Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[MAX] Take Dictation (Khazalid Lexicon)
[JOHANN] Examine Skryre Notes
[EIC] Rumor Mill
[M1] Dictate (Khazalid Lexicon)
[M2] Give Qretch Stuff To Do Without Us
[M3] College Waystones 101
[M4] Basic AV Transformations
-[COIN] Gambler
[OVERWORK] Practical Diplomacy
[SERENITY] Reikspiel Lexicon (1/2)

IIRC last time BoneyM commented on this Max wasn't able to take Khazalid dictation.

Edit:: Also, I really don't like the idea that Serenity is a "free" action that we should try to exploit for AP. The papers we write aren't just for Favor currency. Waaagh and Peace has international impact beyond Mathilde's reputation, and the dictionaries will as well. Some of the topics for papers can have effexts on the setting that, in turn, will circle around back and have impact on Mathilde's story as well. And yes, some papers we write will just give a small chunk of Favor and then we'll never hear of them again, but the more often we write papers the more we'll benefit in turn. Dragging the Queekish project out for an entire turn both to delay being assigned our next project and exploit the Serenity actions puts a bad taste in my mouth.
Define a "Great Library" then. What does that even mean? How do you expect Belegar to achieve it for you?

Getting one of the greatest libraries in the world has been something I've been wanting to do since we had to option to buy books. I just don't see how spending the boon on it is narratively satisfying over collecting them ourselves.

Mathilde grew up in a small village with little education. Most people in her homeland will never become literate. Even though the printing press exists, most libraries of the time are private collections or belong to very rare institutions like the University in Altdorf. Mathilde's current library, despite how extensive it is, is still at the top of a mountain and has very few visitors. And Mathilde knows that any proper education is both really useful but also really rare outside most of the named charaters she usually interacts with. A big, public library is basically an effort to would go some lengths to changing that while also doubling as a boost to any scholars and scholarly activities done in the entire Karak.

...on that topic, if we're super ambitious we could have Mathilde float the idea of Public Libraries in general. Try to open many libraries across the Empire and elsewhere. Though that might be even more difficult and expensive.
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Or we could use the actions that would be spent on learning spoken queekish and use them for AV research.
The big paradox I see is this. Skaven slaves can learn queekish. Mathilde at least predicts that given the options we had for trying to find one. Yet no progress on queekish has been made. The idea that the grey order hasn't been able to rescue a single skaven slave and tried learning the language from them is ridiculous. This leads to the paradox where it can be learned yet no institution has been able to learn it despite undoubtedly trying.

As for your other arguments I fundamentally reject them. Mathilde is not the only one who can or is able to learn spoken queekish. This is shown by slaves knowing spoken queekish. If slaves can learn spoken queekish other people can. Now that written queekish is broken open a lot more opportunities will likely be available to other grey wizards that want to take a swing at it. Sure it would take a lot longer than if Mathilde decides to plug away at it but that's ok for me since I view spoken queekish as having marginal value at best. You clearly have a very different view but nothing you have said makes me reevaluate my stance.

Spoken queekish should have been the easy part of the language. You hear a squeak and get attacked enough times you learn that the squeak likely means attack. The fact that no institution seems to know any spoken queekish tells me that there is something else going on.
Man, it is part of the setting, I admit that it is absurd that no elf, dwarf, human, or skink has ever managed to learn Queekish in thousands of years, but seeing things like the dwarfs having breech-loader cartridge guns for centuries and they have not yet developed bolt action rifles or smokeless gunpowder, or how a random Slann decides to "adjust" the continents and we have the Time Of Woes, or how an elf king can be stupid enough to cause the War of the Beard...

There are plenty of absurd things in Warhammer, we just have to roll with it, and assume that if we assume that Mathilde is the first human who has managed to learn Queekish in over 4000 years (and she is), if we want any of the "Good Guys" to get it in any reasonable timeframe Mathilde will have to do it.

