Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Or maybe they're having her choose not to ignore her oldest friends as opposed to people she sees nearly every day.
This is certainly a factor for me; with the council and everyone else at K8P, there's a sense that we spend enough time around them just on a day to day basis to maintain whatever relationship we have with them without explicit social actions. For our friends back in Stirland, on the other hand, there's a real feeling that we might lose contact if we don't visit them every now and then.
We've socialized Kragg every time. We skipped Belegar twice; once in a regular turn and once in the mini-social-turn interlude during the battle.
I'd only count that as skipping Belegar once, and we picked Gunnars and Kragg instead on the mini-turn anyway (both of whom are obviously dwarves), so close enough.
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Niter factory options are sadly not available to us at the moment.

The additional handgun factory options (through purchase turns) are available, but I doubt the thread will be willing to go for it again, at least for the next couple of turns.
Niter Factory was folded into the EIC, no?

Shouldn't take long for Wilehlmina or Anton to point out the new guns would do even better with some quality powder.
[X] The We, to check on how they're settling in to the new arrangement.
[X] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
[X] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
[X] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.

with only the wagging of his tail to provide a very primitive approximation of a somatic component
Now every time we run across a hostile dog I'm going to think it is casting something. Is that dog happy or? Fuck, entangling vines.
[X] Roswita, as she campaigns through Hunger Wood.
[X] Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
[X] Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.
[X] Julia, See what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.
[X]Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[X] Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.
[] The We, to check on how they're settling in to the new arrangement.
[X] Karak Hirn, to satisfy your curiousity about Prince Ulthar.
[X] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.

preference votes:
[X] Oswald Oswaldson, newly-minted Chief Bombardier of the Undumgi.
[X] Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
The resulting weapons are no less prone to fouling or resistant to battering, but you suppose to a Dwarven point of view, it's the fault of the Umgi for using substandard powder and not treating their weapons with sufficient care.
As others have mentioned, maybe the Niter factory could be expanded to supply Stirland.
That assumes that there's enough available to buy.
IIRC they were producing so much that they were accumulating stockpiles, at least back when Belegar was looking to equip his hand gunners from Zhufbar.
The rumour mill of K8P is about 75% 'you won't believe what the Wizard has done now'.
That has to be pretty gratifying for Mathilde. "Gosh, they think what I'm doing is that interesting? It's just my job, you know?
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Wait a second... Lemme just dig out the old rulebook again.

7. No Magister may ever study the Forbidden Lores of the Daemonic Powers, nor the unholy ways of Necromancy, nor any other sorcery or witchcraft that utilises the wicked powers of Dark Magic. Any Magister found disregarding this Article is guilty of an Abominable Act and is both Heretic and Traitor and will be put to sword and fire immediately.
Yes, as far as I can see there's nothing in the articles that state that familiars aren't allowed to practice Necromancy of their own volition!

Granted, there's nothing preventing other magisters from executing familiars on suspicion of being necromancers and we'll have to use the Coin to convince anyone we aren't the source of Wolf's knowledge, but strictly speaking it possibly wouldn't be illegal!
[X] Roswita, as she campaigns through Hunger Wood.
[X] Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
[X] Julia, See what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.
[X] The We, to check on how they're settling in to the new arrangement.
[X] Soizic, military leader of the Undumgi.
[X] Johann, as both of you reflect on the events both of you went through together over the past year, that began with the hunt for a Clan Skyre gasmask.
[X] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
[X] Karak Hirn, to satisfy your curiousity about Prince Ulthar.
[X] Johann, as both of you reflect on the events both of you went through together over the past year, that began with the hunt for a Clan Skyre gasmask.
[X] Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
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[X] Gretel, who's apparently spending her newly-earned wealth to make herself at home.
[X] Adela, to see where she's at in deciding her future.
[X] Hubert, to go deeper into discussion on Ulrican matters.
[X] Francesco Caravello, proud leader of the Undumgi and possible future Thane.
[X] Oswald Oswaldson, newly-minted Chief Bombardier of the Undumgi.
[X] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, leader of the frontier town of Ulrikadrin.
[X] The We, to check on how they're settling in to the new arrangement.
[X] Roswita, as she campaigns through Hunger Wood.
[X] Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
[X] Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.
[X] Julia, See what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.
[X] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
[X] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[X] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, leader of the frontier town of Ulrikadrin.
[X] The We, to check on how they're settling in to the new arrangement.

