric Vitae. The last low-hanging-fruit research topic we have for AV is testing it with dwarf anti-magic runes, so we're getting the books we can on rune magic, which is only from the College, since dwarf writings on the subject don't exist for anyone who isn't a Runepriest and Bretonnian magic books are unavailable to us. Not as low-hanging a fruit, but still an avenue of research I suspect we'll want to investigate at some point, is powerstones*, which surprisingly we don't have anything about in our library yet. Finally, we're getting a bit more info about Waystones, in preparation for the likely event that we need to handle them for Belegar soon.

[] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] No purchase.
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
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[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)

@BoneyM am I doing the dwarf vote right?
Pickle did ask someone post their plan, so I guess:

[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)

It apparantly doesn't overspend!
Found it, thanks.

[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)

[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)

[X] [DWARF] No purchase.

[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.

Would rather conserve dwarf favor.
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It would be one of these during the main turn vote.
[ ] Hire a trainer to come to Eight Peaks and teach you: specify what. (costs favours for Dwarf trainers, money for human ones)
[ ] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there. (1 College Favour per class; 100gc can be paid instead for non-magical classes)
@BoneyM for that first option, hiring a trainer, how much money does a human trainer cost for each level of expertise? And how do the colleges' non-magical classes rank in that manner?
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)
Another use for the We silk is armor, as we learned from Worm. Or at least, under-armor or hidden under clothes. Particularly useful for assassination targets such as the emperor, as it prevents penetration and keeps the poison away.
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)
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