Plus, taking into account that since Mathilde has already learned Queekish grammar, characters and vocabulary it would be absurd no to try to learn spoken Queekish since it would probably only take us one action, or two tops to do it.

Plus, Queekish is a task assigned by DWARFS, and everybody here understands that Dwarfs don't want something good enough done quickly, they want perfection evennif it takes time.
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Define a "Great Library" then. What does that even mean? How do you expect Belegar to achieve it for you?

Getting one of the greatest libraries in the world has been something I've been wanting to do since we had to option to buy books. I just don't see how spending the boon on it is narratively satisfying over collecting them ourselves.
The idea of the great/grand library is that it is not something Belegar acchieves.
It's a perpetual project for K8P to gather, store, possibly distribute (for pay) books, literature, knowledge, in the veing of Library of Alexandria.
Huge national library, built and expanded over years, decades, centuries, if not millenia.
A couple of opinions on recent discussions:

I still hate the library idea. It feel very much like trying to get rid of the boon rather than use it.
If we want to expend it on 'changing the world' then what we want is a school. Proper standardised education freely available to everyone in K8P. Mathilde has a library and it is only going to grow turn by turn. What she doesn't have is teachers, facilities or the authority to dictate that every dwarf, halfling, human and other* born in the peaks educate themselves above the level of a superstitious rural peasant.

*do the We have an official species classification yet? 'We' seems more a name than a race.

With the Skaven ejected from the Karak this is no longer Mathilde's problem. We have no current plans for doing anything with Skaven now that the local ones are dealt with and a great many others things to be doing. We have waystones and wolf elves to work on. We have Ulthuan to visit. We have wizards to wrangle, greenskins to poke, undead to rob and gods to pester. And that isn't even counting all the research we hope to eventually get round to.
Unless we plan to kill him our pet prisoner will likely live at least another decade, probably more. We can afford to put spoken queekish on the backlog for a while. And who knows, perhaps someone who isn't the protagonist will lend a hand and figure it out while we are dealing with our mountain of other things.
IIRC last time BoneyM commented on this Max wasn't able to take Khazalid dictation.
This would be interesting to know so @BoneyM

Can Mathilde dictate Max the Khazalid and/or Reikspiel Queekish Lexicon?

If we learn spoken Queekish in the same turn that we start the Queekish Lexicon, would the book also include the spoken Queekish guide?
With the Skaven ejected from the Karak this is no longer Mathilde's problem. We have no current plans for doing anything with Skaven now that the local ones are dealt with and a great many others things to be doing. We have waystones and wolf elves to work on. We have Ulthuan to visit. We have wizards to wrangle, greenskins to poke, undead to rob and gods to pester. And that isn't even counting all the research we hope to eventually get round to.
Unless we plan to kill him our pet prisoner will likely live at least another decade, probably more. We can afford to put spoken queekish on the backlog for a while. And who knows, perhaps someone who isn't the protagonist will lend a hand and figure it out while we are dealing with our mountain of other things.
One thing to consider is that if we learn spoken Queekish (which would probably take us one action) before starting the Lexicon, the resultant book0 will include both spoken and written Queekish and cost us 2 AP in total, but if we do it separately the written lexicon and the spoken guide will cost us 2 AP each...

Taking into account that we have 2 languages to complete the difference would be from spending 4 AP to spend 8 AP... So from an AP economy point of view itvis much better to learn Spoken Queekish now...

Plus even if it is true that the Skaven and Queekish is no longer our most immediate concern, Skaven it is still an immense concern for both the Empire and Karaz Ankor, so I wouldn't discard its strategic importance so soon.
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yea like, even if the skaven aren't an immediate threat to K8P which they sorta still are. They're the biggest threat to the Dwarven empire as a whole and the 2nd/3rd biggest threat to the empire.
IIRC last time BoneyM commented on this Max wasn't able to take Khazalid dictation.