[X] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
[X] Karak Hirn, to satisfy your curiousity about Prince Ulthar.
[X] Oswald Oswaldson, newly-minted Chief Bombardier of the Undumgi.
[X] The We, to check on how they're settling in to the new arrangement.
[x] Soizic, military leader of the Undumgi.
[X] Karak Hirn, to satisfy your curiousity about Prince Ulthar.
Wait a second... Lemme just dig out the old rulebook again.
7. No Magister may ever study the Forbidden Lores of the Daemonic Powers, nor the unholy ways of Necromancy, nor any other sorcery or witchcraft that utilises the wicked powers of Dark Magic. Any Magister found disregarding this Article is guilty of an Abominable Act and is both Heretic and Traitor and will be put to sword and fire immediately.

Yes, as far as I can see there's nothing in the articles that state that familiars aren't allowed to practice Necromancy of their own volition!

Granted, there's nothing preventing other magisters from executing familiars on suspicion of being necromancers and we'll have to use the Coin to convince anyone we aren't the source of Wolf's knowledge, but strictly speaking it possibly wouldn't be illegal!
Legally, the familiar is part of the magister, IIRC.

Even if the familiar were a separate legal person, though, it wouldn't help. The Articles exist in large part to protect Magisters of the Colleges. (Article 4.) Everyone who's not a Magister is forbidden to practice (arcane) magic by default. (Article 3.) That includes being forbidden to practice Necromancy. So the "Wolf isn't a Magister" excuse only gets you "Wolf is a rogue magic-user".
a Professor and a handful of fellow students who have already demonstrated loyalty to the Empire.
This sounds like an incredibly interesting noodle incident. I suppose they could have demonstrated loyalty in their own separate ways... or they got caught up in a stereotypical fantasy novel adventure.
The danger of necromancy is that even those with very little power can utilize it to terrible effect. So yes, Wolf could theoretically become a necromancer.
Interesting. Could Wolf use a staff to get a +1 to magic? :drevil:
[x] Oswald Oswaldson, newly-minted Chief Bombardier of the Undumgi.
[x] Soizic, military leader of the Undumgi.
[X] Gretel, who's apparently spending her newly-earned wealth to make herself at home.
[X] Julia, See what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.
[x] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
[X] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
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Well, for starters, it's the 'god' that the Ogres worship, associated with an all-consuming hunger that can never be satisfied.

It also might be a literal hole in Mallus caused by a comet or something. (The Ogres were encroaching on Cathay and eating people, and Cathay responded with a meteor or something that devastated their lands, forced them to migrate to the Mountains of Mourne, and possibly created the Great Maw?)

That's the Cathayan version of events. Their mages could just be taking credit for a coincidence.
Will wonders never cease, Wilhelmina is doing well in a social turn!
We had a lot of conversation recently about the EIC and how we want to engage with it going forward. I think that's got her on voters' minds and so people want to check in on her, since we last saw her at the sword presentation ceremony and, before then, after the Expedition first succeeded.

I'm not super invested in her, but I don't mind checking in every now and then.
[X] Adela, to see where she's at in deciding her future.
[x] Oswald Oswaldson, newly-minted Chief Bombardier of the Undumgi.
[X] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[X] Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
[X] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
[X] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.
[X] Julia, See what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.

[X] Gretel, who's apparently spending her newly-earned wealth to make herself at home.
[X] Adela, to see where she's at in deciding her future.
[X] Hubert, have a talk to him about the Masterpieces and how its not about what it 'should' be, but making it what you 'want' it to be.
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