Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
All aboard the Goodest Boy train.

[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
EDIT: @BoneyM Would asking Oswald to train us in Trig/Cannon aim be an option next turn? I'm asking for purely professional reasons. :whistle:
This would fall under "[ ] Ask an acquaintance to train you in a skill: specify who and what." which has been an option for a while.
Your vote's improperly formatted. You've ether gotta combine your College purchases into a single line item, or nest them under a single College purchase plan. When you just list the purchases as two separate line items like that, you're approval voting to either buy the Powerstone or to buy the collar, not to buy both.

I have Feelings about that, but sure amended. :V

If 80 people solo vote one college thing, one person says no purchase and 90 people vote for a different college thing, it's kinda pretty shrug to me if it ends in a finger being shaken at the crew of 80 people and them being told "Better luck next time!" when there's no real opposition to it without people approval voting No Purchase to slap down the other group's buy.

Like I can for sure see the situation where it's a problem, in a timeline where we're constantly skirting the sub-10 favours pool, but it just feels weird to me with how reticent we are to spend favours normally haha.

It'd be a little too janky, having to introduce like artificial No Purchase vote thresholds on individual items to keep 1-3 vote things going through and us spending like 80 favour in a single turn because no one noticed/didn't bother to No Purchase vote, so I do get it haha.
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[X] [COLLEGE] Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)

We have 51 Dwarf Favours. Enough to get another Branulhune, twice. I think we can spare some for a proper gunpowder factory to supply Anton, the Baron of Boomsticks.

Nobody needs to worry about the power stone type, BoneyM has repeatedly said Mathilde will not make dumb mistakes. She won't get a power stone she can't use, made of Azyr or Hysh or something.

Collar of Move would be nice... but I feel like that should be something Mathilde makes for Wolf herself. I like the personal touch, and it keeps the enchantment skill from getting rusty.
Mathilde 4: College class -- Practical diplo? Powerstones?
Alternatively, learning Classical. The dragon probably wants to sleep for a few years, but it can't hurt to start learning early.
Penthouse: Build a tower? We've still got the Room of Oh Dear to build, and new options might have shown up as well.
[ ] Your dungeon was built with a reasonable amount of paranoia. Apply an unreasonable amount of paranoia.

Qrech will start planning a break out once he notices Mathilde's attention is no longer on him as often. Better to get paranoid security earlier than later. Tower of Oh Dear sounds good too, though. We're getting into more dangerous research these days.
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)
Thinking of ways for Mathilde to help Johann with the holding ritual:

  • Use her Magesight to identify any contaminants in the Gold he uses.
  • Use her dwarf favour to commission some of Thorek's apprentice swarm to push out everything but Chamon from the gold he uses, in case there are any.
  • Use her relationship with Gunnars to broker a meeting with a sufficiently radical branch of the Cult of Smednir, who might be able to either improve the gold used for conceptual refinement or be interested enough in the Gilding process to share some lore with Johann, as the priest of Grungni did.
  • Convert him to the worship of Ranald and lend him the Coin.

Any other ideas?

We have 51 Dwarf Favours. Enough to get another Branulhune, twice. I think we can spare some for a proper gunpowder factory to supply Anton, the Baron of Boomsticks.

We can burn through Dwarf Favour incredibly fast if we're not careful, and we have no obvious way to get any more. High end tuition costs 12 Favour, for example.
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Still, it would be kind of funny if it was possible - Teclis himself embedded eight Power Stones, one of each wind, into his sword, so it would be Mathilde emulating someone she looks up to.
He did? That sounds really cool.

Actually other than the fact his sword is hilariously BS and he made it himself, I don't know much about it. Where did you learn that?
Nobody needs to worry about the power stone type, BoneyM has repeatedly said Mathilde will not make dumb mistakes. She won't get a power stone she can't use, made of Azyr or Hysh or something.
It's not necessarily a dumb mistake, though. Like, we could want an Azyr powerstone so that we can do additional experiments on how AV reacts to non-Ulgu winds, or so we can test some Windherder stuff. We probably want an Ulgu Power Stone this time, but we haven't really specified what we're using it for in thread, beyond potentially throwing it at the AV.

Also, we had an issue with a vaguely worded purchase item last purchase vote, and Boney resolved it with a diceroll:
"Okay, so the Dwarf Engineer -> Stirland Repeater thing is a bit ambiguous, so I guess I'll roll to see if he's just going to go over the design or if he's going to look over the factory blueprints or if he full on visits Blutdorf or what..."
So while I expect Boney to resolve a vague Power Stone vote as a vote for an Ulgu Power Stone, we could also just sidestep the issue of ambiguity and fix the votes.
Collar of Move would be nice... but I feel like that should be something Mathilde makes for Wolf herself. I like the personal touch, and it keeps the enchantment skill from getting rusty.

I'd love to spend AP crafting little items for the Karak/our friends and family, but also it took us like 5 months worth of turns to teach our familiar the incredibly useful utility/tactical option of being able to speak. :V

I'm not super optimistic on being able to wrench the focus of the threadthink in the direction of trinket crafting, especially not if magical tech support on the waystone network becomes our next job! 🧙‍♂️ (Though I do imagine that'll wait until after Throgrim's people are gone/we'll be doing preliminary elf testing away from the Karak if not)
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour)
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.

I would like to do interesting possibility magical things with our favor, not waste it on things that will get one line of text and be forgotten.
I expect @BoneyM to resolve a vague Power Stone vote with a D8 :V
Well, yeah, that's the other main possible interpretation of the vote.

And while we could probably find some use for a random Power Stone at some point, I think we just want to have an Ulgu one around for now? So I'd prefer to sidestep the issue and just vote to get an Ulgu one.
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
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[X] [COLLEGE] A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] No Purchase
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
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[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [DWARF] No purchase.
[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] Ulgu Powerstone (5 Favour), A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [DWARF] Establish a factory to turn saltpetre into gunpowder (5 favour)
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[X] [LIBRARY] Rune Magic (Imperial Extensive), Powerstones (Imperial Extensive), Waystones and Henges (Dwarf Antiquarian)
[X] [COLLEGE] A Collar for Wolf with a move enchantment (2 Favour)
[X] [PURCHASE] No purchase.

Why are people voting to get a powerstone, with no idea of what we'd be using it for? Or is it for AV research?
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Voting is open