Edit:: Also, I really don't like the idea that Serenity is a "free" action that we should try to exploit for AP. The papers we write aren't just for Favor currency. Waaagh and Peace has international impact beyond Mathilde's reputation, and the dictionaries will as well. Some of the topics for papers can have effexts on the setting that, in turn, will circle around back and have impact on Mathilde's story as well. And yes, some papers we write will just give a small chunk of Favor and then we'll never hear of them again, but the more often we write papers the more we'll benefit in turn. Dragging the Queekish project out for an entire turn both to delay being assigned our next project and exploit the Serenity actions puts a bad taste in my mouth.
Max is fluent in Khazalid; I don't see why that would be an issue. Can you find a source?

With regard to your other point, I think you're conflating several people's positions. My take (and I believe @Redshirt Army's as well) is that the turn we write the books (finishing 1.5 of them) is the same turn we should officially wrap up the Queekish project. The next turn, we start our new thing and use our Serenity action to finish the second one. I do not support the drag-Queekish-out-deliberately plans. As for the question of writing papers that have strategic importance, one of the nice things about this optimization is that it can support the same number of papers as before using the same number of actions, but with better stats applied to the rolls. Here is what I mean:

Writing both books in the same turn
Turn X:
  • Max: Take dictation
  • Serenity: Write half of one of the books
  • Personal: Dictate
  • Personal: Write the other half
Turn X+1:
  • Max: Write a paper for us (assuming one exists)
  • Serenity: Write free paper
  • Personal: [Arbitrary Important Thing]
Spreading one of them across two turns
Turn X:
  • Max: Take dictation
  • Serenity: Write half of one of the books
  • Personal: Dictate
  • Personal: [Arbitrary Important Thing]
Turn X+1:
  • Max: Take dictation
  • Serenity: Write the other half of the outstanding book
  • Personal: Dictate two papers
You see what I mean? Using the same number of actions, we both get to do Arbitrary Important Thing (train wolf, take a class, do extra research, whatever) a turn earlier and write the same number of papers as in the other plan, but at higher quality (because dictating papers to Max combines our strengths). So that's why I really like this optimization: it lets us do more with the same amount of stuff.

(Please note to the people arguing: there is a reason I used phrases like Turn X and "the turn we finish things" rather than "next turn" -- this optimization works whichever turn we wrap up the Queekish project, whether that be next turn or the turn after.)
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So from an AP economy point of view itvis much better to learn Spoken Queekish now...
Nope. From an action economy perspective it is vastly better to not bother with spoken Queekish at all. It does little to advance any of our current objectives and it encourages us to spread our time and attention yet further.

You should also consider that if she learns spoken queekish she will certainly be 'invited' to spend time teaching others. Likely more than one AP would be needed given how alien queekish is.

Plus even if it is true that the Skaven and Queekish is no longer our most immediate concern, Skaven it is still an immense concern for both the Empire and Karaz Ankor, so I wouldn't discard its strategic importance so soon.
It is not Mathilde's job to single-handedly solve all the problems of the civilised world.
I still hate the library idea. It feel very much like trying to get rid of the boon rather than use it.
If we want to expend it on 'changing the world' then what we want is a school. Proper standardised education freely available to everyone in K8P. Mathilde has a library and it is only going to grow turn by turn. What she doesn't have is teachers, facilities or the authority to dictate that every dwarf, halfling, human and other* born in the peaks educate themselves above the level of a superstitious rural peasant.

I'm not sure whether you've actually been following the development of the Great Libary ideas, but it's far, far more than just a Pile of Books, and for that matter a pile of books accumulated all at once.

Let me recap, because the more accurate phasing of the Boon is something closer to : make Karak Eight Peaks a Center of Learning. This is actualized in four ways.

1. A Repository of Knowledge and Lore to be steadily built up over time

2. A Research Institution, complete with Endowments, Royal Patronage, Research Facilities, Scribes, Publishers and so on to be steadily built up over time. Let's call it the Royal Society of the Eight Peaks, a cross between an analog to the British Royal Society and DAPRA.

3. A charter to build Education Institutes out of the foundational infrastructure laid down by the existence of the Great Library and attendant Centers of Research, down the line, that may be cashed in by Mathilde's successors, or other sufficiently reputable members of the Royal Society of the Eight Peaks.

4. An understanding of the College, that said Royal Society/Great Library can serve as a sanctum for Wizards who have reason to operate in the Karaz Ankor, or the Southlands, or the Badlands, or the Dark Lands. A further more confidential proviso, that in the event of another Dieter IV, that said Center of Learning can act as a refuge/sanctum for Wizards who keep to certain guidelines (No Dhar, No participation in Proscribed Cults, some variant of the articles of Magic contextualized for the Eight peaks, and so on).

So yes, your idea of an Education Institution has already been proposed and was already part of the design of the emerging Center of Learning Idea.

Now it might be that BoneyM might rule that we have to choose one of these four aspects to prioritize, or that this boon is too broad and needs to be split up into four constituent parts. If that's the case, you do have a point. Otherwise, we are just disagreeing on what order we should pursue the same goals because a large repository of Knowledge is probably very necessary to have a functioning Education system.

Infact, I can't actually see how a functioning education system can be actualized without some significant repository of knowledge being carefully accumulated, and some means of luring scholars and would-be educators to the Eight Peaks beyond just gold.

The Great Library is but the most obvious physical manifestation of a Center of Learning.

By the way, for that sarcastically likening this to the all-functioning Dreadnought that serves as floating lab and library, do remember that the Dreadnought does not lie on a major Waystone node of existential importance to Dwarvenkind, nor is well within a heavily defended and well fortified and wealthy Dwarven Karak.

In fact, if the Spend the Boon now option had won, I would have proposed the Great Library Boon in the following form: Make Karak Eight Peaks a Center of Learning, Lore and Innovation.

Just as it once has been, judging by the magi-technological wonders left behind by the Ancient. From Bok to the Ballista, mayhap Karak Eight Peaks one day innovate again wonders that match and surpass those around us.
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It is not Mathilde's job to single-handedly solve all the problems of the civilised world.

Mathilde current task/project is to translate queekish, whilst the spoken language is not 100% needed to achieve this it's absolutely part of the current project she's working on it's just not needed to reach 'good enough' also that's a shit reason not to do something when we're explicitly the only person going to get the chance to pull it off and already have 90% of the work done.

Not doing it now would be foolish given all the ground work we've done.
I'm not sure whether you've actually been following the development of the Great Libary ideas, but it's far, far more than just a Pile of Books, and for that matter a pile of books accumulated all at once.

Let me recap, because the real phasing of the Boon is something closer to : make Karak Eight Peaks a Center of Learning. This is actualized in four ways.
I'm not sure whether you have actually been following the development of the thread, because one of the complaints is that "Great Library" is being used as a collective name for several different things. And also for several different collections.

Some people do want a Pile of Books, some people want a center of learning actualized in four ways, some want it actualized in three or five ways, and "the real phrasing of the Boon..." is nonsense. A real phrasing does not exist and will not exist until the vote happens. Your phrasing should not be mistaken for the phrasing.
It is not Mathilde's job to single-handedly solve all the problems of the civilised world.
No, but when you are:
  1. Only need 1-2 action to do it anyway
  2. Tasked to solve that very specific problem by your dwarf boss who expects a Thorough job
It seems to me incredibly wasteful not to do it...

You should also consider that if she learns spoken queekish she will certainly be 'invited' to spend time teaching others. Likely more than one AP would be needed given how alien queekish is.

And that is bad because? Every time we have been invited to do something like that we have gotten immensly useful benefits...
Just take a look to the last turn one of those invitations have given us college rep and favors, a chance of alliance with the Eonir, and a project with the Waystones...
Was all of that not worth it to spend one single AP for it?
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Some people do want a Pile of Books, some people want a center of learning actualized in four ways, some want it actualized in three or five ways, and "the real phrasing of the Boon..." is nonsense. A real phrasing does not exist and will not exist until the vote happens. Your phrasing should not be mistaken for the phrasing.

Yes, but my main gripe here is that everyone attacking the Boon is usually attacking one of the those ways, usually the Great Library because it's the most obvious target. Clearly, the Boon isn't just a one dimensional pile of Books, but that's what so many critiques paint the proposal as, when very early on in the discussion the Great Library was never just a pile of Books. To quote an example:

and historically there was a difference between a collage of learning and a college of education.

collages of learning would mostly be for scholars to continue that work. ( so Master's, PHD, and tenure research in modern terms) and the student-students would be a very small amount. (3- 10 undergraduates a year, and were more about pocket money for the scholars and paying of patrons by teaching their kids better then what they would get in COE)

colleges of education, on the other hand, would be what we think of today, where there are more undergrads. and were more about passing on information or trade then 'higher' learning. (few if any PHD's)

a university would be when the two was smushed together.

that's why I think any development from the Great Library would be a COL first, and only a COE far, far after unless we made one on purpose. as the scholars would not be that interested in teaching whole classes over their own study. (hell most PHD's today have to be forced to do it. I don't know one person in the politic's that wasn't a lecture that wanted to do any of the teachings over their own research, I know I hated it.)

This is from 20th December, when the distinction between a Center of Learning and Center of Education was being made within the thread, when discussing the scope of the Great Library and what it encompasses. The distinction was raised in the context of the series of University of Eight Peaks snippets.

So yes, forgive me if I am abit testy here, but alot of the discussion about the Great Library feels like a very painful caricature when I see counter-arguments of the level of but Books are expensive.

So yes, even if Angelform wants the idea of Education as the end goal, there's no getting away that you need a huge knowledge repository to make it possible, which loops us... back to the Great Library idea. Infact, the Research Institute idea also loops back to a Great Library.....

No matter how much you split the idea up, it loops back to the intuition that some form of knowledge repository must be formed to make one of the several directions that idea can ultimately take into a reality, but the Library is not the totality of the idea.
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I more a less agree?

I dont see a compelling reason not to make our boon plan known.

Because we pretty much DO know what we want to get. Judging by the thread talks and the number of Omakes.

I think people just think we havent planned it out well enough? Which is cool, but that is something we could easily Include Belegar in. Or Edda.

I am also deeply offended by the notion Belegar is going to capsoze the entire Karak by building a Library. God damnit guys hes not a moron, and he knows that would piss her off as much as it would everyone else.
That's basically the thing I had in mind with the Boon myself. A library just being one part of it, but the rest basically trying to set up one of the peak Centers of Learning in the world as a Long Term Project, that sidelines into Adventure Bait by providing an outlet for adventurers to go on expeditions to dangerous places and pull lost stuff out.
So yes, even if Angelform wants the idea of Education as the end goal, there's no getting away that you need a huge knowledge repository to make it possible, which loops us... back to the Great Library idea.
It really doesn't, though. Take a look at the proposal:
If we want to expend it on 'changing the world' then what we want is a school. Proper standardised education freely available to everyone in K8P. Mathilde has a library and it is only going to grow turn by turn. What she doesn't have is teachers, facilities or the authority to dictate that every dwarf, halfling, human and other* born in the peaks educate themselves above the level of a superstitious rural peasant.
This is pretty clearly talking about primary and secondary education, not a university filled with rare and exotic books with great scholars and wizards wandering about. And you don't need, say, an Antiquarian Linguistics collection to teach the equivalent of High School English.

We would obviously need books to run a school, but there's a bit of a difference between having a bunch of copies of low to mid tier books on common subjects and trying to build the world's biggest Rare Books Collection.

Note: I don't have strong feelings on the school idea, so please don't try debating its merits relative to a Library with me. I just wanted to point out that none of the proposed manifestations of the Library incorporate proper schooling as things stand, because trying to build a good elementary school has different material and philosophical requirements than a university.

Because we pretty much DO know what we want to get. Judging by the thread talks and the number of Omakes.
Counterpoint: Of course there's going to be more discussion in the thread about an idea that people have had than an idea that people haven't had. There are a number of people who voted to delay the Boon based solely on the fact that they didn't want a Library, myself included, and the goal of delaying is to see if something else comes up in the thread that people might genuinely be interested in. Hopefully, simple time or the contents of the updates will provide inspiration.
To be perfectly honest, what i want is basicly a big pile of books.
The biggest, fanciest, pile of books ever to be piled together in all of Warhammer Fantasy. Nno, Mathilde can't just buy that with money, the pile i am thinking of is bigger, and fancier, than any individual can manage in a lifetime, no matter how much gold they spend.
And i want people to keep piling those books until the heat death of the universe (or however the world ends in the quest canon).
Counterpoint: Of course there's going to be more discussion in the thread about an idea that people have had than an idea that people haven't had. There are a number of people who voted to delay the Boon based solely on the fact that they didn't want a Library, myself included, and the goal of delaying is to see if something else comes up in the thread that people might genuinely be interested in. Hopefully, simple time or the contents of the updates will provide inspiration.

To be blunt with you, if BoneyM ruled that a choice had to be made between a Royal Research Society and the Great Library (and we can't insert claimable charters/provisos that open possibilities to what the Great Library ultimately could grow into), I would actually choose the Royal Research Society, never mind that said society most certainly needs a Library. I would prefer it if the Great Library with claimable expansion charters into related activities was permitted, but if it wasn't.....

My reasoning is actually fairly straight forward here: what Mathilde needs is bloody NASA/DAPRA behind her in order to pursue her Moonshot Ambitions implied by Aethyric Vitae and the Waystones. If you ask me what Mathilde really needs and wants, my response is reduced/additional AP to pursue Research and minions paid for by the Karak- that, is something we are perpetually short on.
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Yeah, that basically. We want Warhammer Fantasy DARPA, but if we can chain in a university/library on top of that? Bonus.
I'm also not 100% on the lore but I feel like there wouldn't be a huge amount of incentive for skaven to keep non skaven slaves. As their slave caste is simply better for most purposes, so beyond Moulder having some for experiments and possibly some for prestige in other clans I feel like they'd usually just be eaten if captured.
I mean, that does imply that the Skaven focus on maximum efficiency when they take slaves.

They call humans "man-thing" because their society doesn't consider humans to be actual people. Same with Dwarfs, and Elves, Halfings, etc., only the Skaven are people. Cruelty is the point.
My reasoning is actually fairly straight forward here: what Mathilde needs is bloody NASA/DAPRA behind her in order to pursue her Moonshot Ambitions implied by Aethyric Vitae and the Waystones. If you ask me what Mathilde really needs and wants, my response is reduced/additional AP to pursue Research and minions paid for by the Karak- that, is something we are perpetually short on.
Right, so if the primary goal is for Belegar to found and pay for into perpetuity(?) an organization we control with Wizards and scholars (and maybe Runesmiths?) that Belegar pays to hire managed by bureaucrats and a bureaucracy that Belegar provides so that we can efficiently use our minions with a significant research budget for personal projects that Belegar funds and the provision that we get the fantasy IP rights to the products of the organization, with a concentration of books simply being a likely aid to the organization rather than an end unto itself, then make that clear when you promote your proposal in the thread. Fantasy DARPA could have synergies with but is certainly distinct from a big pile of books or a higher/middle/lower educational facility or a lounge for intellectuals or whatever else it's been conflated with. Plus, conflating them clearly hasn't done the proposal any favors, based on the amount of confusion and backlash it's facing.

Personally, I'd be far more willing to vote for a focused Fantasy DARPA proposal than I would one that focused more on the Library side of things, and if I felt the thread had actually stumbled into Fantasy DARPA rather than B O O K as its current consensus I might bite the bullet and vote to spend the Boon on it now. Something to work towards, I suppose.
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Fantasy DARPA could have synergies with but is certainly distinct from a big pile of books or a higher/middle/lower educational facility or a lounge for intellectuals or whatever else it's been conflated with, but it is not the same as those things. Plus, conflating them clearly hasn't done the proposal any favors, based on the amount of confusion and backlash it's facing.

If BoneyM rules the giant CoL boon has to be split into several distinct Boons, then the menu could look something like this (there are possibilities I might have missed, so do let me know).

1. Great Library: A Great Pile of Books, Lores and Artifacts that always Grows (which may or may not have charters to branch out, but the priority is to grow and attract scholars to the collection.)

- Libraries acquisitions can be of any topic, but it means that more advanced iterations like research communities under the Library will be locked as a very advanced option far down the line.

2. Royal Society: Fantasy DAPRA, with royal patronage, administrators, endowments, research grants, IP rights and continuity in perpetuity to pursue the cause of innovation and knowledge, and with us as the Chairman of the Institute, with the Institute being the legacy we leave behind that would continue as long as the Eight Peaks stand. The main benefit is that we can conduct more research at organization actions levels of AP expenditure, perhaps with similar rules to the Stirland Spy agency - this is basically a Research Budget (with adventure hooks) forever option, mechanically speaking.

- Library Acquisitions will have to be related to the Royal Society's current standing Mega-projects/Moonshots. This is the Research Institute Library.
- Mathilde and company get's the opportunity to assemble an entire institution to help with research and publication.

3. A Comprehensive Basic Education system for the masses.

- Library acquisitions are limited to only fundamental/basic topics needed for a mass education system, including Pedgagocial and teacher training material.

4. Sanctuary for Collegiate Wizards forever/Permanent Alliance with the Colleges.

- Library will have a Collegiate Focus on it.

5. University of the Eight Peaks within this generation.

- Library will have a secular natural and Social Science focus, on matters such as Engineering, History, Physics and so on.

The alternate way is to let the Center of Learning Boon stand, and if it wins, let the thread decide on which Direction the Center of Learning should begin with and prioritize- a Giant Library, a Royal Society, a basic Education System, a Wizard Sanctum, and so on, but unless there is a Boon that gains credible traction that falls beyond the range of CoL type Boons (Dreadnought is a classic example), there isn't a viable competition. It will however, generate continual debate, since actualizing the Boon into reality is going to run into the question of what should be done first and in what order.
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The alternate way is to let the Center of Learning Boon stand, and if it wins, let the thread decide on which Direction the Center of Learning should begin with and prioritize- a Giant Library, a Royal Society, a basic Education System, a Wizard Sanctum, and so on, but unless there is a Boon that gains credible traction that falls beyond the range of CoL type Boons (Dreadnought is a classic example), there isn't a viable competition.
Eh, leaving that sort of ambiguity about what we're spending the Boon on after we've spent the Boon seems like a poor move. We would literally never stop debating what to do with it if that's what happened.

I figure the vote for boon itself would involve voting for one of the specific things you mentioned in order to establish the philosophical goal of the Boon. That way, we would have a core philosophy to guide us as we developed and expanded upon the framework of the Boon going forward.

For example, if we settled on University and then invested Boon resources into growing our library, it would be understood that we're gathering books for the sake of the university, not so that we could become the BOOK dragon, lounging upon only the rarest, choicest specimens of B O O K in the land.

Over time, portions of the other ideas may get subsumed into the main one due to their inherent synergies, but we would still only have the one guiding philosophy for the Boon.

Edit: Significant portions of this post are made redundant by your edits.
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Voting is open